, Note to Messrs Guehenno ana Pascoe Meeting with NATO Parliamentary Assembly Sub-Committee on Transatlantic Relations on 12 July 2007 I had initially accepted an invitation on behalf of the Secretary-General to meet with a NATO Parliamentary Assembly Sub-Committee on Transatlantic Relations (comprising up to 35 individuals), for one hour on 12 July (documents attached). After subsequent clarification from the delegation, it would seem that they have very specialized interests which they would wish to have addressed in the briefing, namely: i) the current status of transatlantic relations; ii) Russia and Iran on nuclear and missile defence issues, respectively; iii) Iraq and Afghanistan; and, vi) terrorism. Upon reflection, it would seem more appropriate for the departments with lead responsibility for the aforementioned issues to meet with the NATO delegation. Accordingly, I would be most grateful if DPA together with DPKO could make the necessary arrangements to receive and brief the delegation on 12 July. Many thanks. 27-07532 l I' I \1 ') 6 tl7 i' n. '.Jun. 2007 17:50 NATO PA 32 2 5141847 No. 118 3 P. 2 NATO Parliamentary Assembly i Assemblee parlementaire de I'OTAN c l�CTION.- . .-.. 1 Mr. Ban Ki-moon 'f\f. Secretary-General 'COPYy..- u--""' Urt of the United Nations , . United Nations, P\1 I 1 \..// / New York, New York 10017 I : {..§� Brussels, June I I 6 2007 DeL Secretary-Gener�l. On behalf of Mr Ege en Bagis, Chairman of the NATO Parliamen ary Assembly's (NATO PA) on Transatlantic Relations, n tin today your l � I am cv tac g o ask whether you and agues with the Committee York this coli would to Political you in New on July 11-13 yea . be �vailable SufCommittee Thi delegation consi ts of senior parliamentarians of both NATO ember and countries _ meet PA. It will meet with senior officials in Wa hington, DC and New York l honoured le�!J:�... July Qarticipants would vi .!QQ�for_,_t�� �nit�d.__l';!ation's as_�p�i�.!��-9.:�l!!)Jhe The rs!�IO to your - fro Members about ...!�!�(� n;' _!:_9l�_for in��.D.§I !i Q§.!.§eC?urj!y. would� JD_L�rni!J_g_abg,�LUJ:J:�ATQ... .... rela ions, as well as Qthe dealing with terrorism.states We hope � 1 role of the UN in internatio al that would be able to time for a question and answer period with following' your you find this parriamentary addres�e e a n . The has be d l g t o already had pleas re to welcomed by your theif}!ereste pre, ecessor and senio� r UN officials in the past. At point, pate dele J!tion r s featuring we antic of aQJ,lroximately 25 membe s of parliaments a Committee nu _�f...£Qrei.9IL-�ffgjrs__ _ ct tional a �E.!nd r sp ive �na --p taments. __Qef�I]-��Co�rn.itte�"-.E��!!:_,men 9t their E We will you about the participants of our delegation as soon as we will rec4ived confirmationInform Members. http://www.nato-pa.int k from the Moreover, our Websitb at: have pro:r, des de ailed infor ation about our organisation and membership. r t tn e e great h nour you were to Concer � ing the date would be a if able meet with us. � and of flexible me ting, '!'e would to accommodate to your time the . � vfrlday,-Jul�'-4 ..:13_w.o_uld lso be possible. If you liave anyag�l]�a questions,...e_ref�ra ple�se�..Q!l. do ..Ib..Y!.§..clS!UUl.!I.Yt....bnot hesitate to contactut Co-ordinator of Political tel: myself or Ms ls�bellef Arcis, the Committee at +32 2 504 81 36 eith�rIt email [email protected] I or ly [email protected] Looking forward to he< ring from you, I remain, Sincerely, YoL rs . h'/11 (\ /i ,jru{ Ste Sachs DirEctor,,�;��en Political Com ittee m International Secretariat- Secretariat internation�l Pla.ce du Petit Sablon 3, 1000 Bruxelles- Belgique Tel: +32 2 513 28 J165 ·Fax: +32 2 51418 47- Email; [email protected] -,Website: www.nato-pa.int . �. ii.'Jun. 2007 17:50 NATO PA 32 2 5141847 No. 118 3 P. 1 . \_ i NATO Parliamentary Assembly ! I'OTAN Assemblee parlementaire de J i COMMilTEE- COMMISSION qirectorPOLITICAL I Directeur : Steffen Sachs ([email protected])POLITIJUE Co-prdinator I Coordinatrice: Isabelle Arcis ([email protected]) I ; iI TofI A: Office of Secretary Ban Ki Moon I Adresse United Nations . Ad�ressI Ji �eneral Fa� Number I Num6ro. de Fax : + 1 212 963 1921 l Fro1I m /De: Steffen Sachs, Dire1 tor Political Committee Date:I 06/06/2007 Null ber of pages I Nombre de pages : 2 Re Objet: request for meetings wi h NATO PA delegation 0 L RGENT 0 FOR REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT 0 PLE SE REPLY 0 PLEASE RECYCLE (Kindly ackno1/edge reception of this fax to Isabelle Arcis at [email protected]) General: Not;: to the Office of the Secretary apologize have1 already received I if you this letter of request a few dayf ago but 11 I not get any from our fax machine so I am not reallysurJ you got this request for meJtingsbid rec[pt t e as 21 letter was slightly modified we can be more precise on the da e of meeting (ideally ednesdayI riday ThJrsdayA 12 July). 11 evening (upon arrival from DC) or 13 could be an alte�native depending� n Mr Ban Ki Moon availability. unfortunateiY.J.· the au/sen 31 so, ur NATO liaison officers at UN, Mr Tommy has left his position . __ in A�New York will not Ib1 re laced before mid-Ju!Y_SC?J!!! J:dJI ngtb �.! ?._.!_e !_g ensure. ant!E!_Iowup not hesitate withl�ou on that reque t. Please do to contact me directly f you have any questlO'i1Sr Loo�ing forward to he ring from you, Gre tin s from Brusse1s. � INTE NATIONAL SECRETARIAT/ SECRETARIAT INTE Place du Petit Sablon 3, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgiq Tel: +32 ·Website: 513 2865 ·Fax: +32 2 5141847 http://-=-p...!..!.!:'-'-"'-'""--"'�'-'-' 22.'Jun. 2007 17:50 NATO PA 32 2 5141847 No. 118 7 P. 1 I NATO Parliamentary Assembly , Assemblee parlementaire I'OTAN de I i POLITICAL COMMITTEE- COMMISSION POLITidUE Director I Directeur; Steffen Sachs (ssachs@nat�-pa.int) Co-:ordinator Arcis (iarcis@n to-pa.int) I Coordinatrice : Isabelle r I Janice TolI A: Office Adbress I Adresse : UN - of Chef de Cabinel- Nambiar FaJ Number I Numero. de Fax : +1 212 963 38 26 Frolm /De: Isabelle Arcis oJe: 22/06/2007 Nu ber of pages I �ombre de pages : 11 Objet: delegatioh July Re t !! NATO PA 12 I D L RGE.NT 0 F:QR REVIEW 0 PLEASE COMMENT �PLEASE REPLY 0 PLEASE RECYCLE ! Dear Janice, : r i please attached the a n for provisional i As em sed f nd draft ge da our visit, as � ell as the l st of parti�cipants, ,and short� biographies of the delegates (the Russian Member of the Duma should proJide one during ne�t week). ould like to hold (if possible) the meetings at the UN on July 12 morning to be able to meet withWe does Ccity officials in the! afternoon but if it not suit Mr Nambiar, we can re-arrange another l t meet ith the rli e schE dule. We are de i h ed he is available to w pa am n arians but i do not doubt he has really tight g he could allow about �ur of his time on a agen a: do you think us one h NATO-UN l short 13resentation and then time for Q&A re a ions (a p ? o As �au can see on the enclosed draft agenda, the delegation will als meet at the UN with Sergey of h from the KHALIZAD. KAF EV the CTED a r d i am awaiting for confirmation office :Jf Ambassador wil able I be to confirr-r'l them a more precise schedule as soon as we !\now what time Mr Nambiar wou d be available to s�artthe meeting at. Any suggestion from cbr part to include another guest speaker is of course welcome. The Sub- Transa lantic deals with the kind issues Foreign Affairs committee1 on Relations same cf a committee would deal withf.' in National parliaments, but the main topics pf the visit are- of course- I INTE NATIONAL SECRETARIAT/ SECRETARIAT NATIONAL INTEl' � Petit I Place du Sablon 3, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgiqu� Tel: +32 f 513 2865 ·Fax: +32 2 514 1847 ·Website: http:// ,w.nato-pa.int 22.·Jun. 2007 17:50 NATO PA 32 2 5141847 No. 118 7 P. 2 •, ; c atlantic relations a so Russia, Iran issues missi'le the urr nt status of tr.ao but l Nuclear + i e Iraq, against t r r sm (�nd def�nce). Afghanistan, fight e ro i ... 1 For our Liaison er the UN, w o would n rmally deal with PRACTICAL matters, NATO offic at o for security left his p s on and will not r placed the our visit baqges[ - has o iti in NYC be �� by time sta s. So we would indeed highly �ppreciate assistance in registeri g our visiting group to any security� procedure. r Ki iy let me details you ld need us (i easily citizenship, know what kind of wou from quite number, piry dates and place and date as I re systematically info pas� port ex of birth ca�uest this whJn delegates register to the visit.
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