BE SURE TO BUY A GREEN GOAT The Green and white THE OFFICIAL STUDENT PUBUCATION AT OHIO UNIVERSITY WATCH FOR BAĹOT VOLUME XIV. OHIO UNIVERSITY, ATHENS, OHIO, APRIL 24,1925. NO. 24 STUDENTS OF MISS JOY ALUMNI MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM ASSURED CUTLER GIVE RECITAL MEN’S GLEE CLUB IS ADJUDGED WINNER On Wednesday afternoon, Miss Cut- ler held a class lesson and recital for her students. The program given by BY ACTION OF LEGISLATURE IN PASSING the students was as follows: IN STATE INTERCOLLEGIATE COMPETITION Chanson de Florian (in French) Godard Georgiana Mcßoberts APPROPRIATION OVER GOVERNOR’S VETO Marie Franz HELD IN COLUMBUS WEDNESDAY EVENING I Love You Greig Faith Betchtel MERCERS ATTEND Nymphs and Shepards Purcell OHIO U. IS FURTHER ANATOMISTS MEET BUSINESS STAFF FOR Mable Robson Figgins GREEN GOAT TO MAKE ACCREDITED IN PENN. CONSTRUCTION Of NEW Sunshine Song Grieg HONORS WON BY OHIO Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Mercer attend- Lullaby Brahms According to a recent ruling of the ed the meeting of the American Asso- GREEN Irene Blaettner ciation of Anatomists at Western AND WHITE OF MAKE APPEARANCE OF Pennsylvania State Board of Educa- BUILDING WILL LIKELY the Songs My Mother Taught Here FOR THE SECOND TIME Reserve Medical College, Cleveland, Dvorak tion, graduates in physical education last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and industrial education at Ohio Uni- April YEAR IS CHOSEN Mildred Wiley BE STARTED IN JUNE 16, 17, and 18. NEXT YEAR ON NEXT FRIDAY versity may teach in the keystone returning Charmante Marguerite French Folk IN CONSECUTIVE YEARS Before to Athens they state without examination. Graduates went to Buffalo, N. Y., and spent Sun- Andrew Nelson, Business Mgr., Bonjoure Suzon Delibes Posters to Announce the Exact in the regular academic Appropriation Includes Mo re courses have Six Clubs Compete With Bluff- day there and in the vicinity, Dr. Alfred Rulofson, Adv. Mgr., Ruth Mary Madslin Hours of Animal’s Rampage been accepted in Pennsylvania for Money for Operating Ex- Mercer’s home community. ton College a and Harry Abbott, Cr. Mgr. o.u. In “Mae Day” Form some time. Rating penses Than in Past o.u. Close Second ALL EXPERIENCED MEN PRICE TO BE 25 CENTS OUTCOME SATISFACTORY OTHER TRIPS PLANNED Qualifications Include Work on Green GAMMA SIGMA IS SOON President Bryan Pleased STUDENTS TO HELP IN Various Sorts of Material in This Is- With Fact and White Staff and Varied Ex- FORREST BIRMINGHAM Winner of Next Year’s Contest to That University Continues in the sue to Be in Keeping With the perience in High School Season of Year Compete for National Cham- Good Graces of Officials TO HAVE CHARTER OF pionship in New York PICKING NEXT SCHOOL Andrew C. Nelson was elected busi- HONORED AS EMERSON The Ohio University The official date for the first appear- Memorial Au- nes manager, Alfred M. Rulofson, ad- For the second consecutive year the ditorium, the raiding of funds for ance of the Green Goat is Thursday, vertising manager, and Harry B. Ab- THETA CHI FRATERNITY the last day of April. It is possible Ohio University Men’s Glee Club, un- which was begun three years ago, is OF RELIGION SPEAKERS bott, circulation manager of the Green that out POETRY PRIZE WINNER der the direction of Prof. C. C. Robin- definitely assured by one of the clos- it may come the day preced- and White for the year 1925-26 at the Installation Will Be Notable ing, so the exact rampage son, took first honors in the Ohio In- ing acts of the State Legislature in Covering Men time of the tercollegiate Questionnaire and last meeting of the old Board of Con- Event Ohio U. Frater- will be announced by means of pos- Prize of One Hundred and Twen- Glee Club Contest held which that body overrode the Govern- trol on Tuesday afternoon. This is the in under the auspices of the Ohio Inter- or’s Topics Will Appear in Next ters on all of the bulletin boards in ty Dollars Awarded for veto by appropriating $160,000 to first time a Board has elected an ad- nity History collegiate Glee Club Council in Me- be used for the construction of the Week’s Paper the various halls. The price will be Poem, “Enigma” vertising manager for the paper, the twenty-five cents, as usual. morial Hall, Columbus, on Wednesday building. The $175,000 which has al- office having been created within the TO OCCUR MAY 8 AND 9 evening. Wooster, Wittenberg, Deni- ready by SPEAKERS PROPOSED This first number is called the “Mae been subscribed the alumni last year. JUDGES MAKE COMMENT son, Ohio Wesleyan, Bluffton, Ohio’s will place more than three hundred Day” number. The cover is very Nelson, the new business manager, New National to Appear at Ohio Is spring-like in every respect, and im- closest rival, and Ohio University con- thousand dollars at the disposal of the Plan Is to Find What Kind of Discus- junior Poetical Efforts Judged by Bliss University is a in the school of commerce, Old and Well Established Having mediately fills one with visions of daf- Per- tested. To become the permanent for the purpose. sion Is Most Constructive To- a native of Athens, and has been a Forty-one Chapters ry, Charles Hanson Towne, and possessor of the loving cup, Ohio need In an interview this week President ward Student Thought fodils, nymphs, and pursuing satyrs. member of the business staff of the Its aesthetic quality is quite high, in William E. Smyser but gain the championship one more Bryan stated that ground would prob- slightly promises ably Green and White for over a What to be a notable other words. year. be broken for the building at the The student pastor has recently an- during the latter part of which event history The judges have decided that the Ohio was last appear end of the \ear, in fraternity at Ohio Much of the copy is concerned with University to present school year, and nounced that through cooperation with time he has served as advertising University be the installation of best poem in the Emerson Prize Poem in the first part of the program which that it would be will spring also. There are jokes, short es- completed within the the Green and White, the school of re- manager. He also served as assist- Gamma Sigma as the Alpha Tau chap- Contest was “Enigma,” a poem by was given over to College Songs and next biennium. The site of struc- ligion issue a next says, poems, pictures, and other forms the will questionnaire ant business manager of the newspap- ter in the Theta Chi fraternity on Forrest E. Birmingham, a sophomore light numbers, while she was the first ture has not yet been selected, but a week for the purpose of determining of expression, with the element of er of Athens High School during lus May 8 and 9. Delegations from the running in the college of arts at Ohio Univer- to sing “Come Again Sweet Love,” by committee is at work on the project, the speakers and topics for next year’s lightness and springtime sity. senior year. Nelson’s residence in Theta Chi chapters at Ohio State Uni- through them; just the sort of thing Dowland, the contest number. For and it is thought that the location and Lecture Foundation of the School of judges were Bliss Perry two Athens has established him upon in- versity, University of Michigan, Uni- that will be fine reading on a bright The of Har- the other numbers the club gave plans for the work will be prepared Religion. timate relationships with nearly all versity of West Indiana vard; Charles Hanson Towne of New “What the Chimney Sang,” by Parks for Virginia, Uni- day at this season of the year on the the approval of the Board of Trus- A considerable amount of money is the merchants of the town with whom versity, Purdue University, and the York; and Dean Wm. E. Smyser of and “Sing Ohio.” at their June meeting. monument, for instance. tees spent each year in bringing two speak- he will have to deal. He is a member University of Illinois will be present Ohio Wesleyan. Professor Perry is a At the beginning of the entertain- The granting of funds for the Audi- The circulation will be in the capa- ers before the student body, and the of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. to assist the installation committee of distinguished professor of English at ment an ensemble of all the clubs sang torium marks the end of a fight in the ble hands of a group of fair coeds, faculty and directors of the school of The advertising manager, Alfred M. nine members, representing the Grand spots Harvard, at one time editor of the “Prayer of Thanksgiving,” by Krem- Ohio State Legislature of more than religion just who will be stationed at various Monthly.” wish to know what kind Rulofson, is a junior in the college of Chapter. heavy “Atlantic Mr. Towne is an ser, directed by Dr. Robinson, with three months. most on the campus where traffic is Smyser of discussion will be constructive arts, and comes from Munhall, Pa. He Theta Chi is one of the old frater- to make easy everyone editor and poet, and Mr. is a William Longstreet at the piano. The Governor Donahey acted in what student body. The ballot will year’s in order it for professor English. place for the has had slightly less than a ex- nities of this country, having been get his copy.
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