1961 J ourrwl of the Lepidopterists' Society 133 RECENT LITERATURE ON LEPIDOPTERA (Under the supervision of PETER F. BELLINGER) B. SYSTEMATICS AND NOMENCLATURE Agenjo, R. , "Otro nuevo Crambus F., espanol (Lep. Cramb.)" [in Spanish]. Eos, vol. 30: pp. 34.5-3.52, 1 pI., 3 figs. 19.54. Describes as new C. vilarrubilE (Montgrony, 1600-1665 m., Gombreny, Gerona). Names a "form" of C. pinellus. Additional localities for C. bolivari & C. digitellus. [Po B.] Agenjo, R., "Diferenciacion anatomica y dispersion en Espana de las Apatele psi (L.), tridens (Schiff.) y cuspis (Rb.) (Lep. Phahen.)" [in Spanish] . Eos, vol 31: pp. 39-51, 3 pIs. 19.55. Figures genitalia, givcs records, & discusses distribution [Po B.] Agenjo, R., "Nuevo Evergestis Hb., hispano-marroqui (Lep. Pyraust.)" [in Spanish] . Eos, vol. 31: pp. 241-245, 1 pI. 1955. Describes as new E. dusmeti (Orihuela, Alicante Prov., Spain). [Po B.] Agenjo, R., "Tres noctuidos de la comarca de Albarracin, en Teruel, que pasan a sinonimia (Lep. Phahen.)" [in Spanish]. Eos, vol. 31: pp. 217-240, 2 pIs. 1955. Sinks Atethmia schleppniki to A. algirica; Acronicta schwingenschussi to Apatele auricoma; Apamea amalilE to Luperina testacea. Extensive systematic notes & locality records. [Po B.] Agenjo, R., "Tribus y subtribus de la Subfamilia Phycitinre Cotes, 1899 (Lep. Phycitidre" [in Spanish]. Eos, vol. 34: pp. 205-208. 1958. Proposes names for the "Groups" and "Venational Divisions" of Heinrich, 1956: PHYCITIDI, including CRYPTOBLABINI, ACROBASIINI, ECTOMYELOISINI, & PHYCITINI; EPHESTIIDI, including EUPHOCERINI, EURYTHMASIINI, HOM<EOSOMINI, DIVIANINI, EPHESTIINI, & VARNERIINI; & CABNIIDI. [Po B.] Agenjo, R., "Existe la Gegenes pumilio (Hoffm., 1804) en Espana (Lep. Hesp.)?" [in Spanish]. Eos, vol. 35: pp. 197-208, 6 figs. 1959. Distinguishes G. pumilio from C. nostradamus, & gives locality records of latter; no certain Spanish records of former. Transfers C. zelleri to Borbo. [Po B.] Agenjo, R., "Las Catocala Schrk., espafioles, con m~s amplias consideraciones respecto a las de mayor interes forestal (Lep. N oct. )" [in Spanish]. Eos, vol. 35: pp. 301-384, 6 pIs., 30 figs. 1959. Redescribes the 15 Spanish spp.; figures genitalia; gives Spanish records; lists foodplants. Keys to subfamilies & tribes of Noctuidre, & to subgenera & spp. of Catocala occurring in Spain. [Po B.] Alberti, Burchard, "Die Zygrenidre (Insecta, Lepidoptera) als ModeIfaII Stam­ mesgeschichtlicher Studienmoglichkeit an rezenten Tiergruppen" [in German]. Proc. XV internat. Congr. Zool., pp. 166-168. 1959. Discusses study of character and species evolution in living forms; examples from Zygrenidre. [Po B.] d' Almeida, R. Ferreira, "Breves notas sobre 0 genero Rothschildia Grote, 1897 (Lepidoptera, Saturniidre)" [in Portuguese]. Bol. Mus. nac., Rio de Janeiro, n. S., Zool., no. 171: 47 pp., 5 figs. 1957. Catalogue of genus with notes on synonymy. Describes early stages of R. erycina belus, R. arethusa, R. betis, & R. aurota speculifer. [Po B.] d'Almeida, R. Ferreira, "Especies e subespecies novas de Ithomiidre (Lepidoptera­ Rhopalocera)" [in Portuguese]. Bol. Mus. nac., Rio de Janeiro, n. s., Zool., no. 173: 17 pp., 12 figs. 1958. Describes as new Napeogenes paruensis (Maracanai, Rio Pam de Leste, Para, Brazil), N. sylphis acreana (near Vila Taumaturgo, Rio Jurmi, Acre, Brazil); Hypothyris honesta acreana (near Vila Taumaturgo), H. meterus arpi (Itaituba, Tapajoz, Para, Brazil); Callithomia travassosi (Dumba, Rio Araguaia, Mato Grosso, Brazil), C. juruaensis (near Vila Taumaturgo, Rio Jurua, Acre, Brazil); Hypoleria plisthenes (Carmo do Rio Claro, Minas Gerais, Brazil), H. novaesi (near Vila Taumaturgo, Rio Jurua, Acre, Brazil), H. mulveriana 134 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera Vo1.I5: no.2 (Fordlfmdia, Rio Tapajos, Para, Brazil); H eterosais edessa covella (Cojimies, Manabi, Ecuador). Transfers exornata Haensch to Hypoleria. [Po B.) d'Almeida, R. Ferreira, "Ligeiras notas sabre algumas Actinote do sudeste do Brasil (Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera)" [in Portuguese; English summary). Bol. Mus. nac., Rio de Janeiro, n. S., Zoul., no. 178: 7 pp., 1 fig. 1958. Describes allotypes of A. discrepans & A. melanisans. Gives synonymy of latter & of A. pyrrha; sinks A. brasiliensis to A. pyn·ha. Notes on difficulty of determinations in this group of spp. [Po B.) Amadon, Dean, "Proposals concerning homonymous family-group names based on the generic names Drepana Schrank, 1802 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera), and Drepanis Temminck, 1820 (Class Aves); request for the use of the Plenary Powers to suppress the generic name Drepanis Brisson, 1760." Bull. zool. Nomenc/., vol. 17: pp. 220-223. 1960. Drepanidre is the correct family name in Lepidoptera, Drepanididre in Aves. Request for placement on Official List of Drepana, type falcataria. [P. B.] Amsel, H. G., "Catabrachmia rozsikella Rebel 1909 = Xystophora palustrella Douglas 1850 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidre)" [in German]. Zeitschr. wiener ent. Ges., vol. 43: pp. 286-287. 1958. Catabrachmia is a valid genus. C. palustrella has a remarkable distribution, being found in N. Europe and isolated in Hungary (roszikella). [Po B.] Amsel, H. G., "Cyprische Kleinschmetterlinge" [in German]. Zeitschr. wiener ent. Ges., vol. 43: pp. 51-58, 69-75, 135, 1 pI., 14 figs. 1958. Describes as new: (Pyralidre) Ommatopteryx (Eromene) cypriusella (Kyrenia); Pempelia albicostella (Kyrenia); CYPRUSIA (monobasic), C. wiltshirei (Kyrenia Mts.); Scoparia unicolorella (emended to unicornutella on p. 135) (Kyrenia); M etasia cypriusalis (Kyrenia); (Tortricidre) Cnephasia toUi palmstinensis (Abu Goasch, near Jerusalem); Laspeyresia prmdorsana (Kyrenia); (tineoids) Agonopteryx scopariella calycotumella (Kyrenia Mts.); Crossotocera wagnerella tl'ipunctella (Prodromos, 4000 ft.); CEgoconia apatemella (Triboukkia, Prodromos, 4000 ft.). Records numerous other spp. from Cyprus, 23 being new to the island; gives descriptive & systematic notes on some. [Po B.] Amsel, H. G., "Eine neue Stagmatophora-Art aus Persien (Lepidoptera: Momphidre)" [in German]. Ent. Tidskr., vol. 79: pp. 102-103, 1 pI. 19,59. Describes as new S. schultzendorffi (Sine Sefid, proVo Fars, Iran, 2200 m.). [Po B.] Aubert, Jacques-F., "Les geometrides palearctiques du genre Entephria Hb. Description d'un genre nouveau pour argentiplumbea Hmps." [in French; German summary]. Zeitschr. wiener ent. Ges., vol. 44: pp. 177-209, 6 pIs., 18 figs., 1 map. 1959. Describes as new E. luteolata (Nepal, Mustangbhot, Gargompa, Penga, 4000 m.) , E. politaria tibetaria (or new sp?; Bhutan; Tibet), E. multicava orientata (or new sp?; Ta Tsien Lou; Tibet), E. albipunctata (Yatung, 4500 m ., central Tibet); CCENOLARENTlA (type argentiplumbea Hampson); also some new "forms". Revision of 22 Palearctic spp. and their races; transfers 5 spp. to other genera. [Po B.] Banks, Leslie, "Schinia brevis Grote - a synonym." Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc., vol. 47: p. 28. 1952. Sunk to septentrionalis Walker. [Po B.] Bauer, David L., "A new subspecies of Microtia dymas (Nymphalidre) from southern California." Lepid. News, vol. 12: pp. 97-100. 1959. Describes as new M. d. imperialis (Palm Springs). Bernardi, G., "La variation geographique du polymorphisme chez les Hypolimnas du continent africain (Lep. Nymphalidre)" [in French]. Bull. Inst. fran{:. Afrique noire (A), vol. 21: pp. 1021-1032, 9 figs. 1959. Study of the geographical variation of the polymorphism in the species of Hypolimnas (H. misippus, H. dinarcha, H. mechovi) in continental Africa. Description of H. dinarcha liberiensis n. ssp. (hinterland of Liberia), and two morphs, one in misippus, the other in mechovi. [Po V.] Bernardi, G., "Note sur la variation geographique de deux dualspecies: Leptosia alcesta Stoll et Leptosia nupta Butler (Lep. Pieridre)" [in French]. Bull. Soc. ent. 1961 Journal ot the Lepidopterists' Society 135 France, vol. 64: pp. 30-36, 10 figs. 1959. Notc on the geographical variation of the two dualspecies of pierids, L. alcesta & L. nupta. Describes as new L. n. viettei (Madagascar), L. a. pseudonuptilla (Ethiopia), L. a. inalcesta (Tanganyika, Kilimandjaro), L. a. pseudonupta (Belgian Congo, Stanleyville). [Po V.] Bernardi, G., "Note sur la variation geographique de Nepheronia (Leuceronia) buqueti Boisd. particulierement a Madagascar (Lep. Pieridre )" [in French]. Naturaliste malgache, vol. 10: pp. 81-86, 1 pI., 3 figs . "1958" [1959] . Note on the geographical variation of N . (L.) buqueti and description of N. (L.) buqueti pauliani n. ssp. (Madagascar: T ulear ). [P. V.] Bernardi, G., & P. Viette, "Deux nouvelles sous-especes fran<;aises du genre Zygama Fabricius (Lep. Zygrenidre)" [in French] . Entomologiste, vol. 15: pp. 3-6. 1959. Description of two new French subspecies: Z. sarpedon pictonorum (Vendee: LongeviIle ) & Z. lavanduliE lechaTlesi (Aude: Villespassans). [Po V.] Bernardi, G., & P. Viette, "Note sur la nomenclature de trois especes du genre ZygiEna Fabricius (Lep. Zygrenidre)" [in French] . Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon, vol. 29: pp. 238-248. 1960. The species of Zygeena usually named achilleee Esper, meliloti Esper, and scabiosee Scheven should be named: achilleee Esper, vicice Paula Scbrank, and dalmatina Boisduval. The names meliloti and scabiosee are incorrect. Except one, all the names of Zyg<ena of Denis and Schiffermtiller are nomina nuda. [P. V.] Bernardi, G., "Une nouvelle sous-espece de Colotis evippe L. (Lep. Pieridre)" [in French]. Bull. Soc. ent. France, vol. 65: pp. 123-124. 1960. C. e. mirei, a new ssp. of pierid from Tibesti Mts. [P. V.] Bernardi, G., & P. Viette, "A propos du

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