Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47399-6 — The New Irish Studies Edited by Paige Reynolds Index More Information Index Abbey Theatre, 17, 37, 156, 161, 169, 263, 270 Artists’ Campaign to Repeal the Eighth Abrahamson, Lenny, 9 Amendment, 266 Across the Barricades (Lingard), 47 Arts Council of Ireland, 18, 63, 64–65, 66, 68, Adam and Paul (film), 9 264, 267 Adigun, Bisi, 17, 34, 35, 36, 39 Arts Council of Northern Ireland, 18 Once Upon a Time & Not So Long Ago, 35–36 ASHTAR Theatre, 66 Adorno, Theodor W., 239 Asking For It (O’Neill), 244, 253 African Women Writers Ireland, 70 Asylum Archive (Nedeljkovic), 74–75 Ag Altóir an Diabhail (Mac Síomóin), 87 Asylum! Asylum! (O’Kelly), 26–28, 34 Ahern, Cecelia, 244, 245 “At the Dublin Zoo” (Meehan), 15 “Aifreann na Marbh” (Ó Tuairisc), 82 “At Toomebridge” (Heaney), 215 Alexander, Neal, 54 “At Tuam” (Muldoon), 14 Alexander-Floyd, Nikol, 32 Attic Press, 145 “Ali – Dílleachtín gan bhrí” (Ní Auden, W.H., 219 Cheannabháin), 85 All Summer (Kilroy), 147 Babine, Karen, 230 All Will Be Well (McGahern), 16 Bad Day in Blackrock (Power), 195, 204–207 Allen, Liz, 249 “Badovici Lifeboats” (O’Donnell), 237 Almost Love (O’Neill), 254 Baer, Hester, 155 American Conference for Irish Studies, 275 Bailegangaire (Murphy), 161, 168, 170 An bhean feasa (Titley), 86 Ballymun Trilogy, The (Bolger), 31–32 An bhFuil Stacey ag Iompar? (Mac Síomóin), 87 Balzano, Wanda, 146 An Colm Bán/ la blanche colombe ...(Ó Bank of Ireland Cultural and Heritage Centre, Muirthile), 88 Dublin, 259 An Fear Dána (Titley), 86 Bannan, Sarah, 252 An Litir (Mac Cóil), 86 Banshee (literary magazine), 230 An Tionscadal (Mac Síomóin), 87 Banville, John, 15, 16, 184, 244, 268 An Triail (ní Ghráda), 161 Barnett, Michael, 120 Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 147 Barrett, Colin, 16, 265 Anthology of Modern Irish Poetry, An (Davis), Barrington, Brendan, 229, 231 10 Barry, Kevin, 15, 18, 195, 265 “Antigone in Galway” (Enright), 264–265 Barry, Sebastian, 14, 123, 124, 125 ANU Productions, 173 Laureate, 265 Laundry, 17, 170–171 The Secret Scripture, 184, 185, 186 Sin Eaters, 165–166 The Temporary Gentleman, 114, 122–123, Aosdána, 267 124–125, 126 Aoun, Iman, 66, 67 Barthes, Roland, 199, 201, 231, 232 Arambe Productions, 17 Bates, Julie, 17, 228–239 Arendt, Hannah, 50 Baume, Sara, 10, 148, 184 Arlen House, 145 BBC, 6, 49 Artemis Fowl series (Colfer), 252 BBC Ireland, 18 283 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47399-6 — The New Irish Studies Edited by Paige Reynolds Index More Information 284 Index Beckett, Samuel, 10, 13, 16, 229, 248 Brogan, Patricia Burke, 170 Behanding in Spokane, A (McDonagh), 4 Broken Harbour (French), 249, 250 Beirt Bhan Mhisniúla (Ó Siadhail), 87 Broken Promise Land (Randulic), 37 Bell, The (literary magazine), 228–230 Brooklyn (Tóibín), 268 Belfast Confetti (Carson), 218, 224 Brown, Cathy, 249 Bell, Emma, 38 Brown, Terence, 212 Bell, Lian, 156 Bruen, Ken, 248 Belles-soeurs, Les (Tremblay), 169 Buddhist of Castleknock, The (O’Hanlon), 34 BeLonG To youth organization, 134 Bump (Bowden, Sheerin, and Torr), 169–170 Beloved Stranger (Boylan), 178, 184, Burke, Declan, 248, 249 185–186 Burns, Anna, 5, 6 Bennett, Ronan, 123, 125 “Burrow Beach” (Berkeley Tolchin), 183–184 The Catastrophist, 115 By the Bog of Cats (Carr), 146 Benny & Omar (Colfer), 268 Berkeley Tolchin, Sara, 181, 183–184 Cabinet (magazine), 231 “Burrow Beach,” 183–184 Cahill, Susan, 16, 244–255 “St Laurence’s Ward,” 183 Caldwell, June, 3, 148 Berlant, Lauren, 121 Caldwell, Lucy, 3, 6, 146 Better Half, The (Harte), 247 Cambridge Companion to Irish Poets, The, 8 Between Here and There (Morrissey), 222 Camera Lucida (Barthes), 231, 232 Between Land and Water (OT Platform), 66 Campbell, Brian Billington, Michael, 29 Voyage of No Return, 29–31 Binchy, Maeve, 244, 268 Campbell, Niamh, 228, 229, 231, 235, 237–239 Biography of Desire (Dorcey), 132 “The Diary of Cures,” 238 “Blackbird of Glanmore, The” (Heaney), Carney, John, 7 213 Carr, Marina, 146, 262 Blackwater Lightship, The (Tóibín), 268 Marble, 178–179 Bleed a River Deep (McGilloway), 249, 250 Carragher, Alvy, 145, 153–154 Bliss, Panti, 17, 134, 139 Carson, Ciaran, 18, 212, 215, 217, 218, 224 Blue (Sarma), 146, 253 Carson, Jan Bog Child (Dowd), 252 “Children’s Children,” 47, 48, 50 Boland, Eavan, 7 Children’s Children, 47 “Quarantine”, 260, 261 “Cárta Poist chuig Yusuf san Iaráic” (Ó Bolger, Dermot Searcaigh), 85 The Ballymun Trilogy, 31–32 Casanova, Pascale, 13 Boots (Dean), 233 Cassidy, Laura, 230 Borderlands (McGilloway), 249, 250 Catastrophist, The (Bennett), 115, 123 Boston College, 269, 276, 279 Ceallaigh (Mac Síomóin), 87 Bourdieu, Pierre, 234 Century Ireland, 269 Bowden, Rosa, 169–170 Chick Lit: Postfeminist Fiction (Mazza and Box (Palatty), 63, 68–70, 75, 76 DeShell), 245 Boxall, Peter, 19 Children’s Children (Carson), 47 Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, The (Boyne), 252 “Children’s Children” (Carson), 47, 48, Boylan, Clare 50 Beloved Stranger, 178, 184, 185–186 Choices (Gregg), 166–169, 170, 172, 173 Boyne, John, 16, 252 Christ Deliver Us! (Kilroy), 166 Bracken, Claire, 13, 64, 106, 144–156 “Christmas Childhood, A” (Kavanagh), 260 Break, The (Keyes), 3, 246 Churchill, Caryl, 17 Brearton, Fran, 211 Churchill, Winston, 28 Breathnach, Colm, 83 “Cín Lae Seangáin” (Mac Síomóin), 88 Breathnach, Kevin, 228, 229, 230, 235, 236–236, Cín Lae Seangáin agus scéalta eile (Mac 238, 239 Síomóin), 88 Breen, Sarah, 247 City of Bohane (Barry), 15 Brennan, Cecily, 266 Clancy, Ger, 67 Brennan, Deirdre, 84 Clark, David, 249 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47399-6 — The New Irish Studies Edited by Paige Reynolds Index More Information Index 285 Clasp (Ní Ghríofa), 9 Culture Ireland, 267 Clearances (Heaney), 260 Culture Northern Ireland (website), 18 Cleary, Joe, 47, 80, 123 Cured, The (Freyne), 96, 104–107 “Clocha na haoise seo” (Breathnach), 83 Cvetkovich, Ann, 129, 130 Colfer, Eoin, 252, 268 Cyber Ireland (Lynch), 145 Colgan, Michael, 156 Collins, Patricia Hill, 25 “Dán grá Vietnam” (Maude), 82 Colum, Padraic, 10 Dancers Dancing, The (Ní Dhuibhne), 148, 253 Come Into The Gardens (OT Platform), 66 Dancing at Lughnasa (Friel), 162, 163 “Come Quietly or the Neighbors Will Hear” Davey, Shaun, 262 (Dorcey), 137 Davis, Wes, 10 Comhar (literary magazine), 89 Davitt, Michael, 83 Coming Out: A Book for Lesbians and Gay Men of de Fréine, Celia, 84 All Ages (Byrne and Larkin), 136 de Paor, Louis, 83, 85 Coming Out: Irish Gay Experiences (O’Brien), de Valera, Éamon, 229 136 Dean, Tacita, 233–233 Commissar Connell (O’Neill), 114 Death and Nightingales (McCabe), 58 Commitments, The (Doyle), 28, 177 “Death of a Field” (Meehan), 15 Conference on Civil Rights in Transatlantic Death of a Naturalist (Heaney), 213 Perspective: Northern Ireland and the “Death of a Naturalist” (Heaney), 213 United States, 1968–2018, 277 Decade of Centenaries program, 12, 18, 260, Congrong, Dai, 268 269, 271 Connolly, John, 244 Deep Maps: West Cork Coastal Cultures Conroy, Amy, 131 (initiative), 278 Conservator (West), 179–181, 187 “Deora do Mheiriceá” (Davitt), 83 Constantine, Madonna G., 25 Deoraíocht (Ó Conaire), 86, 87 Constellations (Gleeson), 17 Deportees and Other Stories, The (Doyle), 114 Conversations with Friends (Rooney), 149–150, Derrida, Jacques, 50 154 Derry Girls (television series), 3 Convery, David, 26 DeShell, Jeffrey, 245 Cooke, Morgan, 66 Devil I Know, The (Kilroy), 195, 204–207 Coole, Diana, 152 “Diary of Cures, The” (Campbell), 238 Coombe Women’s and Infant’s University “Didjeridu” (de Paor), 85 Hospital, Dublin, 66, 68 “Digging” (Heaney), 213 Corcadora, 17 Digital Platform for Contemporary Irish Writing, Corcoran, Neil, 211 The (initiative), 278 Corless, Catherine, 265 Digital Repository of Ireland, 269 Costello, Mary, 15 Dignam, Barry, 135 Coughlan, Patricia, 144 Dillon, Brian, 17, 228, 230–235, 239 Coulter, Colin, 26, 196, 197, 198, 204 Sanctuary, 230, 233, 234 Crazy Love (Lennon), 134 Dimbo, Ifedinma, 63, 70 Crazyhorse, 81 She Was Foolish?, 70–72 Cré na Cille (Ó Cadhain), 268 Dinshaw, Carolyn, 138 Create, 68 Disco Pigs (Walsh), 253 Cronin, Michael, 103, 134 District and Circle (Heaney), 213 Crossan, Sarah, 252, 253 “Disused Shed in Co. Wexford, A” (Mahon), Cruise O’Brien, Conor, 116, 118 260, 261 Crying Game, The (film), 277 Done Up Like a Kipper (Harmon), 29 Cúirt Festival, Galway, 18 Donnan, Hastings, 25 Cullen, Linda, 131 Donoghue, Emma, 4, 136, 138, 148, 261 The Kiss, 131 Hood, 132 Cultural Diversity and the Arts (Jewesbury, Singh, Dorcey, Mary, 132, 137 and Tuck), 63, 65 Dorgan, Theo, 259 Cultural Value of Coastlines, The (initiative), Dowd, Siobhan, 252 278 Doyle, Rob, 10, 236, 253 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-47399-6 — The New Irish Studies Edited by Paige Reynolds Index More Information 286 Index Doyle, Roddy, 28, 177, 266, 277 Fanning, Bryan, 25, 229, 280 “Guess Who’s Coming for the Dinner,” 117, Far Away (Churchill), 17 119, 122, 126 Farquharson, Danine, 52 Guess Who’s Coming for the Dinner, 28–29 Farrell, Michael, 238 The Deportees and Other Stories, 114 Fassin, Didier, 121, 125 Dream Kitchen (Dignam), 135 Father Delaney collection, 269 Druid Theatre, 17, 276 Fehily, Rachel, 262 Dryden, John, 264 “Fiacla an Tíogair” (Mac Síomóin), 88 Duality Show (Palatty), 68 Fianna Fáil, 116 “Dublin” (MacNeice), 260 Field Day Anthology of Irish Writing, The, 136, 279 Dublin Book Festival, 280 Field Day Seamus Deane Annual Lecture, 73 Dublin City Council, 66 Fighting Words, 18, 266 Dublin Fringe Festival, 66, 167 “Fill Arís” (Ó Ríordáin), 260 Dublin Review, 229, 230, 232, 233, 236 “Filleadh ar an gCathair” (Ní Ghearbhuigh), 260 Dublin Theatre Festival, 17, 165, 171 Fillis, Alan Dudgeon, Jeff, 135 “Ulster Says No,” 216–217 Durcan, Paul, 181, 183, 184, 260 Fingleton, Stephen “Little Old Lady,” 182 The Survivalist, 96, 101–104, 107 “September 11, 2001,” 182–183 Finnegan, Brian, 140 The Laughter of Mothers, 181–183 Finnegan, Fergal, 26 Dyas, Grace, 15, 156 Finnegans Wake (Joyce), 268 We Don’t Know What’s Buried Here, Fire Below (A War of Words) (McCafferty), 50–52 171–172 Fired! Irish Women Poets and the Canon, 8 Fitzgerald, F.
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