July THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE NEW ZEALAND NATURIST FEDERATION 2014 ! gonatural News President’s Message:! gether a fantas7c brochure, slideshow and video pre- sentaon. Winter has arrived in full force, so its not really the weather to be doing outdoor ac7vi7es - even with If our submission is successful the real work will start in clothes on! But, you can s7ll get the fire or heat pump earnest but I am sure we can count on the support of roaring, strip off and enjoy wine and movies on the all the clubs to ensure we create a truly memorable couch - at least that's what I do. event. It's also a good 7me to do some planning and prepara- The NZNF team has been quite busy over the last few 7on for the summer, so take a look around your club months. The Vice Presidents have been visi7ng as many with a cri7cal eye and try to put yourself in your visi- clubs as they can and Hans has been busy with website tors' shoes - what do they see, what would they think, issues. Donna is her usual busy self, keeping all the so- would they suggest any improvements? Why not have cial media up to date. Please don't overlook the email a "brainstorming" session over a winter dinner, and put sent out recently by the Treasurer, reminding you to get together a long term plan for the club? your levies paid by 30 September - we use the club levies paid by that date to determine the number of Very shortly I will be heading off overseas to escape the votes each club is allocated at the AGM in December so winter, but more importantly to aGend the INF Con- it's important to get them in on 7me. gress in Ireland in September. As we have told you all previously, NZNF has submiGed a proposal to host the That's it from me. Enjoy the rest of the newsleGer and 2016 Congress here in New Zealand. It's very exci7ng, stay warm, well and safe. as it seems we have a good chance of being successful. ! It certainly wont be for lack of effort if we are unsuc- Regards naturally, cessful. Our team of Kay, June, and Donna have been Wendy Lowe working on the proposal for months, with the as- sistance of Tourism New Zealand, who have put to- In this edition of gonatural News: ORCHARD SUN CLUB - RUBY ANNIVERSARY - ! 1st/2nd NOVEMBER 2014 ✤ President’s Message - Page 1 Past members and members of a"liated clubs are invited ✤ Orchard Sun Club 40th - Page 1 to join in celebrating 40 years of "The Orchard Sun Club" ✤ INF Congress Bid Update - Page 2 and 25 years on their current grounds at Sutton, Middle- march on the weekend of 1st and 2nd November 2014.! ✤ World Guide - Page 2 • Friday night - Mix n Mingle - nibbles supplied; BYO re- ✤ Renewing Promotion & Recruit- freshments! ment Efforts - Page 3 • Saturday during the day - Laze in the sun; sports and fun ✤ gonatural magazine - Page 3 activities! ✤ Membership Stats - Page 4 • Saturday night - Catered 3 course meal - speeches fol- lowed by dance/social with music by Murray McKay. ✤ Update from the NIVP - Page 5 Lots of ra$es - so bring your spare ✤ Positions Vacant - Page 5 change! ✤ 2014/15 NZNF Festival- Page 6 • Sunday - Leftovers and goodbyes! ✤ Important NZNF Dates - Page 6 For further information and to register ✤ NZNF Social Media List - Page 6 your interest please contact Julie, the So- cial Convenor by txt on 0224780903 or NZNF Executive List - Page 6 ✤ email [email protected]! ! PAGE %1 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE NEW ZEALAND NATURIST FEDERATION ! INF WORLD CONGRESS 2016 BID UPDATE Great progress is being made on the NZNF bid to We can't wait to hopefully soon share the great news host the International Congress of Naturism in 2016 that we have been awarded the honour of hosting at Wellington Naturist Club. The Steering Commit- the 2016 International Congress of Naturism here in tee has worked tirelessly, under the guidance and New Zealand.! expert tutelage of Tourism New Zealand, to produce Here is the front cover of the Bid Document - 30 a stunning bid document and amazing slide and pages of NZ information, congress plans and natur- video presentation.! ist clubs and parks for pre/post congress touring. We now have the final version of the bid document which is now being printed professionally and dis- tributed to Congress Delegates and INF Central Committee at the 2014 Congress in Ireland in mid- September.! At the 2014 Congress in Ireland Kay Hannam, the Steering Committee Chair, will give a 15 minute pre- sentation to the Delegates and also show a powerful and moving video about New Zealand - courtesy of TNZ - at the conclusion. Then Kay, along with Wendy Lowe - our Delegate for the 2014 Congress, will answer questions from the floor before the Del- egates vote on where to hold the 2016 Congress.! We are trying to get a lot of international exposure and support as we share congress information and updates through regular posts on our Facebook Page - 35th International Congress of Naturism. We are o&ering tour suggestions, local facts and figures, and sharing images which displays the kaleidoscope of beautiful scenery our country o&ers - hopefully you are following and "like" this Page.! The Committee is making the most of every oppor- tunity to bring awareness and to promote our bid. As this is being written, another member of the Steering Committee June Campbell-Tong is at Nudefest 2014 - Britain's biggest naturist event - in Cornwall with a banner and flyers promoting New Zealand and our 2016 bid. ! !The 2014 Naturist Holidays World Site Directory is now available in print.! !!New Zealand NZD23 incl p&h! !!Australia NZD28 incl p&h! !Order online via our website, email [email protected] or write to: ! !! 2704 SH63 Wairau Valley RD1! !!Blenheim 7271 NZ ~ Tel: +64 3 5722681! !With 816 naturist destinations of 42 countries in Europe, the Caribbean, North !and South America, this is a must have book if you intend to travel and include a !naturist resort in your trip. ! PAGE %2 THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE NEW ZEALAND NATURIST FEDERATION ! RENEWING PROMOTION & RECRUITMENT EFFORTS We are now almost two-thirds of the way through holders at cafes? If you don't this is something winter calendar-wise. Isn’t that a wondrous that I can help with...you just need to supply thought! ! some images and text that you'd like to use But with the turn to spring soon, our minds need to and we can work together with creating some- turn to renewing our promotion and recruitment thing awesome...the only cost would be getting efforts for the coming warmer months. ! it printed cheaply.! Spring is a time of new beginnings and of getting • Does your club have a Facebook Page? And if things into shape; it's a time to get your club ready it does, are regular posts made to it? People of and inviting or attracting new members.! all ages engage on Social Media but particu- There are a lot of would-be naturists out there. I larly younger people. Facebook is a great way would suggest that there are no fewer people in- to make short little posts about what your club terested in the naturist lifestyle than there used to is doing and to share naturist news and views be during the “heyday”— it’s just that life has got- from around the world - and it's free. You don't ten busier and there isn't the time or focus on re- have to post images of club members at all. laxation or recreation. ! Again I can help you set up a Page and ad- I believe a lot of people would really like to know minister it until someone from the club is able about or are open to naturism but there is just so to take it over.! much competition for their attention - with all the Those are just three suggestions that I think would demands and distractions, life gets rather "noisy".! make a measurable difference - at little or no cost So we have to shout pretty loud these days to be - to promoting your club. The NZNF would like to heard above all of the "noise", and we have to be partner with your club to help increase member- smart about how we do it...we don't have unlimit- ship and introduce people in your area to nude ed budgets. It's good to know then that some cru- recreation.! cial promotional tools don't have to cost a lot if any A lot of clubs have new committee members since money.! their AGM in early winter. These people will have • Does your website need updating? Your web- fresh energy, enthusiasm and ideas of how to in- site is your single best tool for promoting your troduce people to the joy and freedom of our club, sharing upcoming events, and advising clothes-free lifestyle. I don’t believe however that it the facilities you offer. People in your area is just the committee who have energy, enthusi- might hear about the club and decide to asm and ideas...everyone “brings something”. Google you...is your website Google opti- Please contact me: Donna Miller nznf.pro@go- mised? The NZNF Webmaster would love to natural.co.nz. Together we can make the 2014/15 assist your club webmaster with updating or summer a great success for your club, increasing adding optimisation to your site.! awareness of your presence in your local commu- • ! Do you have a current club brochure that can nity, and bringing new members to experience and be handed out, left in letterboxes or in flyer- enjoy the naturist lifestyle.
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