July 1979 Q J 0 Board of Director Elections-Vote Nowl "' Ed Bas asks, "What's holding up the show?" "Wealth: The Super Weapon," by Carolyn Henson L-5 NEWS A PUBLICATION OF THE L-5 SOCIETY VOL. 4 NUMBER 5 JULY 1979 In this issue: Jennifer L. Atkins, Editor-in-Chief 1 Wealth: The Super Weapon by Carolyn Henson. Could wealth be the key to ending all wars? Randy Ci<111101u, Caroly11 llr11su11. Editorwl Staff 2 Inhibitors: What's Holding Up the L-5 Show? Ed Bas looks for the stumbling blocks holding up space commercialization. Roa rd of / )1r(t tor.~: l.wuu~ A.,111un• 3 L-5's National Anthem? Bill Higgins' and Bary Gehm's hilarious space Brtrr)' (;oltfo•alrr. Sr. song "Home, Home on Lagrange." l<obert ,/. ll f'111/1•111 R11rb11ra Marx 1/11/Jbnrd Cordon Ii. 11' oodrork 4 Astronomy from Space by Ed Bas J'/11/ip K. C:lrap111a11 ,/rtlr11r Ka11trowll: 5 Gas Entrained Solids-A Heat Transfer Fluid For Use In Space I\'"' rad A". 1>111111t·11 /Jn.Q Jn response to requests for more technical material, here's H. Keith Henson's and f:d11•ard fl. Fi111 h. Jr. K. Eric Drexler's paper from the 1979 Princeton Space Manufacturing J. l't•/t•r l'ajk J11<k I>. Sa/111011 Conference. (Part I of two parts) /Jnrln11 S1111tlr ,\'om• I l 11drllt, 7 L-5 Saves the Day by Ken McCormick. L -5ers push Congress! ,\lark llopk111s II. A't•11h llr 11.""' Cflro/vn M f' 111rl llr11""" 8 News Briefs 11 111/iam ll't>1 .Qlr 9 What time is it? Time to move into space? Am)' S. Bouska reports. L-5 News (USPS JJB-090) IO Announcements l'11blica t10 11 office: lhf' L -5 Soci~ty. 1060 £. Elm, Tuf'son, Arizona 85719. Published mo nthly. 12 Inside the L-5 Society S ubscrip1ion: $12.00 per year. included in dues (f,20.00 per year. 13 Annual Elections Vote now for the L-5 Board of Directors. .1111dents 515.00 per year). Second class postagr paid at Tucson. il riwna and addilional offices. Copyright © 1979 by the L-5 Societ)>. No part 0J 1his periodirnl may be rpproduced without written co11se111 of 1he L-5 Society. Tht• op111io11s expre.ued by /h r rwthors do 11 01 11ecess11rily rl'flect thr polic-11o ft hc L-5 Society. Membership Services: L -5 Societ)i. 1620 N . Park Avenue, Tucson. Arizona 85719. T elepho11e: r.021622-6]5/. Change of address notices, undelivera ble Cover: What's there to do on a Sa LUrday night if yo u're a solar power satellite cop ies, orders for subscriptions, and construction worker sta tioned at geosynchronous orbit? Pictured here are two workers other m ail items are to be sent to: loosening up with free fa ll acrobatics in the recreation room. The woman's weighted L-S Society Membuship Services belt helps 10 balance the center of gravity where her hands clasp her partner's. 1620 N. Park O utside the window North America a nd a IOGW power satellite 100 km2 are visible. Tucson, AZ 85719 (Artwork by Carolyn Henson.) Wealth: The Super Weapon () 0 o~ ~o by Carolyn Henson Artwork by Jame~ Babcock "'The evidence shows a strong correlation between economic deprivation and violent social action.' .. wealth ... may someday silence all the guns and bombs and nukes." Space colonizalion may give us Lhe lever­ cording 10 him -and many other re­ But-ii all sounds 100 simple, doesn't age Lo pul a n end Lo war. How? Ask Micky searchers -1he colonization of space will iL? Didn't the U.S. send troops 10 Vie1nam McWilliams. He's a tall, red-bearded generaLe enormous wealth. T ake unlimit­ a nd bomb Hanoi? Yes, but would we have sociology instructor a1 1he University of ed energy, trillions of ions of asteroids done ii if Hanoi could have bombed Los ~ li ssissippi and Pres ide11 1of1he Ole ~ l i ss full of nickel, iron, platinum, water, oil, Angeles? h would have killed people, L-5 chapter. every known dcmen1. and a bunch of damaged real estate and tied up traffic on 0 This modern day Vi king isn "1t•xac lly one advc11 1urou~ peoplt' and Wt' ll crca1e an the freeways! Ralph Nader would have of your detached ivory tower types. In Lhe forced the governmem 10 recall the war fall of 1977 he was invited to presem his because ii was unsafe for the consumers. ideas to a C:Ongressional seminar on space How about civil unrest in How about civil unrest in our country? colonization. So he and 1wo friends hop­ our countryr ... people who The Weathermen moslly blew up them­ ped imo his car, which carried a dayglo selves. The Symbionese Libera1ion Army "L-5 Sex al Zero Gravity" bumper sticker, have hi-f is and cars and scuba never gathered more than a handful of and tooled off for Washington. gear don't want to lose them. warriors. The reason is that people who Maybe that slicker was bad luck, because have hi-fis and cars and scuba gear don't ~ hours out they were broadsided by a want 10 lose them. Lruck. A nearby hospital sewed them back economic boom as big as the galaxy. In New Delhi, on the other hand, when Logelher and a friend drove them home 10 How will Lhis wealth end war? "The people gel mad a t the government they go Oxford. Micky's car was LOtaled. evidence shows a strong correlation be­ bananas. I remember the time-it was late As Lhey reached city limits 1he unlucky tween economic deprivation and violem November 1966-when some Indians were trio decided they could't bear 10 miss their social action." Micky explains. "Of the 27 protesting their govemmem 's refusal to chance 10 bend 1he course of his1ory. De­ countries classified by the World Bank as ban Lhe butchering of caule. h was per­ claring. ·· 1regH·I1ha1 I ha\"l· b111 one car 10 rich, only one suffered a major imernal fectl y legal for the local butcher 10 go ouL give 10 the movemem ," Micky borrowed upheaval on its own 1erriLOry between in the middle of the night a nd call "here an old raule1rap and they drove off, s1i1ches 1958 through 1966. On the other hand, cow, here cow" until he found a nice and headaches and bruises, day and night, during this same period 32 of the 38 heahhy stray hunk of hamburger. He'd and just barely staggered into the Rayburn nations classified as very poor experienced lure it imo his house and butcher it. The Building in time 10 meet with members of significam con£lic1s ... next morning he'd stuff a chunk of the C:Ongress. Yes, wealth is the super weapon that carcass in a gunny sack and go from door McWilliams' message? "We're talking may someday silence all the guns a nd to door, selling 10 Moslems and Christians. about opening up our environment." Ac- bombs and nukes. "Pssil Wanna buy some bee£?" I must admit, sacred cow steak was a mouthwatering delight. Anyhow, one day Inhibitors: this huge procession of cow-sympathizers came marching down the street. It was a real sight. At least a quaner of these prot­ estors were sadhus-holy men and women What's Holding Up who go naked with ashes and cow dung plastered in their hair. I got bad vibes from the crowd so I nonchalantly faded back and got inside just before the first volley of bricks hit the windows. the L-5 Show? Having never seen honest to gosh violence I ran to a second story window for a good view-more time to duck the "Our power monopolies had Edison, Ford had Ford. bricks up there I People lay bleeding on the street. Police with staves were beating up Who will sell space?" everyone they could catch and rioters were now running around turning over buses and torching them. Columns of smoke by Ed Bas t0wered everywhere. I started to get ner­ vous when a character with a torch started "The crowd had pushed to the west end maims. And first, probably most impor­ running my way. of the platform as the ship swarmed up the tant, Dula notes a lack of an "obvious I dashed for the bedroom and stuffed mountain. Harriman had stayed where he mandate from within NASA to promote opals and star rubies in my bra-I didn't was, nor had Dixon and Strong followed commercial materials processing." have any rupees on hand and figured a the crowd. The three were alone, Harriman Mandate as in "an authoritative com­ bribe or two could come in handy. I pulled most alone for he did not seem aware that mand" -Webster. the end of my sari over my head and looked the others were near him. He was watching NASA would like private industry to at myself in the mirror. Would the rioters the sky. commit funds early to research and devel­ believe that I was a six foot tall blue-eyed "Strong was watching him. Presently opment aboard the space shuttle. But pri­ vegetarian? Strong barely whispered to Dixon, 'Do you va te industry is in a trend of shying away T hen I heard a holler-the cavalry had read the Bible?' from pure R&D, and the more they demon­ come through, or at least a jeep from the "'Some.' strate this the more reluctant NASA seems American Embassy.
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