Chronologies Chronology of Events Appendices in Israel and Palestine Chronologies March sees a resurgence of violence end of August, when Egyptian media- conflict with the US, is announced by between Israel and the Islamic Jihad tion achieves a ceasefire declaration the Construction Minister Uri Ariel, from endangering the fragile truce agreement after 50 days of conflict which leaves the far right party Jewish Home (Habay- reached in November 2012 between more than 2,100 Palestinians and al- it Hayehudi) and is met with criticism Israel and Hamas, the ruling group in most a hundred Israelis dead. The final from the moderate members of the the Gaza Strip. Notwithstanding, in the quarter of the year is marked by new coalition government. first half of 2014, the US Secretary of recognitions by Western parliaments • On 11 January Ariel Sharon, Prime State John Kerry’s initiative to relaunch and governments of Palestine as a Minister of Israel between 2001 and the peace talks continues to advance. state, an increase in violence in the 2006, passes away. Part of this process of rapprochement, West Bank and East Jerusalem and the also supported by Jordan, includes the PNA’s announcement in December of Palestine release of thousands of Palestinian pris- Palestine’s formal request for full mem- oners held in Israel since late 2013, a bership of the International Court of • On 8 January the media reports new decision that is put on hold in April fol- Justice. In Israel, the unstable coalition negotiations between Fatah and Hamas lowing the PNA President Mahmoud government breaks apart in December which have been in process since the Abbas’ decision to apply to join 15 in- and early elections are called for March end of 2013 to achieve a Palestinian 383 ternational UN treaties and conventions. 2015 due to differences among mem- unity government. This, together with April’s announce- bers on practically all fronts, particu- • On 9 January several residents of ment to form a Palestinian unity govern- larly with respect to relations with the Palestinian refugee camps in the West ment between Fatah and Hamas, which PNA and November’s approval of the Bank set fire to tyres and set up road- comes to fruition in June, leads to the Israeli Nationality Law. blocks in protest over the consequenc- suspension of the rapprochement pro- es of the United Nations workers’ strike cess. For Israel’s part, the authorisation in the area, which began in early De- of new constructions in the Jewish set- January 2014 cember 2013 to demand a pay rise. tlements in Palestine-claimed territory and pressure from the ultra-nationalist Israel Peace Negotiations members of the Israeli coalition govern- ment also contribute to hindering efforts • On 5 January thousands of irregular • On 1 January the US State Secretary to resume negotiations. The subsequent immigrants, mostly Sudanese and Eri- John Kerry arrives in Tel Aviv to begin discovery on 30 June of the bodies of trean arriving in Israel through Egypt, his tenth visit to the region to reactivate three young Israelis kidnapped days call a strike and hold a mass protest on the peace talks since he assumed the before near Hebron, followed by the 8 January outside the Knesset building post on 1 February 2013. The visit murder of a young Palestinian in Jeru- (Parliament) in Jerusalem to demand an comes to an end on 6 January without salem turns the stalemate into full- end to the detentions and ask for their approval on a framework agreement. 2015 blown hostility with the breakout of regularisation as political refugees. • On 16 January the Israeli Prime Min- armed fighting between Israel and the • On 10 January four days after the US ister, Benjamin Netanyahu made an Gaza Strip. Thus, throughout July, Is- Secretary of State John Kerry leaves unexpected visit to Jordan to talk with rael responds to the rocket launches Israel following his tenth trip to Jerusa- King Abdullah II in an attempt to re- from Gaza with the activation of Opera- lem and Ramallah to reactivate the launch the US-brokered peace process. tion Protective Edge which includes a peace process, the Israeli government The visit comes a week after the PNA land offensive to neutralise Hamas and announces the tender for 1,400 new President Mahmoud Abbas’s visit to Islamic Jihad positions and destroy the homes in settlements in the West Bank Jordan to the same end. Mediterranean Yearbook network of secret tunnels along the bor- and East Jerusalem. The decision, de- • On 29 January Benjamin Netanyahu Med. Med. der. The offensive continues until the layed until Kerry’s departure to avoid demands that the Economy Minister and IE leader of the ultra-orthodox party Jewish • On 24 February the Israeli Air Force students (ultra-Orthodox Jews) of the Home, Naftali Bennet, publicly apolo- fires on a target in east Lebanon, close Yeshiva (religious academies) with the gise for his criticism of the Prime Min- to the border with Syria. Israeli defence only exception of 1,800 so-called Torah ister’s declarations at the Davos Forum. sources admit to unusual aerial activity prodigies. Appendices Netanyahu had stated that if a peace in the area, known to be a regular route • On 19 March Israel authorises the agreement were reached between the for trafficking arms to Hezbollah. construction of 186 new homes in East PNA and Israel, the possibility may exist Jerusalem, 40 of which are in Pisgat to consider Jewish settlers remaining Conflicts between the Parties Zeev and 146 in Har Homa. but living under Palestinian sovereignty. • On 19 March the Israeli army bombs Hours later, under the threat of Jewish • On 9 February Israel threatens Hamas several Syrian military targets in re- Chronologies Home’s expulsion from the coalition with harsh measures if it fails to stop the sponse to the previous night’s attack in government, Bennett retracts his criti- Islamic Jihad firing missiles from Gaza the Golan Heights in which four Israeli cism. For his part, the Palestinian Chief into southern Israel. In response to the soldiers are injured. Negotiator Saeb Erekat assures that the Gaza attacks, the Israeli army launches PNA would never agree to Israeli set- a missile that lands in the middle of the Conflicts between the Parties tlers remaining in Palestinian territory. Strip injuring two members of the Popu- lar Resistance Committees. • On 3 March an Israeli air strike on Conflicts between the Parties the Gaza Strip kills two Palestinians Peace Negotiations preparing to fire a rocket into southern • On 13 January two rockets are fired Israel. from the Gaza Strip into southern Israel, • On 19 February John Kerry and • On 12 March, in response to the hours before the funeral of former Prime Mahmoud Abbas meet in Paris as part Israeli army killing three Islamic Jihad Minister Ariel Sharon, for which Israel of Kerry’s initiative for the peace nego- militants who fired a missile into south- employs full security measures. tiations to resume between Israel and ern Israel hours earlier, the terrorist • On 15 January a group of Israeli set- Palestine and with the aim of establish- group launches Operation Breaking the tlers try to burn down a mosque in Dir ing a new negotiating framework before Silence and fires some 80 missiles into Istia, the West Bank, in response to the the end of April 2014. southern Israel. This is the most serious beating of two settlers who entered attack launched from Gaza since the Kusra where, according to local resi- truce agreement in November 2012. In 384 dents, they attacked a teenage boy. This March 2014 response, the Israeli air force attacks is the last case of so-called price-tag 29 Islamic Jihad positions in Gaza. attacks carried out by Israeli settlers on Israel • On 14 March six rockets fired from Palestinians and even on the Israeli army Gaza by the Islamic Jihad land in Shaar itself. According to a UN report, this • On 2 March around 400,000 peo- HaNegev, Ashkelon, Sderot and Eshkol kind of attacks has multiplied fourfold in ple demonstrate in Jerusalem against without causing any damages. the last eight years. the law that, as of 2017, will eliminate • On 22 March Hamas’ armed wing • On 22 January two members of the most exemptions of rabbinical students warns that it will avenge the death of one Islamic Jihad accused of launching mis- from compulsory military service, a of its leading figures in the West Bank, siles into Israeli territory during the fu- move driven by Yair Lapid, Finance Hamza Abu el-Hija, shot dead, together neral of former Prime Minister Ariel Minister and leader of the centrist par- with Mahmoud Abu Zeina, from Islamic Sharon, are killed in an Israeli airstrike ty Yesh Atid. Jihad’s armed wing, and Yazen Jabarin, on Beit Hanoun, Gaza. • On 5 March the Israeli navy an- from Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, • On 29 January a Palestinian from the nounces it has intercepted the Panama- in a raid on the Jenin refugee camp. Jalazone refugee camp in Ramallah is nian-flagged ship Klos C in internation- shot dead in the vicinity of the Israeli al waters in the Red Sea, travelling from Peace Negotiations settlement of Ofra, in the West Bank, by Iran and carrying Syrian-manufactured Israeli soldiers. M-302 rockets to the Gaza Strip. • On 6 March John Kerry meets Abdul- 2015 • On 12 March, despite a boycott lah II of Jordan in Aqaba to advance the from the opposition, the Knesset ap- proposal of a new negotiating frame- February 2014 proves the electoral reform that raises work for the peace talks the threshold for obtaining parliamen- Israel tary representation from 2% to 3.25% and sets the maximum number of min- April 2013 • On 17 February Benjamin Netanyahu isters at 18.
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