APPENDIX I ROSTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS (As of 31 December 1955) TOTAL AREA ESTIMATED POPULATION DATE OF U.N. COUNTRY (square kilometres) Date Total MEMBERSHIP (in thousands) Afghanistan 650,000 1 Jul. 1951 12,000 19 Nov. 46 Albania 28,748 1 Jul. 1948 1,175 14 Dec. 55 Argentina 2,808,602 1 Jun. 1955 19,110 24 Oct. 45 Australia 7,703,867 30 Jun. 1955 9,201 27 Dec. 45 Austria 83,850 31 Dec. 1954 6,972 14 Dec. 55 Belgium 20,507 31 Dec. 1954 8,841 27 Dec. 45 Bolivia 1,098,581 1 Sep. 1954 3,162 14 Nov. 45 Brazil 8,513,844 1 Jul. 1955 58,456 24 Oct. 45 Bulgaria 110,842 1953 7,500 14 Dec. 55 Burma 677,950 1 Jul. 1954 19,242 19 Apr. 48 Byelorussian SSR 207,600 17 Jan. 1939 5,568 24 Oct. 45 Cambodia 175,000 1 Jul. 1951 4,000 14 Dec, 55 Canada 9,960,547 1 Jul. 1955 15,637 9 Nov. 45 Ceylon 65,610 31 Dec. 1954 8,478 14 Dec. 55 Chile 741,767 30 Jun. 1955 6,560 24 Oct. 45 China 9,736,288 1 Jul. 1948 463,493 24 Oct. 45 Colombia 1,138,355 5 Jul. 1955 12,657 5 Nov. 45 Costa Rica 51,011 1 Jul. 1955 951 2 Nov. 45 Cuba 114,524 28 Jan. 1953 5,807 24 Oct. 45 Czechoslovakia 127,827 31 Dec. 1954 13,020 24 Oct. 45 Denmark 42,936 31 Dec. 1954 4,424 24 Oct. 45 Dominican Republic 48,734 1 Jul. 1955 2,404 24 Oct. 45 Ecuador 270,670 1 Jul. 1954 3,567 21 Dec. 45 Egypt 1,000,000 1 Jul. 1955 23,240 24 Oct. 45 El Salvador 20,877 31 Dec. 1954 2,158 24 Oct. 45 Ethiopia 1,184,320 1 Jul. 1951 15,000 13 Nov. 45 Finland 337,009 1 Sep. 1955 4,251 14 Dec. 55 France 551,255 1 Jul. 1955 43,300 24 Oct. 45 Greece 132,562 31 Dec. 1954 7,938 25 Oct. 45 Guatemala 108,889 31 Dec. 1954 3,201 21 Nov. 45 Haiti 27,750 1 Jul. 1954 3,506 24 Oct. 45 Honduras 112,088 1 Jul. 1955 1,660 17 Dec. 45 Hungary 93,011 1 Jul. 1955 9,808 14 Dec. 55 Iceland 103,000 31 Dec. 1954 155 19 Nov. 45 India 3,288,375 1 Jul. 1954 377,000 30 Oct. 45 Indonesia 1,491,564 1 Jul. 1954 81,100 28 Sep. 50 Iran 1,630,000 1 Jul. 1955 21,146 24 Oct. 45 Iraq 444,442 1 Jul. 1954 4,948 21 Dec. 45 Ireland 70,282 1 Jul. 1954 2,933 14 Dec. 55 Israel 20,678 30 Sep. 1955 1,764 11 May 49 Italy 301,191 31 Aug. 1955 48,744 14 Dec. 55 Jordan 96,513 31 Dec. 1954 1,403 14 Dec. 55 Laos 237,000 1 Jul. 1952 1,356 14 Dec. 55 Lebanon 10,400 1 Jul. 1954 1,383 24 Oct. 45 APPENDIX I. ROSTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS 455 TOTAL AREA ESTIMATED POPULATION DATE OF U.N. COUNTRY (square kilometres) Date Total MEMBERSHIP (in thousands) Liberia 111,370 1 Jul. 1954 1,250 2 Nov. 45 Libya 1,759,540 2 Aug. 1954 1,092 14 Dec. 55 Luxembourg 2,586 31 Dec. 1954 308 24 Oct. 45 Mexico 1,969,367 1 Jul. 1954 28,849 7 Nov. 45 Nepal 140,000 28 May 1954 8,432 14 Dec. 55 Netherlands 40,893 1 Sep. 1955 10,776 10 Dec. 45 New Zealand 267,985 1 Jun. 1955 2,136 24 Oct. 45 Nicaragua 148,000 31 Dec. 1954 1,224 24 Oct. 45 Norway 323,917 31 Dec. 1954 3,408 27 Nov. 45 Pakistan 943,736 1 Jul. 1954 80,167 30 Sep. 47 Panama 74,470 1 Jul. 1954 886 13 Nov. 45 Paraguay 406,752 1 Jul. 1955 1,565 24 Oct. 45 Peru 1,311,030 1 Jul. 1955 9,396 31 Oct. 45 Philippines 299,404 1 Jul. 1954 21,440 24 Oct. 45 Poland 311,730 1953 26,500 24 Oct. 45 Portugal 92,161 1 Nov. 1955 8,789 14 Dec. 55 Romania 237,502 1953 17,150 14 Dec. 55 Saudi Arabia 1,600,000 1 Jul. 1952 7,000 24 Oct. 45 Spain 503,061 1 Jul. 1955 28,976 14 Dec. 55 Sweden 449,200 1 Jul. 1955 7,260 19 Nov. 45 - Syria 181,337 1 Jul. 1954 3,670 24 Oct. 45 Thailand 514,000 1 Jul. 1955 20,300 16 Dec. 46 Turkey 776,980 23 Oct. 1955 24,110 24 Oct. 45 Ukrainian SSR 576,600 17 Jan. 1939 30,960 24 Oct. 45 Union of South Africa 1,223,409 1 Jul. 1955 13,669 7 Nov. 45 USSR 22,270,600 31 Dec. 1954 216,000 24 Oct. 45 United Kingdom 244,015 30 Jun. 1954 51,059 24 Oct. 45 United States 7,827,976 1 May 1955 163,755 24 Oct. 45 Uruguay 186,926 31 Dec. 1953 2,550 18 Dec. 45 Venezuela 912,050 1 Jul. 1955 5,774 15 Nov. 45 Yemen 195,000 1 Jul. 1949 4,500 30 Sep. 47 Yugoslavia 255,804 30 Jun. 1955 17,550 24 Oct. 45 APPENDIX II STRUCTURE OF THE UNITED NATIONS THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY The General Assembly is composed of all the Mem- Rapporteur: Janez Stanovnik (Yugoslavia). bers of the United Nations. (For delegations to the 10th session, see APPENDIX IV.) THIRD COMMITTEE President, 10th session: Jose Maza (Chile). Chairman: Omar Loutfi (Egypt). Vice-Presidents, 10th session: China, Ethiopia, France, Vice-Chairman: Miss Minerva Bernardino (Dominican Luxembourg, USSR, United Kingdom, United Republic). States (the Chairmen of the respective delegations Rapporteur: Hermod Lannung (Denmark). act as Vice-Presidents). The Assembly has four types of committees: Main FOURTH COMMITTEE Committees, procedural committees, standing com- Chairman: Luciano Joublanc-Rivas (Mexico). mittees, and subsidiary and ad hoc bodies. Vice-Chairman: Oldrich Kaisr (Czechoslovakia). Rapporteur: Daniel Massonet (Belgium). MAIN COMMITTEES FIFTH COMMITTEE Six Main Committees are established under the Chairman: Hans Engen (Norway). rules of procedure of the General Assembly. Vice-Chairman: Kadim Khalaf (Iraq). First Committee. Political and Security (including the Rapporteur: Mauro Mendez (Philippines). regulation of armaments). Second Committee. Economic and Financial. SIXTH COMMITTEE Third Committee. Social, Humanitarian and Cultural. Chairman: Manfred Lachs (Poland). Fourth Committee. Trusteeship (including Non-Self- Vice-Chairman: Quintin Alfonsin (Uruguay). Governing Territories). Rapporteur: A. J. P. Tammes (Netherlands). Fifth Committee. Administrative and Budgetary. Sixth Committee. Legal. PROCEDURAL COMMITTEES Each Member may be represented by one person There are two procedural committees: the General on each Main Committee. Committee and the Credentials Committee. In addition to these six Main Committees, the General Assembly may constitute other committees, GENERAL COMMITTEE on which all Members have the right to be rep- In accordance with the rules of procedure, the resented. During 1955, as at previous sessions, it General Committee consists of the President of the established an Ad Hoc Political Committee. General Assembly, as Chairman, the Vice-Presidents At the Assembly's 10th session the officers of the of the General Assembly, and the Chairmen of the Main Committees and the Ad Hoc Political Com- six Main Committees and of the Ad Hoc Political mittee were as follows: Committee. FIRST COMMITTEE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE Chairman: Sir Leslie Munro (New Zealand). This Committee consists of nine Members appointed Vice-Chairman: Djalal Abdoh (Iran). by the Assembly on the proposal of the President. At Rapporteur: Carlos Echeverri Cortes (Colombia). the 10th session it was composed of Afghanistan, Australia, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, France, AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE Indonesia, Iraq, the USSR and the United States, Chairman: Prince Wan Waithayakon (Thailand). with the representative of Iraq as Chairman. Vice-Chairman: Robert A. MacKay (Canada). Rapporteur: Charles T. O. King (Liberia). STANDING COMMITTEES SECOND COMMITTEE Two standing committees are established by the Chairman: Ernest G. Chauvet (Haiti). rules of procedure: the Advisory Committee on Ad- Vice-Chairman: Mohammad Mir Khan (Pakistan). ministrative and Budgetary Questions and the Com- APPENDIX II. STRUCTURE OF THE UNITED NATIONS 457 mittee on Contributions. Each consists of experts ap- Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radia- pointed in their individual capacities. tion† Collective Measures Committee ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE Panel of Military Experts AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS Committee of Good Offices on the Admission of To serve until 31 December 1955: Carlos Blanco New Members (Cuba), Arthur H. Clough (United Kingdom), United Nations Commission to Investigate Conditions William O. Hall (United States). for Free Elections in Germany To serve until 31 December 1956: Rafik Asha (Syria), United Nations Commission for the Unification and Andre Ganem (France), G. R. Kamat (India). Rehabilitation of Korea To serve until 31 December 1957: Thanassis Aghnides United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency (Greece), Chairman; Eduardo Carrizosa (Colom- United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine bia); Igor V. Chechetkin (USSR). United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Pales- On 29 November 1955 the General Assembly (reso- tine Refugees in the Near East lution 959 (X)) re-appointed Carlos Blanco and United Nations Commission on the Racial Situation Arthur H. Clough and appointed John E. Fobes in the Union of South Africa* (United States) replacing William O. Hall, for a United Nations Tribunal in Libya* three-year term beginning 1 January 1956. The Gen- Italian-Libyan Mixed Arbitration Commission† eral Assembly, in the same resolution, also appointed United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) T. J.
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