ISTANBUL BYZANTINE CIRCULAR No. 22 July 2012 CONTENTS Editorial Page 2 News and Announcements Page 3 Current and Forthcoming Events Page 6 Institutions Page 7 Courses Page 10 MA Theses Page 12 PH.D. Theses Page 15 People Page 20 Recent/Current Publications Page 31 Projects/Work in Progress Page 68 www Page 81 Istanbul Byzantine Circular No. 22 July 2012 Page 2 EDITORIAL Dear Scholars of Byzantium, The Istanbul Byzantine Circular aims at sharing information about activities, institutions and people related to Istanbul and Byzantium. The Circular consists of an e-mail attachment and will be updated and distributed four times per year in January, April, July and October. You are invited to share your information by e-mailing it to the editor, who will include it in the next circular. The Istanbul Byzantine Circular is and shall remain a private initiative independent from any institution. If you want or do not want to receive the circular, please e-mail to the editor. Nevra Necipoğlu Ivana Jevtic (editor) [email protected] [email protected] Please note: New information, that had not been included in the previous Circular, is marked in red. The current issue as well as back numbers of the Istanbul Byzantine Circular are available on the homepage of the Association International des Etudes Byzantines: http://aiebnet.gr/comitesnat/turkey.html. The Istanbul Byzantine Circular is catalogued by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (ZENON DAI: http://opac.dainst.org) and Harvard University (HOLLIS: http://lib.harvard.edu/catalogs/hollis.html). Istanbul Byzantine Circular No. 22 July 2012 Page 3 NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS 2012 June 15th-16th Before and After the Fall of Constantinople International Symposium organized by the Seminar of Byzantine Studies (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade) and Center for Cypriot Studies, held in Belgrade The presentations included: Alicia Simpson, Byzantium’s Internal Disintegration and its Retreating Balkan Frontier during the Reign of the Angeloi (1185-1203). Nicholas Melvani, The Fate of the Palaiologan Aristocracy of Thessalonike after 1423. Katerina Kontopanagou, Paintings of Donor Portraits in the State of Epirus: Aesthetics Fashion and Trends in the Late Byzantine Period. Nektarios Zarras, Monumental Painting in the Peloponnesus during the First Half of the 15th Century. Christos Stavrakos, Donor inscription from the Christian monuments of Epirus in the 16th Century. Mihailo Popovic, The Contribution of Christian Renegades to Early Ottoman Statehood in the Balkans (14th -15th Centuries). Nada Zecevic, Memories of Home in the Account of the Balkan Refugees from the Ottomans to the Apennine Peninsula (15th -16th Centuries). Dusan Popovic, Discontinuity and Continuity of Byzantine Literary Tradition after the Crusaders’ Capture of Constantinople: the Case of “Original” Byzantine Novels. Radivoj Radic, The Repetition of Unimaginable: the Descriptions of the Capture of Constantinople in 1204 and 1453 by two Russian Travelers. Maja Nikolic, The Biggest Misfortune in oikoumene-Byzantine historiography on the Fall of Constantinople in 1453. Ivan Biliarsky, The Question of Council (Veche) and Synklitos in the Institutional System of Medieval Bulgaria. Radu Paun, Moldavian and Wallachian Donations to the Monastery of Hilandar and the Idea of the “Serbian Tradition” in the Romanian principalities after the fall of Constantinople. Jelena Mrgic, The Center of the Periphery: the Land of Bosnia in the Heart of Bosnia. Ivan Stevovic, New Skin for the Old Ceremony: Architecture of Medieval Serbia before and after the First Fall of Constantinople. Jelena Erdeljan, Studenica and the Life Giving Tree. Tatjana Subotic-Golubovic, The Cult of St Vitus in Medieval Serbia Reconsidered. Vlada Stankovic, Rethinking the Position of Serbia within the Byzantine Oikoumene in the 12th and 13th Centuries. Jovana Sijakovic, Dwelling on Catastrophe: Language and Images in Eustatjius’ Account of the Norman Capture of Thessaloniki. Jasmina Ciric, Optic Desires: Toward better Understanding of Wall Arrangement at the Late 13th Century Byzantine Architecture. Milena Repajic, Byzantium without its capital? Center and Periphery in the Discourse of Psellos’ Chronographia. 2012 June 28th to July 1st Fountains of Byzantion-Constantinople-Istanbul International Symposium at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul and the Netherlands Institute in Turkey Istanbul Byzantine Circular No. 22 July 2012 Page 4 The presentations included: James Crow, Nymphaea and Cisterns of Constantinople. Julian Richard, What to expect? The Archaeology of Monumental Fountains in the Roman and Early Byzantine periods. Gerda de Kleijn, The Absence of Inscribed Fistulae in Late Antique Constantinople. Jesper Blid, When the Bath became a Church: Spatial Fusion in Early Byzantine Constantinople (and beyond). Ragnar Hedlund, The Baths of Zeuxippos: Water, Power and Authority. Brooke Shilling, The Fountain of Paradise in Early Christian Art. Henry Maguire, Where did the Waters of Paradise go after Iconoclasm? Paul Magdalino, The Culture of Water in Ninth-century Constantinople. Eunice Dauterman Maguire, Giving water shape and sound. Rowena Loverance, The Bronze goose from the Hippodrome. Paul Stephenson, The Skylla and Serpent Column fountains in the Hippdrome. Terese Nilsson, Ancient Water in Fictional Fountains of Byzantium. Fabio Barry, Abyssus abyssum invocate. 2012 July 16th Vision and Meaning in Byzantium Workshop presenting the results of a summer research group sponsored by the Getty Foundation, the Consortium of American Overseas Research Centers, and the American Research Institute in Turkey, held at the Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations in Istanbul The presentations included: Dimitrios Chatzilazarou, Looking and Seeing the Invisible: Re-visualizing a Lost Monument of Early Constantinople, the Basilica or Basilike Stoa. Eleni Dimitiradou, Visual Hermaneutics in Hagia Sophia, Constantinople: The Case of the Lunette Mosaic in the Southwest Vestibule. Emmanuel Moutafov, On How to ‘Read’ the Chora Monastery. Rostislava Todorova, Visualizing the Divine: The Mandorla as a Vision of God in Byzantine Iconography. Fabrizio Benete, Sunset of Empire and Vision of Antiquity: Constantinople’s Visual Culture and Western Visitors (1815-1914). 2012 July 20th -22nd Byzantium, its Neighbours and its Cultures: Diversity and Interaction 17th Biennial Conference held at Macquarie University in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia For more information: http://home.vicnet.net.au/~byzaus/conferences/17th2012/ The Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Vienna announces the second round of the Vienna Dialogues conversations and is now inviting statements of interest for the first meeting on November 24, 2012. For more information: http://www.byzneo.univie.ac.at/aktuellesveranstaltungen/ Istanbul Byzantine Circular No. 22 July 2012 Page 5 The Centre de recherche d‘Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance (Collège de France, Paris) has a new web site, with news section regularly updated. For more informaton: http://www.orient-mediterranee.com/spip.php?rubrique474 The Institute for the Preservation of Medical Traditions (Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D. C.) has a strong section on Byzantine medical tradition. For the newsletter of the institute: http://medicaltraditions.org/institute/news/quarterly For the section on digital texts of Byzantine origin: http://medicaltraditions.org/collection/texts/byzantium The list of Fellows for 2011-2012 at the Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations includes: Efthymios Rizos (Oxford University) “The Foundation of New Cities in Anatolia during Late Antiquity (late 3rd-6th century AD)” Hansgerd Hellenkemper (Romisch-Germanisches Museum) “Imperial Landscaping. Byzantine Summer Palaces outside Constantinople” Livia Bevilacqua (Sapienza University of Rome) “Figural Spolia in Byzantium: Reuse, Rework, Reinterpretation (330-1453)” Maria Xenaki (Université Paris I, UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée) “The Culture of the Ornament in Early Medieval Anatolia (8th-10th centuries)” Frouke Schrijver (University of Birmingham) “The Early Palaiologan Court (1261-1354)” Merih Danali (Harvard University) “Negotiating Self-Representation and Cultural Identity: Artistic and Cultural Responses to the Byzantine and Ottoman Encounter” Tera Hedrick (Northwestern University) “The Power of Objects: Ars Sacra and the Negotiation of the Sacred in Late Byzantium” Istanbul Byzantine Circular No. 22 July 2012 Page 6 CURRENT AND FORTHCOMING EVENTS 2012 September 5 th -8 th 2nd International Conference Tao-Klarjeti International conference organized by the National Centre of Manuscripts and Shota Rustaveli State University in Batumi For more information: http://arthist.net/archive/2844 2012 September 7th -9th And This Island: Who Knows it? Cypriot Identities across Millennia International conference, organized by University of Nicosia, University of Rome La Sapienza and University of Oxford, in Nicosia For more information: www.cypriot-identities.org or by emailing at info@cypriot- identities.org 2012 September 12th-15th The Patriarchate of Constantinople in Context and Comparison International Conference at the Institute for Byzantine Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 2012 October 18th -20th The Emperor’s House: Palaces from Augustus to the Age of Absolutism International Colloquium in the Pera Museum in Istanbul 2012 October 19th-21st The Archaeology of Late Antique and Byzantine Cyprus
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