They Shot...Index Italic page numbers indicate Arcana (Varèse), 298n32 photos/illustrations/musical scores. Works with ARCO (Royal College of Organists Associateship date indicate Rathburn scores/pieces. Diploma), 18 Armour, Julian: Concertino for Banjo and String Quartet (1999), 175; Ottawa Suite (1996), 217, Abraham, Karl, 300n5 218; performing Rathburn pieces, 216; Scottish Admiral Beatty Hotel, 19, 163 Melody (1933), 207; Subway Thoughts (1993), Adney, Edwin Tappan, 65 208; Summer Nocturne (2001), 203 Adorno, Theodor, 40 Around Charles Ives Festival, 143 Agony (film), 206 arthritis, 220 Aiken, Ian, 93 Associated Screen News of Canada, 35 airplanes, 154, 301n17 Asuka Productions, 113 Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg, 177–8, 306n52 Atlantic Brass Quintet, 155 Alexander of Tunis, 42 Atlantic Symphony Orchestra, 200 Alkan, Charles-Valentin, 160 Atmospheres (Ligeti), 79 Allen, Les, 49 atonality, 41, 83–4 American in Paris (Gershwin), 136, 196 Auden, W. H., 224 American influences, 37, 40, 46–7 autobiography, 19–20 American Revolutionary War, 169 Autry, Gene, 54 Amis, John, 163 awards: Award for Distinguished Contribution to Ammons, Albert, 56 the Industry, 229–30; The Back-Breaking Leaf Andante (1938), 207–8 (1959), 69; Beavers (1988), 119; Certificate of animation: Ballet Mécanique, 186–7; and Commendation, 228–9, 228; City of Gold (1957), Bartosch, 289n86; Blinkity Blank (1955), 34–5; 66; The Defender (1989), 110; Family Circle Suite Every Child, 223; Fish Spoilage Control (1956), (1951), 199; L.A. Philharmonic Young Artists’ 59–61, 61; It’s a Crime (1957), 67–9, 67, 207; Competition, 22, 24; The Last Buffalo (1990), 120; Johann Mouse, 286n5; My Financial Career Order of Canada, 233; The Railrodder (1965), (1962), 74; NFB as experimental, 46; The Predator 89–90; The Romance of Transportation in Canada and the Prey (It All Depends) (1974), 103; The Ride (1952), 48, 49; The Safety Supervisor (1951), 44; (1963), 74; The Romance of Transportation in scholarship award, 16, 17; Short and Suite (1959), Canada (1952), 46–52, 48, 60, 71, 286n5, 289n75; 59; Titanica (1991), 121; Universe (1960), 82; Satellites of the Sun (1974), 78; Shaindlin’s various, 228–9; Who Has Seen the Wind (1977), scoring, 53; Short and Suite (1959), 47, 56–9, 57; 108 Teeth Are to Keep (1949), 38, 104–5, 286n6; Universe (1960), 74–82; UPA (United Productions Bach, Johann Sebastian, 20, 78, 226, 232 of America, 286n6 The Back-Breaking Leaf (1959) (film), 69 Antheil, Elizabeth Böske, 187 Bacon, Ernst Lecher, 161 Antheil, George, 186 Baer, Howard, 121 Appalachian Spring (Copland), 198 Bairstow, David, 73 Apparition (1990), 216, 217 Ballad of the BAM Builders (Ovchinnikov), 160 Applebaum, Louis: interpreting Canada, 4; and Ballet Mécanique (film), 186–7 The Metamorphic Ten (1971), 216; musical piece banjos: Bohee brothers, 170; City of Gold (1957), for, 202; and NFB, 34, 202, 222–3; number of 63, 64–5, 174; Concertino for Banjo and String films scored, 33; overview, 202; Rathburn Quartet (1999), 174–5, 176; Creole Bania, 304n10; apprenticing with, 27, 28–30; Rathburn job offer, Deliverance (film), 88, 291n126; history of, 30, 31; Rathburn working with, 226; scholarship 167–73; The Metamorphic Ten (1971), 174; The award, 17; working in Hollywood, 33–4 Railrodder (1965), 88; Rathburn and Bauer, Applebaum-Hébert Report, 202, 222–3 174–5; Rathburn’s creative use, 177; The Rise and They Shot...Index 1 They Shot...Index Fall of the Steam Railroad (1982), 155–7; on Saint Blake, Carice Irene Elgar, 161–2 John River, 168; Transitions (1986), 118, 174; Who Blinkity Blank (1955) (film), 34–5 Has Seen the Wind (1977), 107; women playing, The Blue Danube (Strauss), 8, 82 171 blues, 44, 56 Barbeau, Marius, 165–6 Bluff (Krenek), 161 Barden, Mark, 227 Blume, Helmut, 310n24 Barn Dance combo, 173 Boccherini, Luigi, 89 Barrymore, Ethel, 11 Bohee, George, 170–2, 170 Bartók, Béla, 175 Bohee, James Douglass, 170–2, 170 Bartosch, Berthold, 75, 77, 289n86 Bond, Carrie Jacobs, 283n13 bass, 64, 220 Boogie Doodle (film), 56 bassoons, 38 boogie-woogie, 51 The Battle of Britain (film), 109 Boris Gudonov (Mussorgsky), 120 Bauer, Walter Kaye, 174–5 Boston Symphony Orchestra, 194–5 BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 149 Boulez, Pierre, 134, 212 BBC Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, 149 Bout: In Three Rounds (1971), 213–14, 214 The Beatles, 188 Bowden, Kathleen, 279n15 A Beautiful Constraint (Morgan and Barden), 227 Bowden, William Comerford: in 1958, 9; about, Beavers (1988) (IMAX film), 118–19 9–10; address of, 279n15; death of, 72; at bebop, 50–1, 61. See also jazz Imperial Theatre, 12; supporting Eldon, 10, 33, 37; Beethoven, Ludwig van: and Albrechtsberger, as teacher of Holder, 18 178; “Canadian Canon” (Beethoven), 208, boxing, 213, 293n48 313n75; and The Nomadic Five (1974), 216; Brant, Henry, 183 Rathburn disapproving of symphony, 194, 306n51 brass sections: City of Gold (1957), 64–5; “Film Begone Dull Care (1949) (film), 56 Board sound,” 38; The First Emperor Of China Begone Dull Care (film), 47 (1989), 120; Fish Spoilage Control (1956), 61; Berlin Requiem (Weill), 176 Momentum (1992), 125; The Nomadic Five (1974), Bernard, James, 174 216; Universe (1960), 77, 78 Bertin, Johanna, 8 Brian, Havergal, 147–9, 299n58 Berton, Pierre, 62, 65, 312n58 Brian, Hilda, 147–8, 299n58 Bicentennial Fanfare (1993), 281n60 Bridgeo, Fred, 126–8, 132 Biggs, Julian, 86 “Brighton Camp,” 65–6 Bilbao International Festival of Documentary Film, British Academy of Film and Television Arts 66 (BAFTA), 59 Bill, Keith, 157 Brittain, Donald, 73, 113 Bilyeu, Tom, 179–80 Britten, Benjamin, 224 The Birth of a Flower (film), 290n108 Brott, Boris, 200 Birth of the Cool (album), 71 Bruce Holder Orchestra, 18–19, 30, 31, 153–4. See Black, Brown and Beige Suite (1958), 288n73 also Third New Brunswick Anti-Aircraft Black and White (1960), 205, 215 Regimental Band Black Loyalists and Refugees, 169–71, 172, 177 Bryars, Gavin, 163 Blackburn, Maurice: about, 34–5, 277n3; Canada Buchan, John (Lord Tweedsmuir), 16, 17 at War (1962) (film series), 73; interpreting budgets, 53, 224–5 Canada, 4; and the “Mighty Five,” 34; and Burmester, David, 83–4 Rathburn collaboration, 46; and Rathburn’s jazz Busoni, Ferruccio, 146 tracks, 49 Buster Keaton Rides Again (film), 87 Blades, James, 63–4, 174 Byrnes, Paul, 290n104 Blais, Roger, 285n2 They Shot...Index 2 They Shot...Index Cairo Symphony Orchestra, 99 The Cats on Parliament Hill (2001), 203–4, Callender’s Georgia Minstrels, 171 312–13nn58–9 Calliope (1980) (film), 189 CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation): cameo appearances: Short and Suite (1959), 57; broadcast of Bout: In Three Rounds (1971), 213; Transitions (1986), 117, 118; When All the People broadcast of Silhoutte (1938), 19; broadcast of Play (1948), 39, 39 Songs of the Seasons (2003), 193; and Bruce Cameron, James, 121 Holder Orchestra, 30; Gilmour’s Albums (radio Campbell, A.H., 12 program), 189; The Happy Gang (radio program), Campbell, Frances, 17 20, 281n70; Lucy Maud Montgomery: The Road to Campbell, Ken, 73 Green Gables (1975) (TV), 104; The Magic of Canada at War (1962) (film series), 73 Music (1955–58) (TV series), 310n24; and Messer, Canada Carries On (CCO) (film series), 27–8, 37, 3–4; and NFB composers, 35; and O’Neil (Joe 40, 43 LeBlanc), 14; programming canceled, 31; Canadian Brass, 200 recording of Images of Childhood (1950), 198; Canadian Brass Rag (1974), 200 recording of Pierrot Lunaire (Schoenberg), 134; “Canadian Canon” (Beethoven), 208, 209, 313n75 Waiting for Caroline (1967) (film), 98 Canadian Chamber Players, 207–8, 217 CBC Winnipeg Orchestra, 198, 199 Canadian Compositions for Young Pianists cello, 216–17 (album), 205 Central Park in the Dark (Ives), 140 Canadian League of Composers, 17, 59–60, 193, The Chamber Players of Canada, 101 280n52 Chamber Players of Canada, 218–19, 316n113 Canadian mosaic, 165 chamber scores: Dorion Crossing (1987), 157; Five Canadian Music Centre, 220 Short Pieces (1949), 197; in NFB films, 38, 42, 227; Canadian national patriotism, 23–5 Rathburn’s later works, 195, 228; Transitions Canadian National Railway, 117 (1986) (IMAX film), 118; various, 215–20 Canadian Performing Rights Society, 16, 17, 19 Chamber Symphony (Schoenberg), 136 Canadian Railway Museum, 159 Chamberfest, 202–3, 312n53 Canadian Snapshots (TV), 19 Chamberlain, Charlie, 14–15 Canadian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Charging Irishrey (1981) (Grainger and Rathburn), Animals (SPCA), 319n65 164 Candid Eye (film series), 69 Charging Irishrey (Grainger), 155, 164 Cannes Film Festival, 35, 66, 69, 82 Charles, Peaker, 16 Cantor, Eddie, 8 Charles Ives Festival-Conference, 143 Capital on the Ottawa (1968) (film), 98 Charlesworth, Hector, 17 A Capital Plan (1949), 203 Charlie’s Day (1967) (film), 98 Capitol Theatre (Saint John), 30 Le chemin de fer (Alkan), 160 carillons, 202–4, 218–19, 316n113 Cherry, Evelyn. See When All the People Play Carleton University, 35, 132, 133, 219–20, 231–2 Chester Beachell Studio, 71, 289n75 Carman, Bliss, 193, 309n11 Children of Canada (1975) (film series), 103–4 “Carnival of Venice,” 197 Children’s Concert (1949) (film), 35, 197, 284n28, Carrefour de l’Opéra (film), 290n108 310n25 Carrie Jacobs Bond Scholarship, 31–3, 283n13, children’s concert series, 197, 215 283n16, 313n62 children’s music, 196–7, 199, 215, 310n24 Cartoon No. 1 (1944), 196 “A Child’s Christmas” (ca. 1943–44), 309n6 Cartoon No. 2 (1946), 196, 208 Chinese music, 97, 120 cats, 203–4, 312n57–8, 319n65 Cho, Adrian, 220 Cats (Webber), 312n57 choral pieces, 193, 194 Christ, Peter, 184, 216. See also Crystal Records They Shot...Index 3 They Shot...Index A Christmas Fantasy (1963) (film), 82–3 Copland, Aaron, 33, 41, 160, 198, 226 Chubu Electric Power Corporations, 118 Cork Film Festival, 66 cinema. See direct cinema; early cinema; Quebec Corner, John, 47, 55 cinema; Rathburn film scores, NFB; Rathburn film Corral (1954) (film), 52–9 scores, other; various films Cowell, Henry, 142 Cinématheque Canadienne, 229–30 Cox, John, 68 Circle of the Sun (1960) (film), 73 CPR Folk Music Festival, 165 Circus World (1974) (IMAX film), 113 CPR No.
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