60 Schools Coming Sports Hot Hitting

60 Schools Coming Sports Hot Hitting

·~-· ,~..-.-~· - (T> • • J, • 'J "'! •• l'.• j - .Solllething for -everyone - ' Student Vice Day planned . ' . By HOW[N· BEANFIELD - - O'Adding :on the extra day has two days of Renefaire, will be there The Rip ~ked a couple who have .. _ - . Stacked:Writer __ . _ _ been. greeted . with · much on the third day, also. Tl-!e balloons, already re~ted a bl\llOOn for S!,1Dday As you all- know, the - BC enthusiasm I ... says Mallory. - which are being renl_ed to local what they plan to do: "We plan on R ·r · · -- h' - - M · - "especi°ally by the students. "I got - sponsors for $500 a piece on Friday - making 1r banner loo," they said, 1... , __ ene a1re 1s · approac, mg on ay . · -· - - · "It's gonha sa·y i'n -bi'g -_r ..... s 'If ; 15th and !_6th. But -Phyllis Mallory, the idea·for the theme from my six- _ - ~nd Saturday, win be up for rent on . ...,. KL~• .• · chairman of the Renefaire tells us year-old son," she continued. l'He . Sunday __ ~ interested couples. Some this gondola Is rocking don't bother ') - that the planning . com~iUee is - (her son) asked me what kind. of of thesponsors renting the ~alloons knockin,1'' · _· _ _ - ,; -- _ , . , _jh1nking--0f extending-the-event-to a---games-he-would-play-when-he:goHo~. forthe-firs~-~o ~ays.ar~s1~g them-__-_ -· Jus\hk~Mallory--says,-.~~ 1t-S-- -, tad SnapPff Jonts) ·_ three-day ·affaii:; · Acco.tding _- to _- colle_ge." - --_·.- . _ . _: _· __ · . for- ~dver11smg purposes, _and are someth!ns,, for everyone at· me • Pmldtnl.J; 1•wttc11e•• Colllns _ Mallcir~; the thir4 day, scheduled _ ~he hot air balloons, scheduled to h~ng1ng .banners fro~ the gondolas _ Renefa1re .. _ . ·-· . _ ·. -for Sunday, May n, will be design- -- float above the campus on the first with their slogans printed on.them. (Famous last words, Phyllis?) - -·-. - I BC p .d .t. ed. to_· -demonstrate . to the public H·__ _ C_ 00 . _... _ res_ 1· en_ . sotjt~·ofthe ~OSI popula~pastimes - . ~· - -· d'- -- .f-· d ~ of;~~cgth::~de;::. ~ppropriately . Ultimate In. -a_n t-_ry ·-- __ ra: -te ii· h t f' ·1 .I t named '.'Student Vice Day," will ~- __ · - -· O_.-- - . - _- .- - -. .- - . o._ r.:' -._-. -e_··_ -_g· -. _-_ a. -_--- --•__ p:_ .o_·-- -_ .- _- - - afeca1·1tvo1'_rte1'ebs·,ooathnsd, ewx~1'lilbitms,oarendosrpec,eias-s1 __ -_ : . The ·.White· Hquse- called a press. .. All of o~r top generais canit Wait:" -' oft he enemy, ~e bloW;etn all to hell' .. -h ,-he o'nly pro_bleril:they- __ for~.ee is that - by deton_ ating. m_ icroscopic bombs - .· -- - . - - . - . follow· .th_e · _li.1rs·1-_.1w·o -d-ays_' ·ro· r'mat·- · ·. oonference. -. for- -later- .today - w en - ' ; I · -- . - · ·- · -· · h-·- -.- . · , ' - I; · .-_- ff-. -b. h_- - -_ . President Ron_ ~l_d _Reagan ,is _ - there_ will ·not be anymore. rapid · - that the kids a~efor breakfast". we· - : ; ·1 ·_ - Reefe( madness has hit BC. The t at us coo . sta mem ers ave - -.. w'1·t· __ h--_ -__ a ·,_e-_w_·: 'minn_r-_ -_change'_--s'. ·_Dru_· g· 't'r-oop 'de.ploym·. eni. -_An_d of_ cou_rse_. do_· SUS"""_-_t t_hat the infant -_mortality . -- -. ·- - - . - · · - - · h d 11 · f y· · · - · " Y •_· . scheduled. to unveil his,- pians to .. ~ hottest news thi~ side of Columbia is. · _ a to use ga ons O - !Sine JUS( to_·- paraphiri-iaHai a!{d -~Mkhelob~vs_. there will have to. be .a pack of .rate will be high." . _--· . - < < · the announcement this week by-the -- re'mafo: ·incommunicado about our · Coors taste tests are scheduied to be . draft young men born in 1978· . mothers who'll have to go along to -- - A \Vlute House' official quoted - . : ~. j BC_ admin_· istration t_ ha_ ( mariJ'uana_ : · habiL Like·wow,i it just blo~s me · · · -. - - - - •-- - - - · -· - - -• < -· -- · - · -. -·. - - · -. - . - . - . - -- \ _- - · · - - - - _exhibited at_ of the_- ·. _booth__ s'. -·: Rea~an, . accotding source$, wipe noses or to break up mud ball. the President, saying he ; - has bee·_ n... legalized: on. campus; . - aw_a_y- -when we_ have to go to· such l~O . - - . io - . - - . -. -. - . " - - - as' . 'll_be__regrets . - • · - - - "Scenes from a College Dorm Pat- · said that_ three year· olds would be lights every five minutes or so. not haying any sons who, . going Ahhough fi_m_ al ne_g-otia_ t_ions_h_ ave. n_'t __· . great. lengths just- to catch a goc;,d . ty,--'-'. ·a· sh_o_r_ t',-1·1gh-t 'h-ea·_ r- ted. play· ·w··,11 -· - - - -- ._ - -. - - to __ El Salv·a·d· or-, b. u·t he·~-d .Nan· cy I • - - - - · · · - · . - more _destructiye in a war 1n El gone .through, "mary jan_eft o:ught - . buzz." · -· - . -be piesent~d. by the Theatre· Arts Salvador than 18 or 19 ye·ar old men• -- -Anothe~- source said, "Our plari .• -would work on the problem. ''The - to be enr911ing sometime faterin the_· : Legaiiiaticin is~'! the ~rily change. -- students_ at: sched~Jed tirffes du ting - · would be. Said the source, \'Have ·: fClr the little tot.s is quite s9~nd: We . ,President, '".said the source, "woi.lld ·.' . - . , week. •- , - - to occur: The agricultural : depart~ _- - the dayi biscretior{wiU l>e advised 'you ever watched three-year~olds in _ · let the in march into the enemy cairip like to have a new son to send to.El · --President .J · ~·Weedie" Collins; ment on campus has opened a new 6n .-the pr'esent:ilion: because of the . acttonl I. used to work in .a depa~t, - and 'straight into _the arms ·of the. --Salvador to be a part of the riew in- _who is spearheading lhemotion;has· . horti~ulture dass,. (RUBUD 2) to - torrid subject matter.. _. _ _- __ - -merit store; -.and·-when I'd see a - enemy. They (the. three- year olds) · ·. fantry."The_exple>d_i11g three-year-. revealed that several or the faculty - -begin -- immedia'tely' which -- will '. -_- . -Student Vice Dati~ only_ open t? mother with her three year-old~SO!) - . -will be so cute the ctnemy won't• be old concept was devised by the same-. have been stoned nearly all year and · demonstrate th_e proper techniques -persons over 18 y~ars of age,· and ·_·come in I'd hide in fear;" - . -- -. able to resist' them,,· so .the . person who innovated the "E~plode that "it's really been a mega-dra~. -- in cultivation used in Big Sur I • - -ID~ will be checked before entering _- The Pentagon·· is very much in - Salvadorians will pick'em up. As . on Impact Pinto,'' which was a ,,_.>' Taiwan;·· and Col_umbia: "It's cµt .·· .. _the campus. - --favoi: of the_ idea._ Said the source: soon as the. kids are aH _in the arms_ -feature vehicle of the _'70's. - down 'on an the outrageous costs, . ~. DO \'OU KNOW THIS MAN7 . - . • man; i mean growing our own stuff California triangle • will be ultra 11reat," ColHnsadded.· · _ . ··_;, ·~ . __· ___ .-'ti~I~~npi~i:i.~~~r~i~~r~~~j~~~---_.·_· St_-a,·_ te S_·: ·t_e_.· '.: r. esi.de_.--n_. __ ._t__ ._s,- ____.·_~_. S-_: le_. e_,_•.n_· f: ; - ·s/in_ w.. h ,_·_ . : of.a!)the Bermuda gr~s~ on the cain~ ,Y - _ '¥_ ''pus-intoacres'"or:uie gang~: Jhi~ . .. ' : - .. < : - > . ·: .. ' ·.· ' --.. ·.. _.. ' -.·-. ·• _-· - ---- . way; th.ere wilLbe plenty_ .oftoom . By· -_S_H. AK. E 'N·.·.-·s· A·K-- E-- . .-_ --. vice.,... The - lJ.S. ·Post Office-- has '. said; "Now it's -tim~- for ·a11 ·good h. · . If · you ~ant· · C__ alifornia- · to secede fot. -experim¢ntinf- · with. - ~TOSS·· _ . _.'·S· ta· ff C_h·,.c-ke· rr· _-._ · repo_-r_ted .thafthe rat_e_· for_ lir_st_cc_l_ass · _ m__e_n_•.·to_-. Come_-_-__ to_.. '. t.tt.C ai_'d __ of_t ear,. __ : trom_. tne_ ·un_fon,-give Mike Curb a • breeding techniques,:Jhe only prob-_ ··· • H'eie's j.6pihg you"slept well lait : _mail iwill increase immediately to· - . state." _When presse4 ·.I?· make a· _ . call at SSS-2001. -. ' . -lem wHh 'this· plan is -t~a.t exlracur- . night\ As you :may not kn.ow,·-. the •. $4,00 for the -first pound; with· in· mor_e - original statement, _Curb·-- _- -··s· - ,i _t- n- . _-t. _.-~ ,,_-~· .~ __ -ricular harvesters might get the idea catastrophic earthquake we have an c~eases possit:i1e 1herea.fter, unti1_ 1~e repti~d; '·'fqur score and seven years - -_ OVle _-_ ee - . \ th I •th II th• -- ·1 ·1• T . ~ . -been •-w-ailing·. for.'• has'·n_-~p-p. eiie_d-,-:· - effect of. ihe separation wilt° have - ago .., .::'. > i '. '\ That was when I - . - . •t... h... _; -. -- . d. - '-,:~;- •._-_;__ '.\_{.;_,_ =,- • : . /·--,· -. .aJJa, __ WI a IS po ; I Sa reec or- . - d- .. d' - h. -1· --f - .. - -t -·. •d· 0-ff- my tape· recorder - - - - ~. ~,, /· . Californiaisnowoniy75milesfrom - cease to1stort t e cos O:pro-·· urne . _- _ ··-- ._- sm·_ 1 _ _·e· ·r· ·een· _ _ _ e - _ -·:__ -._ :_·\.~__.•. _,i_l __ '"\'..,'._)_;_.:_,._... _:,,, \_._,,~;:,_~-~-:<,~;_\_~_·_._'_: ·_.. >,- - - .--.-W..._eN• __ or_e____ w.beeay~1mn ___ gan_-u/p' _sS~~r·.···1t-:yctooH. __itn_ hs_ e; Ha\Y~ii,. and i_s an island.to itself. - ~iding s.ervice .. _--_ ··11 b: hea -r io· .•. : .: Cu~b.already has -~a!ried eni;iugh -. ft was reported-'that the tiny na~ ·' . ! ' - - .,·, . .. .. ... u Th~ Jagg~d break; fro~ Oreg~n,to. ~t this rat~, I~ WI .--' e \. ~- Ori .· mo~entum from chairing SNIT;t? - Hon of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) - ' .: ' . '-',.' \t;_:_:__ -_•·_"_l'_i-_/_-:\_,: _\'~·._..._·:_,_ '_·_)~ '. __ . max. Aft. our.

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