History of Photography: Monographs Author Index Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. The Action of Light in Photography. Recent advances in photography. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co. 1897 London, Piper & Carter. 1882 Reel: 1, No. 1 Being the Cantor lectures for 1882. Reel: 1, No. 12 Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. The art and practice of silver printing. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. London: Piper & Carter. 1888 A treatise on photography. By Abney and H. P. Robinson. New York: D. Appleton and Co. 1878 Reel: 1, No. 2 Reel: 1, No. 13 Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. Abrahams, Adolphe. ... Cantor lectures on photometry. The photography of moving objects. London, W. Trounce. [1894] London: G. Routledge & Sons Ltd. 1910 Delivered before the Society, April 2nd, 9th, and 16th, 1894. Reel: 2, No. 14 Reel: 1, No. 3 Academie des sciences, Paris. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires. ... Colour photometry. Paris, Bachelier. 1839 [London, Harrison, & Trübner]. [1886-88] Tome 9, juillet-décembre 1839. by Captain Abney ... and Major-General Festing. Reel: 2, No. 15 Reel: 1, No. 4 Ackland, William. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. How to Take Stereoscopic Pictures with description of Emulsion Process in photography. modified collodion-albumen process. London: Piper & Carter. 1878 London, Simpkin, Marshall & Co. 1857 Reel: 1, No. 5 Reel: 2, No. 16 Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. Ackroyd, William. Evening talks at the Camera club on the action of light in The old light and the new; dealing with the chemistry of photography. colour and the new photography. London, S. Low, Marston & company, limited. 1897 London, Chapman & Hall. [1896] Reel: 1, No. 6 Reel: 2, No. 17 Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. Adams, John Coleman, 1849-1922. Instantaneous photography. Nature studies in Berkshire. New York, E. & H. T. Anthony & Co. 1895 New York & London, Putnam. 1899 Reel: 1, No. 7 With illustrations in photogravure from original photographs by Arthur Scott. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. Reel: 2, No. 18 Instructions in photography. London, Iliffe. 1905 Adams, Washington Irving Lincoln, 1865. 11th ed. In nature's image; chapters on pictorial photography. Reel: 1, No. 8 New York, The Baker & Taylor company. 1898 Reel: 2, No. 19 Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. [Papers on light and radiation.]. Adams, Washington Irving Lincoln, 1865. [1878-1885] The photographic instructor for the professional and Reel: 1, No. 9 amateur. New York: Scovill & Adams Co. 1895 Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. by W. I. Lincoln Adams; with an appendix by Charles Photography. Ehrmann. 5th ed., seventh thousand. Encyclopoedia Brittanica, 9th ed., v. 18, p. 821-840. Reel: 2, No. 20 Reel: 1, No. 10 Adams, Washington Irving Lincoln, 1865. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, 1844-1920. Photographing in old England, with some snap shots in Platinotype: its preparation and manipulation. Scotland and Wales. New York, The Scovill & Adams company of New York. New York, The Baker & Taylor company. 1910 1895 illustrated with photographs from nature, by the author and By Capt. W. de W. Abney and Lyonel Clark, C. E. others. Reel: 1, No. 11 Reel: 2, No. 21 1 History of Photography: Monographs Author Index Agassiz Association. Manhattan Chapter, New York. Alinari, Fratelli, Florence. Exhibition of Photographs, 1892 (Exhibition Catalogue). Riccordi de Firenze fotografie dei Fratelli Alinari. New York. 1892 Firenze. [c.1870] Reel: 3, No. 22 Reel: 4, No. 33 Agle, A. Allen, Richard. Manuel pratique de photographic instantanee. The home and grave of Byron: a souvenir of Newstead Paris: Gauthier-Villars. 1887 Abbey, Nottinghamshire. Reel: 3, No. 22.1 Nottingham: R. Allen. [1874?] illustrated. Akeley Camera, Inc., New York. Reel: 4, No. 34 The Akeley camera; "the camera of superior accomplishments," manufactured. Alli, Darogha Ubbas. [New York?]. [1921] The Lucknow album. Reel: 3, No. 23 Calcutta. 1874 Containing a series of fifty photographic views of Lucknow Albert, August, 1854-1932. and its environs. Die verschiedenen methoden des lichtdruckes. Reel: 4, No. 36 Halle a. S., W. Knapp. 1900 Geschichtlich geschildert von August Albert ... Mit 15 American Institute of the City of New York. illustrationen. Photographical section. Reel: 3, No. 24 Catalogue of exhibits [of] the Photographical section, American institute in connection with the 67th annual fair at Albites, Titus. the National academy of design, September 26th to October La photographie simple fee sans cabinet noir ni Tente de 8th, 1898. voyage. [New York]. [1898] Paris. 1861 Reel: 5, No. 38 Reel: 3, No. 25 American Museum of Natural History. New York. Album de la galerie contemporaine. Photography album. Paris, Revue illustrée. [187-?] New York, G. L. Feuardent. [n.d.] Reel: 3, No. 26 Reel: 5, No. 39 Album de l'École Centrale / [clichés de Franck]. American pictorial photography. Series two. Paris: Geymet. [187-?] 19--? Reel: 3, No. 27 New York, Published for "Camera notes" by the Publication committee of the Camera club. Album de Touraine d'après le daguerréotype: Plessisles-Tours Reel: 5, No. 41 & Maison Tristan. Tours: Clarey-Martineau. [1854?] American School of Art and Photography, Scranton, Pa. Reel: 3, No. 28 Architectural photography, with difficulties encountered. Scranton, American School of Art and Photography. 1906 Album du daguerréotype reproduit, ornés de vues de Paris, en Parts I and II. Third edition. épreuves de luxe, avec texte. Reel: 5, No. 42 Paris, Chez l'éditeur. [184-] Reel: 3, No. 29 American School of Art and Photography, Scranton, Pa. Library of amateur photography. Alexander, William. Scranton, Pa., American School of Art and Photography. 1911 Correct exposure with the miniature camera. Reel: 5, No. 43 Canton, O., The Fomo publishing company. [c.1936] Reel: 3, No. 30 Amicis, Edmondo de, 1846-1908. Holland. Alinari, Fratelli, Florence. Philadelphia, Porter & Coates. 1894 Catalogue of photographs of Northern Italy. Translated from the 13th edition of the Italian by Helen Firenze. 1925-1938 Zimmern. Reel: 4, No. 32 Reel: 6, No. 44 Alinari, Fratelli, Florence. Andersen, Hans Christian, 1805-1875. Catalogue of photographs of Southern Italy. The improvisatore. Firenze. 1820-1836 New York: Harper. 1869 Reel: 3, No. 31 translated by Mary Howitt. Reel: 6, No. 45 2 History of Photography: Monographs Author Index Anderson, A. J., photographer. Anthony, E. & H.T. & Co., New York. The ABC of artistic photography in theory and practice. A comprehensive and systematic catalogue of photographic New York, Dodd, Mead & Co. 1913 apparatus. 2nd ed. New York, H. H. Snelling. 1854 Reel: 6, No. 48 Reel: 7, No. 54 Anderson, Elbert, writer on photography. Anthony, E. & H.T. & Co., New York. The sky-light and the dark room: a complete text-book on Descriptive catalogue and price list of the photographic portrait photography. apparatus manufactured by E. & H. T. Anthony & Co. Philadelphia, Benerman & Wilson. 1872 New York, E. & H. T. Anthony & Co. 1891 Containing the outlines of hydrostatics, pneumatics, acoustics, Reel: 7, No. 55 heat, optics, chemistry, and a full and comprehensive system of the art photographic. Anthony, E. & H.T. & Co., New York. Reel: 6, No. 49 A half century in manufacturing photographic apparatus and supplies. Andresen, Momme, 1857. New York: The Company. 1889 Das latente lichtbild, seine entstehung und entwicklung. Reel: 7, No. 56 Halle (Saale) W. Knapp. 1913 mit 4 abbildungen im text. Anthony, E. & H.T. & Co., New York. Reel: 6, No. 46 Illustrated catalogue of photographic material. Buchanan, Bromley & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 1889 Andresen, Momme, 1857. Reel: 7, No. 55.1 Sur la lumière-éclair au magnesium. Berlin, Beyer & Boehme. [n.d.] Anthony, E. & H.T. & Co., New York. Reel: 6, No. 47 New Catalogue of Stereoscopes and Views, Manufactured and Published by E. & H.T. Anthony & Co., Emporium of Andrews, John. American and Foreign Views. Studies in photography. New York: E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. n.d. (ca. 1865) London, Hazell, Watson, & Viney, ld. [1892] Card Photographs of Celebrities, and Photographic Materials. Reel: 6, No. 50 Reel: 8, No. 57 Angewendte Photographie in Wissenschaft und Technik. Arago, Dominique François Jean, 1786-1853. Berlin: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft Acknowledgement of the receipt of a publication sent to Zweigniederlassung. 1911 the Academie Royale des Sciences, signed by Arago, dated hrsg. von K. W. Wolf-Czapek; unter Mitwirkung von H. Sept. 9, 1844. Becker ... [et al.] 407 Seiten sewie 159 Tafelr mit 470 Reel: 8, No. 59 Abtildungen. Reel: 7, No. 51 Arago, Dominique François Jean, 1786-1853. Das daguerreotyp. Angot, Alfred, 1848-1924. Stuttgart, J. Scheible. 1839 Recherches sur la formation des images photographiques. Reel: 8, No. 60 Séance du 29 août 1877. Reel: 7, No. 51.1 Arago, Dominique François Jean, 1786-1853. Rapport de M. Arago sur le daguerréotype, lu à la séance Annan, Thomas. de la Chambre des Députès le 3 juillet 1839 et à 1'Academie Glasgow. des Sciences, séance du 19 aout. 12. Glasgow. 1900 A Paris Chez Bachelier, quai des Augustins No. 55. Old closes and streets. Imprimerie Bachelier. Reel: 7, No. 52 Reel: 8, No. 61 Annan, Thomas. Arago, Dominique François Jean, 1786-1853. The old country houses of the old Glasgow gentry. Rapport sur le daguerréotype. Glasgow, James Maclehose, Bookseller to the University. Paris, Bachelier. 1839 1870 Reel: 8, No. 62 One hundred photographs. Reel: 7, No. 53 Arata, Pedro N 1849. ... Documentos históricos relativos al des cubrimiento de la Anthony & Scovill Co., Binghamton, N.Y. fotografía. Descriptive catalogue and price list of photographic La Plata, Taller de publicaciones del Museo [etc.]. 1892 apparatus. Documents historiques relatifs à la découverte de la New York, Anthony & Scovill Co. [1903] photographie. Reel: 8, No. 58 Reel: 8, No. 63 3 History of Photography: Monographs Author Index Arcana of science and art, or one thousand popular inventions Auxerre, P.C.
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