Université d'Ottawa University of Ottawa Verse-Scraps on Attic Containers and the Practice of the au6Aiov: The Material Evidence in its Literaw Context Submitted by Peter J. Anderson (54302 1) O in partid fùif5ihent ofthe for Master of Arts, Classical Studies at the University of Ottawa, Canada. June, 1997. National Library Bibliothèque nationale I*u of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographie Services services bibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395. rue Wellington OaawaON K1AON4 Ottawa ON KiA ON4 Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or sell reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microfonn, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la fome de microfiche/nlm, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts ftom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. Verse-Scra~son Attic Containers and the Practice of the mciiirov: The Material Evidence in its Literarv Context by ParJohn Anderson M.A. Thesis, Ciassicd Studies University of Ottawa. Absitract: The symposion is the most fiequently represented artistic theme on Athc red-figure containers of the Archaic perid Within this firndarnental thme lie several sub-themes, many of whkh we how fiom literary sources - of this period and later - to have beai the denning activities of the sympasion: wiue, entertainnient (dancing, music and song), conversation and Iast, but certainly not least, sex. One activity in parbcular portrayeci on these containers is the singing of a poen~a practice which won came to be knouia as singing the &OP, or 6 na+oivra <I>Ori, a tenn which, it is argued, we can properly extend back to the Archaic perd. These visual representations of synpotic singing offer a valuable record of the public performance of poehy in Archaic Greece, and ofEr a glirnpse into the mechanics of the practice of the QKOAiov. A srnail group of containers (numbering about fourteen) also record the song itself - at least in part - by meam of dipinto (or once, hcised) inscriptions; Mme of these verse-scraps have been paralleled to Surviving poet- of the period. This thesis catalogues and examines these containers and their inscriptions as evidencq after exminiq in detail the suniving literary record, for the practice of the ~~Oiirov.Original solutions for previousl misunderstood verse-scraps are proposeù and Mo containers preserving verse-scraps are identifiai for the first time as records of b~oXa. It is concluded that, while this smaii group of wnîainers ca~otbe enhrely representtaîive of the total body of surviving materiai evidence for the practice of the mOhou, there are striking padels between the artistic and Lit- records which cail for attention of a wider scope. Theognis, Elegies 533-34. Frontspiece: Kyli. attributeù to the Foundry Painter, Toledo 64.126 (tondo). Table of Contents Aclmowledgements A Note to the R&r Introduction Previous scholarship Scope and purpose of present stu& Literary Evidence Music and the banquet/sympsion Ancient testirnonia: m&ov Pindaros Anaxandrides Platon (Comicus) Aristophanes The Aitic Skolia Ancient EtymoIogies and ExpLanatio11~ Dïkaïarchos Arisîoxenos Athexlaios Plutarchos Scholium on Wasps 1222 Scholium on Wasps 1239 Conclusions Material Evidence Amasis Painter Euphronios Epiktetos Kleophrades Oa&os Brygos Painter Foundry Painter muris "DOuris copy" Manner of Tarquinia Painter Unattniuted EEylix in Aihens Table 2: Aacient Etymologies Appendix 1: The Daîes of the Scholia Appendix II: The Verse-Smps List of vases Plates 1 wish to thank Dr. Martin Kilmer. who fïrst turned my attention to the pfesewed verse-maps. and who by his example as a person, as a docror. and as a schohr offered me the opportuaity to do my best. Thanks also are due to Dr. E. Dickey for her many comments and suggestions. I would ahlike to thank my readers, Dr. E. Bloedow and Dr. I.C. Storey for their many commcnts. AU of the above saved me hm mauy mistakes and embarassments; I accept full responsiïility for those which remain. Above aii I wish to thank my wife Lisann Gurney Anderson for her deep love. understanding and support. as weil as many tedious hom of pmhding. This effort is dedicated to her. and to our son Christopher John, who make everj2hing worthwhile. A Note to the Reader The material evidence presenred on the Attic containers fas chronologically between the mid-6th and the mid-5th œntuies. taken hmthe red-figured Pioneers and their followers, who are otherwise known for their longer inscriptions. Ail verse-scraps accepted as skolio are from vases in the red-figured style. Following accepted convention, these containers are designateci as Archaic; this is, of course, a reference to style, not to the generaily recognized period dates. In any case, the dating of îhe materiai evidence is in many cases mer* an educated guess. 1 have followed Boardman's flomit dates for the individual artists. These may be found in the "List of Vases". In addition, the material evidence is presented in chronologicai order (as far as can be determineci). References to Sir J.D. Beazley's reference works UBV, ARP, Para, Ad4 as weil as other important works, for each vase may be found in situ, or in the "List of Vasesn. AJA American Jodof Archaeology AJP American louniaf of PhiIology AK Antike Kunst CQ Ciassid Quarteriy CVA Corps Varorurn Antiquorurn mc Echos du monde classique/Classical Views IG (=CIG) Corpus Insmptionurn Graecarum Jdl lahrbuch des Deutschen Archaologischen instituts JHS Jodof Hellenic Studies LP Lobel & Page (1955) PCG Poetae Comici Graeci PhfG Poetae Melici Graeci PP La Parola del Passato QWC Quaderni Urbïuati di Culhua classica RE Realencyclopiidie der classischen Altertumswissenschaften Rev- arch. 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