E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 105 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 143 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1997 No. 35 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m., and was ing. That debate will continue until Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, I object called to order by the President pro 12:30 today, at which time the Senate to further proceeding in this matter at tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. will recess until the hour of 2:15 for the this time. weekly policy conferences to meet. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The joint PRAYER When the Senate reconvenes at 2:15, resolution will be placed on the cal- The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John there will be an additional 30 minutes endar. Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: for closing remarks, followed by a roll- Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, I yield the floor. Lord, forgive us when we envy the call vote on passage of Senate Joint gifts, talents, and success of others Resolution 18. Therefore, Senators can f rather than praise You for all You have anticipate the rollcall vote at approxi- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME mately 2:45 today. given to each of us. Sometimes we The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Following that vote, the Senate will covet the opportunities and skills of the previous order, leadership time is resume consideration of Senate Joint others when they seem to exceed our reserved. Resolution 22, the independent counsel own. We admit we miss becoming the f distinctively different persons You resolution. We will be continuing dis- have in mind. A limiting formula re- cussions with the Democratic leader in MORNING BUSINESS sults: Our comparisons multiplied by the hope of reaching a consent agree- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under combative competition, equals the ment to allow us to complete action on the previous order, there will now be a stress of envy. You do not play favor- this resolution. Also this week, it is period for the transaction of morning ites, or pit Your people against one an- possible that the Senate will consider a business until 11:30, with Senators per- other. You are for us and not against resolution regarding Mexico and their mitted to speak therein for up to 5 us. certification in the antidrug effort. In minutes each. You have promised that if we humble addition, the Senate may begin consid- Under the previous order, the Sen- ourselves in Your sight, You will lift us eration of the nuclear waste legislation ator from Colorado is recognized to up. We know You will multiply our po- prior to our adjournment for the speak for up to 15 minutes. tential beyond our wildest expecta- Easter recess. (The remarks of Mr. CAMPBELL per- tions. So we press on with a liberating Again, I remind my colleagues that taining to the introduction of S. 457 are formula: An honest recognition of the since this is the last week of session located in today's RECORD under assets You have given each of us, mul- prior to the adjournment, I hope all ``Statements on Introduced Bills and tiplied by Your indwelling power, will Senators will continue to cooperate Joint Resolutions.'') The PRESIDING OFFICER. The equal greater excellence without stress and adjust schedules accordingly as we Chair observes, in my capacity as a today. Thank You dear Lord. Amen. attempt to schedule legislation and votes. I thank my colleagues. Senator from Kansas, the absence of a f quorum. RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING f The clerk will call the roll. MAJORITY LEADER MEASURE PLACED ON THE CAL- The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. ENDARÐHOUSE JOINT RESOLU- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I ask able acting majority leader is recog- TION 58 unanimous consent that the order for nized. Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, I un- the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, thank derstand there is a resolution at the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. you. desk and it is due for its second read- SMITH of Oregon). Without objection, it I thank the Chaplain, again, for an ing. is so ordered. outstanding opening prayer. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. f f ROBERTS). The Senator is correct. CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM SCHEDULE The clerk will read the joint resolu- tion for the second time. Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I have Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, today, The legislative clerk read as follows: not had the opportunity to come to the following morning business, at 11:30, A joint resolution (H.J. Res. 58) disapprov- floor to talk about the pending matter. the Senate will resume consideration ing certification of the President under sec- I want to devote a little time this of Senate Joint Resolution 18, the Hol- tion 490(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of morning to the constitutional amend- lings resolution regarding the constitu- 1961 regarding foreign assistance for Mexico ment offered by the distinguished Sen- tional amendment on campaign fund- during fiscal year 1997. ator from South Carolina, Senator · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2377 S2378 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE March 18, 1997 HOLLINGS. I am a cosponsor of that leg- am in cycle now. I will be running in and get comments about what families islation, and I proudly come to the 1998. My budget, Mr. President, is $5 are thinking about. That education is floor in my advocacy of the passage of million. I have already indicated that. lost when any candidate spends two- his amendment. That is no secret. I will be raising and thirds to three-fourths of his time I give him great credit. He has come spending $5 million to be reelected. doing nothing but dialing for dollars. to the floor for years addressing, in I have heard colleagues on the Senate WENDELL FORD, our distinguished myriad ways, the issue of campaign fi- floor say, ``Well, you know, the nation colleague who sits right at this desk, nance, the problems that we have asso- spends less than $2.7 billion on dog and said fundraising was a major factor in ciated with campaign finance, the dif- cat food, so why should we be worried? his determination not to run for reelec- ficulties, constitutionally and statu- We spend a lot more on dog and cat tion. We are going to lose an able pub- torily, in addressing all of the problems food than we spend in political races.'' lic servant. When he was first elected that he has so eloquently outlined now I do not think that is a proper com- to the Senate in 1974, his campaign for a long period of time. Year after parison unless we have only 535 dogs cost $450,000. But he estimated he year, in Congress after Congress, fight and cats in this country. If you had 535 would have to raise $4.5 million for the after fight, Senator HOLLINGS has been dogs and cats, that comparison would race in 1998. He said, ``I don't want to extraordinary in his effort to address work. I tell you, if we were spending raise $4.5 million in Kentucky. I don't this issue in a consequential and com- $2.7 billion on 535 designated dogs and want to have to go through that. I prehensive way. cats, my sense is we would be outraged. don't think it is right. I don't want to I want to talk a little bit about the There would be all kinds of complaints have to sit in some cubicle called a `po- circumstances that I see facing all of that dog and cat food is way too high. litical office' and dial for dollars day us politically right now and my rea- ``I can't afford to keep a cat or a dog.'' after day. I don't want to do that.'' So sons for supporting the constitutional How is it we can afford a political he is hanging it up. amendment. There are at least four process so denigrated today by prac- How many more WENDELL FORDs, primary reasons why I believe that the tices that we all abhor that we are how many more talented public serv- constitutional amendment needs to be willing to spend $4.5 million per Sen- ants will hang it up or will not even addressed. I am of the view that statu- ator? So, Mr. President, the cost is start? So, Mr. President, this is a very torily we are incapable of adequately something that I think is very clearly serious problem from the point of view addressing every one of the nuances, an issue that we have to address, be- of candidates themselvesÐRepublican every one of the problems that have cause it is only going to get worse. or Democrat. arisen as a result of our efforts to ad- We used the increases in campaign I recruit candidates, and one of the dress meaningful campaign finance re- costs since 1976 to estimate what the hardest things for me is to convince form in the past. I do not have with me cost of an election will be in the year possible candidates to run knowing the record that we have compiled, but 2025. Most of us, hopefully, will still be they have to raise $4.5 to $5.5 million. we have spent hours and days and around. I will not be here, but I will be, You go tell some businessman to give weeks in testimony and in hearings hopefully, living.
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