•y" r.,l I •- ) V '. » \ PACE TTO -Vl SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1957 ^n rl;t0t?r lEitmutg Ji^rtiUi Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather ■. Tor the Week' Ended Foreeaat ef U. 8. Waatbar Ba October 26, 1651 cniiser and drove to the scene. it' out to whomever he wtshei. The About Town TTiey left the car's motor running charge for a 1100 check is 30 GENERAL Fair and mid tonight. Low and went Into the'building. They cents. 1 2 ,6 7 0 ‘30. TUetiday partly eJoudy and Heard Along Main Street could find no disturbance and At present, only one other Man­ Chapm&n Court, No. 10, Order T V SERVICE Member of the Audit milder. Rigb 48-80. neither could they find anyone who Business Bodies chester firm. Arthur's Drugs, of­ Bureau of Circulation o f Amartnth. will hold Itf fall And on Some of Mancheater't Side Streeta, Too reported the affair. fers this service. , Daps M A C A Can Manchester-— A City o f Vfttage Charm rummajfe sale In the Masonic Returning to the street, they Nlghls « 2 e 9 a r t e Parts ___________ .__________ ^ ___________________ Temple Thursday, Oct, 31, at 9 found the cruiser gone. State Po­ A panel discussion on the sub­ TEL. MI 8-4488 a.m. Indicative Answer ‘ to the Board of Diructors. Nor did lice were called in and, about 24 ject of how much retail credit the VOL. LXXVII, NO. 24 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1957 (Classified Advertialng on Page 14) PRICE FIVE CENTS An' English teacher from the anyone ask us how Alf Landon had hours later, the missing ' cruiser Oil dealer can carry will be one of The We-Two Group of Concor­ high school waa home, determined­ done. was found on a deserted road out the features of the fall meeting of dia Lutheran Church will hold a ly correcting a score of papers • A few said that they were glad, in the country about eight miles the Better Home Heat Council fa ^ ly night ^ tlu ck Friday Nov c Th7";» from town. or not glad, to hear tJie results, Inc. of Hartford County in Hart­ DOROTHY GRAY 1. at *:30 p.m., reservations for rs were Examinations th-tthat h«,had some thanked us. and a few hung ford Oct. 30. r Oracle Sees which should be made by Tiieaday been administered earlier in the up curtly, apparently dissatisfied Number 1 or Number 2 f Oil dealers, and representatives C O S M E T I C S contacting Mrs. Dorothy with the results. While directing traffic at the of banka and credit and loan as­ Krause, 624 Hartford Rd. WMk. "W c Dclivcr*' Anti-Missile Missile> To make the task tedlou.i. the The one we liked wis one Center one day this week, an .of­ sociations throughout the area will Hard Winter day was warm, sunny and pleas- ..woman, who, afte- hearing the ficer of the police force couldn't be on the panel. Zion Lutheran Men's Club will ent; a day that ever.vone else was help but be amused at the remark Mrthttr Orus Storti meet at the churrh Monday at 'total of votes for "yes" and "no," Bt, Regis, Q^e. Oct. 28 (ffl enjoying. paused for a moment and then made to him by a woman motorist, A former Manchester man. How­ — A 77-year^ld Mohawk In­ 7:46 p.m. During the evening the Fall was upon-New England and ard Daniels, has been named plant Martin Luther ftlmstrlp will be said. "Which ar_- the good ones ?" i As the policeman raised his hand dian chief says the long fur (?n the bright weather waa welcomed manager of Dunham-Bush's West In Nike Zeus Project shown. The ones on the white horses. I to stop traffic Comltyr from one muskrats bodes a long and by all. except oi)r, English teacher direction, and motion traffic from Hartford works. He has been with hard winter fpr the northeast­ as she labored with the correcting fle’s Been Reading I'a ' another direction to proceed, a the firm since 1953. Garv L. Bogli. son of Mr. and Wa.ahineton, Ocl. 28 this field have been crowned * apace today aa world acientlata re- ern United .States and south- process. A lotal homeowner, very niuch . w oman, driver In the traffic lane ea.stc-n Canada. Mrs. Albert M. Bogli. 23 Riverside Paper after paper passed beneath ’ n . o 1.1 ' with success appropriate to the doubled efforts to track the orbit- Dr., a .senior at Trinity College, has dissatlkfied with the rc.sults of 1 •’"<1 6een held up proceeded Gen, Maxwell D. Ta> lor sa d , mg sphere by visual and other Mitchell George, a chief of the sometimes' complimentary, some landscaping recently done on i through. Party Conducted Save After the Six Nations Indian Con- 8 2-Nation Arm s Unit been elected to membership In today that a counter-missile "W« npc no renson why^the roun-j meann. sometimes critical.red pencil of the his property, derided the time had , The officer stopped' the car and fedDracy and the nation's "tt'^o’s Who In American Colleges against the deadly ballistic j tiy cannot have an anH-mlaailej Radio Moscow ahnoiinred teacher. Her husband was of no come for action. : said to the woman, "Don't you By Bunce Center weather , oracle, annually and Universities.” . .He Is a mem­ help as he obviously conveyed the missile already has its begin-* •"**•*)» defense for a price that is' while that still another aatollitc ber of the senate, varsity soccer , Having built a new home, the know what I mean when I raise nin«r in fh o A rfnv’a NiWo 7 o i i i ! "'hhin reach," he continued. "I am this on^ carrying a .apace Iravcl- makes a prediction. thought that he \vould like to take otvner was mad when he awoke uiy hand like this?" ning in me Aim .t ,s INIKC /-eus heard; Ing dog named Kudryavka will An examination of more team and vice president of Alpha his wife for a ride to enjoy the Witches, devils and ghosts in­ Chi Rho fraternity. A Junior ad­ one morning and found his entire, women replied. "I've been a vaded the Bunce Center last night project. 'the statement that the dollar re- be launclied in me near ftilure. than.a hundred muskrat hides, fall countr.vslde. driveway and part of his lawn had i school teacher for. 30 .years and SAVINGS & LOAN he says, shows that the fur tip Hits Private visor last year, he also played After what had seemed like for the annual Halloween party of such a defense can be provided at quirementa for thlB'Idnd of defense | Sputnik No. I 'a beeps and buzzes freshman basketball. been flooded by an all-night rain. I when somebody raises his hand like the Manchester Association for the acceptable coat, the Army chief ____ ^aalronomical, and that the the animals is about two inch­ hours, the teacher leaned back died away on Saturday, three es long this fall, compared \ He called the company which ' dOMu l me»n to stop your Help of Retarded Children. About of Staff added in an address pre-' wdiollole concept Is bc,vond considers weeks after the first man - made from her work laughing out loud .pared for the third annual meet­ with about one inch in past Mias Jessamine Smith. 15 Park for something that had broken the had done the landscaping and, 25 youngsters gatherpd for,fun and P.M. tion, I can assure you that the moonlel was launched into Its 18.- Parleys on fit. former librarian of the local paving Job and informed them "^ke policeman grinned, then frolic in gay costumes and masks. ing of the Aaaociatlon of 'the United studies which I have seen lead me I mild winters. spell of the ta.sk.' O0(1-milc-an-hmir orbit around the / George, says he figures na­ Mary Cheney Llbrarj’. will tell of about It, TTie company foreman' B*'’* *1’* woman a stern warning, After the grand march, the children States Axmy. lo a different conclualon. " world. 2 Her husband, not knowing what ture knows best what is In her trip to Eurbpe the past sum­ promised the man that ho would' allowed her to proceed on her stepped to the platform one by one Monday, "We can have an anti-missile lie made no estimate of the cost, Soviet selentlsls confirmed that mer and show pictures at the the cau.se was, thought that the "make the job right" the very next I "■ay , for the purpose of being identified Tuesday, missile defense and indeed we must liowe^’ei'. ! store for her charges and pro­ D isa rm in g poor girl had surely cracked from This display on travel and vacation in the lobbv of the Savings have, one if we are to retain our the satellite's batteries finally vides for them beforehand. meeting of Soroptimlst Interna­ da.v. Despite several additional i by the others before unmasking. Friday Technical Problem had failed, and asked scientists of the strain. cails to the company, workmen, Both Untracked Bank of Manchester won Assistant Treasurer William R. John­ nuclear retaliatory deterrent ra­ The technical ' problem In de­ tional Monday at the home of Mrs, son seventh prize in a national display contest sponsored by Much merriment ensued as masks other nations to aid in tracking Alice Clampet, 246 W.
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