o Wuxi lnlernotionol Fish Center . loint 0filshore Oil Explorolions o Newly Renoyoted Secfion ol Greot Woll Australia: A $ 0.72 New Zealand: NZ S 0 81 UK.: 39 p U.S.A:$078 A high-yield oil and gas well in Beibu Gulf in the South China Sea--a joint Chinese-French undertaking. FOUNDER: SOONG CHING l-lNG (MME. SUN YAT-SEN) tl8e3-le8l). PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE CHINA WELFARE INSTITUTE IN ENGLISH, FRENCI-I, SPANISH, AMBIC, GERMAN, PORTUGUESE AND CHINESE vsl. xxx h{CI. 11 NOVEMBER T981 Articles o the /trlonth CONTENTS Wuxi Fish Center Politics of her lishery reseorch ond troining ond Pocific regions co-sponsored by Firm in Conviction, Unceasing in Struggle: Deng Ying- chao Recalls the Anti-Japanese and Liberation Wars (lnlerview Part 3) 40 The Party and China's National Capitalists 28 Offshore Oi! Explorotion Taiwan Pilot Crosses Over 52 Economics Ropid pr ing 24 results in oil Offshore Oil Exploration: Joint Ventures Produce Results ' explorotio Agfriculture 31 Aviation Serves Poge 2d Team Leader on New Contract Systern 50 The Useful Yak b lmprovements in Living Standards Since the Founding of the People's Reoublic (charts) 56 Culture/Art 'l'li Never Reiire from Music' '15 the How I Took Up Writing 1B Becoming a Writer 19 Tibetans Tackle Romeo and Juliet 46 Archoeologicol discoveries Early Musical lnstruments Live Again 5B sthow Greot Woll moY once hove been ten times longer Science thon usuolly supposed. Beforms in the Academy of Sciences 44 Stone toblets, other relics Wuxi Fish Center Hosts Foreign Scientists 7 reveol detoils ol building Zhong Lin Breeder cf Fish 14 methods. Poge 34 'Heavenly Hemp'- 4 Friendship Tibetqns Tockle Sino-lndian Friendship-Long History, Bright Future 22 Shokespeore The Adventure of the American Pilot 54 Children ol former sbrfs Across the Lond gorner Cr,iticol ond populor A Tour Guide's Tale o1 occloim in Shokesoeore,s New Finds About the Great Wall 34 Romeo ond Juliet. Kaifeng: lnto the Ancient Painting 60 Poge 46 The Flower from Mexico tz Columns ond Speciols Our Postbag z Sketch book J Chinese Cookery: Sweet-and-Sour Carp with Deep- Koifeng: lnto the Ancient Pointing Fried Noodles 67 Children: Luo Conglin Saves a Train 21 A 1,000-yeor otd woy ol lite ond culturol hetitoge Language Corner: Lesson 1 l cqn still'be seen ii Koifeng, one of six oncient Beijihg Weather 70 copitols of Chino. Cover Pictures Front: A student from the Pacific lsland Trust Territories at the Wuxi Fish Center an international training facility co-sponsored- by China and the United Nations. Huo Jianying Back: Aerial sowing of trees will "fix" sand in place and help prevent sandstorms. (See story on p 31) Chen Changten Editoriql Office: Woi Wen Buildingr, Beijing (37), Chtno, Coblc: "CHIRECON" Bcilins. Gemol DLtsibutor: GUOJI SHUDIAN, P.O. Bor 399, Boi,ing, Chino. establishing ot a great united front. Tarnilnadu, who hold first place in We were deeply touched by her reading journals among Indians, expect dedication" more news about our continent, espe- POSTtsAG We hope that you will carry out cially the East. Soong Ching Ling's behests and keep S. KALIMUTHU your magazine improving and develop- Tamilnailu, Inilia Loves China ing. We'll encourage each other and present advance together with you. At I live in Geneva and FUKUI HAJIME Irnprovements Appreciated study international relations. I'm Tokgo, Japan your Japanese, but greaUy love China. In America I used to read I happened to find your magazine magazine from cover to cover whenever Skeptical I had the chance. But for the past two and was very interested in it, especiatly years in "Zhenjiang-the Foremost Land- that I have bedn living and I take copies of Chino Reconstrucls working in China, I just haven't had scape under Heaven" and "A Chinese to my classroom for my twelve-year- Painter Who Works Abroad" (April the time or opportunity. Little did I old students to read. They are in- missing! I've f981). The latter reminds me of my know what I have been terested in the great variety of informa- just your issue. grandfather and my parents, who all finished January 1981 tion you present about China. tr think pleased and impressed by the lived in China many years ago. They I'm very they like the shorter articles and I you made con- love China, where they spent their improvements have in know they are fascinated with the hard childhood. They also think fondly of tent, format, and writing. Your pictures. work shoui<i be praised. the beautiful scenery and customs One question: does nothing go wrong your there. I hope I will be able to visit On article about Urumqi, I in China? In your efforts to be posi- greatly appreciate the writer's sensi- China' someday and rnake friends with tive about China's great accomplish- you, tivity towards the Uygur - people and ments since the revolution of 1949, you their way of liIe. In the past some JUNKO IZUM.I do create skepticism. Can any society Geneuo, Switzerlond of your articles unintentionally carried be that perfect? a patronizing tone towards minority MARGARET GEILAN PLOSS peoples. The article also showed that Chairman Mao Still Lives Oakland, California, U.S.A. the writer had done careful research I send rny best wishes to the govern- We hope gou houe reail bg now into the history oI Urumqi and the sur' ment and people of China on the 60th "Sumtning Up: Mao Zedong, the Cul- rounding region. Overall, the article anniversary of the founding of the turol Reoolution onil 32 Yearc of Neu) was well researched, well organized, Chinese Communist Party. China" (October 7987), rohich iletails and well written. Although Chairman Mao is dead, in not onlg the ochieoements 'but the LARANDA MARR some ways he still lives for ex6mple, mistakes made since liberotion. - Ed,. Changchun, China in the recent speech rnade- by the pre- sent Party chairman, which was read China's Biggest Dam More about Social Life on Radio Peking July l, 1981, and which impressed me rrefy much. I am interested in the construction of I'm writing you this letter for more Since our popular revolution in China's biggest dam, the Gezhouba articles about social life in China. We Liberia took place on April 12, 1980, I project on the Changjiang (Yangtze) are interested in this topic because the have read about 38 copies of your River. The article in the February issue people of Mozambique, who have onlY magazine through which I learn the on this project was excellent. I hope recently achieved independence, are true meaning of revolution" to read in a future issue that the JuIy now advancing towards socialism. Our PETEN D. JEPLEH JR. flood did not damage it. country is backward and requires Buchonan, Liberio WILLIAM P. GAMBON development. 1 want to learn from San Diego, California, U.S.A. your experrence. AUGUSTO Hopes .tor Reunificat'ion Our October l98I issue inclucled a ALBERTO major couer story on Gezhoubq and the Mocuba, Mozambique glad I am very to read the article- hoppg neus that the flood caused no about Zhenjiang (April 1981), one of the ilamage, Ed. places I'm going to visit during my - Minority Peoples trip to China this year. Through it, I great interest Distinct Approach I always read with got to know something about the city articles like "The Tu PeoPIe of the and its surroundings. As a subscriber to several magazines Qinghai Plateau" (January 1981) which "What's This 'Taiwan Question'?" trom abroad, especially from the West provides information about the speeial (May 1981) is still better. I've been to the U.S., U.S.S.R., Federal Republic environment of minority peoples in Taiwan province, and heard about - and about their of Germany - I find a distinct approach China's outlying areas many disturbing happenings there. It in your magazine. The beautiful color lile and customs. quiet them, is difficult to keep about photographs of city and rural scenes HEIMZ-GUNTER FOERSTER but the people there have to remain are also encirarting. We people in Bielefeld, West GermanY silent, or their security is threatened. I hope China will be reunified. HILDEGARD NURNUS W eilbur g, W e st ^Gertnany TO OUR READERS Soong Ching ting's Legacy Please accept our deep condolences old oncl qew, will write us in detoii their impressions of the on the passing away of Soong Ching Ling. She fought all her life for the birth of a. new China, esPeciallY for the OEINA RECONSTBUCTS SKETCHEOOK /i ,* ir,. I :" A snrall girl. - [,iil Wenti r,1.\ r c:7ai 'i j,1 ry /ta! B'- '\J Readins for grandpl. Liu,,ltnart Liu Yonqjie e :'t.t, Honrervard bound. -?A Zhang Xiaoqin l:fr _\ NOVEMBER T98T 'Heovenly Hemp' LIU LUSIIA T T has a long slender stalk the tubers had grown feet and tions. Once, weakened by a severe I topped with a spike of yellow abseonded, and encircled the fields bout of dysentery, h6 nevertheless flowers and a fleshy tuber under- with stones to keep them from ground; continued his investigations, get- It is found chiefly in running away. ting about with the help of a cane. the mountainous regions of However man's wisdom has In several years, Xu wrote down Sichuan, Shaanxi and Hubei prov- finally penetrated "heaven's,, several dozen voluminous studies inces in central and southwest secrets. Tianma is 5row grown on and completed a preliminary China, and its tuber has long been large areas in the southern part summing-up of tianma's propaga- known to connoisseurs in Chinese of Shaanxi province, thanks to the tion pattern traditional medicine for its excel- efforts of a pharmacologist by the In 1964 tianma was formally lent effects in treating a nurhber of name of Xu Jintang.
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