Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-1-1927 Bee Gee News January, 1927 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News January, 1927" (1927). BG News (Student Newspaper). 69. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/69 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. • • •. • •. t » o .» • • I • I ' ' « • • • • • > • I • I • >. a • , » ' ' » , I . • • • • t 00> i > 1 > ) , ,,3 >^—■,_.•. :••. ••• • D —r-.-y»m J BEE GEE NEWS STATE NORMAL COLLEGE BOWLING GREEN, OHIO JANUARY 1927 VOLUME VIII NUMBER 4 □:: :D • •• . ; . • • • • •• • . • • • • -•• • --- • ••nrtf.I'The PhilosophyMI *i _i of~r a_ Teacherrn 1 need_„„J to*« be1 well informed. It pays to know more than books. Who Has Been Through 12. The ability to say "no" firmly, the Mill but kindly is one mark ox a succersul teacher. As B. G. N. C- is primarily a teach- 13. Smile often. You can say almost ers' training institution, the philosophy anything to nearly anybody if you say of one long in the ranks should be of it with a smile. some interest to those aspiring to 14. Never get too serious to play. become teachers. Therefore we asked a 15. Have an absorbing avocation. veteran to formulate in homely and Your body won't do well on one article untechnical terms the principles which of diet, and your mind won't do well on he has found of greatest worth. The one kind of occupation. Nothing is better following advice and philosophy is tbtT than an avocation to bring back a sense result. —The Editor)' of relative values. 1. Your greatest single problem wili 16. Be a real friend. An investment doubtless be discipline. You can't very in friends pays big dividends. well be a poor disciplinarian and a good 17. Be sincere and natural—it's so teacher. advantageous. 2- To make a good boy or girl of a 18. Look at your fellow students bad one, you've got to build on what he sometime and ask, "Would I want him has, not on what you wish he had. or her to teach my children?" Then go 3. While a great many qualities go home, look in the mirror, and ask your- to make up a good teacher, three of self the same question. these are outstanding: sympathy, a sense 19. Make effort to come by that un- of humor, and thoroness. common virtue called "common sense." Sympathy is another name for un- 20. In every person, acquaintance or derstanding. A sense of humor is the pupil, you'll find what you look for. stabilizer which keeps you on an even Students are quick to sense this. If you keel. Thoroness gives one the satisfac- look for dross, you'll surely find it. Most tion of a task well done. students will only too gladly facilitate 4. When a good teacher sees a your search. But if you look for gold, former student blossom forth into a you'll find that, too—but you must look credit to mankind, he is justified in for it. Pupils are pathetically eager to saying, "I helped build that." help you in this search—and some gold 5. The absolute confidence which is always there. some youngster will have in you wi 1 be greater pay than any amount of money. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS 6. It's quite distressing to have some youngster "call your bluff." The 1. Push, said the button. moral is obvious. 2. Keep cool, said the fan. 7. "Growth in service" is the suc- 3. Work hard—cider. cessful teacher's motto. 4. Take pains—window. 8. If you don't wish to teach a little 5. Go slow—snail. more effectively than it has ever been 6. Root—pig- done before, you'd better not get into 7. Dig—shovel. the game. 8. Look sharp—razor. 9. Miracles may be accomplished by 9. Grow—weed. faith—faith in yourself and faith in 10. Be pure—snow. your students. 11. Stick to it—fly paper. 10. Good leaders are more to be de- 12. Be fair—-compact. sired than good drivers. 13. Be firm—concrete. 11. As an interpreter of life, you 14. Be strong—the onion. BEE GEE NEWS 8 15. Keep busy—the bee. 18. Sophomore: would-be sophisticat- 16. Be brave—kingbird. ed folks, a little less green than a fresh- 17. Get ahead—cabbage. man. 18. Ring true—bell. 19. Freshman: raw material; some- 19. Have a definite aim—rifle. times very raw. 20. Carry on—basket. 20. Skirt: a belt ruffle; raiment which 21. Believe—child. doesn't bag at the knees. 22. Do it quietly—cat- 21- Addressograph: circulation mana- 23. Look 'round—ball. ger. 24. Stand upright—smokestack. 22. Goat: a poor deluded animal; the 25 Be straight—ruler. editor. 26. Stay sweet—sugar. 23. Smacker: kale, long green; plunk, 27. Lift—pry. dough, bone, dollar. 28* Be faithful—dog. 24. Gas: a mathematical prodigy. 29. Be deep—well. 25. Skin of your teeth: the manner in 30. Study—professors. which you'll graduate. 26. Quiz: abbreviated form of inqui- SECOND INSTALLMENT OF B. G. sition. N. C. DICTIONARY 27. Budd: a young flower; we call ours Alice. 1. Enrollment fee: so much sub- 28. Ski: a device for sitting down tracted from your Keith vaudeville fund. promptly and emphatically; should be 2. Week end: head; time to go home attached to many public speakers. and give the old folks a treat. 29. She: personal pronoun; should be 3. Personality: what each fancies spelled with capitals when referring to himself to have. HER. 4. Specimen: what a jealous co-ed 30. Applesauce: a line that catches thinks of her room-mate's new hat. no sucker. 5- Hooch: a kick in the pants. 31. Preposition: a poor word to end a 6. Holiday: what makes life worth sentence with. while. 32. Cuff: abbreviated notebook. 7. Come hither: a command usually 33. Bored: attitude of average stu- conveyed by feminine eyes. dent. 8. Friend: a person who knows all about you but likes you just the same. Those who failed to attend the 9. No: a negative; girl's way of say- Christmas party on December 21, missed ing yes. about the most tasteful and appropriate 10. Mule: what you consider someone program the college ever sponsored- who doesn't agree with you. Miss Neilson and' her co-workers cer- 11. Crook: the fellow who borrows tainly engineered a very dignified func- your best suit and takes your girl to the tion. The playlet, "The Perfect Gift," show. was appropriate in every way, as was 12. Walking: the exercise Ford made the procession of robed singers. And pleasant. how everyone did enjoy the Christmas 13- Cynic: a bachelor. tree and Santa Claus. Even the most 14. Fuse: an electrical devise that exacting would be pleased with such a robs the suneptitious candy maker's life program. of joy. 15. Grind: the fellow who studies "Who ruined that cherry tree, son?" more than you do. Pierre Wheeler—"I cannot tell a lie, 16. Senior: one older; usually ad- dad, it was the San Jose scale." dresses you as "hey"! 17. Junior: one younger; usually two- A fly has 9,369,999 pores in its body. thirds asleep. If you don't believe it, count them. BEE GEE NEWS a committee of ninety-six educated men BEE GEE NEWS and women all of whose names are found in "Who's Who in America." Ar- Published By THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY ranged in order of their popularity as Bowling Green State Normal College published by the American Library As- Published Monthly Except Aug. and Sept. sociation. Have you read these? • Entered as second-class matter December 20, 1920, at Bowling Green, Ohio, under 1. "Ivanhoe" Scott the Act of March 3, 1879. 2. "David Copperfield" Dickens EDITORIAL STAFF 3. "The Scarlet Letter" Hawthorne Editor-in-Chief - T. F. Edwards. Fremont 4. "Les Miserables" - Hugo Ass't Editor - Ralph Engle, Bowling Green Athletic Editor - F. Roach, Potsdam, N. Y. 5. Autobiography - Franklin Literary Ed. - Charlotte Gaeth Oak Harbor 6. "Man Without a Country"... Hale • Society Editor - - Marie Dock, Toledo Circulation Mgr. - Robt. Wyandt, Convoy 7. "Ben Hur" Wallace Adver. Mgr. - Chas. Freehafer, Belville, O. Reporter - - Marguerite Bremer, Lorain 8. "The Tempest", "King Lear," Reporter - - Catherine Auxter, Lindsey "Hamlet" - Shakespeare Alumni Editor - Prof. Schaller, B. Green Faculty Auvisor - Prof. Beattie, Agr. Dept. 9. "Life of Johnson Boswell * SUBSCRIPTION RATES 10- "Pilgrim's Progress" Bunyan Single Copy 5 cents Per Year 50 cents Subscription payable in advance Library Notes Send all Remittances to CIRCULATION MGR., BEE GEE NEWS Bowling Green, Ohio The dictionary catalog is a library f In care of B. G. S. N. C. tool that is found in nearly all well or- ganized libraries. Ie derives its name It was quite clever, that Noel singing from its arrangement, author card, title * on Wednesday before Christmas. Miss card, and subject card being arranged Morelock, Miss Shuler, Miss Loomis, in the same order as the words of a Miss Clements, and the music students dictionary. Suppose for instance that « deserve credit for a very creditable you wished to find the number for Mc- piece of work.
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