ISSN 0378-6978 Official Journal L 210 Volume 25 of the European Communities 19 July 1982 English edition Legislation Contents I Acts whose publication is obligatory II Acts whose publication is not obligatory Council 82 / 459 / EEC : * Council Decision of 24 June 1982 establishing a reciprocal exchange of information and data from networks and individual stations measuring air pollution within the Member States 1 82 / 460 / EEC : * Council Decision of 24 June 1982 on a supplement to Annex IV to the Convention on the protection of the Rhine against chemical pollution 8 82 / 461 / EEC : * Council Decision of 24 June 1982 on the conclusion of the Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals 10 Convention on the conservation of migratory species of wild animals 11 Commission 82 / 462 / EEC : * Commission Decision of 23 June 1982 on the replacement of the Annex to Council Directive 75 / 270 / EEC concerning the Community list of less-favoured areas within the meaning of Council Directive 75 / 268 / EEC ( Germany ) 23 Price : £ 2-70/ £ Irl 3-00 Acts whose titles are printed in light type are those relating to day-to-day management of agricultural matters , and are generally valid for a limited period . The titles of all other Acts are printed in bold type and preceded by an asterisk . 19 . 7 . 82 Official Journal of the European Communities No I. 210 / 1 II (Acts whose publication is not obligatory) COUNCIL COUNCIL DECISION of 24 June 1982 establishing a reciprocal exchange of information and data from networks and individual stations measuring air pollution within the Member States ( 82 / 459 / EEC ) THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES , suspended particulates ; whereas this procedure , amongst other things , has served as a pilot study for the Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European elaboration of a system to answer the specific needs of the Economic Community , and in particular Article 235 Community ; thereof, Whereas the accumulated experience of the pilot study is Having regard to the proposal from the Commission , employed to establish a more complete exchange of Having regard to the opinion of the European information and data incorporating additional air Parliament i 1 ), pollutants , thus stimulating and enhancing progress towards the harmonization of the measurement Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social methods ; Committee ( 2 ), Whereas the Commission will examine , in consultation Whereas the first and second action programmes of the with Member States , the need for , and scope of, all European Communities on the environment ( 3 ) make intercomparison programmes to be proposed by it ; provision for the establishment of a procedure for the whereas such programmes may cover different exchange of information between surveillance and equipment , methods of sampling and analysis as well as monitoring networks ; reference materials commonly used for the relevant pollutants so that the comparability of the data obtained Whereas this procedure is necessary to combat pollution by different stations and methods may be improved ; and nuisances, this being one of the Community objectives concerning the improvement of the quality of Whereas the use of homogeneous time-scales for the data life and the harmonious development of economic collection and homogeneous presentation of lesults will activities throughout the Community ; whereas the facilitate the comparison of the levels recorded for each specific powers necessary to this end are not provided by pollutant ; the Treaty ; Whereas the exchange of the results of the pollution-level Whereas, by Council Decision 75 / 441 / EEC ( 4 ) the measurements provides one way of keeping abreast of Council established a common procedure for the long-term trends and improvements resulting from exchange of information between the surveillance and existing and future national or Community legislation ; monitoring networks based on data relating to Whereas such results constitute information relevant to atmospheric pollution by sulphur compounds and determining the locations of epidemiological surveys destined to provide a better understanding of the harmful H OJ No C 125 , 17 . 5 . 1982 , p . 165 . effects of air pollution on human health ; ( 2 ) OJ No C 64 , 15 . 3 . 1982 , p . 15 . ( 3 ) OJ No C 112 , 29 . 12 . 1973 , p . 3 and OJ No C 139 , Whereas the transport of pollutants over long distances 13, 6 . 1977 , p . 3 . necessitates surveillance at regional , national , ( 4 ) OJ No L 194 , 25 , 7 . 1975 ,, p .. 40, Community and global levels ; No L 210 / 2 Official Journal of the European Communities 19 . 7 . 82 Whereas certain information and data constitute an input the person , or body , responsible for the selection of to the Global Environmental Monitoring System ( GEMS ) stations , the collection and transmission of information which is part of the United Nations Environmental and data relating to the stations and pollutants as well as Programme , for liaison with the Commission in all related aspects . Until the Commission is advised otherwise , the person or body designated by each Member State under Article 4(1 ) of Decision 75 / 441 / EEC shall be deemed to be the HAS ADOPTED THIS DECISION : National Coordinator . Article 1 Article 4 A reciprocal exchange of information and data from networks and individual stations measuring air pollution , 1 . The stations participating in the exchange of hereinafter referred to as 'reciprocal exchange', is hereby information procedure laid down in Decision established . It shall apply to the individual results of 75 / 441 / EEC shall be included in the system of reciprocal measurements obtained by fixed stations which have been exchange . Member States shall select from the available operating , or are planned to operate , continuously over a stations those which may be added to this system and sufficiently representative period of time . shall notify the Commission of their choice . Each station selected shall be representative , as far as possible , of the conditions obtaining around that sampling point for the Article 2 pollutant being considered . 1 . This Decision relates to the following pollutants to the extent that they are measured at stations in the 2 . In selecting stations , priority shall be given to those Member States : which utilize more than one sampling or analytical technique to measure a given pollutant so as to assist in ( a ) sulphur compounds measured as : the assessment of appropriate techniques and the comparability between them . — sulphur dioxide , or — strong acidity , expressed in accordance with Annex I , paragraph 1 ; 3 . The stations selected should reflect , where possible , the different types of urbanization , topography and ( b ) suspended particulates , expressed in accordance with climatology , as well as the different pollution levels Annex I , paragraph 1 , measured as : prevailing upon the territory of the Member State — suspended particulate matter , or concerned . — black smoke ; ( c ) suspended particulates of heavy metals , e.g. lead , 4 . Where a station selected under Decision cadmium , etc ., 75 / 441 / EEC has ceased , or ceases , to operate , the ( d ) nitrogen oxides measured as : Member State concerned shall endeavour to select — nitrogen dioxide ( NO z ), and another suitable station and shall , if they are available , — either total oxides of nitrogen ( NO x ) provide the relevant data for at least the two preceding years . — or nitrogen monoxide ( NO ); ( e ) carbon monoxide ; 5 . All stations and pollutants which are added under ( f) ozone . this system of reciprocal exchange , all changes in the measurement techniques utilized and all other relevant 2 . The first data to be communicated shall be : changes shall be communicated to the Commission by means of the Description Form contained in Annex II . — for the pollutants in paragraph 1 ( a ) and ( b ): those obtained from 1 January 1979 in order to maintain continuity with the data collected previously , Article 5 — for the pollutants in paragraph 1 ( c ) and ( d ): those obtained from 1 October 1980 , 1 . The measurement results for each pollutant shall be — for the pollutants in paragraph 1 ( e ) and ( f): those expressed in accordance with Annex I and shall be obtained from 1 October 1982 . transmitted to the Commission in a fixed and previously agreed format as quickly as possible and , at the latest , 3 . Member States may include other pollutants after within six months of the end of the annual measurement technical discussions with the Commission . period . 2 . The Commission shall insert all information and Article 3 data received by Member States in the computer files and Each Member State shall designate a National shall prepare tabular presentations for the use of the Coordinator and inform the Commission of the name of Member State concerned , if so requested . 19 . 7 . 82 Official Journal of the European Communities No L 210 / 3 3 . The data should normally be transmitted on appropriate , equipment and methods of sampling and magnetic tape , accompanied by an interpretative analysis as well as the reference materials which are used print-out which contains tape density , code , tape labels , for the relevant pollutants . headers , trailers and a few blocks of data . In this case , the data accepted into the computer files of the Commission Article 7 will be considered as correct . The Commission shall prepare annual reports on the Data which are transmitted on
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