Utah Directory of Radio Format: Contemp Christian. Chris Redgrave, VP & stn mgr; Paulette Woodruff 442 -3112. E -mail: wbtn @svicedu Licensee: Southem Vermont College Cary, gen sls mgr; Rod Arquette, opns VP & progmg VP; John Dehnel, (acq 8-20-03). Population served: 47,950 Natl. Network: Westwood chief of engrg. One. Wire Svc: AP Format: News/talk, music; student progmg. Target KYMV(FM)- June 2002: 100.7 mhz; 88 kw holz. Mt 2,122 ft TL: N40 aud: 24.54. Ben Runnels, pres & chief of cons; Rich Ryder. gen 52 16 W110 59 43. Hrs open: 515 S. 700 E.. Suite 1C. Sah Lake City, mgr; Megan Williams, traf mgr. 84102. Phone: (801) 524 -2600. Fax: (801) 521 -9234. E -mail: Tooele [email protected] Web She: movin1007.com. Licensee: Simmons-SLC, LS LLC. Group owner: Simmons Media Group (acq W13111-FM- Nov 4, 1978: 94.3 mhz; 3 kw. 110 ft TL: N42 56 52 W73 4.4 -2001: grpsl). Format: Rhythmic adult contemp. *Stephen Johnson, 10 36. Stereo. Hm open: 5:30 AM- midnight 365 Troy Ave., Colchester, KCPW(AM)- July 3, 1956: 1010 khz: 50 kw -D, 13 w -N. TL: N40 32 gen mgr; Jacquie Louie, gen sls mgr: Naziol Nazarina, prom dir; Alan 05446. Phare: (802) 655 -9451. Fax: (802) 6552799. E -mail: cumaa @opr.net 36 W112 18 33. Hrs open: 24 Hague, progmg VP. Site: www.vpr.net. Licensee: Vermont Public Radio. (acq 11- 24-99; Rebroadcasts KCPW (FM) Salt Lake City 99%. Web $901,000 with co-located AM). Format: Classical. News staff: one; Box 510730, Sah Lake City, 84151 -0730. Phone: (801) 359-5279. Fax: News: 4 hrs wkly. Target aud: 18-45. Vogelzang, pres, gen (801) 746 -2708. E -mail: news @kcpw.org Web Site: www.kcpw.org. Mark mgr, stn mgr & disc jockey. Licensee: Community Wireless of Park City Inc. (acq 10 -1- 2003). Population served: 12,539 Rgnl. Network: Metronews Radio Net. Natl. Vermont Rep: Katz Radio. Format: BBC newsltalk. Ed Sweeney, pres. Berlin Addison Tremonton WWFY(FM)- Apr 2, 1975: 100.9 mhz; 5.2 kw. Ant 718 ft TL: N44 07 38 W72 28 48. Stereo. Hm open: 24 41 Jacques St., Barre, 05641. WUSX(FM)- 1999: 93.7 mhz: 21 kw. Ant 35411 TL: N44 13 15 W73 Phone: (802) 476-4168. Fax: (802) 479 -5893. Web She: KNFF(AM)- Jan 27, 2006: 1470 khz; 1 kw-D, 880 w -N, DA -N. TL: 24 37. Hrs open: 372 Dorset St., South Burlington, 05403. Phone: www.froggy1009.com. Licensee: Nassau Broadcasting III L.LC. Group N41 34 42 W112 06 03. Hrs open: 24 1506 Gibson Ave.. Odgen, (802) 863-1010. Fax: (802) 861-7256. Web Site: www.crusin937.com. owner: Nassau Broadcasting Partners L.P. (acq 8 -2 -2004; grpsl). 84404. Phone: (435) 628-1000. E-mail: koglradioacomcast.net Licensee: Licensee: Addison Broadcasting Co. Inc. Group owner: Northeast Population served: 100,000 Gardner, Carton & Douglas. Format: AM Radio 1470 Inc. Group owner: Legacy Media Corporation (acq Broadcasting Company Inc. (acq 12-19-2000; $434,000). Natl. Network: Country. Target aud: 18 -49; young professionals. John Gales, gen 12-6 -2004; grpsl). Natl. Network: CNN Radio, Westwood One. Dan J. Jones Radio Networks. Format: Oldies. Rich Delancy, gen mgr; Rich mgr; Jim Severance, sls VP & progmg dir. Alpert. Format: Adult standards/CNN radio news. Target aud: 35 plus. Delancey. gen sls mgr: J.J. Prieve, progmg dir: Chris Fells, news dir; E. Morgan Skinner Jr., CEO; Richard Carter, stn mgr. Mike Raymond. chief of engrg. Bolton KYLZ(FM)- July 1, 1983: 104.9 mhz; 99 kw. 1,059 ff TL: N41 43 34 W112 12 33. Stereo. Hm open: 24 Box 3369, Logan, 84321. Phone: Barre 'WGLY -FM- 1996: 91.5 mhz; 2 kw. Ant 935 ft TL: N44 21 53 W72 55 (435) 752 -1390. Fax: (435) 752 -1392. Licensee: 3 Point Media - Utah 52. Stereo. Hm open: 24 LLC. Group owner: 3 Point Media (acq 11 -28 -2001; $1.73 million). 'WCMD -FM- Aug 1, 1998: 89.9 mhz; 940 w. 590 ft TL: N44 07 32 Rebroadcasts WCMD(FM) Barre 100 %. Population served: 300,000 Natl. Network: CBS, Jones Radio Networks. W72 28 36. Stereo. Hm open: 24 140 Main St., Essex Junction, 05452. Secondary address: Box 8310, Dan J. Alpen. Format: Classic country. News staff: 3. Target aud: Rebroadcasts WCMK(FM) Bolton 99%. Essex 05451.8310. Phone: (802) 878-8885. Fax: (802) 879 -6835. 25-54; 60% female, 40% male middle to upper class. *Kent 140 Main St.. Essex Junction, 05452. Secondary address: Box 8310, E -mail: cmi.radio ®verizon.net Web She: Ihelightradio.net. Licensee: Frandsen, pres; Jay Eubanks, gen mgr & stn mgr; Lori Gill, gen sls Essex 05451 -8310. Phone: (802) 878-8885. Fax: (802) 879-6835. Christian Ministries Inc. Natl. Network: Moody. Joseph E. Dunne Ill. mgr & trat mgr; David Denton, progmg dir & news dir; Paul Anderson, E -mail: [email protected] Web Site: thelightradio.net. Licensee: Format: Inspirational. Mark Kinsley, pros; Richard McClary, gen mgr; chief of engrg. Christian Ministries Inc. Natl. Network: Moody. Joseph E. Dunne Ill. Karo Salminen, opus dir, dev mgr & progmg dir; Darlene Lamas, gen Format: Inspirational, Christian. News: 15 hrs wkly. Target aud: sls mgr; Peter Morton, chief of engrg. General; Christian, middle income. *Mark Kinsley, pres; Richard Vernal McClary, gen mgr; Kado Salminen, opns dir & progmg dir; Darlene Lamos, gen sls mgr; Peter Morton. chief of engrg. Brandon KLCY(FM)- May 1, 1975: 105.5 mhz; 3.3 kw. Ant 1,699 It TL: N40 32 16 W109 41 57. Hm open: 24 Box 307, 2425 N. Vemal Ave., Aug 5, 1974: 107.1 mhz; 1.5 kw. Ant 410 ft TL: N44 09 WORK(FM)- WEXP(FM)- May 2000: 101.5 mhz; 350 w. Ant 1,305 ft TL: N43 39 84078. Phone: (435) 789 -0920. Fax: (435) 789-6977. E -mail: 30 W72 28 46. Hrs open: 41 Jacques St., 05641. Phone: (802) 31 W73 06 26. Stereo. Hrs open: 24 1 Scale Ave., Suite 84, Rutland, kveleubtanet.com Licensee: Ashley Communications Inc. Natl. Network: 476-4168. Fax: (802) 479 www.1071worklm.com. -5893. Web Site: 05761 -4459. Phone: (802) 773 -9264. Fax: (802) 747 40553. Web She: ABC, Jones Radio Networks. Format: Eagle country. News: 2 hrs wkly. Population served: Group owner: Nassau Broadcasting Partners L.P. www.10lthefox.com. Licensee: Nassau Broadcasting Ill L.LC. Group Target aud: 18-54; active. 180,000 Format: Classic hits. T.J. Michaels, progmg dir. owner: Nassau Broadcasting Partners L.P. (acq 1 -21- 2005; $2.5 million with WTHK(FM) Wilmington). Natl. Network: Westwood One. Format: Classic rock, RoGdAOR. Target aud: 25 -54; male. KVEL(AM)- Jan 19, 1947: 920 khz; 4.5 kw-D, 1 kw -N, DA -N. TL: N40 WSKI(AM) -See Montpelier *John 29 30 W109 31 45. Hrs open: 24 Box 307, 2425 N. Vernal Ave., Gales, gen mgr; Glenn Novak, gen sls mgr; Kemy Chambers, prom 84078. Phone: (435) 789 -0920. Phone: (435) 789.1059. Fax: (435) dir; Kelly Kowalski, progmg dir. WSNO(AM)- Oct 13, 1959: 1450 khz; 1 kw-U. TL: N44 11 40 W72 789-6977. E -mail: kvel ®ubtanet.com Licensee: Ashley Communications 30 52. Hrs open: 24 41 Jacques St., 05641. Phone: (802) 476 -4168. Inc. (acq 8- 11 -98; $10,000 for stock with co- located FM). Population Fax: (802) 479 -5893. Web Site: www.wsno1450.net. Licensee: Nassau served: 30,000 Reddy, Begley & McCormick. Format: Sports, news/talk. Broadcasting III L.L.C. owner: Nassau Broadcasting Partners Brattleboro News staff: one; News: 20 hrs wkly. Target aud: 35-64; affluent, Group L.P. (acq 8 -2 -2004; grpsl). Population served: 40000 Natl. Network: upscale. Spec prog: Farm 2 hrs, relg, Sp, pub affrs one hr wkly. CBS. Format: News/talk, sports. Ken Barlow, gen mgr, Jim Severance, WINQ(FM)-See Winchester, NH Steve Evans, gen mgr & gen sls mgr; Clay Johnson, progmg dir: progmg dir. Steve Sprouse, chief of engrg. WKVT(AM)- Nov 29, 1959: 1490 khz; 1 kw -U. TL: N42 50 51 W72 34 56. Hrs open: 24 458 Williams St., 05301. Phone: 1802) 254 -2343. Washington Barton Fax: (802) 254 -6683. Web Site: www.wkvl.com. Licensee: Saga Communications of New England LLC. Group owner Saga Communications Inc. (acq 5 -1 -02; grpsl). Population served: 12,239 Natl. Network: KUNF(AM) -Licensed to Washington. See Saint George WJPK(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 100.3 mhz; 100 w. Mt 525 ft TL: N44 45 57 W72 09 10. Hrs open: Box 97, Lyndonville, CBS. Wire Svc: AP Format: News/talk. News statt: one; News: 30 hrs 05851. Phone: (802) 626-9800. Fax: (802) 626-8500. E -mail: wkly. Target aud: 35 -64: news & into oriented adults. Mike Trombly, wjpk ®gmail.com Licensee: Vermont Broadcast Associates Inc. Group gen mgr: Peter Case, progmg dir & news dir. Wellington owner: Vermont Broadcast Associates Inc. Bruce James, gen mgr. WKVT-FM- 1980: 92.7 mhz; 6 kw. 610 It TL: N42 53 45 W72 39 49. KRPX(FM)- 2006: 95.3 mhz; 6 kw. Ant -138 ft TL: N39 36 33 W110 Stereo. Hm open: 24 458 Williams St., 05301. Phone: (802) 254 -2343. 48 Price, Phone: -1167. Fax: 50. Hm open: Box 875. 84501. (435) 637 Bellows Falls Fax: (802) 254 -6683. Group owner: Saga Communications Inc. (435) 637 -1177. E -mail: koalftemerytelcom.net Licensee: College Population served: 100,000 Natl. Network: AP Radio. Format: Classic Creek Media LLC. Group owner: College Creek Media LLC Format: rock. News staff: one; News: 8 hrs wkly.
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