10709 MUSCULAR TISSUE Skeletal Muscle A-66 H01/16. Skeletal Muscle, c.s. & l.s. A-08 31-2807(H6277) Muscle-Tendon Junction, Human, l.s., sec. Cardiac Muscle A-10 31-3388 Mammal Cardiac Muscle, sec. A-11 H 1780 Mammal Heart, l.s. B-76 H 3.33 Muscle,Heart, l.s. C-13 H060040 Purkinje Fibers, section through Interventricular Wall, Human, H&E. Smooth Muscle A-68 H01/19. Smooth Muscle, c.s. A-69 H01/20. Separated Smooth Muscle w.m, H.E. A-01 31-2420 Mammal Simple Columnar Epithelium, sec. A-37 31-5112 Mammal Pyloric Stomach, c.s. EPITHELIAL TISSUE Simple Columnar Epithelium A-59 H01/1. Columnar Epithelium, sec. A-01 31-2420 Mammal Simple Columnar Epithelium, sec. Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium A-60 H01/4. Pseduostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium A-02 31-2486(H210) Mammal Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium, sec. A-47 31-6476(H8605) Human Epididymis, sec. Stratified Squamous Epithelium A-61 H01/6. Stratified Flat Epithelium, sec. B-25 M-2-a Scalp, Human, l.s., H.E. 1 10709 Transitional Epithelium A-92 H01/64. Urinary Bladder, sec. A-28 31-5860 Mammal Bladder-Contracted, sec. B-01 H 1.41 Urinary Bladder, H.E. CONNECTIVE TISSUE Mucous Connective Tissue A-04 31-2656 Mammal Mucous Tissue, c.s. A-05 31-2662 Human Mucous Tissue, c.s. Loose Connective Tissue A-06 31-2686(H570) Mammal Areolar Tissue spread (R.F.) A-67 H01/17. Loose Connective Tissue Dense Connective Tissue A-62 H01/7. Human Skin Hair Follicle, sec. A-07 31-2788(H650) Mammal Tendon, l.s. (Muscle-Tendon Junction) B-74 H 2.12 Ligmentum Nuchae, c.s. and l.s. Reticular Tissue C-01 H01/87. Reticular Tissue, section from Lymph Gland, Silver Stain B-78 H 2.31 Reticular Tissue, sec. Adipose Tissue A-64 H01/9. Adipose Tissue, sec. B-75 93 W 3232 White Adipose Tissue, Osmic Acid Connective Tissue Cell B-02 Ca-3 Rat Mesentery, Vital Stain (Trypan Blue), Carmine (Macrophage) B-29 H 5.136 Parotid Gland, Plasma Cells C-10 H030031 Mast Cells, wm. of Mesentery, Mammal, MA (Methylene Azure) Stain. C- 21 C-9-m Mast Cells, Rat, Mesentery, Toluidine Blue 2 10709 CARTILAGE and BONE Hyaline Cartilage A-60 H01/4. Trachea A-76 H01/38. Trachea, Hyaline Cartilage, sec., H.E. A-13 31-2898(H6022) Human Hyaline Cartilage, sec. Elastic Cartilage A-14 31-2910(H690) Mammal Elastic Cartilage, sec. (R.F.) A-27 31-5601 Human Epiglottis, sec., H.E. B-03 Ch-2 Auricle, Human, Orcein-Picroindigocarmine-Carmine Fibrous Cartilage B-04 C-5-c Intervertebral Disc. Human, H.E. C-11 H030090 Fibrous Cartilage, sec., Human, H&E. Bone A-15 31-2964(G6325) Mammal Compact Bone Ground, c.s. B-05 C-6-e Bone (Diaphysis), Human, Ground Decalcified Bone A-65 H01/12. Decalcified Bone, c.s., H.E. B-06 CK-1 Diaphysis, Decalcified, H.E. BONE FORMATION Intramembranous Bone Formation A-16 31-3018(H6318) Human Developing Membrane Bone, sec. B-07 H 2.78 Bone Developing, sec. Fetal Pig B-73 H 2.79 Bone, Developing, c.s., Long Bone B-41 H 2.71 Bone, Decalcified, c.s. Endochondral Bone Formation A-35 31-4992(H7838) Human Soft Palate, sec., H.E. B-08 H 2.63 Fibrous Cartilage, sec. B-09 H 2.77 Bone Developing, Human Fetus, sec. 3 10709 BLOOD A-03 31-3158(H6455) Human Blood Smear Wright's A-57 31-3158(H6455) Human Blood Smear Wright's B-71 &72 Blood Smear VASCULAR SYSTEM Arteries of Large Caliber, Elastic Arteries A-17 31-4010(H7025) Human Aorta, c.s. B-16 H 8.21 Aorta, Human B-17 H 8.32 Aorta, Human Medium-Sized Arteries and Veins A-19 31-4088 Human Artery and Vein, c.s. A-89 H01/59. Artery, Vein and Nerve, c.s., H.E. B-18 Gc-2 Vein, Artery and Nerve, Human, Orcein-Picroindigocarmine Large Veins A-18 31-4040 Human Vena Cava, c.s. B-19 Ge-1 Inferior Vena Cava, H.E. B-20 Ge-2 Inferior Vena Cava, Orcein-Picroindigocarmine-Carmine NERVOUS TISSUE (PNS) Multipolar Neurons A-80 H01/43. Spinal Cord, c.s., Silver Stain B-10 H 10.32 Spinal Cord, Human, c.s. and l.s. (H.E.) C-12 H050080 Spinal Cord, cs., Human, H&E. Pseudouniploar Neurons A-71 H01/29. Spinal Ganglion, l.s., H.E. B-11 F-1-h Spinal Ganglion, Cat, H.E. 4 10709 Multipolar Neurons B-12 H 4.27 Sympathetic Ganglion, Human, l.s. Peripheral Neurons A-12 31-3552(H1580) Mammal Peripheral Nerve, c.s. & l.s., H.E. B-13 F-2-f Nerve, Osmic Acid B-14 F-3-h Peripheral Nerve, Cat, H.E. Neuromuscular Junction A-70 H01/27. Motor Nerve Ending w.m, Silver Impregnation B-15 93 W 3657 Motor Nerve Ending, Silver Impregnation C-9 93 W 3659 Muscle Spindle, w.m. INTEGUMENTS Skin A-63 H01/8. Human Skin Sweat Gland, sec., H.E. A-25 31-4528 Human Heavily Pigmented Skin, Apocrine Sweat Gland, sec., H.E. A-26 31-4522 Human, Skin Nonpigmented, sec., H.E. Scalp A-62 H01/7. Human Skin Hair Follicle, sec., H.E. B-25 M-2-a Scalp, Human, l.s., H.E. B-26 M-2-c Scalp, Hair. Cross section, H.E. Nail and Receptor B-27 M-3-c Finger Nail, Pacinian Corpuscles, Human B-28 M-1-k Skin C-05 M-3-d Skin, Meissner’s Corpuscles, Human C-22 H050200 Meissner’s Corpuscle, sec., human, H&E. 5 10709 NERVOUS SYSTEM (CNS) Spinal Cord A-80 H01/43. Spinal Cord, c.s., Silver Stain B-10 H 10.32 Spinal Cord, Human, H.E. C-12 H050080 Spinal Cord, cs., Human, H&E. Cerebellar Cortex A-90 H01/61. Cerebellum, sec., H.E. A-24 31-3660(H1500) Mammal Cerebellum, sec., H.E. Cerebral Cortex B-42 T-4-g Cerebral Cortex, Human, Choroid Plexus, H.E. B-82 93 W 3620 Cerebrum, Golgi Stain B-83 93 W 6322 Cerebrum, Silver Stain TRACHEA and LUNG Trachea A-76 H01/38. Trachea, sec., H.E. B-44 O-5-f Trachea, Human, Orcein-Picroindigocarmine-Carmine Lung A-77 H01/39. Bronchus, sec., H.E. A-85 H01/52. Lung, sec. B-46 Of-2 Lung, Rat, Vital Stain (Trypan Blue), Carmine B-47 Of-5 Lung, Dog, Orcein-Picroindigocarmine-Carmine B-85 Of-4 Lung, Dog, H.E. 6 10709 LYMPH NODE and THYMUS Lymph Node A-73 H01/33. Lymph Nodes, sec., H.E. C-01 H01/87. Reticular Tissue section from Lymph Gland, Silver Stain B-21 Ha-3 Spleen and Lymph Node, Human,Vital Stain B-78 H 2.31 Reticular Tissue, sec. B-79 H 13.11 Lymph Gland, Human, H.E. Thymus A-20 31-4388(99-7295) Human Thymus, sec. B-22 H-3-f Thymus, Human (Adult), Involution, H.E. B-23 Hc-1 Thymus, Human Newborn, H.E. SPLEEN, TONSIL and BONE MARROW Spleen A-88 H01/55. Spleen, sec. B-21 Ha-3 Spleen and Lymph Node, Vital Stain B-24 H-1-h Spleen and Lymph Node, Silver Stain (Carmine) B-80 Hb-4 Spleen, Human, H.E . Tonsil A-21 31-4298 Human Palatine Tonsil, sec., H.E. A-22 31-4304 Human Lingual Tonsil, sec., H.E. A-23 31-4316(99-8833) Human Pharyngeal Tonsil Adenoid, sec. Bone Marrow A-72 H01/32. Red Bone Marrow, sec., H.E. B-81 93 W 4098 Red Bone Marrow, Wright Giemsa stain 7 10709 ORAL CAVITY and TEETH Oral Cavity A-75 H01/37. Tongue, l.s., H.E. A-30 H 2600 Lip, sec. A-31 31-4758 Mammal Foliate Papillae with Taste Buds, sec. A-32 31-4806 Human Tongue Fungiform Papillae, sec. B-87 N-6-1 Circumvallate Papillae, Monkey, H.E. Teeth A-33 31-4848 Mammal Tooth in situ, l.s. , Decalcified section B-32 N-21-c Tooth, Ground section, l.s., Human, Unstained B-33 N-21-a Developing Tooth, 6 Month Human Fetus, H.E. B-34 H 5.1183 Developing Tooth, H.E. C-14 H090023 Human Tooth, cs., Ground Preparation. SALIVARY GLAND, ESOPHAGUS and STOMACH Salivary Gland A-34 31-4932 Mammal Submandibular Gland, sec. B-29 H 5.136 Parotid Gland, H.E. B-30 N-8-b Submandibular Gland, Human, H.E. B-31 H 5.135 Sublingual Gland, H.E. C-15 H090070 Parotid Gland, section, Human, H&E. Esophagus A-78 H01/40. Esophagus, c.s., H.E. A-79 H01/41. Esophagus Stomach Junction, H.E. A-36 31-5034(H7878) Human Esophagus, sec. B-35 H5.321 Esophagus, Middle portion, c.s., H.E. C-16 H090141 Esophagus Composite of Upper, Middle, Lower Portions, Mammal, H&E. Stomach A-37 31-5112 Mammal Pyloric Stomach, c.s. A-38 31-5058(H2890) Mammal Stomach, Composite, c.s. A-39 31-5100(H7925) Human Fundic Stomach, sec. B-88 H 5.41 Stomach, Dog 8 10709 INTESTINE and PANCREAS Small Intenstine A-40 31-5184(H8010) Human Lower Duodenum, c.s. A-41 31-5226 Mammal Ileum, sec. B-36 93W 4533 Ileum, Paneth Cells, Phloxine-Tartrazine Stain B-89 N-15-p Gastroduodenal Junction, Monkey, H.E. C-17 H090190 Stomach–Duodenal Junction, sec., Human, H&E. C-18 H090230 Small Intestine Composite, cs. of Three Intestine Portions, Human, H&E Colon A-82 H01/49.
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