DOCUMENT RESUME ED 412 709 EC 305 930 TITLE Volunteers Who Produce Books: Braille, Cassette, Large Print. INSTITUTION Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Div. for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. ISSN ISSN-0193-113X PUB DATE 1996-00-00 NOTE 97p. AVAILABLE FROM National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20542. PUB TYPE Reference Materials Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC04 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Blindness; *Braille; *Large Type Materials; Library Services; Partial Vision; *Talking Books; *Visual Impairments; *Volunteers IDENTIFIERS *National Library Service for the Blind ABSTRACT This directory lists the names of volunteer groups and individuals who transcribe and record books and other reading materials under the Library of Congress' National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped program. The listing is alphabetical by state. Each entry is assigned an index number and specifies such services as braille transcription, computer-assisted transcription, print enlargements, tape recording, duplication, and binding. Entries also give such braille code specialties as music, mathematics, and specific languages. The directory contains information in separate sections on state special education contacts and proofreaders certified by the Library of Congress.(DB) ******************************************************************************** * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. * ******************************************************************************** I . 1 p II a 1 II II IP a tn. e . e . I : . f !Z.,/ U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) his document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality BEST COPY AVAILABLE Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy 2 Volunteers Who 1996 Produce Books Braille, Cassette, Large Print National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped The Library of Congress Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 78-9942 ISSN 0193-113X Key Title: Volunteers Who Produce Books Contents Introduction 1 supplied by organizations and groups who perform these services. The listing is alpha- Using This Directory 2 betical by state. Each entry is assigned an index number and specifies such services as Volunteers Who Produce Books 4 braille transcription, computer-assisted transcription, print enlargements, tape Certified Proofreaders 67 recording, duplication, and binding. Entries also give such braille code specialties as Special Education Resources 81 music, mathematics, and specific lan- guages. The directory contains information Index 87 in separate sections on state special educa- tion contacts and proofreaders certified by the Library of Congress. Introduction Volunteers Who Produce Books is avail- Through the Library of Congress free read- able in large-print and braille formats. It is ing program, blind and physically handi- also available over the Internet through capped individuals across the nation and gopher servers and World Wide Web brows- Americans living abroad borrow recorded ers that have access via marvel.loc.gov or and braille books and magazines. Eligible the Library of Congress webpage. borrowers may also get special playback For a listing of additional braille music machines and other equipment. This read- transcribers, request a copy of Braille Mu- ing service is administered by the National sic Transcribers, Music Circular No. 4, Library Service for the Blind and Physi- from the Music Section, National Library cally Handicapped (NLS) through a nation- Service for the Blind and Physically Handi- wide network of cooperating libraries. capped, Library of Congress, Washington, Volunteers produce a wide variety of DC 20542. additional braille and recorded material for For sources of textbooks already avail- visually and physically handicapped read- able in braille, cassette, or large-print for- ers. They may transcribe such varied items mats, please contact: as a textbook for a college student, a series American Printing House for the Blind of Supreme Court decisions for a lawyer, or Resource Services a bestselling novel for a general reader. 1839 Frankfort Avenue Such contributions help make print-handi- Louisville, KY 40206 capped readers' access to reading material (502) 895-2405 comparable to that of the print-reading Also request a copy of Library Resources public. for the Blind and Physically Handicapped This directory lists the names of volun- from the NLS Reference Section at the NLS teer groups and individuals who transcribe address given above. This directory lists and record books and other reading materi- book formats, special collections, and ser- als for blind and physically handicapped vices available from each cooperating people. It was compiled from information library in the NLS network, as well as other resources at the national level. 5 1 Introduction Using This Directory For sources of braille writing equipment Volunteers and volunteer groups produce and supplies, request a copy of Braille almost any kind of reading material you Literacy: Resources for Instruction, Writing might need. If you want to obtain reading Equipment, and Supplies, Reference Circu- material that is not available through the lar 95-1, from the NLS Reference Section. Library of Congress program, the chairper- For information, including prices and son of one of the many volunteer groups descriptive literature, on the thermoform and organizations listed in this directory is machine used to produce multiple copies usually the best contact. You may request from handcopied braille masters, on that print material be transcribed, recorded, brailon, and on braillabels, contact: or prepared in large print. When you ask American Thermoform Corporation volunteers to transcribe or record materials, 2311 Travers Avenue you may be asked either to supply the City of Commerce, CA 90040 necessary paper, bindings, tapes, and labels, (213) 723-9021 or to reimburse the organization for the Groups who produce reading materials materials used. The cost should be con- for blind and physically handicapped per- firmed each time service is requested. sons and are not listed in this directory are Examples of how to use the directory invited to submit information for future follow. editions. Organizations and individuals 1.You are a student and you need a included should report changes of chairper- cassette-recorded book in French for a sons, addresses, and services performed. college course. Neither your cooperating Suggestions for improving the directory are library serving blind and physically also welcome. Send all communications to handicapped readers nor the American Volunteer Specialist at the NLS Reference Printing House for the Blind can provide Section. the book. Look under "French" in the index. Use the index numbers to locate a volunteer group that records French materials. 2.You are chairperson of a volunteer group that transcribes textbooks for students. One text includes musical ex- amples. None of the members of your group knows braille music notations. Look under "Music" in the index. Use the index number to locate a volunteer group near you that transcribes braille music. 3.As chairperson of a volunteer group working chiefly with braille transcribing, you want quicker proofreading. Check the section "Certified Proofreaders." It is arranged by state. This part of the directory will help you locate proofreaders 2 6 Using This Directory in your area so you can make assignments 8.You are a librarian working for a efficiently and avoid unnecessary shipping regional, subregional, private, or public delays. library. One of your readers needs a 4.You are elected president of the large-print copy of Macbeth. You have Lions Club and you need a large-print checked with the American Printing Copy of the organization's constitution, House for the Blind and with your coop- annual report, and other basic erating library. The book either is not documents. immediately available on interlibrary In the listing of volunteers, look under your loan or has not been produced in large state to locate a group near you that does print. large-print transcriptions. Explain your Look under "Large Print" in the index. Use needs to the chairperson. the index numbers to locate a volunteer 5.You are a certified braille tran- group that does large-print transcribing. scriber. You have moved to a new city 9.You are planning a special social and want to affiliate with a group. function. You need several gourmet reci- In the alphabetical listing, look under your pes in braille. state and city to locate a group. If there is Check the alphabetical listing to locate a none and you want to continue transcribing, braille group. Your request for recipes can notify the Volunteer Specialist, National probably be met in a hurry. Library Service for the Blind and Physi- cally Handicapped, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20542. You will be given information about organizations to which you can offer your services as a braille transcriber. 6.You have an employee who needs to refer frequently to agency manuals or regulations. You want to provide these materials in braille. Check the alphabetical listing to locate a volunteer braille
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