PUBLICATIONS Autumn 2011 CORNERHOUSE PUBLICATIONS AUTUMN 2011 INDEX TO FEATURED PUBLISHERS Cornerhouse provides a specialist sales and distribution service for many of the most $UQRO¿QL innovative galleries, museums and publishers working in contemporary visual arts. Our list Art Editions North 2 encompasses all the visual arts including architecture, art theory and education, design, British Council 2 GLJLWDOPHGLDIDVKLRQ¿OPDQGYLGHRSDLQWLQJSKRWRJUDSK\SHUIRUPDQFHDQGVFXOSWXUH Coracle 3 For further information about our services, please contact Paul Daniels, Publications Cornerhouse 3 Director DuMont Buchverlag 4 In addition to the new titles featured in this catalogue, our backlist includes over 2,700 Engage (National Association for Gallery Education) 5 titles that are currently available. If you require further details or if you want to order any of Firstsite 6 these titles, please contact us or visit our online bookstore GlobalArtAffairs Publishing 6 Haunch of Venison 6 Cornerhouse Publications Hayward Publishing 7 70 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 5NH, England Henry Moore Institute 9 Publications Director Paul Daniels Ikon Gallery 9 John Hansard Gallery 10 orders / customer services contact Debbie Fielding, James Brady or Suzanne Davies To The River Self Portrait JRP|Ringier* 11 trade orders / enquiries +44 (0)161 200 1501 $UQRO¿QL Sophy Rickett $UQRO¿QL Kerber Verlag** 19 mail order / enquiries +44 (0)161 200 1502 distributed by Cornerhouse world-wide texts by Sacha Craddock, Barry Schwabsky artist: Neil Cummings general enquiries +44 (0)161 200 1503 Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König 22 fax +44 (0)161 200 1504 Liverpool Biennial 33 edited by Elena Hill text by Neil Cummings, Julian Warren, Tom Trevor email [email protected] Manchester Metropolitan University 34 contributions by Nav Haq, Lucy Badrocke online bookstore: www.cornerhouse.org/books Matt’s Gallery 34 Salad Dressing This publication accompanies Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg 35 Performance Re-enactment the tour of Sophy Rickett’s video 2YHUWKHFRXUVHRI$UQRO¿QL¶V New Contemporaries (1988) Ltd 41 Society and Tom Sowden and sound installation, To The TRADE TERMS Photoworks 41 River. During the vernal equinox of 50th anniversary year, artist Neil Please email orders to [email protected] Rakennustieto Publishing 42 Salad Dressing is a cover of Ed 2010, Sophy Rickett set up a rig of Cummings in collaboration with Standard discount 35% Richter Verlag 42 Ruscha and Mason Williams’ photo spotlights along the bank of the River Stephen Coates has developed A small order surcharge of £3.00 will be added to orders of less than £25 invoice value Ridinghouse 43 novel Crackers, 1969. Ruscha’s Severn, and over several nights a series of self-portraits of the UK orders carriage free. Overseas carriage charged at cost Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts 45 original book became the script, ¿OPHGDQGUHFRUGHGWKHFURZGV organisation using data from RETURNS Site Gallery 46 score, instruction, and inspiration for of people who clustered together $UQRO¿QL¶VDUFKLYHSelf Portrait: Returns by permission only. In case of damage, defect or dispatch error please contact Stour Valley Arts 46 this new performative bookwork by to watch the Severn Bore – a tidal $UQRO¿QL is a relational timeline Cornerhouse Publications at the address above artists Performance Re-enactment surge that sweeps up the estuary presented throughout the social Authorised returns must be sent to: Cornerhouse Returns, c/o NBN International, *JRP|Ringier titles are distributed by Cornerhouse in the UK and Europe Society and Tom Sowden. The at times throughout the year. To spaces of the building during (excluding Germany, Austria, Switzerland and France) the year, and expanded for this Airport Business Centre (ABC), 10 Thornbury Road, Plymouth, PL6 7PP, England **Kerber Verlag titles are distributed by Cornerhouse in the UK, Scandinavia ¿QDOFKDSWHURIWKHERRNZRUNZDV The River is a three screen video Please note that returns sent to Cornerhouse’s Manchester address will not be accepted and Eastern Europe DSHUIRUPDQFHDW$UQRO¿QLLQVSULQJ installation with 12 track sound that celebratory publication. Neil dynamically evokes the excitement, Cummings is an artist based in PAYMENT 2011. This event was documented Cornerhouse also distributes titles for the following publishers: anticipation and uncertainty of London. He is professor at Chelsea Cheques should be made payable to &RUQHUKRXVH3XEOLFDWLRQV and drawn on a UK here and is also now available to standing there on the bank, in the College of Art and Design, and a bank. Payment can be made directly into our bank account – please contact us for further $UWDQG6DFUHG3ODFHV_$UWDQJHO_7KH$UWV&DWDO\VW_$UWV&RXQFLO(QJODQG view online. member of Critical Practice, a cluster details. We also accept payment by American Express, Eurocard, Maestro, MasterCard $VSH[_$XJXVW3URMHFWV_$XWRJUDSK$%3_$\H$\H%RRNV_%HDP dark, under the light, and waiting. &DPHUDZRUN_7KH&DUDYDQ*DOOHU\_&DVWOH¿HOG*DOOHU\3XEOLFDWLRQV $UQRO¿QL Including texts by Sacha Craddock of artists, researchers and academics or VISA. All payments must be made in £ sterling &HQWUHIRU$UW,QWHUQDWLRQDO5HVHDUFK &$,5 _&HQWUHIRU&RQWHPSRUDU\ ,6%1 DQG%DUU\6FKZDEVN\DORQJZLWK¿OP who explore critical practice $UWV &&$ _&KLQHVH$UWV&HQWUH_&RQWURO0DJD]LQH_7KH'UDZLQJ5RRP VRIWEDFNSDJHV SALES REPRESENTATIVES eGLWLRQV5HYXH1RLUH_)IRWRJDOOHU\_,QIRUPDWLRQDV0DWHULDO_,QVWLWXWH ZLWKLQDUWWKH¿HOGRIFXOWXUHDQG E ZLOOXVWUDWLRQV stills, transcripts of sound, research RI&RQWHPSRUDU\$UWV ,&$ _,QVWLWXWHRI,QWHUQDWLRQDO9LVXDO$UWV ,QLYD For details of our sales representatives please refer to the Trade Information page on our [PP material, and a text by the artist; this organisation. website www.cornerhouse.org/books ,QYHQWRU\_.KDGLMD3URGXFWLRQV_/HQ*UDQW3KRWRJUDSK\_/RZU\3UHVV 0DQFKHVWHU$UW*DOOHU\_0HDG*DOOHU\_0LOWRQ.H\QHV*DOOHU\_0RGHUQ$UW publication examines parallels in 2[IRUG_1DWLRQDO0XVHXPV/LYHUSRRO_7KH1HZ$UW*DOOHU\:DOVDOO_3KDURV Rickett’s distinctive use of landscape $UQRO¿QL ONLINE BOOKSTORE $UWV)RXQGDWLRQ_3LFWXUH7KLV_5HVHDUFK*URXSIRU$UWLVWV3XEOLFDWLRQV ,6%1 Full details of all titles distributed by Cornerhouse are available from our online bookstore 5*$3 _6DDWFKL*DOOHU\3XEOLFDWLRQV_6DORQ_6KLVKD_6KRUHGLWFK and its translation from photography VRIWEDFNSDJHV www.cornerhouse.org/books where customers can purchase titles quickly and securely %LHQQDOH_6RXWKDPSWRQ&LW\$UW*DOOHU\_7UDPZD\_7XUQSLNH*DOOHU\ to video and sound. To The River FRORXUE ZLOOXVWUDWLRQV hPUDQ3URMHFWV_8QLYHUVLW\RI+HUWIRUGVKLUH*DOOHULHV_8UELV_9HOYHW3UHVV was commissioned by Elena Hill, [PP Greater Manchester Arts Centre Limited trading as Cornerhouse Publications 9LHZSRLQW3KRWRJUDSK\*DOOHU\_7KH:HOOFRPH7UXVW_:LWWHGH:LWK LQDVVRFLDWLRQZLWK$UQRO¿QLDQG Reg no. 1681278 VAT no. GB383410758 Reg Charity no. 514719 ArtSway. Cornerhouse is Greater Manchester’s international centre for contemporary visual arts DQG¿OP/RFDWHGLQWKHKHDUWRI0DQFKHVWHU8.WKHFHQWUHKDVÀRRUVRIFRQWHPSRUDU\ $UQRO¿QL ,6%1 DUWJDOOHULHVFLQHPDVFUHHQVDEDUFDIpDQGERRNVKRS)RUZHHNO\XSGDWHVRQ¿OPV VRIWEDFNSDJHV exhibitions, events and the latest news, log on to www.cornerhouse.org FRORXULOOXVWUDWLRQV [PP While every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this catalogue are accurate, all details are subject to change at any time and without notice Production still, courtesy the artist and Brancolini Grimaldi Cover image: Rashid Rana, %RRNV,,. UV print on aluminium, 62 x 62 x 62 cm Image courtesy the artist and Lisson Gallery, London. Photo: Ken Adlard 1 $87801 Gagarin in Britain Mike Nelson Art Editions North British Council texts by Piers Bizony, Chris Riley, British Pavilion Coracle Cornerhouse distributed by Cornerhouse world-wide distributed by Cornerhouse world-wide Vix Southgate, Svetlana Boym distributed by Cornerhouse world-wide distributed by Cornerhouse world-wide text by Dan Cameron edited by Andrea Rose interview with the artist by Rachel Withers and guests James Hutchinson Dandelion 7KLVLVWKHVWRU\RIWKH¿UVWPDQHYHU edited by Richard Riley, Emma Williams, dubh Magda Archer to leave earth’s orbit, and of the Gemma Latty Dialogues in Black Crazy Mad TO THE FUTURE The Making of the UK Pavilion FXOWXUDODQGVFLHQWL¿FLQQRYDWLRQV texts by Marianne Mays, Richard Deming texts by Mike Chavez-Dawson, Len Horsey texts by Alistair Robinson, Ele Carpenter at Shanghai World Expo 2010 that lay behind his achievements. Mike Nelson was selected to text by Kate Goodwin Little known in the West, the history represent Britain at the Venice This title, dubh – Dialogues in Black Crazy Mad is a solo painting This title concentrates on the work of of the early Soviet space programme Biennale in 2011. This new is the second publication to co-incide exhibition by British artist Magda James Hutchinson from 2007 – 2011. The UK Pavilion – nicknamed is told here through a selection of publication designed by the artist, with a three year programme of Archer, presenting a cross section of Extensively illustrated, it features ‘Dandelion’ by the Chinese people photographs and drawings, many features two new texts, colour exhibitions, a collaboration between works made from her home studio work from the series, Shaggy – was designed by Thomas never published before. They illustrate images of the Venice work in STUDIOpractice and the American over the last decade. Inspired by modernism, Breeze Block Beauties, Heatherwick. Over the six month the life story of a man from modest progress and a rich collection of Irish Historical Society and follows
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