See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262576924 Lectotypification of names of Eurasian-African Senecio (Compositae) Article in Taxon · April 2014 DOI: 10.12705/632.13 CITATIONS READS 0 450 3 authors: Joel Calvo Mark Andrew Spencer Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève Natural History Museum, London 82 PUBLICATIONS 202 CITATIONS 28 PUBLICATIONS 356 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Carlos Aedo Spanish National Research Council 218 PUBLICATIONS 2,468 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Documentation of the herbarium of the herbarium of the Rev. Adam Buddle (1662–1715) View project Environmental Change View project All content following this page was uploaded by Mark Andrew Spencer on 27 May 2016. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. TAXON 63 (2) • April 2014: 423–426 Calvo & al. • Lectotypification of names in Senecio Lectotypification of names of Eurasian-African Senecio (Compositae) Joel Calvo,1 Mark A. Spencer2 & Carlos Aedo1 1 Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC, Plaza Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain 2 Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, U.K. Author for correspondence: Joel Calvo, [email protected] ORCID: MAS, 0000-0002-6209-3113 DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.12705/632.13 Abstract Of thirty-eight Senecio taxa recognized in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands, eight of their accepted species names are typified herein. Senecio adonidifolius, S. aquaticus, S. boissieri, S. flavus, S. gallicus, S leucophyllus, S. malacitanus, and S. minutus are lectotypified, and an epitype is designated for S. aquaticus. Keywords Asteraceae; Eurasia; Iberian Peninsula; Jacobaea; lectotypification; Senecio; nomenclature INTRODUCTION Newslett. 44: 2. 2006 – Lectotype (designated here): FRANCE. [Val-d’Oise], forêt de Montmorency [49°02′ N The genus Senecio L. (Compositae: Senecioneae) com- 2°17′ E], without date, Thomas s.n. (M R AV [digital image!]). prises ca. 1250 species and is one of the largest genera of flow- In the protologue of Senecio adonidifolius the author ering plants (Bremer, 1994; Nordenstam, 2007; Pelser & al., mentioned: “Habitat in montibus Arverniae, Sequanorum; 2007). It is almost cosmopolitan, although remarkable diversity circà Lutetiam, à Montmorency, Marcoussis, Fontaineb- occurs mainly in the Mediterranean climate zones, i.e., South leau”. According to Stafleu & Cowan (1981), Loiseleur’s Africa, Chile, and the Mediterranean Basin. In the Mediter- original material is kept at MRAV, with duplicates at FI, ranean Basin some works (Matthews, 1975; Alexander, 1979; MW and P. Among the available collections at MRAV we Pignatti, 1982; Comes & Abbott, 2001; Calvo & al., submitted) have found two sheets of potential type material. The first contributed to enrich the knowledge of the group, however, this one contains one specimen plus a fragment of basal leaves, area still lacks a comprehensive revision for the genus. For this and the label shows two localities: “environs de Genève” and reason, it is difficult to reach a consensus on the number of “Auvergne”. Although this information matches perfectly with species that are extant in this geographic region. the first part of the ind. loc.: “in montibus Arverniae, Sequa- In order to obtain more precise details about the taxonomy norum” [It should be noted that Sequanorum (Sequani) refers of the genus in the Mediterranean Basin, we prepared a revi- to the current French region Franche-Comté, in accordance sion of Senecio in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands, with “environs de Genève”], there is no clue that allows us to which is to be published in the forthcoming Flora Iberica vol. relate each other with the localities. The second sheet contains 16. On this basis, 38 taxa are recognized (Calvo & Aedo, in two specimens, which were collected by “Mº. Thomas” in “la press). During the study we realized that 21 taxa have hitherto forêt de Montmorency” according to the second part of the been typified; typfications of further five taxa are in process ind. loc.: “à Montmorency, Marcoussis, Fontainebleau”. The of publication (Table 1). label includes the following explanation: “Notre plante est-elle Senecio angulatus L.f., S. mikanioides Otto ex Walp., bien celle de Jacq. de Willd. de Smith & c. la plupart de ces S. pterophorus DC., and S. tamoides DC. are South African auteurs décrivant le S. tenuifolius comme ayant une tige velue species naturalized in the Iberian Peninsula; the first two also et des feuilles plus ou moins tomenteuses, tandis que notre in the Balearic Islands. Although their names have not yet been plante est entièrement glabre. La plante de M. Decandolle, typified, we opt not to do so following ICN Rec. 9A.2 (McNeill fl. fr. nº 3177, est comme le notre entièrement glabre”. On the & al., 2012). same label but in a darker writing appears the name “Senecio To remove any ambiguity about the remaining names, this adonidifolius” and the locality “Marcoussis … 24 juin 1807”. paper proposes lectotypes for eight Eurasian-African Senecio. This proves that these annotations were added when the spe- cies was already described (12 Apr 1807), and therefore, it seems feasible to relate the collection with the first locality, TYPIFICATIONS Montmorency. On this basis, and considering that the other sheet is ambiguous, we lectotypify the name S. adonidifolius Senecio adonidifolius Loisel., Fl. Gall.: 566. 1807 ≡ Jacobaea on the sheet containing the collection from Montmorency. No adonidifolia (Loisel.) Pelser & Veldkamp in Compositae duplicates have been located. Received: 9 Sep 2013 | returned for revision: 23 Dec 2013 | revision received: 23 Jan 2014 | accepted: 26 Jan 2014 | published online ahead of inclusion in print and online issues: 17 Mar 2014 || © International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) 2014 Version of Record (identical to print version). 423 Calvo & al. • Lectotypification of names in Senecio TAXON 63 (2) • April 2014: 423–426 Table 1. Accepted names of Senecio from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands that have already been typified or typification of which is in process. Taxon Typification S. auricula Bourg. ex Coss. publication in process S. bayonnensis Boiss. Herborg (1987) S. bicolor subsp. cineraria (DC.) Chater Peruzzi & al. (2006) S. carpetanus Boiss. & Reut. Burdet & al. (1983) S. doria subsp. laderoi (Pérez Morales & al.) Blanca Pérez Morales & al. (1989) S. doronicum var. longifolius Willk.a publication in process S. elegans L. Kippist (1865) S. eriopus Willk. publication in process S. erucifolius L. Kadereit in Jarvis & Turland (1998) S. inaequidens DC. Jeanmonod & al. (2004) S. jacobaea L. Kadereit & Sell (1986) S. lagascanus DC. Bellot & Casaseca (1975) S. legionensis Lange publication in process S. leucanthemifolius Poir. Nordenstam (2005) S. lividus L. Alexander & Mill in Jarvis & Turland (1998) S. lopezii Boiss. Burdet & al. (1983) S. nebrodensis L. Alexander (1979) S. nevadensis Boiss. & Reut. Burdet & al. (1983) S. petraeus Boiss. & Reut. Burdet & al. (1983) S. provincialis (L.) Druce Calvo & al. (2011) S. pyrenaicus L. publication in process S. quinqueradiatus Boiss. ex DC. Burdet & al. (1983) S. rodriguezii Willk. ex J.J.Rodr. Calvo & Aedo (2013) S. sylvaticus L. Kadereit in Jarvis & Turland (1998) S. viscosus L. Kadereit in Jarvis & Turland (1998) S. vulgaris L. Jeffrey in Jarvis & al. (1993) a The new combination “S. doronicum subsp. longifolius (Willk.) J.Calvo” to be published in Calvo & al. (in press). Senecio aquaticus Hill, Veg. Syst. 2: 120. 1761 ≡ Jacobaea Biennial, native of our ditch sides, and flowers in July”, we aquatica (Hill) G.Gaertn. & al., Oekon. Fl. Wetterau 3(1): designate the epitype on a new collection dated 12 July 2013 210. 1801 – Lectotype (designated here): [illustration] from the Thames riverside not far from Westminster (SW City “Water Groundsell ” in Hill, Veg. Syst. 2: t. 86 fig. 24. 1761 of London), where Hill lived for some time. – Epitype (designated here): UNITED KINGDOM. Lon- don, river Thames, east of Hammersmith bridge, 51°29′ N Senecio boissieri DC., Prodr. 7(1): 300. 1838 ≡ Jacobea 0°13′ W, 1 m, damp, gravelly riverine mud, 12 Jul 2013, boissieri (DC.) Pelser in Compositae Newslett. 44: 5. M.A. Spencer MAS-2013-152 (BM barcodes BM001110900! 2006 – Lectotype (designated here): SPAIN. [Andalu- & BM001110901! [specimen mounted on two sheets]; iso- sia, Granada], altis siccis Sª Nevada [37°05′ N 3°22′ W], epitypes: MA No. 872903!, US [accessioning in process]!). 2000–2900 m, 1838 [1837], E. Boissier s.n. (G-DC barcode [Image of lectotype available at http://bibdigital.rjb.csic.es G00327032 [digital image!]; isolectotypes: LE!, P barcodes /spa/Libro.php?Libro=5627&Pagina=215] P02822066 [digital image], & P02822070 [digital image]). According to Stafleu & Cowan (1979), a collection of Brit- Candolle (1838) included the following ind. loc. in the ish plants by Hill is in the British Herbarium of BM. Since our protologue: “in altis siccis Sierrae Nevadae Granatensis alt. efforts to locate a relevant specimen among Hill’s herbarium 6700–9500 ped. detexit cùm pluribus aliis cl. E. Boissier! were unsuccessful, we consider appropriate to typify on the S. Granatensis Boiss.! mss.” We received only one sheet from drawing included in the The Vegetable System, and then to ad- the G herbarium that matches perfectly with the mentioned ditionally select a supporting epitype (ICN Art. 9.8, McNeill information. It includes several specimens with their charac- & al., 2012). The drawing includes the upper half part of the teristic subscapose habit. Boissier’s handwritten label shows habit, plus a detail of a harper basal leaf and a pinnatifid up- the nom. inval. “Senecio granatensis”, as Candolle indicated. per cauline leaf. In accordance with the ind. loc.: “This is a It should be noted that the year written on the label “1838” 424 Version of Record (identical to print version). TAXON 63 (2) • April 2014: 423–426 Calvo & al. • Lectotypification of names in Senecio has to be a mistake by Boissier because he travelled through 2°27′ E], 1808, M.
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