Saturday 9 September 2017— 3pm K.O. vs. Tyldesley RUFC Sunday 10 September 2017 U18 Senior Colts vs. Lileborough — 2pm .O. U12"s to U15"s Registra%on and Training 11am ‘Welcome to the 2017/18 season here at Anselmians rugby club.’ Ravi Sibal—Chairman Admission by Programme £5.00 Members £3.00 ANSELMIANS RUGBY UNION FOOTBALL CLUB LTD SEASON 2017 –2018 456789:6; < :==5876; := 9>7 8?@A Chairman Ravi Sibal 07921 0654888 rav144+hotmail.com Finance Director Neil Turner 07779 105388 n.turner+ blan.stonesington.co.u. ,ommercial Director Da1id Bunt 07525 731501 davidhuntathome+s.y.com Director of Rugby Damie Kimpton 07967 236448 .impton/amie+aol.com ,ompany Secretary arE Fhaley 07710 679654 mar.01haley+%scali.co.u. ,lub Secretary Lucy Bopwood 07500 201561 LucyC2op1ood+hotmail.com Treasurer Paul Fleming 07710 495463 paul.3eming+hotmail.com Fixtures L embership Tony cArdle 07808 168976 tonymcardle+s.y.com ,lub Steward Guy Frew 07815 130640 guy.afre1+outloo..com Felfare OHcer Peter Grady 07772 912210 pete.grady+hotmail.com erchandise OHcer Dohn Thomas 07739 219272 thomas143+ntl1orld.com erchandise OHcer Sam OI,onnor 07793 259865 samoc+s.y.com 200 ,lub Secretary Dason Abbot 07770 398447 /ason+proac%vepropertyu..com ,ounty Rep / RFU TicEet Secretary Da1is Filde 0151 334 3750 Bouse Secretary Richard Kimpton 07966 205935 richard+.impton.ltd.u. Ground Secretary Geraint Dones 07758 800580 geraint/ones0+gmail.com edical OHcer Dr Da1id Price 07711 912226 Programme / NewsleMer Editor Dim cKenNie 07854 005433 /immc.en5ie1+s.y.com R@OAP QRSRO7Q7S9 ,lub ,aptain NicE Bearn 07846 480766 nic.hearn34+hotmail.co.u. ,rusaders ,aptain a1ericEs ,aptain Andy Smith 07949 629047 andysmith165+icloud.com 1st Team anager Andy OI,onnor 07793 259865 samoc+s.y.com ,rusaders anager Neil Redfearn 07745 590367 redfearnneil+yahoo.co.u. a1ericEs anager Tim Foodward 07972 236956 t.1ood1ard28+googlemail.com Bead ,oach Andy cKinney 07557 748753 amc.inney+1irralgrammarboys.com Senior STuad ,oach Andy Powell 07850 215772 andy.po1ell+2sfg.com Senior STuad ,oach Paul Kay 07515 697411 paul.ay+mersey6re.gov.u. Bead of Dunior Rugby Dan Arnold 07968 484949 danarnold005+icloud.com Senior ,olts Bead ,oach Sean Nolan 07827 948894 seannolan+b%nternet.com Senior ,olts ,oach Ian (raithwaite 07714 147669 ianbraith1aite+%scali.co.u. Senior ,olts ,oach Del Alderson 07762 834496 s.oneil511+b%nternet.com Senior ,olts anager Dohn Thomas 07739 219272 /.thomas143+ntl1orld.com Anselmians Rugby Union Football Club Ltd—A Private Company Limited by Guarantee Malone Field—Eastham Village Road—Eastham-Wirral– Cheshire-CH62 0BJ 0151 327 1613—www.pitchero.com/clubs/anselmiansrufc About Anselmians Our Founding Players Fith the advent of 6rst merit tables and, no1, league rugby, many of our tradi%onal 6xtures have lapsed. The HOldI 1as dropped from the name and HAnselmiansI 1st JV no1 compete in the South LancashireCCheshire Division One. The 2nd MCrusadersN and 3rd MMaveric.sN JVs play in Division 3 South and Division 5 Fest, and the thriving mini and /unior sec%on is the envy of many clubs. Old Anselmians Since 1947, the club has Ravi Sibal recently became club produced a number of quality chairman 1ith a speci6c brief to Rugby Union rugby players. Aus%n 2ealey prepare the club for the next 1ould go on to 1in 6<y one chapter in its history. T1o .ey Football ,lub England caps and tour 1ith elements to the club"s plans are the Bri%sh and Irish Lions. In the development of younger was created when a the 1995996 Five Na%ons players and the building of a group of Old Boys of compe%%on, Chris%an ne1 clubhouse 1hich 1ill set St. Anselm’s College Saverimuo 1as capped the club on course to ful6l its three %mes for Ireland. ambi%on of becoming the got together a7er premier spor%ngCsocial club in the Second World More recently, in 2002, Ben Firral and Fest Cheshire. Aohnston, the NoBngham War through a playerCcoach, 1as capped Anselmians remains a shared love of rugby. t1ice by England, 1hilst Chris friendly and forward Pilgrim, has played for thinEing club true to the Early playing facili%es and Ne1castle Falcons, Eor.shire 1ision of those young men ameni%es 1ere primi%ve Carnegie and the Barbarians. who began it all with the and it 1asn"t un%l the mid9 And, of course, erst1hile simple wish: 1950s that the club coach, Simon Mason, 1ho relocated to its present 1as also capped three %mes Vto play rugby with a smile.W home here in Eastham by Ireland in the 1995996 Five village. Na%ons compe%%on. Chairman"s Felcome The ne1 Director of Rugby MAamie imptonN and 2ead Coach MAndy Mc inneyN have brought in some fresh talent to the club to bolster the 1st and 2nd JV"s, as 1ell as revising the training regime at the club. They have, in a short period of %me brought a ne1 ethos to the club around ho1 1e 1ill build over the coming years. Our Aunior sec%on is loo.ing to gro1 Club Chairman Ravi Sibal over the coming season, 1e have good commied coaching staO and are 1or.ing 1ith local schools to Welcome to the bring in ne1 players across the age 2017/18 season here at ranges. Fe are also loo.ing for /unior level ambassadors, to support Anselmians rugby club. coaches and 1or. on our recruitment plans. If you are The season ahead promises to interested get on touch. be a great one for the club, on and o: the ;eld. We have a Fe are s%ll progressing 1ith our planning applica%on to build our clear vision for the next 12 ne1 club house and lay ne1 pitches, months in our Senior and hopefully 1ill be coming to you 1ith 1unior sec=ons. some good ne1s in the coming 1ee.s. Fe have brought on board ne1 directors and ne1 coaching staO Than.s again for suppor%ng the club 1ith a clear focus on delivering over the 17C18 season 1ith your improved performances on the commitment on and oO the pitch. 6eld. Ravi Sibal 70 )ears a Saint by 1amie Kimpton ?A special welcome to those visi=ng Malone Field for the ;rst =me , and for those of you returning we hope you all enjoy a warm Anselmian welcome , whilst enjoying some good rugby.A I ha1e been a member of Anselmians for more than half of the clubIs existence. 37 years to be exact playing through from U12s to captaining the Director of Rugby 1amie Kimpton 1st JV and can"t remember a more exci%ng %me to be a member of Saints as 1e a1ait a faces 1ho 1e hope can help us develop a posi%ve outcome from our planning more compe%%ve edge in the league and our applica%on to build a fantas%c 29storey 3 year goal is for all 3 of our senior teams to modern facility, of 1hich 1e can be proud, be playing 1 league higher than their current and provide the plaPorm for our /unior sides posi%on . to aspire to. Neil & Alan con%nue to manage the 2aving ta.en over the role of Spor%ng Crusaders follo1ing last season"s promo%on Director this season 1e have rehaped our to Raging Bull 3 South , and Tim 1ill manage rugby management structure and I"m proud the Maveric.s plying their trade in RB 5 to announce the arrival of Andy Mc inney as Fest . Than.s for your support and the club senior 1ishes you all 1ell for the coming season . rugby manager. Andy has a 1ealth of rugby Dan Arnold is appointed as Aunior rugby experience having ta.en Firral up 2 divisions manager ,Dan brings a 1ealth of rugby as champions and I .no1 he is very much .no1ledge having 1or.ed 1ith Sir Clive loo.ing for1ard to this chapter. Andy is Food1ard as the England rugby team admin assisted by Andy MPouchieN Po1ell 1ho /oins manager , and has a close eye on our /unior us from Shoon rufc and 1ill 1or. primarily rugby improvement as 1e gro1 and evolve . 1ith the for1ards and Saints o1n Paul MP N Our main focus at this level is a fun safe ay 1ho 1ill loo. a<er the players environment for all children 1hilst 1e aim to condi%oning. a%e Cro1ley /oins us from be compe%%ve and inclusive. Each age group Lymm RUFC as physio and Andy O"Connor this season 1ill have a senior coach, team 1ill be our manager ta.ing over from the manager and team ambassador 1ho 1ill legend Eddie Cooper. feedbac. into our commiee , giving a voice for all teams 1ithin the club . On the playing side 1e 1elcome some ne1 1amie Kimpton Today we extend a warm welcome to Tyldesley RF, A warm Anselmians welcome 2ough at 14 , Aohn Clar.e in the 2 nd ro1 and to the players, oCcials and Alex Liddell front ro1 1ho starts on the bench. travelling supporters of the 2arry Southern re/oins us from his travels over seas and resumes at 9, 1hilst the lively ball Tyldesley team. 1inning Nic. Lamming returns in the bac. ro1 . Follo1ing a very impressive last season , 1hich sa1 them cro1ned South Lancs and Cheshire 2 champions and Lancs plate 1inners , RThe Bongs" .ic.ed oO their campaign in style last 1ee. bea%ng Manchester Medics by 24 pts to 7 .2aving not played each other for a number of seasons I"m sure today 1ill be a crac.er . It"s been all change here at Malone Field 1ith the ne1 coaching team of Andy Mc.inney coming in as head coach assisted by Andy Po1ell , another Andy MO"ConnorN comes in as 1 st JV manager and a%e Cro1ley assumes the club physio role .
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