Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev.2016; 4(3): 48-55 International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review ISSN: 2347-3215 Volume 4 Number 3 ( March-2016) pp. 48-55 Journal home page: http://www.ijcrar.com doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcrar.2016.403.006 B reeding and Life Cycle of Fresh Water Ornamnetal Shrimp-Indian White B anded Shrimp, Caridina cf. babaulti Var. Indian White Banded * Ganesh Ariyanathan and J. Sesh Serebiah Jehovah Shamma Centre for Marine and Wildlife Research, Mudiveeranpattinam, Ramanathapuram Dt-623513, Tamil Nadu, India *Corresponding author KEYWORDS ABSTRACT Caridina There is an evergreen demand for ornamental shrimps in the scope of planted cf. babaulti, aquarium or in dedicated aquaria this exponential growth in the demand needs Life cycle of fresh a steady supply of stocks so the main objective of this research is to develop a water , Ornamnetal standard hatchery technology for fresh water ornamental shrimps. An shrimp, endemic species Indian White banded Shrimp, Caridina cf. babaulti was Slime production, selected, as the documented information about the species is scare. Thus, this DNAse and study was conducted to gather some information on its breeding behavior and Haemagglutination. life cycle until first maturity in laboratory condition.10 pairs of Indian White banded Shrimp, Caridina cf. babaulti are kept in confined system separately. The tanks are populated with common aquatic plants (Java fern Microsorum pteropus, Amazon sword Echinodorus bleherae, Anubias nana, Cryptocoryne sp., Rotala indica and mosses (java moss Taxiphyllum barbieri, Christmas moss Vesicularia montagnei) and regulated with periodic photoperiods and Co2 supply. With carefully monitored water quality parameters, the selected species was bred in confined system. It was observed that water temperature is one of the parameter that played a crucial role in influencing the spawning behavior of the species. Larvae assume a benthic lifestyle after hatching, i.e. they are miniature versions of the adults. There is no planktonic larval stage. The hatchlings of this shrimp are extremely small and grow slowly. Introduction Many freshwater shrimp from the family Indian White banded Shrimp, Caridina cf. Atyidae have been gaining popularity in the babaulti is an indigenous species. This aquarium industry over the past years species comes from pond, river, agricultural (Heerbrandt and Lin, 2006). Caridina cf. canals, mountain streams and reservoirs of babaulti is one of these atyids. The subdued its indigenous area. coloration looks contrast to green aquatic 48 Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev.2016; 4(3): 48-55 plant or against dark colored background. dedicated aquaria is increasing among the Not only this shrimp enriched the look of the hobbyist. This exponential growth in the freshwater tank, it is also excellent demand needs a steady supply of stocks so maintenance crews in a cleaning the aquatic the main objectives of this research are to plants compared to other shrimp. Currently develop a standard hatchery technology for the demand for this species in the industry is fresh water ornamental shrimps and met by wild caught. producing desirable strains with the help of selective breeding and interbreeding. In Taiwan, there are 15 species of atyid from 3 genera which include Atyopsis, Materials and Methods Caridina and Neocaridina (Hung et al., 1993; Shih and Cai, 2007). Similar to Brood stocks of each species are maintained palaemonid shrimps, atyidae demonstrated in glass tank (40 x 20 x 25) supported with three types of larval development, normal, bio-chemical filter systems. Plants growth is abbreviated and completely suppressed aided with Compact Florescent lamp at a (Shokita, 1981; Shy, 1994). Most of these ratio of 1watt per 5 liters, Mopani driftwood atyids undergoes the normal type of larval and suitable soil substrates. development and produce relatively small- sized eggs with long planktonic phase. As Shrimp Species for abbreviated type, larval of planktonic phase only takes few days. However, for the Indian White banded Shrimp completely suppressed type, eggs were relatively large-sized without planktonic Indian White Banded Shrimp (Caridina cf. phase since the larvae hatched in benthic babaulti var. Indian white banded) are form. another of the variations of Babulti shrimp in the hobby. Like other Babaulti shrimp, The Indian ornamental fish sector is a small they are freshwater and originally from but vibrant segment, with potential for India. Indian White Banded Shrimp are rarer tremendous growth and large-scale gainful than some of the other Babulti shrimp in the employment generation. At present the hobby such as Green Babaulti. Both males ornamental fish export from India is and females are light red in color with white dominated by the wild caught species, which banded on the body. Indian White banded cater to a small portion of the global market. Shrimps are excellent algae eaters and India’s contribution to global ornamental almost better substrate sifters. Where these fish trade is negligible. The country is shrimp are present in greater numbers there bestowed with climatic conditions ideally will not be any problems with different conducive for growth, maturation and kinds of algae covering your substrate. breeding of many exotic as well as These little guys will take care of it. They indigenous ornamental fishes. Shrimp are are especially effective on a sandy substrate, decapods or 10 limbed crustaceans along where they clean the sand grain by grain. with crayfish, cherax crabs and others. Historically only crayfish were kept, in the Shrimp are much less tolerant of poor water last 10-15 years shrimp and other conditions than most fish. Ammonia, nitrites crustaceans have become increasingly and nitrates will eventually kill the shrimp, popular in home aquaria. The scope of even if only a small amount of uneaten food shrimp keeping in planted aquarium or in remains in the aquarium. For biological 49 Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev.2016; 4(3): 48-55 filtration, elevated air-driven sponge filters too much copper released from home water with a medium to slow air flow are used. As pipes when mixing hot water to equalize the for substrate, fine-grain, gravel and also temperature of replacement water. white silica sand were used. For some species, such as the hardy red cherry shrimp, Copper is not the only thing that can harm coral sand or gravel, as they enjoy a more shrimp. Many of the anti-parasite products alkaline environment. Slower-growing plant on the market will have devastating results species, such as Java moss and Java fern, on shrimp, so this is just another good work pretty well in a shrimp aquarium. Use reason to have a shrimp-only aquarium. If of fast-growing plants in a shrimp aquarium fish are to be kept with the shrimp, put the is probably a mistake because they tend to fish in a quarantine aquarium first for suck up needed nutrients. This suggestion several weeks before introducing them to the had been made on the Petshrimp forum display aquarium so that any disease that (www.petshrimp.com), and it was probably would require anti-parasite medications can the reason cherry shrimp colony hadn’t been be dealt with there. as prolific with some hobbyist. When the fast-growing plants were removed and went The kits or apparatus used were; DO meter back to Java moss, shrimps did much better (dissolved oxygen and temperature) and API and hobbyists started seeing a lot more baby aquarium freshwater test kit (pH, ammonia, shrimp in the aquarium. nitrite). Measurements were taken twice a week. Water Parameters Feeding Shrimp Some of the shrimp species prefer soft, acidic water with temperatures between Caridina cf. babaulti are not picky eaters 240C – 280C; others prefer a more alkaline and will eat dead plant matter along with pH and harder water. For each shrimp algae, algae wafers and other omnivorous species the water parameters are different. foods. Healthy shrimps skitter all over an Shrimp need clean water, so 30 percent of aquarium, constantly searching for food. water was changed at least once every two They seem to never hold still and are always weeks, and its better if changes are moving about. When food is dropped into performed weekly. Aeration was provided the aquarium, they soon sense it and scurry throughout the study period. to the front of the aquarium to eat. Shrimp will drop their shell (molt) every once in a Shrimp are especially sensitive to chlorine while. It takes a day or two after the molt for or chloramines in city water supplies, so it’s their new shell to harden, and they will important to use a dechlorinator or ammonia usually try to stay hidden from predators neutralizer to remove these chemicals. during this time. They are extremely Quality products that neutralize ammonia vulnerable during this process, which is are important. If chlorine and/or ammonia another good reason to keep fish out of their aren’t eliminated, the shrimp will die. aquarium. Invertebrates-especially shrimp-are very sensitive to copper. Never treat an Shrimp will do fine on basic fish food — aquarium with any copper-containing pellet or flake. Feed only an amount that can product if the aquarium houses shrimp. It be eaten in a few minutes. Shrimp will also has been suggested that there might even be find their own food when aquatic plants like 50 Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev.2016; 4(3): 48-55 Java moss and Java fern are growing in their from the earlier experiment were placed and aquarium. Many shrimpers advocate putting conditioned in tanks for a week. After a waterlogged dead oak leaves or other leaf week, only healthy larvae were used for the varieties in the aquarium as a source of food next experiment. for the shrimp.
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