Vol. 2, 611, March 1996 Clinical Cancer Research 611 Annual Meeting fee. (If additional funding is received, some The AACR’s Annual Meeting is one of the larg- AACR travel support may be available for junior fac- est and most important annual gatherings of sci- The American Association for Cancer Re- ulty.) entists engaged in cancer research worldwide. search (AACR) was founded in 1907 to bring The Workshop Organizing Committee is The next Annual Meeting will take place in together active investigators of the cancer chaired by Drs. Daniel D. Von Hoff(for AACR) Washington, D. C., from April 20-24, l996. The problem for the presentation and discussion of and Charles A. Coltman, Jr. (for ASCO), both of the Cancer Therapy and Research Center in Chairperson ofthe Annual Meeting is Lorraine J. new findings and to foster advances in cancer San Antonio, Texas. They will invite and se- Gudas of the Cornell University Medical Col- research. Today the Association has more than 10,000 members working in all of the subdis- lect a distinguished faculty that will deliver lege. Dr. Gudas and her Program Committee ciplines of cancer research in the United over 20 hours of lectures on a variety of topics have invited outstanding scientists in the field to States, Canada, and more than 50 other coun- in the field and direct four 2-hour small group organize plenary sessions, symposia, methods tries. Information on AACR programs and ac- discussion sessions in which 25-30 partici- workshops, controversy sessions, and meet-the- tivities can be obtained from pants will obtain practical training in subjects expert sunrise sessions. The Committee has just American Association for that are essential to the success of clinical completed the scheduling of proffered papers in Cancer Research trials. In addition, all participants will be re- minisymposia, poster discussion sessions, and sponsible the preparation and submission Public Ledger Building for poster sessions. The deadline for abstract sub- 150 South Independence Mall West of a concept sheet for an actual clinical trial missions was December 1, 1995. Suite 816 protocol. Faculty will review and provide de- Philadelphia, PA 19106.3483 tailed critiques of these concept sheets. ASCO Phone: (215) 440-9300 will certify this workshop for Category 1 cred- its toward the AMA Physicians Recognition Fax: (215) 440-9313 Workshop on Molecular Biology in Award. The AACR welcomes applications for mem- Clinical Oncology Information and application forms will be bership from the readership. Scientists en- The AACR will sponsor an intensive, one- mailed to AACR and ASCO members in gaged in all areas of cancer research are eligi- March. Nonmembers should request brochures week summer workshop on molecular biology ble for membership. There are three categories from the AACR office. The deadline for re- designed for clinical oncologists in training of membership: active membership, open to ceipt of applications will be April 25, 1996. and in their early academic careers. The work- cancer researchers working in the Americas; shop will take place at the Given Institute in corresponding membership, to those working AACR Special Conferences in Aspen, Colorado, from June 28-July 4, 1996. outside the Americas; and associate member- Cancer Research Recent advances in molecular biology are be- ship, to graduate and medical students, post- A number of meetings are now being orga- coming more and more relevant to the diag- doctoral fellows, and physicians-in-training. nized in the AACR’s new series of smaller nosis, therapy, and management of cancer Further information on the qualifications for scientific meetings. Following are the topics, patients. The workshop will give clinical on- each category as well as the benefits of mem- dates, locations, and program committees for cologists the opportunity to interact closely in bership can be found on the application forms some of these meetings. When full details of at the back of this issue. an informal setting with experts in the field of each meeting are available, AACR members molecular biology, learn their language and will be the first to receive complete brochures laboratory techniques, better understand rele- and application forms for participation in these vant literature, and communicate more effec- Workshop on Methods in Clinical important conferences. Nonmembers may re- tively with their basic science colleagues. Cancer Research ceive this information by sending their names Stephen H. Friend of the Fred Hutchinson This August the AACR and the American So- and addresses to Meetings Mailing List, Ameri- Cancer Research Center, L. Michael Glod#{233}of ciety of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) will intro- can Association for Cancer Research, Public the University of Colorado School of Mcdi- duce a new, 6-day summer workshop on din- Ledger Building, 150 South Independence Mall cine, and Jennifer A. Pietenpol of the Vander- ical research methods designed for both West, Suite 816, Philadelphia, PA 19106-3483. bilt University School of Medicine will serve oncobogists in training and senior investiga- Telephone: (215) 440-9300. FAX: (215) 440- as chairpersons of the workshop and will invite tors. The workshop will take place at the Inn at 9313. E-Mail: [email protected]. a distinguished faculty to direct five 2#{189}-hour Prospector Square in Park City, Utah, from June 8-12, 1996 laboratory sessions and deliver 20 hours of August 17-23, 1996. The overall goal of the Inducible Genomic Responses lectures. Generous support from the National workshop will be to educate clinical scientists Chairpersons: Cancer Institute will provide funding for the in methods for clinical research and to encour- WILLIAM T. BECK, Memphis, TN registration fees and hotel accommodations of age better clinical trial design so that new JOHN A. HICKMAN, Birmingham, England 65 physicians in training and oncology fel- cancer treatments can be introduced more rap- RICHARD I. MORIMOTO, Evanston, IL lows. Ten senior clinical oncologists will also idly into general medical practice. Major sup- Skamania Lodge, Stevenson (Columbia River be able to attend the workshop upon payment port for this program has already been ob- Gorge), WA of a registration fee. The University of Cob- tamed from Bristol-Myers Squibb and Hoechst October 2-6, 1996 rado School of Medicine certifies this work- Marion Roussel Amgen, and a grant proposal Novel Approaches in Blood and Marrow shop for Category 1 credits toward the AMA has been submitted to the National Cancer Transplantation Physicians Recognition Award. Institute. Funds will be available to offset the Second Annual Meeting of the American Information and application forms were registration fees and housing and subsistence Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation mailed to AACR members in January. Non- expenses for 75 clinical trainees to attend the Chairpersons: members should request brochures from the workshop. In addition, 25 clinical investigators 0. MICHAEL COLVIN, Durham, NC AACR office. Applications are due in the at the level ofjunior faculty will be accepted to BRUCE R. BLAZAR, Minneapolis, MN AACR office by March 25, 1996. the workshop upon payment of a registration Hotel Del Coronado, San Diego, CA Clinical Cancer Research i Instructions for Authors Scope have been approved by the investigator’s Institutional Review Board. Clinical Cancer Research, a journal of the American Associa- tion for Cancer Research, publishes original articles describing clinical research on the cellular and molecular characterization, Review Process prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of human cancer. Its focus is The review process, expedited by fax transmission and over- on innovative clinical research and translational research which night mail service, is conducted as rapidly as possible. Each bridges the laboratory and the clinic. Clinical Cancer Research submitted manuscript is reviewed by at least two experts in the is especially interested in clinical trials evaluating new treat- field of investigation. If the authors are invited to submit a ments for cancer; research on molecular abnormalities that pre- revised manuscript for an expedited further review, the revised dict incidence, response to therapy, and outcome; and laboratory version must be submitted within three months. studies of new drugs and biological agents that will lead to clinical trials in patients. Specific areas of interest include clinical and translational Manuscript Submission research in: molecular pharmacology and chemotherapy; drug Send manuscripts to John Mendelsohn, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, sensitivity and resistance; tumor immunology and immunother- Clinical Cancer Research, at Department of Medicine, Memo- apy; radiobiology and radiation oncology; solid tumor oncol- rial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New ogy; hematobogical malignancies; surgical oncology; pediatric York, NY 10021. Submit four original sets (not photocopies) of oncology; molecular oncology and cancer genes; pathology, figures along with four copies of the manuscript. If a manuscript markers, and prognostic indicators; growth factors, cytokines, is closely related to papers that are in press or have been and signal transduction; bone marrow transplantation; gene ther- submitted elsewhere, please provide copies of those papers with apy; cancer endocrinology; cell adhesion, invasion, and metas- your submission. tasis; prevention of primary and recurrent cancer; differentiation Advances in Brief will be reserved for concise, definitive
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