DOCUMR117 ROSUNO ED031919 64 Em 007 195 By-Miler. Elwood E. Director Single Con:ept Film Clip Project; Parts One and Two. Michigan State Univ.. East Lansing. Spons Agency-Office of Education (DHEW). Washington. DC. Bureau of Research. Bureau No -BR -5-0281 Pub Date I Dec 67 Contract -DEC -4 -16.030 Note 29 o.: Two poets Available from-Michigan State University. East Lansing, Michigan. Instructional Media Center EDRS Price PC -S125 HC 114.85 Descriptors-Audiovisual Aids. Classroom Materials. Classroom Techniques. Communications. DataProcessing. Filmstrip Projectors. *Filmstrips. Film Study. Indexes (Locaters). Indexing. Information Dissemination. Information Retrieval. Information Storage. Instructional Films. Instructional Materials.Instructional Media. *Instructional Technology. Perception. *Single Concept Firm Identifiers-Basic Indexing and Retrieval System. BIRS. Michigan State University. *Single ConceptFAm Clip Project This project had a two-fold objective. namely to record on film aspectsof a significant period in the history of education in the United Stateswhich had been reported almost entirely in print heretofore. and to organize and structurethis information so as to link theory with practice. to the improvementof instruction generally when used in teacher education programs. The first partof the project included a national conference on cartridged films inFebruary 1967. and is full documented in this report. The second part. based or. the findings of the first was concerned with an intensive invc:Itigation of the single conceptfilm idea. namely 'a short segment of film with a sr.vf::. discrete. and describableinstructional content'. The problem was to develop 'practicable systems for the maintenance. retrieval, distribution. and projectionof film clips (single-concept. dosed-loop films) from existing 16mm instructionalfilms'. This report states the problem and purpose of the project. and discusses its methods.results. conclusions. recommendations and projections. (CO) FINAL Rr1PORT CONTRACT NUMBER 0E-4-16-030 The Michigan State University SINGLE CONCEPT FILM ('TD PROJCT Part I Report On The NATIONAL CONFERENCE ONCARTRIDGED FILMS February 22, 23, and 24, 1967 JUNE 1, 1967 1 iasp lej*slid ow . INIVI v sasila MIN Mu a amo. memo U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Office of Education Bureau of Research U.S. DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS Of VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE Of EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. SINGLE CONCEPT FILM CLIP PROJECT Part I A report on the National t'r%nf....reinr.0 on Cartridged Films, held at Michigan State University on February 22, 23, and 2z14,1967. 0E-4-16-030 Dr. Elwood E. Miller, Project Director and Conference Chairman June 1, 1967 The research reported herein was performed pursuant to a contract with the Office of Education, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Contractors undertaking such projects under Govern- ment sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their professional judgment in the conduct of the project. Points of view cr opinions stated do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Office of Education position ox policy. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY East Lansing, Michigan Fr%1P7'7'111"1 ) .00.4% M.R14 rrte. `. 2 v C k°*24 C "la 'lbC bo. I b1 C 1. PUBLICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER 3 I. Introduction Films on II. Modular Dczignfor a Series of Communication Theoryand the New Educational Media for usein Teacher 7 Education by Robert W. Wagner and Pitfalls - III. 8MM -- ItsPromises, Problems, As Viewed byFilm Producersand 31 Distributors by Albert R.Bailey Cartridged FilmEquipment --- Where DoWe IV. 43 Go From Here ??? by Elwood E.Miller 71 V. Promises and Pitfalls by Elwood E.Miller Charles G. Bollmann BIRS: A Systemof General PurposeComputer VI. 83 Programs forInformation Retrieval . by John F.Vinsonhaler . 107 VII. Information Storageand Retrieval Systems by Dennis H.Jaroh Research . 123 VIII. The Short Filmin Audiovisual by Thomas F.Baldwin Table of Contents Continued IX. A Comparative Study of the afectiveness of Using a Full Film and Short Format Films to Teach Chemistry 129 by Lloyd A. Trinklein X. Question Sets General Questions Needing a Position of Perception , .. 139 XI. Dr. Gabriel Ofiesh 151 XII. Dr. Paul Witt 157 XIII. Dr. James Brown 163 XIV. Summary . ........... 169 XV. Participants 179 ii POREWARD AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Final reports on the SingleConcept Film Clip Project have been issuedin two sections. Section One is the report onthe NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CARTRIDGEDFILMS held on the Michigan State University CampusFebruary 22, 23, and 24, 1967. Part Two is the finalreport of the project,incorporating the description of procedures, thefindings, a description of the computer informationsystem and suggestions for further research. THE STUDY STAFF Director: July 1, 1964 through June30, 1965 Dr. James L. Page Director: July 1, 1965 through June30, 1967 Dr. Elwood E. Miller Project Associates: Dr. Castelle Gentry(1964-65) Mr. Charles G.Bollmann (1965-67) Mr. Dennis Jaroh(1966-67) Advisory Committee: Dr. Charles F.Schuller, Chairman Dr. John M. Mason Dr. T. Wayne Taylor Dr. Julian R. Brandou Dr. Horace C. Hartsell Dr. Lawrence M. Sommers Dr. John A. Ramsey Dr. James L. Page Professor Edward P. McCoy Staff Specialists: Dr. Lloyd Trinklein Mrs. Ardith Hanna Miss Joy Klug Mr. David Jones THE PRELIMINARY PAPERS The Conference Planning;Committee decided to request the preparationof three preliminary papers to send tothe participants thirty days ahead of the meeting. The strategy was to pre- pare thedele-3ates for the discourse that was to follow, in order toget the discussion to the "heart of the matter"in as short a time as possible. The following three papers were pre- pared specifically for theNational Conference on CartridyedFilms, reprinted and sent tothe Delegates in late January, 196-i. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION THE NATIONAL CONFERENCEON CARTRIDGED FILMS During the course of thefirst two years devoted to the investigation of single conceptfilms and their sources at Michigan State University,it became apparent that anational meeting of some type was necessaryin order to fulfill many of the objectives and someof the functionsidentified by the staff members ofMichigan State. As a result, one of the major reasons forasking for a one-yearcontinuance of the Project, was to planand execute such aconference to be held on the Michigan Statecampus earlyin the 1967 calendar year. It seemed to thestaff of the Project thatthe major dimensions of a NationalConference should besomewhat broader than just those ofsingle concept films. True, the single concept movement firsttriggered the need for the conference and yet the staffhad arrived at animportant conclusion by the time theconference was planned. The true value of thesingle concept film perhaps wasas much in the cartridgingof the films as it wasin the nature of the films themselves. And so plans wereformulated for sponsoring a "Nations'.Conference on CartridgedFilms" both of the single concept and moretraditional variety to be held at Michigan StateUniversity during the one-year project extension. The Conference washeld in February of 1967. One of the majorfunctions of the Conference wasto disseminate information aboutthe findings of theSingle Concept Film Project at MichiganState University underthe financial sponsorship of the U.S.Office of Education. Therefore, the first partof the Conference wasdevoted to just such a report. Furthermore, it was feltthat a serious study was needed in the areaof standards so far asthe emerg- ing 8mm film world wasconcerned. So a second majorfunction of the Conference was aserious look at thestandards prob- lem as it related toboth single concept andother types of cartridged films. Therefore, the Conference wasdesigned to serve the dual purpose offormulating an intensivedialogue on single concept films and thefilm standards situation, aswell as serving as a vehicle fordissemination of informationand about the investigation atMichigan State. et 4 The selection ofparticipants by the PlanningCommittee was dividedin two generalcategories. The first category business and indus- included representativesfrom the American roughly equal numbers four trial community. They included in representatives of the film different groups. The first were production companieswho are concernedwith making films for film producers also pro- the educationalmarket. Many of these 8mm format duce single conceptfilms in the 8mm or the super in- fox- marketing toschools and universities.A second group manufacturers of equip- vited to sendrepresentatives, were the ment for use inretrieving such filmedinformation il.vui zingle Invitations were issued concept andother cartridged films. to all of themajor equipmentmanufacturers, whether or not they were presentlyengaged in makingequipment specifically for this field. Nearly all of themanufacturers responded represented and were representedat the meeting. A third group knowledge in- at the Conference werethe educational systems or newly emerging dustry representatives. These are some of the "systems" people who areconcerned with bothhardware and soft- ware so far asmarketing educationalpackages are concerned. Several people werepresent from thesenewly emerging American represented were the corporates structures. A fourth group serious concern in
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