SUSTAINABLE ECOSYSTEMS ADVANCED (SEA) PROJECT Quarterly Report First Quarter of FY 2017 October-December, 2016 JANUARY 2017 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It was prepared by Tetra Tech. USAIDSEA PROJECT Contract Number : AID-497-C-16-00008 Project Title : Indonesia Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced (SEA) Project Contract Period : March 21, 2016 to March 22, 2021 Prepared for : USAID Indonesia Submitted to Celly Catharina, Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) [email protected] Submitted by : Tetra Tech 159 Bank Street, Suite 300, Burlington, VT 05401 Tel: 802-495-0282, Fax: 802 658-4247 www.tetratech.com/intdev Submitted on : January 15, 2017 Tetra Tech Contacts: Alan White, Chief of Party [email protected] Tiene Gunawan, Deputy Chief of Party [email protected] Gina Green, Project Manager [email protected] Cover Photograph: (in a clockwise direction) Woman Fisher in West Ceram; Perception Survey Trial at University of Pattimura, Maluku; Public Boats Transportation, North Maluku; Mangroves in North Maluku. SUSTAINABLE ECOSYSTEMS ADVANCED (SEA) PROJECT QUARTERLY REPORT FIRST QUARTER OF FY2017 OCTOBER THROUGH DECEMBER, 2016 DISCLAIMER The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. TABLE OF CONTENT TABLE OF CONTENT .............................................................................................................. 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................... 8 First Quarter FY2017 Highlights (October 2016 – December 2016) ......................................................... 8 RINGKASAN EKSEKUTIF ...................................................................................................... 9 Capaian Kuartal Pertama FY2017 (Oktober 2016 – Desember 2016) ........................................................ 9 USAID SEA PROJECT OVERVIEW .................................................................................... 10 Key Results ................................................................................................................................................. 10 Geographic Locations and Site Selection ................................................................................................... 11 APPROACHES FOR IMPROVED FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ............................. 13 Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 13 Strategic Approach 2: Improve Ecosystem Management of FMA-715 and MPAs ..................................... 13 Technical Approach 1: Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management .................................................... 14 Technical Approach 2: Marine Protected Areas ........................................................................................ 17 Technical Approach 3: Marine Spatial Planning .......................................................................................... 21 Technical Approach 4: Law Enforcement .................................................................................................. 22 APPROACHES FOR ADDRESSING ENABLING CONDITIONS ........................... 24 Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 24 Strategic Approach 1: Create Demand through Awareness Raising and Advocacy .................................. 24 Strategic Approach 3: Increase Incentives for Marine Stewardship ........................................................... 26 Strategic Approach 4: Advance the Development of Marine and Fisheries Policies and Regulations ....... 26 Strategic Approach 5: Institutionalize Training and Capacity Building ....................................................... 27 MANAGEMENT COMPONENTS AND CROSS-CUTTING ACTIVITIES ......... 30 Mobilization Activities ................................................................................................................................ 30 Communications and Coordination with Other Programs ....................................................................... 31 Refining M&E Indicators and Protocols ...................................................................................................... 31 PROGRESS THIS QUARTER: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES ............. 32 SUMMARY OF USAID SEA PROJECT ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND PLAN FOR SECOND QUARTER FY17 (APRIL – JUNE 2017) .............................................. 36 APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 39 APPENDIX I: WORKPLAN ACTIVITIES .................................................................................................. 39 APPENDIX II: FIRST QUARTER FY17 MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES ..................................................... 69 Appendix III. SEA Project Achievement of Key Indicators for FY 2017 First Quarter ........................... 114 4 SEA PROJECT QUARTERLY REPORT | First Quarter of FY 2017 TABLES AND FIGURES LIST OF TABLES Table 1. SEA Project Potential Target Sites for Fisheries and MPA (FY 16-17) .................... 12 Table 2. USAID SEA Project New Staffs October – December 2016 ................................... 30 Table 3. List of Challenges and Opportunities Quarter 1 FY2017 ....................................... 32 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. USAID SEA Project Sites for Fisheries and MPAs................................ ................... 11 Figure 2. An enumerator during discussion with local fishers to verify local names for fish in North Maluku ........................................................................................................ 14 Figure 3. The first Stock Assessment meeting December 7, 2016. ....................................... 16 Figure 4. A presentation to introduce the USAID SEA Project and the MPA Draft Work Plan during an evening session at the 1st International Symposium of Marine Biodiversity and Conservation of Birds Head Seascape (BHS). ................................................. 18 Figure 5. An enumerator during an interview with local fisher in Moti Island ...................... 19 Figure 6. Blue whale in Banda Sea, 6 Nov 2016 (Photo: Ali Tamher) .................................... 20 Figure 7. Pygmy killer whale and her calf in east P. Kelang (Photo: Frangklin Leithenu) ....... 21 Figure 8. Participants of the pilot event of “Perception Survey on Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries” in UNPATTI, Maluku ........................................................... 25 Figure 9. Participants of MPA 101 Training in North Maluku held by CTC. ......................... 29 5 SEA PROJECT QUARTERLY REPORT | First Quarter of FY 2017 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BIG Badan Informasi Geospasial (Geospatial Information Agency) BPSDM Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (Human Resources Development Board) CAP Conservation Action Planning CI Conservation International COP Chief of Party CTC Coral Triangle Center DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DISHIDROS-AL Pusat Hidrografi dan Oseanografi Angkatan Laut (Indonesian Navy Center for Hydrology and Oceanography) DG Directorate General DGCF Directorate General of Capture Fisherie, MMAF DKP Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan (Provincial Office of Marine Affairs and Fisheries) EAFM Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management EBM Ecosystem -Based approach to Management FEO Fisheries Extension Officers FMA Fisheries Management Area (Wilayah Pengelolaan Perikanan – WPP) FTF Feed the Future GOI Government of Indonesia IUU Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported (Fisheries) KKP Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries) KKNI Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (National Qualification Framework) KPK Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (Committee for Corruption Eradication) LC Learning Center LIPI Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (Indonesian Institute of Science) LTTA Long-Term Technical Assistance ME&L Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning MMAF Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries MPA Marine Protected Areas MSP Marine Spatial Planning NWG National Working Group NGO Nongovernmental Organization NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration PPN Pelabuhan Perikanan Nasional (National Fisheries Port) PSDI Direktorat Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Ikan, KKP (Directorate of Fisheries Resources Management, MMAF) PSM Port State Measures PSPL Loka Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Pesisir dan Laut (Technical Implementation Unit for Coastal and Marine Resource Management) PUSLAT KP Pusat Pelatihan Kelautan dan Perikanan, KKP (Center of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Training, MMAF) PUSLITBANGKAN Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perikanan (Center of Fisheries Research and Development) 6 SEA PROJECT QUARTERLY REPORT | First Quarter of FY 2017 RZWP3K Rencana Zonasi Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil (Coastal Areasand Small Islands Zoning Plans) SA Strategic Approach SCS Senior Curriculum Specialist SEA Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced SIMKADA Sistem Informasi Izin Kapal Daerah (Vessel Registration System) SKKNI Standard Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (National Work Competency Standards) SK3 Standar Kompetensi Kerja Khusus (Special Work Competency
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