- .. Participants in Third Pugwash Conference of Nuclear Scientists Kitzbuhel- Vienna, Austria, September 14-21, 1958 Australia Denmark Professor M. L. Oliphant Professor Mogens Pihl Research School of Physical Sciences Universitetets Institut for Teoretisk Fysik Australian National University Blegdamsvej 15 Box 4, G. P. 0. Copenhagen r}, Denmark Canberra, Australia France Austria Father Daniel DuBarle Professor Hans Thirring 29 Boulevard Latour-Maubourg Studlhofgasse 13 Paris VII, France Vienna IX, Austria Dr. Bernard P. Gregory Bulgaria Frecambaut Elancourt (S et 0), France Academician G. Nadjakov Vice President Dr. J. Gueron Academy of Science 15 Rue de Siam Sofia, Bulgaria 'Paris 16, France Canada Professor A. Lacassagne Institut du Radium Dr. Brock Chisholm 26 Rue d'Ulm R. R. 2 Paris, France Victoria, B. C. , Canada German Democratic Republic Sir Robert Watson- Watt Box 323, Church Lane Prof. Dr. Gunther Rienacker Thornhill, Ontario, Canada Tschaikowskystrasse 40/42 Berlin-Nieder s chonha us en Czechoslovakia German Democratic Republic Prof. Dr. Viktor Knapp Federal Republic of Germany Praha 1 Parizska Tr. 27 Dr. Max Born Pravnicka, Fakulta, Czechoslovakia 4 Marcardstrasse Bad Pyrmont, West Germany Prof. Dr. Jaroslav Kozesnik Secretary General, Academy of Sciences Prof. Dr. Gerd Burkhardt Narodni Trida 3 Tizianstrasse 5 Prague, Czechoslovakia Hannover, West Germany .. -2- Federal Republic of Germany (cont. ) Hungary Prof. Dr. Helmut Honl Professor Lajos Janossy Zabiusstrasse 117 Academy of Sciences Freiburg/ Breisgau, West Germany Budapest, Hungary Professor Werner Kliefoth India Muehlestrasse 10 (14A) Heidenheim/ Brenz Dr. H. J. Bhabha West Germany Gave rnment of India Atomic Energy Commission Dr. Hanfried Lenz Apollo Pier Road Potschner Stras se 8 Bombay 1, India Munchen 19, West Germany Sir K. S. Krishnan Great Britain National Physical Laboratory New Delhi 12, India Lord Boyd-Orr Bre chin-Angus Professor P. C. Mahalanobis Scotland Indian Statistical Institute Calcutta 35, India Prof. Dame Kathleen Lansdale 121 Station Road West Drayton Middlesex, England Professor E. Amaldi Via le Parioli 50 Professor C. F. Powell Rome, Italy H. H. Wills Physical Laboratory Bristol, England Professor E. Boeri Institute of Human Physiology Prof. M. H. L. Pryce, F.R.S. Universita H. H. Wills Physical Laboratory Ferrara, Italy Bristol, England Japan Professor J. Rotblat Physics Department Professor Yasuo Miyake Medical College of St. Bartholomew's Meteorological Research Institute Hospital Mabashi, Suginami, Japan Charterhouse Square London, E. C. 1, England Professor Iwao Ogawa Department of Physics Rt. Hon. Earl Russell St. Paul's (Rikkyo) University Plas Penrhyn Ikebukuro Penrhyndeudraeth Tokyo, Japan Merioneth, North Wales Professor Schoichi Sakata Sir George Thomson 3-41 Takugawayama, Chikusaku Corpus Christi College Nagoya, Japan Cambridge, England -3- Japan (cont.) United States (cont.) Professor S. Tomonaga Professor William Davidon Department of Physics Argonne National Laboratory Tokyo University of Education Box 299 Tokyo, Japan Lemont, Illinois, U.S. A. Professor Hideki Yukawa, Director Professor Bernard T. Feld Research Institute for Fundamental Physics Physics Department 26-405 Tokyo University Mass. Institute of Technology Tokyo, Japan Cambridge 39, Massachusetts, U.S. A. Netherlands Prof. H. Bentley Glass Department of Biology Professor B. R. A. Nijboer Johns Hopkins University Institute for Theoretical Physics Baltimore 18, Maryland, U.S. A. Maliesingel 23 Utrecht, Holland Dr. Morton Grodzins, (untill0-1-59) Center for Advanced Study in the Norway Behavioral Sciences Stanford, California, U.S. A. Dr. Gunnar Randers Trosterud Stien 4 Dr. David L. Hill Slemdal, Oslo, Norway American Management Counsel 515 Madison Avenue Poland New York 22, New York, U.S. A. Professor Leopold Infeld Dr. Martin Kaplan Instytur Fizyki La Chenaie Uniwer sytetu Warszawakiego La Pallanterie Fizyka Teoretyczana Vesenaz-Geneva, Switzerland Warszawa, Poland Prof. Hermann J. Muller United States Zoology Department Indiana University Professor Harrison Brown Bloomington, Indiana, U.S. A. Division of Geological Sciences California Institute of Technology Professor Jay Orear Pasadena, California, U.S. A. Department of Physics Cornell University Dr. David Cavers Ithaca, New York, U.S. A. 639 Mirada Avenue Stanford, California, U.S. A. Dr. H. Palevsky Physics Department Professor Charles Coryell Brookhaven National Laboratory Department of Chemistry Upton, Long Island, New York, U.S. A. Mass. Institute of Technology Cambridge 39, Massachusetts, U. S. A. -4- United States (cont. ) Professo:r E. K. Fedorov Academy Nauk Professor Linus Pauling Len L~ sky Prospect 13-22 3500 Fairpoint Street Moscow, U.S. S. R. Pasadena, California, U.S. A. P rofesso·r Eugene Korovin Professor Eugene Rabinowitch R ue J oukovsky 11 l og. 22 Department of Botany Moscow, U.S.S.R. University of Illinois Pro£esE:or A. M. Kuz.in Urbana, Illinois, U.S. A. Academy of Sciences Bi ophysical I nstitute Professor Frederick Seitz Leninskiy prospect 33 Physics Department Moscow, U.S.S.R. University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois, U.S. A. Mr. V. P. Pavlichenko Academy of Sciences Professor Walter Selove Leninskiy prospect 14 Physics Department Moscow, U.S.S.R. University of Pennsyl vania Philadelphia 4, Pennsylvania, U.S. A. Academician D. V. Skobeltzyn, Director T. N. Lebedev Institute of Physics Professor Leo Szilard Leninsldy prospect University of Chicago Moscow, U.S.S.R. 1155 East 57th Street Chicago 3 7, Illinois, U.S. A. Academician A. V. Topchiev Academy of Sciences Dr. Alvin M. Weinberg Len:i.nskiy prospect 14 111 Maylon Lane Mosr.ow, U.S.S.R. Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S. A. Dr. Victor S. VavEov T. N. Lebedev Institute of Physics Professor Victo1· Weisskopf Lenlnskiy p r ospect Department of Physics Moscow, U.S.S.R. Massachusetts Institute of Tedmology Massachusetts, U.S. A. Cambridge, Academician A. P. Vinogradov Academy of Sciences Professor Eugene P. Wigner Vernadsky's Inst. of Geochemistry and 8 Ober Road Anal ytical Chemistry Princeton, New Jersey, U.S. A. Vorabievskoe shosse 47 a Moscow, U.S.S.R. U.S.S.R. Yugoslavia Academician N. N. Bogolubov Steklof Mathematical Institute Professor P avle Savic Moscow, U.S.S.R. Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Boris Kidrich" p. f. 522 Professor N. Dobrotin Beograd, Yugoslavia Physical Institute, Academy of Sciences Moscow, U.S. S. R. APPENDIX APPENDIX I List of those attending the first Pug\YfiSh Conference at Pug wash, Nova Scotia, July 6 to 11, 1957: M. L. E. Oliphant (physics) Australia. H. Thirring (physics) Austria. G. Brock Chisholm (psychiatry) Canada. JohnS. Foster (physics) Canada. Chou Pei Yuan (physics) China. A.M. B. Lacass.'tgne (medicine) France. C. F. Powell (physics) Great Britain . •T. Rotblat (physics) Great Britain. I. Ogawa (physics) Japan. H. Yukawa (physics) Japan. S. Tomonaga (physics) Japan. M. Danysz (physics) Poland. D. F. Cavers (law) U.S.A. L. Szilard (physics) U.S.A. H. J. Muller (genetics) U.S.A. P. Doty (chemistry) U.S.A. E. Rabinowitch (biophysics) U.S.A. W. Selove (physics) U.S.A. Y. Weisskopf (physics) U.S.A. A. i\1. Kuzin (biophysics) U.S.S.R. D. F. Skobeltzyn (physics) U.S.S.R. A. V. Topchiev (chemistry) U.S.S.R.1 List of those attending the second Pngwash Conference at Lac Beanport, Que· bee, March 31 to Aprilll, 1958 : Prof. M. L. Oliphant, Australia. Prof. Cyrias Ouellet, Canada. Sir Robert Watson-,Vatt, Canada. Prof. Chou Pei Yuan, Peoples Republic of Chiun. Prof. Bernard Gregory, France. Prof. C. F. von Weizsacker, Germany. Sir Charles G. Darwin, Great Britain. Prof. C. F. Powell, Great Britain. Prof. J. Rotblat. Great Britain. Prof. C. H. Waddington, Great Britain. Prof. A.M. Kuzin, Soviet Union. Academician D. F . Skobeltzyn, Soviet Union. Academician A. V. Topchiev, Soviet Union. Academician A. P. Vinograclov, Soviet Un ion. Prof. John Edsall, United States. Prof. Morton Groclzins, United States. Mr. William A. Higinbotham, United Stnte.. Col. RichardS. Leghorn, United States. Prof. Linus Pauling, United States. Prof. Eugene Rabinowitch, United States. Prof. Leo Szilard, United States. Prof. Jerome B. Wiesner, United States.' 1 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September 1957, p. 248. 'Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, May 1958, p. 195. 95 96 THE PUGWASH CONFERENCES List of those attending the third Pugwash Conference at Kitzbuhel, Austria, September 14 to 19, and at Vienna, September 20, 1958: Australia: Japan-Continued M. L. E. Oliphant Schoichi Sakata Austria: Hideki Yukawa Hans Thirring Netherlands: Canada: B. R. A. Nijboer Brock Chisholm Norway: Robert Watson-Watt Gunnar Randers Czechoslovakia : Poland: Viktor Knapp Leopold Infeld J. Kozefiik U.S.A.: Denmark: Harrison Brown Mogens Pihl David Cavers France: Charles Coryell Daniel DuBarle William Davidon Bernard Gregory Bernard Felcl J. Gueron Bentley Glass Antoine Lacassagne Morton Grodziu;; German Democratic Republic : David Hill GUnther Rienacker Martin Kaplan Federal Republic of Germany : H. J. Muller i\Iax Born Jay Orear G. Burkhardt Harry Palevsky Helmut Honl Linus Pauling Werner Kliefoth Eugene Rabinowitch llanfried Lenz l!,rederick Sei t:r. Great Britain: Walter Selove John Boyd-Orr Leo Szilard Kathleen Lonsdale Alvin Weinberg C. F. Powell Yictor \Veisskopf ;\I. H. L. Pryce Eugene Wigner J. Rotblat U.S.S.R.: Bertrand Russell N. N. BogolubOI' George Thomson X. A. Dobrotin Hungary: E. K. Fedorov Laj o,; J anossy lD. A. Korovin India: A.l\1. Kuzin II.. J. Bbabba V. P. Pavlichenko K. S. Krishnan D. V. Slwbelt:r.yu P. C. Mahalanobis A. Y. Topchiev Italy: V. S. Vavilov E. Amaldi A. P. Vinogratlov lD. Boeri Yugoslavia: Ja1>an: Paul Sa vic" Iwao Ogawa S. Tomonaga Yasuo Miyake 'Bullrtln of the Atomic Scientists, Novcmbrr 1958, p. 343. THE PUGVVASH CONFERENCES 125 on phasing and how you get from an arms race to a disarmed world; secondly: that the revolutionary fervour has been increased, that there is the desire to tal'e over the noncompetitively, the result of the Chinese bu8ine8s has been in­ creased, this is going to make it a\vfully complicated. But anyway, we l.Ja ve got to probe their governmental intentions, and if they really feel the way their scientists do, we are at a significant turning point in history .
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