Agenda Meeting: Programmes and Investment Committee Date: Thursday 11 October 2018 Time: 10.15am Place: Conference Rooms 1 and 2, Ground Floor, Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ Members Prof Greg Clark CBE (Chair) Dr Alice Maynard CBE Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE (Vice-Chair) Dr Nina Skorupska CBE Heidi Alexander Dr Lynn Sloman Ron Kalifa OBE Ben Story Copies of the papers and any attachments are available on tfl.gov.uk How We Are Governed. This meeting will be open to the public, except for where exempt information is being discussed as noted on the agenda. There is access for disabled people and induction loops are available. A guide for the press and public on attending and reporting meetings of local government bodies, including the use of film, photography, social media and other means is available on www.london.gov.uk/sites/default/files/Openness-in-Meetings.pdf. Further Information If you have questions, would like further information about the meeting or require special facilities please contact: Jamie Mordue, Senior Committee Officer; Tel: 020 7983 5537 Email: [email protected]. For media enquiries please contact the TfL Press Office; telephone: 0845 604 4141; email: [email protected] Howard Carter, General Counsel Wednesday 3 October 2018 Agenda Programmes and Investment Committee Thursday 11 October 2018 1 Apologies for Absence and Chair's Announcements 2 Declarations of Interests General Counsel Members are reminded that any interests in a matter under discussion must be declared at the start of the meeting, or at the commencement of the item of business. Members must not take part in any discussion or decision on such a matter and, depending on the nature of the interest, may be asked to leave the room during the discussion. 3 Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 3 July 2018 (Pages 1 - 10) General Counsel The Committee is asked to approve the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 3 July 2018 and authorise the Chair to sign them. 4 Matters Arising and Actions List (Pages 11 - 16) General Counsel The Committee is asked to note the updated actions list. 5 Investment Programme Report - Quarter 1 2018/19 (Pages 17 - 102) Director Major Projects and Managing Directors London Underground and Surface Transport The Committee is asked to note the paper. 2 6 Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group Quarterly Report (Pages 103 - 112) Director of Risk and Assurance The Committee is asked to note the IIPAG Quarterly Report and the management response. 7 Use of Delegated Authority (Pages 113 - 114) General Counsel The Committee is asked to note the paper. 8 Strategic Risk Management Update (Pages 115 - 126) General Counsel The Committee is asked to note the paper and the supplementary information on Part 2 of the agenda. 9 Barking Riverside Extension Main Works Contract Update (Pages 127 - 132) Director of Rail and Sponsored Services The Committee is asked to note the paper and the supplementary information on Part 2 of the agenda and delegate authority to approve an increase in Programme and Project Authority, and Procurement Authority to enable the award of the main works contract. 10 Tottenham Court Road Station Additional Procurement Authority (Pages 133 - 134) Chief Procurement Officer The Committee is asked to note the paper and the supplemental information on Part 2 of the agenda and approve additional Procurement Authority. 3 11 Surface Transport Asset Renewals Programme (Pages 135 - 174) Managing Director Surface Transport The Committee is asked to note the paper, approve a reduction of the existing Programme and Project Authority and note that Procurement Authority in respect of the various elements of the Programme will be sought at officer level in accordance with Standing Orders. 12 London Underground Four Lines Modernisation Programme (Pages 175 - 180) Managing Director London Underground The Committee is asked to note the paper and the supplemental paper included on Part 2 of the agenda. 13 London Underground Track Partnership contract (Pages 181 - 182) Managing Director London Underground The Committee is asked to note the paper and the supplementary paper on Part 2 of the agenda and approve an extension to the existing Track Partnership Contract with Balfour Beatty for programme of track renewal services. 14 Emergency Services Network (Pages 183 - 186) Chief Technology Officer and Director of Customer Experience The Committee is asked to note the paper and the supplemental information on Part 2 of the agenda and endorse a change in delivery approach to that approved in October 2017. 15 Crossrail Update (Pages 187 - 188) Managing Director London Underground The Committee is asked to note the paper. 4 16 Member suggestions for future agenda discussions (Pages 189 - 194) The Committee is asked to note the forward programme and is invited to raise any suggestions for future discussion items for the forward programme and for informal briefings 17 Any Other Business the Chair Considers Urgent The Chair will state the reason for urgency of any item taken. 18 Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 11 December at 10.15am. 19 Exclusion of the Press and Public The Committee is recommended to agree to exclude the press and public from the meeting, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), in order to consider the following items of business. 20 Strategic Risk Management Update (Pages 195 - 200) Exempt supplementary information relating to the item on Part 1 on the agenda. 21 Barking Riverside Extension Main Works Contract Update (Pages 201 - 206) Exempt supplementary information relating to the item on Part 1 on the agenda. 22 Tottenham Court Road Station Additional Procurement Authority (Pages 207 - 210) Exempt supplementary information relating to the item on Part 1 on the agenda. 5 23 London Underground Four Lines Modernisation Programme (Pages 211 - 218) Exempt supplementary information relating to the item on Part 1 on the agenda. 24 London Underground Track Partnership contract (Pages 219 - 222) Exempt supplementary information relating to the item on Part 1 on the agenda. 25 Emergency Services Network (Pages 223 - 230) Exempt supplementary information relating to the item on Part 1 on the agenda. 6 Agenda Item 3 Transport for London Minutes of the Programmes and Investment Committee Paddington Room, 11th Floor, Palestra, 197 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NJ 10.15am, Tuesday 3 July 2018 Members Present Professor Greg Clark CBE (Chair) Ron Kalifa OBE Dr Alice Maynard CBE Dr Nina Skorupska CBE Dr Lynn Sloman Board Members also in Attendance Heidi Alexander In Attendance Executive Committee Mike Brown MVO Commissioner Howard Carter General Counsel Stuart Harvey Major Projects Director Simon Kilonback Chief Finance Officer Other Staff Michael Bridgeland Head of Project Assurance Christina Calderato Head of Delivery Planning, Transport Strategy & Policy, Planning (for minute 39/07/18) Tanya Coff Finance Director, London Underground Patrick Doig Finance Director, Surface Transport David Hughes Director of Strategy and Service Development, London Underground Sir Terry Morgan CBE Chairman, Crossrail Limited Rob Niven Head of Major Projects Sponsorship, London Underground (for minute 41/07/18) Will Norman Mayor’s Walking and Cycling Commissioner (for minute 39/07/18) Ben Plowden Director of Project & Programme Sponsorship, Surface Transport David Rowe Head of Major Projects Sponsorship, Surface Transport Howard Smith Operations Director, Crossrail (for minute 44/07/18) Allan Thomson Head of LU Enhancements (for minutes 42/07/18 and 43/07/18) Lucinda Turner Director of Spatial Planning (for minute 38/07/18) David Wylie Chief Procurement Officer Jamie Mordue Secretariat Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (IIPAG) Attendance Colin Porter Chief Spokesperson, IIPAG Page 1 31/07/18 Apologies for Absence and Chair's Announcements Apologies for absence were received from Dr Nelson Ogunshakin OBE (Vice-Chair) and Ben Story. Gareth Powell, Managing Director Surface Transport, and Alex Williams, Director of City Planning, were also unable to attend the meeting. The Chair welcomed Heidi Alexander, the Deputy Mayor for Transport. 32/07/18 Declarations of Interests Members confirmed that their declarations of interests, as published on tfl.gov.uk, were up to date. 33/07/18 Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 16 May 2018 The minutes of the meeting held on 16 May 2018 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 34/07/18 Matters Arising and Actions List Howard Carter introduced the paper. In response to the action on London Underground Major Stations Programme (Minute 09/02/18), a briefing and site visit on the Bank Station project had been arranged for the end of July; with an alternate date being sought for those Members that were not available. The Committee noted the actions list. 35/07/18 Investment Programme Report – Quarter 4 2017/18 Stuart Harvey introduced the paper, which summarised progress against the Investment Programme in Quarter 4, 2017/18. A key achievement had been a 43 per cent reduction in the number of injuries that led to employees taking more than seven days off work compared with the same time in the previous year. Best practice from industry was being put into practice and the leadership teams were more visible and having safety conversations with frontline teams. Stuart Harvey provided an update on Major Projects. The new Hammersmith Service Control Centre had opened in May 2018; excavation work had been completed at the new Battersea Power Station and the Nine Elms sites, as part of the Northern Line Extension project; and the Secretary of State for Transport granted a Development Consent Order for the Silvertown Tunnel project in May 2018. The Major Stations Programme was amber against its 2017/18 budget milestone, due to a delay in completing the installation of lifts to the District and Circle line platforms at Victoria station.
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