ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACT OF MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT AND UTILIZATION IN THE FEDERAL CAPITAL TERRITORY ADMINISTRATION (FCTA), ABUJA BY APEH PAULINA ELEOJO REG.NO. 14597001 I BEING A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D) IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, UNIVERSITY OF ABUJA, FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION WNI �.;; U J 4 __ o �ar � JUNE, 2019 DECLARATION I, Apeh Paulina Eleojo do solemnly declare that this thesis was written by me and that it is a record of my own research work. It has not been presented in any previous application fo r a higher degree. All references used in this study have been duly acknowledged. Candidat 's Signature ii CERTIFFl CATION "An Assessment of the Impact of Manpower Development and This Thesis titled: Utilization in the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA), Abuja" carried out by APEH, Paulina Eleojo (Reg. No. 14597001) has been read, corrected and approved as meeting the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree in Public Administration in the Department of Public Administration, University of Abuja. (.../........._<! C >fC.(. PROFESSOR JAMES OJOBO A. (SUPERVISOR) DATE DR. PHILLIP A. OY ADIRAN .. (HEAD OF DEPARTMENT) DATE PROFESSOR PETER MAIDOKI (DEAN,_{2_ FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT SCI·NCES) DATE PROFESSOR PATRICfb. OYIASUYI DATE (EXTERNAL EXAMINER) PROFESSOR C. D. CHUP DATE (DEAN, POSTGRADUATE SCI-fOOL) ... DEDICATION This work is dedicated to Almighty God who IS the g1ver of wisdom and knowledge and who is my strength and rock of refuge and to our Blessed Lady, the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ who is the seat of wisdom and my great intercessor. I dedicate this work also to my loving and caring husband, Mr. Ayo Apeh who has always been supportive of me and who is always there fo r me. In short, he is one in a million. I equally dedicate this work to the memory of my late sister Jacinta Ogwuche who laid my educational fo undation, She brought me up. May God grant her soul eternal rest. Amen iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My profound appreciate goes to the Almighty God, the owner of the universe, who gave me the strength, wisdom, knowledge and good health needed to stati and complete the programme successfully. Father, take all the glory, all the honour and all the adoration forever and ever. I sincerely thank my supervisor, Professor James Oj obo who despite his tight schedule found time to go through this work, made necessary corrections and offered useful suggestions. pray that the Almighty God bless and reward him I abundantly. also express my appreciation to the Dean, Faculty of Management Sciences, I Prof. Peter Maidoki for his encouragement and support, the Head of Department of Public Administration, Dr. Philip Oyadiran for his encouragement and all the lecturers in the Department of Public Administration for their criticisms and useful suggestions. In particular, thank; Prof. V.E. Ekhator, Prof Isaac Obasi, I Prof. U.G. Moti, Prof. Abdulhamid Ozohu-Suleiman, Dr. Philip Dahida, Dr. Kasim Umar, Dr. Ahmed Tafida, Dr. Jeremiah Vambe who also doubles as Ph.D/M.Sc Coordinator, Dr. Hassan Umar, Dr.Paul Chima, Dr. Adekeye Joseph Adeshola, Dr. Okafor Joseph Ikechukwu and Mallam Usman Madugu. I am also grateful to the staff and management of Federal Capital Territory Administration for their audience and cooperation in filling the questiOnnaire and v releasing some materials needed fo r the completion of this research. I especially thank Mr Aj ayi Rotimi Babatunde, the Acting Deputy Director, Manpower Planning and Development, Mr Chidi Ohaegbu, Isaiah lgbokwe of Manpower Planning Unit and Dr (Mrs) Ahmadu Jumai of Information and Press Unit fo r their cooperation. My appreciation also goes to my brothers and sisters and my sisters-in-law, Jacinta Ogwuche of blessed memory, Dr Adolphus Ogwuche, Virginia Ebute, Emmanuel Ogwuche, Vincent Ogwuche , Clement Ogwuche, Cecilia Ogbolu, Blessing Fidelis, Helen Apeh and the rest. I appreciate my loving and caring husband and my children for their patience, understanding and endurance, bearing with me throughout the period of this for research work. My dear Mother Mary, thank you for always interceding on my behalf. .. -- vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover page Title page Declaration 11 Certification 111 Dedication IV Acknowledgement s v Table of content VII Abstract Xl CHAPTER ONE : INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study 1 1 . 2 Statement of the Problem 4 1.3 Aim and Objectives of the Study 8 1.4 Research Hypotheses 9 1.5 Significanceof the Study 9 1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study 11 1.7 Operational Definitionof Terms 12 1.8 Organisation of the Study 13 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1 Conceptual Review 15 2.2 Types of Training 32 vii 2.3 Methods ofTraining 35 2.4 Importance of Training and Development in Organization 37 2.5 Aims and Objectives of Training and Development 42 2.6 Determination of Training and Development Needs 45 2.7 Evaluation ofTraining in Organization 48 2.8 Training and Worker's Performance in Organization 52 2.9 Problem of Training and Development in Organization 54 2.1 0 Prospects of Training and Development in Nigeria 59 2.11 Manpower Development and Utilization 61 2.1 2 Empirical Review 69 2.13 78 Theoretical framework CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design 90 3.2 Method of Data Collection 90 3.3 Population of the Study 91 3.4 Sample of the Population 95 3.5 Sampling Techniques 96 3.6 Administration of Questionnaire (Instrument) 97 3.7 Method of Data Analysis 97 viii CHAPTER FOUR: ORGANIZATIONAL SETTING OF FEDERAL CAPITAL TERRITORY ADMINISTRATION (FCTA) 4.1 Historical Background of FCTA 99 4.2 Organizational Structure 103 4.3 Training and Development Policy 106 4.4 Depa11ment Training Activities 119 4.5 Training Divisions 121 4.6 Training Process 123 CHAPTER FIVE: OATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 5.1 Data Presentation, Analysis 125 5.2 Test of Hypotheses 145 5.3 Discussion ofFindings 158 CHAPTER SIX : SUMMI..RY, CONCLUSION AND R��OMMENDATIONS 6.1 Summary 163 6.2 Conclusion 165 6.3 Recommendations 166 References 168 Appendix 177 ix ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS FCT A- Federal Capital TetTitmy Administration MFCT- Ministty of the Federal Capital Territory FCDA- Federal Capital Development Authority D.T.O- Department Training Officers GL - Grade Level ASCON- Administrative Staff College of Nigeria . ' ., . ' I Ct. I s.w · ·• -· l.·�·s·"r . �·�) .J 1 • �l .. .. 1 I ! ..J L ...i £ r . .• :: f ""' ' . � � ..: ".( .,_, '1' . , X I.J' ., - t;-."""!- . •• ' . � . � iJW - '" .. ..... • .. l .._ . ·:...· ................ · � . .. : . .. ..... ,.... .... ·-:::.. ABSTRACT Th is study examines the nexus between manpower development and utilization in the Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA).Developing manpower is not an end in itself but a means to an end. It is on this note that the issue of manpower utilization becomes necessary. In light of this, the main objective of the study is to assess whether there is sign[ficant relationship between manpovver development and utilization in FCTA, to ascertain whether there is a conducive atmosphere fo r trained personnel to practise �vlwt they have acquire during training. To achieve the above objectives, the system approach was used as a theoretical underpinning fo r the study. Methodologically, survey research design is used fo r the purpose of data collection and analysis. The population of the study consist 24,900. Subsequently, sample size was selected through the use of multi stage 372 sampling. At the end of field survey, questionnaire were completed and 331 returned properly. The instntments used fo r hypotheses test is chi-square analysis. The findings of the study revealed that manpower development and utilization in FCTA is very encouraging. For instance, staff of the organization were 2,437 trained between However, lack of adequate equipment and fu nds has 2016-2018. hindered effective conduct of training programmes in the organization. Most staff who participated in training and development programmes were not given the right environment to utilize the knowledge acquired on-the-job. The study concludes that effective implementation of training policy can only be made possible when employees who attend training are optimally utilized by FCTA. It was therefo re recommended that trained personnel should be given the opportunity to practice what they have learned during training programme while adequate equipment and fu nding should be made available fo r regular conduct of training programmes. y_ xi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Manpower development and its corresponding utilization in the Nigerian public service are important due to the growing complexity of the work environment, the rapid changes in organizations and technological advancement. The growth further necessitates the need fo r training and development of personnel to meet current challenges. Manpower development helps to ensure that workers possess the knowledge and skills needed to perform their jobs effectively, take on new responsibilities, and adapt to changing conditions. It is imperative to note that manpower development and utilization constitute indispensable instruments fo r improving the quality of work performance, customer satisfaction, productivity, morale, management succession, business development and profitability. The aim of manpower development is to equip employees with the requisite skills in order to cope with current challenges confronting the organization. Organizations usually combine human and material resources in order to achieve their objectives. However, the availability of other resources without the development of human capital could be counterproductive. For instance; the human resource act� as an active agent that tran..,form� other re'-'0urce" t0 meaningful results in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives. In this 1 regard, one of the indispensable tools fo r optimum utilization of human resource in any given organization is the effective implementation of training and development policy.
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