DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Council Chambers – Community Centre 4450-6th Street Peachland Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. Mission Statement Our Mission is to provide our taxpayers, residents and businesses with affordable quality services and to keep them apprised of and engaged in District affairs by conducting ourselves in a transparent way Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA 3. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA 4. PRESENTATIONS & DELEGATIONS A. Oktoberfest Event Weekend Update (15 min) Bud Day, Oktoberfest Society 5. ADOPTION OF MINUTES A. Regular Council Meeting held June 23, 2015 5 - 10 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 7. COMMITTEE & STAFF REPORTS A. Minutes to be received for information: 11 - 21 COTW Meeting minutes held Tuesday, June 23, 2015 MTFCC Meeting draft minutes held Wednesday, June 24, 2015 TPC Meeting minutes held Thursday, May 28, 2015 B. Councillors' Committee Reports Department Reports for the Month of June A. Community Services 23 - 24 B. Corporate Services 25 C. Fire and Rescue Services 27 Page 1 of 146 Page D. Planning and Development Services 29 - 31 E. Public Works 33 8. ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE A. Cemetery Rates Bylaw No. 1701, Amendment Bylaw No. 2096, 2015 35 - 47 First, Second and Third Reading Consideration 9. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT A. Accessible Fishing Pier in Heritage Park 49 - 62 Request for Decision B. Zoning Bylaw No. 1375, Amendment Bylaw No. 2052, 2015 and 63 - 86 Development Permit Application - 5325 Trepanier Bench Road and 5334 Huston Road First, Second and Third Reading Consideration and Request for Decision C. Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw No. 2119, 2015 87 - 138 First, Second and Third Reading Consideration 10. PUBLIC WORKS A. Forest Stewardship Plan Referral (#15-FN-01) for Tolko Okanagan 139 - 143 Woodlands Request for Decision 11. COMMUNITY SERVICES AND RECREATION 12. MAYOR & COUNCILLORS' REPORTS 13. NOTICE OF MOTION 14. CORRESPONDENCE 14.1 For Action: 14.2 For Information: A. Regional District of the Central Okanagan 145 - 146 Re: Board Meeting Highlights 15. OTHER BUSINESS 16. QUESTION PERIOD Page 2 of 146 Page 17. ADJOURNMENT Polly Palmer Corporate Officer July 10,. 2015 Page 3 of 146 Page 4 of 146 AGENDA ITEM # 5.A. THE CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF PEACHLAND Regular Council Meeting Minutes Held Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 7 PM In the Council Chambers – Community Centre PRESENT: Mayor Fortin, Councillors Condon, Cunningham, Kent, Schierbeck, Thom and Vucinovic CAO Elsie Lemke Corporate Officer Polly Palmer Director of Finance Doug Pryde Director of Operations Joe Mitchell Director of Planning Cory Gain Members of the Public Members of the Media ABSENT: Nil. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Fortin called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. AMENDMENTS TO Nil. THE AGENDA APPROVAL OF THE MOVED by Councillor Schierbeck, SECONDED by Councillor Kent: AGENDA RC-23/06/15-001 THAT the agenda be approved as presented. CARRIED. PRESENTATIONS & DELEGATIONS ADOPTION OF MINUTES REGULAR MOVED by Councillor Kent, SECONDED by Councillor Thom: COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES RC-23/06/15-002 THAT the Regular Council Meeting minutes held Tuesday, June 9, 2015 be approved as presented CARRIED. SPECIAL JOINT MOVED by Councillor Vucinovic, SECONDED by Councillor Condon: COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES RC-23/06/15-003 THAT the Special Joint Council Meeting with Westbank First Nations minutes held Monday, March 23, 2015 be approved as presented CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS COMMITTEE & STAFF REPORTS MINUTES TO BE MOVED by Councillor Thom, SECONDED by Councillor Kent: RECEIVED FOR INFORMATION RC-23/06/15-004 THAT the following minutes be received for information COTW Meeting held Tuesday, June 9, 2015 PEDC Meeting held Thursday April 9, 2015 PEDC Meeting held Thursday June 11, 2015 CARRIED. Regular Council Meeting held June 23, 2015 Page 5 of 146 AGENDA ITEM # 5.A. Regular Council Meeting Minutes June 23, 2015 Page 2 PEACHLAND Councillor Kent introduced a recommendation from the Peachland Economic ECONOMIC Development Committee (PEDC). It was noted that they want to measure and DEVELOPMENT compare downtown incentive programs to other communities COMMITTEE Discussion ensued relative to: RECOMMENDATION: Proposing to extend the Revitalization Tax Exemption zone from 3rd Street up to and including 6th Street Proposing to extend the 3 year period for an additional 3 years Would like to be competitive in incentives and be aggressive pursuing economic development DCC’s, Downtown parking charges, and community amenities charges are deterrents to redevelopment Webcasting came online at 7:15 p.m. Discussion ensued relative to: Staff is currently addressing some of the above items Policy work is in addition to day to day operations and would require a budget impact or longer timeline (Spring 2016) in order to complete the work in a comprehensive manner Report would ask for an inventory of incentives and what other communities are doing MOVED by Councillor Kent, SECONDED by Councillor Vucinovic: RC-23/06/15-005 THAT Council direct staff to prepare a report on the development incentive programs in the neighbouring communities and provide recommendations for Peachland to equal or exceed these incentives in the core commercial area and to be presented to Council in the Spring of 2016. CARRIED. COUNCILLORS' Nil. COMMITTEE REPORTS HERITAGE The Heritage Strategy Plan was presented to Council for consideration: STRATEGY PLAN Discussion ensued relative to: Who will be on the Committee? Councillors Thom and Schierbeck have volunteered to work on/ with the committee Communication to be established with the Committee for mandate and membership MOVED by Councillor Condon, SECONDED by Councillor Vucinovic: RC-23/06/15-006 THAT the Heritage Strategy Plan by the Historical Society be received or information and endorsed; and THAT a project committee be established to create and formalize an action plan CARRIED. ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE Regular Council Meeting held June 23, 2015 Page 6 of 146 AGENDA ITEM # 5.A. Regular Council Meeting Minutes June 23, 2015 Page 3 2015 ANNUAL CAO, Elsie Lemke presented the 2015 Annual Report to Council. REPORT Mayor Fortin asked the audience if there was anyone in the public that wished to come forward to comment on the 2015 Annual Report No one came forward MOVED by Councillor Condon, SECONDED by Councillor Schierbeck: RC-23/06/15-007 THAT Council adopt the 2015 Annual Report as presented CARRIED. 2014 STATEMENT Director of Finance, Doug Pryde presented a report regarding the 2014 OF FINANCIAL Statement of Financial Information INFORMATION MOVED by Councillor Condon, SECONDED by Councillor Schierbeck: RC-23/06/15-008 THAT Council approves the 2014 Statement of Financial Information CARRIED. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT Director of Planning and Development, Cory Gain presented a report regarding VARIANCE PERMIT a Development Variance Permit for 5969 Victoria Street.It was noted that the - 5969 VICTORIA variance, to change the side yard set back to 12 feet from 15 feet, is to install STREET an improved and safer landing at the top of a replacement staircase. Discussion ensued relative to: One letter of support was received, no objections MOVED by Councillor Condon, SECONDED by Councillor Schierbeck: RC-23/06/15-009 THAT Council authorize the issuance of Development Variance Permit DVP 15-02 to vary the following provision of District of Peachland Zoning bylaw No. 1375, 1996: 1. Part 13 R-1 Single Family residential Zone, Section F Side Yard setback on a Landing a Flanking Street from 4.5 m (15 ft.) to 3.5 m (12 ft.); and 2. Part 4 Section D Regulations Applicable to All Zones Subsection 16 Setbacks to vary the permitted encroachment into the setback requirement: from .6 m (2 ft.) to a maximum of 0.66 m (2.2 ft.); and from a maximum length of 2.4 m (8 ft.) to 6.0 m (20 ft.) to permit the expansion of an entrance deck on an existing house located at 5969 Victoria Street and legally described as Lot 2 District Lots 1185 and 490 Osoyoos Division Yale District Plan 28616 CARRIED. ELECTORAL AREA Director of Planning and Development Services, Cory Gain presented a report PLANNING - A1502 - regarding Electoral Area Planning Referral, to apply for a Home Site SUBDIVISION Severance on ALR lands at 2120 Anderson Road in the Ellison Area of the WITHIN THE RDCO. It was noted that the District of Peachland's interests are unaffected AGRICULTURAL LAND RESERVE - ELLISON AREA Regular Council Meeting held June 23, 2015 Page 7 of 146 AGENDA ITEM # 5.A. Regular Council Meeting Minutes June 23, 2015 Page 4 MOVED by Councillor Condon, SECONDED by Councillor Schierbeck: RC-23/06/15-010 THAT Council support the RDCO referral that the District of Peachland's interests are unaffected by the application for a "Home Site Severance on ALR Lands" to suba 0.4 ha (1 acre) lot from the 6.2 ha (15.27 are) or Lot 31, Plan 475, Sec. 12, Twp. 23, ODYD, Except Plan KAP71300 at 4120 Anderson Road, Ellison; and THAT Council respond to the RDCO referral that the District of Peachland's interests are unaffected by the proposed "Home Site Severance on ALR Lands" CARRIED. ELECTORAL AREA Director of Planning and Development Services, Cory Gain presented a report PLANNING regarding Electoral Area Planning Referral to amend the RDCO Zoning Bylaw REFERRAL Z15/03 - No. 871, Section 3.25 Temporary Agricultural Worker Dwelling and TEMPORARY Accommodation. It was noted that the District of Peachland’s interests are AGRICULTURAL unaffected. WORKER DWELLING AND MOVED by Councillor Schierbeck, SECONDED by Councillor Condon: ACCOMODATION RC-23/06/15-011 THAT Council respond to the RDCO referral that the District of Peachland's interests are unaffected by the proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment Bylaw 871-229 to amend Section 3.25 Temporary Agricultural Worker Dwelling and Accommodation for Lot 2, Section 12, Township 23, ODYD, Plan 19835 to increase the maximum building gross floor area, allow permanent foundation or footings and reduce the minimum setback of a building from any parcel line CARRIED.
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