

XOETBVnXE BAILS 1933 i- WISE"PEOPIJ£ RESOLVE • * Tbe-Xew Year Comes Aid Then Have The Couraee . Fail Of Hop* iod Cheer . To Keep The S-Kulve n u. Vol. 64, No. 26 '•' Xprthvtlle, Michigan-, Friday, December 2SV:i93-i £i.5C "PER YEAR LN ADVANCE '«a»sJ'..! .."i -^."'itstJii.-. -.'-fiW^J.T"v. •im^-vvi 2¾¾¾ :-^^^-1-^-3-,¾¾ : i HERMAN'KREEGER =' 1934 .-LICENSEE .-,-^-- ; - ' -78 Voices'.Here![Sunday Evening, "E_r) ! f TALKS .BASEBALL ? PLATES. GOOD : I '-,. WITH TIGER STAR \ •.':':. ; ..-Inspire*iA, GrojyciOf Over 4001 UNTIL FEB. imniEi•--:..','.£.£;B ?v ; • i '''•': Vi?.-t''lic-J~ "'/-rs-i- ,-4 - ;| '-HermSrf :23¾¾¾^. is 'feeling . -SGchigah 'rsotcftstsxrillset': j f ^ esn^eiyrpftudJB^i.as. a !re-j' a break as-vn .this year. All ! suli'of a^rmquefe^perjence he IKW'^cense pJaKsjipi be kgs^. i iifci iiEii fiafl' 6Q cfristtn^daj-. He Sad : j f^anaFeSruafyrli -^|'<b rooior j' :¾¾^^^ r the -pTeasurei 6¾ citatting •• igi ,. $&-^<ej&Zi£sea£i. Evefyn ljiSbier, Prances Cous- ' " yfaicl^- exiept. I trailers- -if j r-B! jSuinfey evenicg^te the ?re*yfer£aa fi& .1,^-: =¾¾¾½ Dorothy" Vroman.; formally- .Tith;n6ne other than-! = l L i??r*; tnai'-3|6b0 pounds." is^ • <*rac&';-?;.,:-,;••-.,-^--.. -,iV- -- "''h iifS'.'M-.J.' KoidySe, Mrs.": ifaiur: Biily^ " RbgeijE xJeircii Tiger Jn^edbyL^lieGiree.thcCT^;^ ' J L .the- jiatl sta^ment'issiifrd by -.j. siiiiE short stop,- andi iri Roger's <Ms i.f Esecretayri'of _'State CSrie W- { llnii own horne at that. -.E : ' BTC'-TTI and Orvile E-" Atwood. : ; : I • ••::'* ^'zXr-fr^-^ ~a.~.r. IPIyrnoutAtaleEt-jronth'e.apj^valofjK^i.-jj^^..^3^¾ .Marguerite >?$•.% * -,¾^. ft -'• ^: -^ - £1'' -'"• ~':- ~£* p.. --- ' ^. King's' Daughters Give Yule \ f.Going to visit .Earl- Hamil- = iA 1: ? secretary of .|ta'eJelect. -o Mercury Hits$ Below -Zero Other. Officers..Re-EIecled; ; ;alL._-_ - .Th e audienc......e --.was'. - SishAJjiforw... - , n and- G-seSaoU^JohesG'weadolya•,, ^ E : ,^,-??V, ^ _, ansion'Over-1 " Cheer by Distributing to j i ton, formerly- of, Northviilev at -Yerkes;/ Retiring Presf- jthroaghout"•*-—-------, as 'the performance^' .:,.--^- H- ?-ii.L-"" E -,--,>-, : 1933 Hailed Indicator Under.-_he traiSr-brpke.ia-5- Early Thursday Follow­ " 2t>EFaifiiliesE - ' his home oh Joy" roadj' 34T- dent, Reviews Ye*r -; iM«i i-iiii.'..„;-.v;;.i i~.^» I?r< Altos: Mrs. Victor Jjcnley, Mrs. for 1935 ! L a*S5tesl_by the 1333 legislature';" J ing Heavy' Gale _ - kreeger was, to his surprise, blasting a little overan hour,-Tent on'A, ;I .•. _i,- --•• .^, •- -.. CJ- •• • '—-E- ' ."^ 0 j j: all tellers-of'more than 3000^1 E-.Tbe King'sDaughters contributed] greeted bji a stranger who "told 'tii-L^* k;w:i.'i.ti». ^.-..°¾ ¾ Clme, Jane Grosvtnor,! |.; 'The eo-'dest weather of the pres- their share of Christinas cbeer iToh^j •him Mr. Hamilton did not live -,- -• :. lrom start !o toh mtbort mter: ... •• A;^. ..-- -^-^,-51^-5- .'-ca:- vrfnter strjek NorthviUe early r T?z a day aftemboni at the vfflage hall j iraura*. J.I^pham-i^selectedihrptiori. This wis the second" tixae\^ ^ <£??• ^?i '?' ^^ I "Thuisday rcomlag as the mercury there lacy 3»re> Tne stranger : -wiieD.-tbey park«d ^d; delivered 86 j . president o: the KorJiviite Excfianzejtbe oratorio has been given in North- j^Er ~5~ »-JP-e,. JMTS. 4¾ j'hit ah unofficial !o~ of five degrees Identified Himself .as Billy 5 the tnici.. Bemuse of this baskets of good .thiijgsE to eat to' Jlclub for^theEcoming Usm' Wrfnes-i^fe/itr. Lee also" conducting it kit C?^^ ^E ^ ^•v?* ''. ... ., [''b^lo^' zero." -• ••.• Roge'J saying that a. picture? of - ;: laiv. 1934-tiaikr licenae-can-. needy ferailies^in NorthvilleE' I 'day.E. noon.- Tepl^^g-ERobert.'-GEyear. '* . v •'-" .: jM^ «sha ,G.-Lee, Sicancr Gres--toa _cf Actir? Postmaster Fred A-;] ; All day ".Vedn^iSay the tempera- that fameus short stop on the Ven no's be used legacy after De­ : j lYerices. Who has served for-the pastjr AsEall audietSss of ttfe -MesiahT i ?' ^E*.; Van Atta,-ajat is a go«i indicator J j If, was. a biisy scene .for. levera!; s wall was himself. cember •&', 1934.' on", trailers- i '-IJ:C ^-anl: ;o^-er and lower, and un- • jhaif yeai-". '-'' .-. .: - 0.-. - [have done since ia'flrstjendition is] Oenrvde Deal., Violet .JOtasor.Efor cctiditigns-ic 1935." . -^ ;. ., ; f j -til arc-jr.d 3. a^m^ the tbermometer .hours, the six women going "about' { Mr. Kree*jer discovered: Bo- : M.Uhe Presbyteriar^ch-Jrch arose to itsisoc.. Avig;Feny, Helen johnsom "60,^1534; ^=¾^ ;harj li.per cent'' ;*SighSighmi g more. tEan 3.0OO lbs. - j" TKe other officers. vko hold die -'England 320 jeab ago. the throng at >Marj«tris e Keip<;nt.^ Kqrence ^J*n:-'; ^^ The entire volume of tusin?ss for N ort: j 'w-fttci -.he riadir. • . ..- - . their work with a will. The to nsbip.; * gell krio-XS'and has played ball it, feet "as the -^'aUelujah Chcrus" j Tesrfesfce'rry. Isabeller Te^ksb-rry; grcateathan oc«'vear aso: the post-! ' " - h^-iiie readf-nt-; vpl be c Isame^posts as they d& last terra : - ?cllo^vi.';c-:a sr.ira'Stonn Widnesd3y • donated" "$50 arid the Masceis' save \ with such NtKthviUVsfars as ,.-^.:.- ; u^ w;^,-<-™f »»_r-.,^L, . - • . 5¾¾.-^-es'.-jf^interesecj in-.tao^ins that !are as follows: ^Rorr K. CrOTre. first . .. - ma.5iier pointed out. : tr.o.-r;in^. a gale. blo^irgTdirectly cut- tldjlo the cause, o , ' ..'•;. ^Arnold. Juke, Loyle. GrrmanE si; J : j vic~irrtt3den.t;"Tarl B.Ely, second .rah:; Solciste out.: -s-er- e; ..Mrs..Edn. a OConnor}, an, Tenorsd Winifre. Rad yMcCar« Van Valhehburi> . R iisciaily t'ti», be sasid ; of itamp ri- i 1 ^ ° * Johnson and Secretary L of the -Vr.rth-j-cst. struck Nerthville, . Police ;"Chief- William H. Satford _ ^JTOntyT-. Moore,. arid Harry' of S&itc^elevt Atwvod w«^e 'vic• v;cee .president president: ;Dr.D Charle. A.Bri?fs A. .Dolph third. Uo f SolcistPfytpoutn. »ci. sopranoc DU^. c^ui: ;--a UWUM- • ^ tr.uvn>. Kay van ^amenourg. K lisriajiy m;e. ne saia. .¾ stamp rj-1 j J-blOTln^ ihe fiiov to high..drifts and Street Ccthniiisioner EMI Mont- ] Ocririan, Sr. - E. roommates aV_ Lansing whilr: : 'ccCTetary-trRasure^- PaytW! B-B-onp.;Horton of ; PJjmoath te Barbara-II. Atr.emian^JIaSrice Giles. George|0<-ipts. on whkh.jthf; -government\'. I ; throughout. Uve vlu^-e and making scenery - both .volunteered their serv­ : : they were bii'.fi'ter.-iug in' the . Rogell was not sure abo^t 'marshal. Nelson'c Schradcr aiid;Pierre Keriyi ? Countryside t«u3s neaiSV imputable. ..contralto: ilxxrkart. Lee &hip'<br. Essie NiridtrJ judges it> pwt-offices." Money ordtrj! h^isliture d'j-'inf ;he ti-rms of ices for th~ delivery >5?>rt. They kSpi the Tigers' chances in 1935, Samuel W. Wlftinvn were named to an, bass. Mrs. B. "William Doty. *ife' RilpT h Bogartahd Robert An^ve;:.<anlially increased, too." K«: asserte r d ] ;The hi^ti wind, conjing iri gusts as on; tenor; and Carl Bry-:Ho ai-Jt Morris.' Leslie'' Pii-rpant,:and postal s»vtr.?s totals wert sub-| !I 1337. J3I&. and:lS2i. ..the police car heaped full of yule; j an<? raid that tlw teams, go«J, the beard of control. =• of Professor Doty of ti:e University; Basses.-; Don Verkes, Sr„ Richard.that" he is very gratified rith 'the J fast a.s 3€- n-.ilcs an hour, was a part tide bounty most of the afternoon; fortune iii-the'1931 campaign. 'or the Nprthville pen + ;of the p^ic tbst s-si-pt ova the whole la; largely in keeping the. line-, • •Every needy family got ampltT-pjo- e ewni:ig;.TSar." -t. I __.United SUtc;. Icavinr; havoc In Iti up intacf without injury all • virions to; last several days. The ra clerks. .Miss Ruth 5:1 Us: ;-»ak.-. N'orthvjlic. «.*c."tpcd the worst baskets Incliitied all the Christmas Season. " The!fac10as I""* '""f i-endtrcd SutKiay.jCharles 'Strauti. ' 'A the VTHirtcsies shoicn liim Hotihkins.:and Ward-.Vej: Atta. and aii. extra-MRS.'JOHN W. DOLPH par. t>f >t. • • • • dtlicacies imaginable.- Mos£_pf them He wes cr.lhusiasiij In lib ;h»lt yer»r ha^ br-ii- n an lntcrcsto'is,'1'"' -Mr.:i^c J.ias sitjnix'icd that theibull. KcJaard Btrtdi-r. Kober^LykeE ^rrk-r .Arti.urE r Sessions, were fm-j DIES A-ILOS ANGELES Trn«v-pcrta'jrii: Jn Northvillr con- " hadch1ckens,_and all had vegetables', praise of Tommy Bridges and 'or'-., he Mid. sr.d a irimbEr of %ind' '"^ °?it may be Riven at Eaitericiiltod Clihe and Mairln. iSchriultz.'pi'py,-,^ cltiiin^: lit- Chriiuras ^ei.v>n •Charlie Gehrin.Rer. Tiger rtars^f • Or* DECEMBER 2 i ST lir.N<-t1 thro-ish »11 tt.e cold and fruit and ever: sandy. Toys vrre fihlrtzs wcte acblev.xi. r ., I time. I At the clo^e of ihe p/Kcr.lation •o handX- the 'IIIEC tlood of letters wliom nc fc-i would be main- j ; , ro:r>w. Ir'ji btfh o-;!-bo-.]tid ftnd Jn- included iii c*ses where baskets went t TX*X anncrjrircd Umt tl-e.nKvl- ; The names of the participant are[5anday erc-nms the chorus invited and p-ickrti;e.> rccefv<fl 'jy NurthviUe The rl'-Ail- of Mrs John W\ Dolp!) <fniir.j; ira!t;c was cjt io a mint- to farnlllos with young childicn. -- stays or the k-ara in she run' !a' follou-.: r r Ine* of the tlJb will U? held at 12115 1 - jMr. l*e itito the-chureh te^Vhcrejf^^p;"^. Tnc lost enjecrritde a ccm-|° toS^Bfir.'ns. Cali.VfAfWio 1..^- " :^mir. fyauScn nm«.t main strict*here •'us ."icaton^ :!, !o,, Those on the- committee were Mrs.

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