TV, YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK 측정 사례를 통해 살펴본 통합광고효과 측정의 현위치와 향후 과제 FACEBOOK/YOUTUBE 중심으로 본 디지털 미디어 소비행태 및 광고효과 측정 비교 김연우 상무 미디어조사본부, 닐슨코리아 [email protected] / 010-8896-0429 Copyright Copyright ©2017Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 1 “디지털과 TV 광고 어떤 게 나을까?” “디지털 광고에 올인할까?” “디지털 광고의 노출/도달이 이렇게 많은가?” “근데, 왜 내눈엔 광고가 잘 안 보이지?” “타겟팅이 우리 브랜드에 어느 정도 필요한가?” “디지털 광고의 노출 대비 효과는 있는 건가? Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 2 1. 디바이스/플랫폼/채널 비교 Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 3 DEVICE 이용 비교 TV/PC/Mobile 일평균이용시간 이용자 기준 평균이용시간 3:26 0:39 3:50 모집단 기준 평균이용시간 3:10 0:28 2:41 월이용시간(분) 257,488,206,205 38,375,010,463 218,292,478,530 월이용자수(명) 40,217,517 31,460,084 30,639,691 모집단(07~69세) 43,643,425 1) 2018.3월 닐슨 온라인/TV 데이터 2) 모바일 : Android 사용자 기준 Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 4 DEVICE 이용 비교 TV/PC/Mobile 모집단 기준 일평균이용시간 개인 전체 연령별 TV PC Mobile 5:49 5:14 3:20 4:38 3:10 4:34 3:42 3:39 2:53 2:16 2:41 2:30 1:34 0:58 0:28 1:17 TV PC Mobile 07~18 19~29 30~39 40~49 50~59 60~69 1) 2018.3월 닐슨 온라인/TV 데이터 2) iOS 사용자 사용시간 추정 - ’18년 1Q 기초조사 Android/iOS 비율 반영 Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 5 PLATFORM 차원 비교 이용자수 총이용시간 (백만분) 시청률 모집단 : 43,643,425 92% 40,217,517 257,488 13.22% 78% 34,405,301 30,925 1.59% 40% 17,520,728 7,415 0.38% 1) 2018.3월 닐슨 온라인/TV 데이터 2) iOS 사용자 사용시간 추정 - ’18년 1Q 기초조사 Android/iOS 비율 반영 3) 시청률 = 월총시청시간/모집단*1440분*31일 Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 6 PLATFORM 차원 비교(연령대별) 이용자수 시청률 TV YouTube Facebook TV YouTube Facebook 24.25 19.33 15.44 9.50 5.40 4.06 3.18 2.81 1.18 0.55 10대 20대 30대 40대 50대 60대 10대 20대 30대 40대 50대 60대 1) 2018.3월 닐슨 온라인/TV 데이터 2) iOS 사용자 사용시간 추정 - ’18년 1Q 기초조사 Android/iOS 비율 반영 3) 연령대별 시청률 = 연령대별 월총시청시간/연령대 모집단*1440분*31일 Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 7 CHANNEL 차원 비교 07~69세 1.59% 30,925 1.33% 1.26% 25,864 24,533 0.38% 7,415 YT KBS1 SBS KBS2 MBC JTBC MBN tvN FB TV조선 채널A 연합뉴스TV YTN (단위 : 총이용시간 백만분, 시청률%) 1) 2018.3월 닐슨 온라인/TV 데이터 2) iOS 사용자 사용시간 추정 - ’18년 1Q 기초조사 Android/iOS 비율 반영 Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 8 CHANNEL 차원 비교(연령대별) 10대 20대 40대 50대 YT 2.81 YT 3.18 SBS 1.74 KBS1 2.00 FB 0.55 FB 1.18 KBS2 1.52 SBS 1.96 KBS2 0.53 KBS2 0.41 MBC 1.22 KBS2 1.85 SBS 0.47 SBS 0.41 JTBC 1.09 MBC 1.56 MBC 0.38 MBC 0.39 tvN 0.96 JTBC 1.17 JTBC 0.29 JTBC 0.27 YT 0.99 MBN 0.97 tvN 0.28 tvN 0.23 KBS1 0.86 YT 0.97 Tooniverse 0.22 KBS1 0.23 MBN 0.45 tvN 0.68 KBS1 0.20 MBC every1 0.10 OCN 0.35 TV조선 0.65 EBS 0.12 MBN 0.10 채널A 0.34 채널A 0.63 . 0.11 0.14 Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 9 2. TAR(TOTAL AD RATING) Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 10 GLOBAL TAR Tag Count Match Calibrate Report Nielsen Tag Nielsen Server 3rd Party Nielsen Panel / Nielsen Mediaview / Data Providers Mobile Survey Reporting API Viewability by Demographic Demographics Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 11 NIELSEN AD RATINGS Youtube Mobile APP Measurement Canada Oct. 2017 UK, France, Germany Jan. 2018 Japan Oct. 2017 US Launched Jun. 2017 Belgium Czech Republic India New Zealand South Africa Australia (2018) Thailand Digital Brazil Germany Ireland Norway Spain + Total France Mexico Ad Bulgaria Greece Japan Poland Taiwan Ad Indonesia (2018) United Kingdom Ratings Canada Hong Kong Malaysia Puerto Rico Turkey Ratings Italy United States China Hungary Netherlands Singapore UAE Philippines italics = service provided in conjunction with or through another party Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 12 LOCAL TAR . 디지털 및 3 스크린 Single Source 패널 기반 . TV 패널 / Facebook Secure Matching . URL Tracking 및 ACR Technology . Audience Link . All Collected Ads . Selected Ads Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 13 Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 14 디지털 동영상 광고 노출 조사 방법 WHO WHEN / WHERE WHAT 1) 조사 패널 동영상 광고 시청 2) 닐슨 미터기를 통해 광고 시청 정보 수집 3) 모니터링을 거쳐 표준 상품 정보 등록 - PC : URL 패턴 - 업종/광고주/상품 - 모바일 : 오디오 DNA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flWiL5j9ouU Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 16 ACR을 통한 시청기록 산출 프로세스 오디오 음원 파일 질의 데이터 음역의 값 ( Peak ) 오디오DNA DNA DB 추출기 광고 수집 시청기록 산출 오디오 DNA 추출기 내장 패널 단말 Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 17 SAMPLE CAMPAIGN REPORT CAMPAIGN XX - CROSS PLATFORM REACH Total Unique Audience (All People/07-69) 6.73% incremental reach from digital 6.73 13.21 Inc. Dup. Total Reach TV_only 66.27 53.06 73.0% TV TV+YouTube Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 18 SAMPLE CAMPAIGN REPORT CAMPAIGN XX - CROSS PLATFORM REACH Target Unique Audience (People/13-29) 14.36% incremental reach from digital 14.36 14.12 Inc. Dup. Total Reach TV_only 49.59 35.47 63.9% TV TV+YouTube Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 19 SAMPLE CAMPAIGN REPORT CAMPAIGN XX - CROSS PLATFORM REACH Target Unique Audience (People/13-29) 21.81% incremental reach from digital 15.80% incremental reach from digital Inc. Inc. Dup. Dup. 15.80 TV_only TV_only 12.68 21.81 Total Reach Total Reach 44.51 6.67 45.2% 60.3% 31.83 23.43 16.76 종편 종편 케이블 케이블 +YouTube +YouTube Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 20 TOTAL CAMPAIGN REPORT Average Target Unique Audience Reached Target Unique Audience (People/13-29) 9.49% incremental reach 18.28% incremental reach 10.69% incremental reach from digital from digital from digital 9.49 Total Reach Total Reach 10.69 Total Reach 18.28 Inc. 91.2% 83.1% 90.1% 42.42 41.22 Dup. TV_only 33.63 39.29 38.18 31.15 지상파 종편 케이블 1) 2018.1~2월 집행 광고대상 2) Youtube와 Facebook간의 상호비교는 방법론 및 측정대상 등이 다르기 때문에 직접 비교는 무의미합니다. Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 21 FACEBOOK TAR 방법론 TV Panel + Decoy Facebook Securely match people across TV panel and Facebook TV EXPOSURES Demographics TV Consumption FACEBOOK EXPOSURES TV CAMPAIGN AUDIENCE LINK FACEBOOK MEASURED VIA TAM COMBINE TV&FACEBOOK EXPOSURES CAMPAIGN FACEBOOK LOG DATA WEIGHT REPORTING PANELISTS ARE ONLY-ONLY-BOTH WEIGHTED TO IMPRESSION & REACH POPULATION Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 23 SAMPLE CAMPAIGN REPORT CAMPAIGN YY – CROSS PLATFORM reach Total Unique Audience (All People) 8.9% incremental reach from digital 8.9% 7.7% Incremental Digital Reach 69.3% TV-Digital Duplicated Reach 61.5% Unduplicated TV Reach Television TV + Digital Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 24 SAMPLE CAMPAIGN REPORT CAMPAIGN YY – CROSS PLATFORM reach Target Unique Audience (People 18 – 35) 25.9% incremental reach from digital 25.9% 19.4% Incremental Digital Reach TV-Digital Duplicated Reach 57.6% Unduplicated TV Reach 38.2% Television TV + Digital Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 25 SAMPLE CAMPAIGN REPORT CAMPAIGN YY – REACH BY TV Viewership Target Audience (People 18 – 35) Incremental Reach of 3 Million & Duplicated Reach of 1 Million through Facebook for Low TV Viewers Low TV Viewership 2M 1M 3M Medium TV Viewership 2M 819K Unduplicated TV Reach High TV Viewership 1M 136K TV-Online Duplicated Reach Incremental Online Reach Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 26 AVERAGE OF 10 CAMPAIGNS Target Reach 13-29 Reach TV TV&FB FB-only 13-29 30 Above 19% 1,427,293 2,793,859 5,150,095 78.3% 3,763,529 11,558,544 14,952,838 11,189,309 3,394,294 22.7% TV TV+Digital TV FB 1) 2017. 10개 캠페인 평균 2) Youtube와 Facebook간의 상호비교는 방법론 및 측정대상 등이 다르기 때문에 직접 비교는 무의미합니다. Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary. Do notdistribute. 27 CHALLENGE ON DIGITAL ADS Transparency, Ad Fraud, Brand Safety Two of the world’s biggest advertisers are cutting back on their digital ad spend Validated, accredited third-party verification Copyright Copyright ©2018Nielsen The Company Confidential LLC.(US), and proprietary.
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