© 2020 JETIR February 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) PERCEPTION ON MARINE NATURAL PRODUCTS FROM BROWN ALGAE AND ITS PHARMACOLOGICAL REVIEW Harini. R*1, Selvakumari. E1, Gopal. V1, Arumugam. M2 1. Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Mother Theresa Post Graduate & Research Institute of health sciences, Puducherry-605006, India. 2. Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences, Annamalai University, Parangipettai- 608502, Cuddalore Dt., Tamilnadu, India. Abstract : Marine natural product is an untapped resource for new drug development. The complex marine metabolites of novel chemical structure with its targeted mechanism of action for various diseases and disorders will prompt the chemist for the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients leads to the discovery of new lead molecules from marine source. The algae play a very important role because of its immense distribution which has to be focused in the research for discovering new chemical entity in therapy. In addition the phytoconstitutents reported in brown algae with special importance to fucoidan, fucoxanthin and phlorotannins are elaborately discussed along with its pharmacological action. The data mining on the brown algae address phytochemical information to the researcher to develop a lead molecule with potent pharmacophore for different disease and disorders. This review focus the compilation of the complex marine metabolites and the therapeutic uses of brown algae belongs to phaeophyceae IndexTerms - Fucoidan, Fucoxanthin, Phlorotannins, Brown algae. I. INTRODUCTION Marine flora and fauna play an important role as a source of lead molecules. The oceans cover more than 70% of the earth’s surface contains over 2, 00,000 invertebrates and algal species. The oceans contain 5 billion species in about 30 phyla. Because of the diversities of marine organisms and habitats, the marine natural products has a wide range of chemical metabolites including terpenes, shikimates, polyketides, acetogenins, peptides, alkaloids, pigments and polyphenols. Marine natural product is an untapped resource for new drug development. In addition, the complex marine metabolites of novel chemical structure with its targeted mechanism of action for various diseases and disorders will prompt the chemist for the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients leads to the discovery of new lead molecules from marine source. The algae play a very important role because of its immense distribution which has to be focused in the research for discovering new chemical entity in therapy. Generally the marine algae are classified into four types namely Cyanophyceae- Blue green algae, Rhodophyceae- Red algae, Chlorophyceae- Green algae and Phaeophyceae- Brown algae. This review focus the compilation of the complex marine metabolites and the therapeutic uses of brown algae belongs to phaeophyceae. II. TAXONOMY The taxonomical hierarchy of brown algae is given table 1 Class: Phaeophyceae (Silberfeld et al, 2014, Guiry et al, 2009) Table: 1 Taxonomy of Brown algae SUBCLASS ORDER FAMILY Discosporsangiophycidae Discosporangiales Choristocarpaceae, Discosporangiaceae Ishigeophycidae Ishigeales Ishigeaceae, Petrodermataceae Dictyotales Dictyotaceae Onslowiales Onslowiaceae Dictyotophycidae Sphacelariales Cladostephaceae, Lithodermataceae, Phaeostrophiaceae, Sphacelariaceae, Sphacelodermaceae, Stypocaulaceae Syrinsgodermatales Syringodermataceae Fucophycidae Ascoseirales Ascoseiraceae Asterocladales Asterocladaceae JETIR2002357 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 1011 © 2020 JETIR February 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) Desmarestiales Arthrocladiaceae, Desmarestiaceae Ectocarpales Acinetosporaceae, Adenocystaceae, Chordariaceae, Ectocarpaceae, Petrospongiaceae, Scytosiphonaceae Fucales Bifurcariopsidaceae, Durvillaeaceae, Fucaceae, Himanthaliaceae,Hormosiraceae, Notheiaceae, Sargassaceae, Seirococcaceae, Xiphophoraceae Laminariales Agaraceae, Akkesiphycaceae, Alariaceae, Aureophycaceae, Laminariaceae, Lessoniaceae, Pseudochordaceae, Chordaceae Nemodermatales Nemodermataceae Phaeosiphoniellales Phaeosiphoniellaceae Ralfsiales Mesosporaceae, Neoralfsiaceae, Ralfsiaceae Scytothamnales Asteronemataceae, Bachelotiaceae, Splachnidiaceae Sporochnales Sporochnaceae Tilopteridales Cutleriaceae, Halosiphonaceae, Phyllariaceae, Stschapoviaceae, Tilopteridaceae The complex phytometabolite reported in brown algae are an acid derivative alginic acid, fucoidan polysaccharide from cellulose. An inorganic salt is in calcified form aragonite needle. Chlorophyll a photosynthetic pigment, carotenoids, chlorophyll c, fucoxanthin a carotenoid from plastids and phlorotannins a polyphenol compound reported in various genous of brown algae. The chemical structure given in the table 2 Table 2: Phytoconstitutent reported in Brown algae (Lee, 2008, Claire et al, 1990) S.No PLANT PART CHEMICAL SUBCLASS CONSTITUENT Acid Alginic acid 1 Cellulose Polysaccharide Fucoidan JETIR2002357 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 1012 © 2020 JETIR February 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) 2 Calcified form along with Inorganic salts plant cells Aragonite Needles 3 Photosynthetic pigment Chlorophyll Chlorophyll a 4 Plastids Chlorophyll Chlorophyll c Carotenoids Fucoxanthin 5 Tannins Phlorotannins Structure elaboratory given in table 5 III. COMPLEX MARINE METABOLITES The complex metabolites such as fucoidan, fucoxanthin and phlorotannins have greater pharmacological significance. These complex marine metabolites with its pharmacological activity reported in various genus of brown algae is elaborately disused in table 3, 4 and 6. FUCOIDAN Fucoidan, an extra cellular matrix of brown algae which is chemically a fucose enriched sulphated polysaccharide (Damonte et al, 2004). – n number of 1-fucose units has been bonded to sulphate groups or uronic acids in fucoidans by α-1-2 JETIR2002357 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 1013 © 2020 JETIR February 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) and α-1-4 bonds (Sakai et al, 2003).The structure of fucoidan differs from species to species and hence possess different pharmacological action (A.Cumashi et al, 2007; L.Chevolot et al, 2001; T.Teruya et al, 2007). Table: 3 Pharmacological studies of Fucoidan reported in the various genus of Brown algae ACTIVITY SEAWEED REFERENCE Anti-cancer Cladosiphon navae Zhang et al, 2013, Cladosiphon okamuranus Nagamine et al, 2009, Fucoidan Kasai et al,2015 Anti-viral Kjellmaniella crassifolia Wang et al,2017 Anti-hepatitis Fucus evanescens Kujnetsova et al, 2017, Fucus vesiculosus Li, H.F et al,2017 Anti-HIV Sargassum swartzii Dinesh et al, 2016, Sargassum mcclure Thanh.T.T et al, 2015 Sargassum polycystum Turbinara ornate Anti-diabetic Fucus vesiculosus Shan et al, 2016, Cheng Sargassum fusiforme et al, 2019 Anti-coagulant Lessonia vadosa Chandia et al,2008, Wang Lonicera japonica et al, 2010 Veterinary medicine Cladosiphon okamuranus Trejo-Avila et al, 2014 FUCOXANTHIN Carotenoids are the natural pigments which mainly comprises of two subclasses namely non-polar hydrocarbon and polar compounds. The non-polar hydrocarbon is called carotene and polar compounds as xanthophyll (G.Van Poppel et al, 1997and S.K.Das et al, 2005). Fucoxanthin comes under the category xanthophylls which is chemically an allenic band and a 5, 6- monoepoxide (A.Asai et al, 2004). Generally Fucoxanthins are isolated from brown algae (A.Asai et al, 2004) but diatoms (Bacillariophyta) are also one of the choices for its isolation (C.Ishikawa et al, 2008).It has been reported that the composition of fucoxanthin differs from species to species (Tsukui et al, 2007) and the major metabolites of fucoxanthin are Fucoxanthinol and amarouciaxanthin A (Asai et al, 2004). Table: 4 Pharmacological studies of Fucoxanthin reported in the various genuses of Brown algae ACTIVITY SEAWEED REFERENCE Fucoxanthin Anti-tumor Lonicera japonica Swadesh et al, 2008, Masashi et al, 1999, Kim et al, 2010, Ishikawa et Undaria pinnatifida al, 2008 Ishige okamurae Anti-obesity effect Undaria pinnatifida Megumi et al, 2010, Masashi et al, 2010 Anti-diabetic Undaria pinnatifida Hayato et al, 2007, Hosokawa et al, 2009 Anti-inflammatory Sargassum siliquastrum Hea et al, 2008, Kim et Ishige okamurae al, 2010, Sakai et al, Undaria pinnatifida 2009, Sakai et al, 2011 JETIR2002357 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) www.jetir.org 1014 © 2020 JETIR February 2020, Volume 7, Issue 2 www.jetir.org (ISSN-2349-5162) Skin Protective effect Sargassum siliquastrum Heo et al, 2009, Laminaria japonica Shimoda et al, 2010, Undaria pinnatidida Urikura et al, 2011 Anti-angiogenic effect Undaria pinnatidida Sugawara et al, 2006 Cerebro vascular Undaria pinnatidida Ikeda et al, 2003 Protective effect Bone protective effect Laminaria japonica Das et al, 2010 Ocular protective effect Hijikia fusiformis Shiratori et al,2005 Undaria pinnatifida Sargassum fulvellum Anti-malarial effect Sargassum Afolayan et al, 2008 heterophyllum PHLOROTANNINS Polyphenolic compounds are the secondary metabolites which are present in both terrestrial as well as in aquatic environments and possess numerous pharmacological actions (Shibata et al, 2002; Susanto et al, 2009). Tannins are the poyphenolic compounds which exist as phlorotannins in marine mainly in brown algae. Phlorotannins are formed by polymerization
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