Week’s Activities Held for 900 Freshmen Class of ’55 Smallest Activity Night,Dance, Since War; Lib Arts Pep Rally Mark End Leads in Enrollment Of Orientation Week A freshmen class of 863, one of the The Freshmen will be introduced to smallest classes since the conclusion University of New Hampshire spirit of World War II, began its activity at the season’s first pep rally on Bon­ on the University of New Hampshire fire Hill tonight at 7. The U N H Pep- campus Tuesday as UNH started its cats will lead traditional New Hamp­ 85th academic year. Some 3,000' upper­ NEW HAMPSHIRE shire cheers and songs, and Chief Bos­ .1 . ........ : I....... classmen will join the freshmen here ton, varsity football coach, will intro­ next Tuesday when classes open. V O L . No. 41 Issue 1 Z413 Durham, N. H. September 20', 1951 PRICE — 7 CENTS duce the members of his squad. At Again this year, despite the draft, 7:45 the Sophomore Sphinx will con­ men students outnumber women by a duct a briefing on Freshman rules at 2-to-l ratio. The latest figures re­ New Hampshire Hall. leased by the Registrar’s Office list Following the rules clinic, President 559 men to 282 women. Not included Freshmen Arrive at Dormitories Donald H. Richards Robert Chandler and members of the in this group are 22 veterans. University administrative staff will O f the class of 863, some 548 are address the class of ’55. from the state of,. New Hampshire Named as Acting On Friday evening, the annual while the remainder come from states President’s reception will be held at all over the country and several New Hampshire Hall. The most for­ foreign lands. Admissions Director mal of all Orientation W eek activities, The College of Liberal Arts has al­ Donald H. Richards, director of the the reception will feature introductions most five times as many enrolled as University’s Placement Bureau has to Prexy and dancing. its nearest rival, the College of Tech­ been named to the position of Acting The Notch will play host to the nology. The Liberal Arts school has Director of Admissions. He . is re­ Freshmen at its first dance of the sea­ an enrollment of 566 while Technology placing Jere A. Chase, who has been son on Saturday. The Notch sponsors lists 138 freshmen. The College of recalled for 17 months active duty as many social events during the year, Agriculture has 94 students in the a colonel in the Air Force. but this one is devoted entirely to Class of 1955 while 43 are taking the In addition to his new duties as welcoming the Frosh. two-year Applied Farming Course. Acting Director of Admissions he will A clambake is planned for Sunday continue to be in charge of the place­ afternoon at 1:30. The clambake ment bureau. Miss Kathleen Becking- will take place at Chesley’s Grove, and bam, Counselor in the University’s an afternoon of fun may be expected. Dramatic Activities, Counseling Service will act as Assis­ There will be a Student-Faculty soft­ tant Director of Admissions. ball game, a greased pig chase and The University’s School Testing races of all kinds. Transportation will Entertainment by Service, which has been administered be furnished from the T-Hall parking jointly by Paul A. Mclntire, Jr. and area beginning at 1:30. Mr. Chase will be administered solely Monday will mark the closing of by Mr. Mclntire. Orientation Week, and a Student Mask and Dagger Activities Night program will be pre­ (Continued on page 8) The arrival of freshmen has once sented. Upperclass members of stu­ again given the green light to another dent organizations will give a series year of dramatics on campus. By this of 5-minute skits to show the Fresh­ time you have probably discovered the men what each group offers in the season ticket booth located in front of "Stumpers” to Hold way of extra-curricular activities. the Bookstore. In short, Mask and Dagger wants your patronage — and As Orientation Week gets under way once again, members of the class of your talents. 1955 roll into Durham, seek out their dormitories and begin the week’s activi­ First MeetingSept.27 Latest Freshman Handbook The University family’s honorary ties. Shown above is Mrs. Foulkrod, the housemother of brand new Sawyer dramatics society, Mask and Dagger, The University of New Hampshire Greets UNH New Arrivals Hall, greeting some of the arrivals. speaking society, “The Stumpers” will has achieved and maintained a record Inside the Freshman Handbook are of good entertainment in its long his­ have its first meeting at 7 :30 p.m. Thursday, September 27 in the Organ­ several instructive sections. Among tory In its two-fold purpose, enrich­ ization Room, Commons. them are lists of various campus ment of campus culture and experience The New Hampshire Begins 41st The club furnishes opportunity for activities including religious clubs, in all phases of dramatics for partici­ anyone interested in any phase of pub­ other societies and organizations, a pants, it stands out as one of the most lic speaking whether .it be varsity or section on social life at UNH, a short colorful activities offered to students. Year of Publication This Week discussion on the combined student The society is headed by Prof. J. Don­ interhouse debating, the comic debate, government, “'Getting Started”, a ald Batcheller and Bunny Hastings, The New Hampshire, the official plus sports coverage, poetry, pictures, model congress, or in joint programs undergraduate newspaper of the Uni­ humor, and features. It has editorially with other clubs. message from the President, and a president. section about “ Our Town” which con­ Today the call has gone out from versity of New Hampshire, today be­ participated in such issues as the polit­ Freshmen as well as anyone else tains fire signals, a list of stores and Mask and Dagger to all interested gins its 41st year of publication. ical ban, grading of profs, cheating, who is interested are urged to attend. the services offered in Durham and freshmen to come to try-outs to dis­ Headed by Bob Louttit, a senior of and safe driving campaigns. The first main event of the year will the University’s Social Calendar for play their abilities. Registration night Urbana, 111., the student newspaper Staff Organization be the Interhouse Debate Tournament the year. wll be Wednesday, Sept. 26, in room 3 each week will bring news and features Each Sunday and Monday night the on November 8. This is when all the The book is edited each year by of New Hampshire Hall; try-outs will of the campus and community to stu­ staff of The New Hampshire gathers houses on campus vie for the debating representatives of the Sophomore be conducted the following evening in dents, alumni, townspeople and friends. at its offices on the third floor of Bal­ honors of the University. Sphinx. This year’s staff includes the same place. The activities will The paper, which is entirely student lard Hall where the reporters and staff Programs for the year will be under Richard Bouley, Editor-in-Chief; Syl- start at 7 p.m. both nights. operated and controlled, has consis­ writers write their stories; the news the direction of the following officers: va Blanchard and Joan Watson, As­ The fall production this year will tently been among the most vigorous editors edit and assign copy, and the Earle Gilbert, President; Marilyn sociate Editors; Joan Westling, Fresh­ be held in November, 14 through 17. champions of student’s rights on cam­ managing editors assign beats for the Crouch, Vice-President; Janet Towle, man Editor; and Assistants Paul At present, there are two shows under pus and has acted as the voice of the coming week and plot the paper prior Secretary; Ronald Gray, Treasurer; Morse and Ginny Ross. consideration,/ “ The Old Maid” by student body. to delivery to the printing department and Mr. John Foxen debate coach. Zoe Aikens and “ Angel Street” by The New Hampshire details news in Hewitt Hall. The associate editor Patrick Hamilton. Upperclass try­ of student happenings, administrative is in charge of the editorial policies outs for this production will be held decisions, results of campus activities, and public relatons while the editor-in- Oct. 1-2. organizational meetings and programs, chief has general supervision of all Soph Sphinx Name Committees departments. The business staff, headed by the business manager, is responsible for For Orientation Week Activities Freshman Camp Hits New High the finances of the publication. The Plans and committees for Orienta­ Outing Club will make arrangements advertising department handles ac­ tion W eek activities were announced for the tentative Freshmen Outing on counts for both local and national busi- Tuesday morning at an organizational Sunday, and The New Hampshire In Attendance and Achievement (continued on page 6) •meeting of Sophomore Sphinx and will arrange Monday night’s Student’s The largest Freshman Camp in the honorary society of “Wagon other assisting organizations. As out­ Activities program to be held in New UNH history was held at Camp Car­ Wheels” as being some of the biggest lined by Paul H. Mclntire, director Hampshire Hall. penter in Manchester last week-end, Wheels on campus. Frosh Regulations of counseling, the Sphinx and the Pep- Committees' named by the Sopho­ lasting from Friday, Sept. 15 to Mon­ The camp, which has become an cats will have charge of tonight’s Pe,p more Sphinx for the carrying out of These regulations, drawn up their traditional activites are as fol­ day, Sept.
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