. ., " , ' ... , . " " ., \ , . , . .. _._- ::""'~'" ".'.:.:..~;\~,~. ;"'. Thursday, January 11, 1962 . THE JEWiSH POST Thursday, January 11, 1962 Page Four THE JIEWIlSH !POST Page !Five the Edmonton KiJwanis Club and I television work ~ Eng~and and.~ow the Chamber of Commerce; serves is one of Canada s leading teleVISIon American Jewish Congress Prexy A distinguished writer and orator, funds were raised for the purchase Zedek Synagogue, to mark thE' Alberta~ Lawyer on boards of the Edmonton General st~rs' and a featured. performer at Dr, Prinz is rabbi of Temple B'nai of Ernek Hepher, by the late Mena- 60th JiNF anniversary. ! Socia' allJ GngageJ kbraham, Newark, New Jersey. chern Ussishkin, without which the Hospital, the Central Volunteer B'u- Ont~rio's Stratford Shakespearean Guest. for Child Rescue." Dinner .. ; .':...... :.: .. '~Ia.~Qo .. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bal)!:ansky, Named 10.C., . During the Hitler regime he was- an. State of ,Israel could not ·have been ~W:!J;.• "4(7 a' Milwaukee, Wis., announce, the eu- reau and of the ,United Community ·Festival. Fund; is president of thEl EdIJlon- ' !Featured, in the play are De.nise qtitspoken leader of'German Jewry, established in' its present 'borders. Dinner ,Plcrnned Dr. A. of Dis- I gagemimt of their daughter, Vivian . , ~ . ~ ., H: Allen,"~Regent preaching fearlessly from' his own "Western Caria~lian jewry continues Hebrew School (Talmud· l'q- Ferguson, .Joyce Gordon, . Cormne ·Queen ,~ther'Chap.ter of Hadassah trict 'No; 12, and delegat~s Dr. and Lee, to IDonald .Ugep.t, son of Mr, to p"lay' a leading part: in the recla­ rah); .past: ;p'resident : ot' Edmonton' La~gston, Paul !tobin, Ed Pre~le, 'pulpit and all over GerlJla~y and will hold a dinner Sunday, \Jan.' 14, . .' Mrs. ~ouis" Green; Dr. and Mrs . .A. I ~nd'iMTs. Jacob Ugent, North Miami ~:; , Europe. Because of his attacks on· mation of the barren lands of the R~binavitch, arid Dr. and Mrs. J. Beach," FI~. !Mrs. Balkansky, is B;nai B'rith Lodge No. 732; board Eric Heath and M~tin 'Lager: from 6 .to 8 p.m. at ti;le Tower,s, "~ the Nazi government, he' was fre­ Negev, the Galilee arid the Hills of :! Pierce of .Winnipeg,· attended the f'Ormer Pearl ,Starkman Ross' of membe'r of Congregation Beth Sh!l- Set designer and production man- Town N'. Country Restaurant. .' quently arres~ed by th,e Gestapo Jerusalem," said Sinai Leichter, di­ " ~ Alph'l Omeg!\ Fr?ternity .Winnipeg. Miss ,Balkan sky will re­ 10m, 8:t;ld' on .the executive ?f the a~emep.t are Iby. 'Eoi~ Sprott, ,and ~enta~ and "fin'ally was eXJ,>elled' in 1937. 'rector of the IN:F 'in western, Can- ". -Mrs. I. Permack is convenor. The ' .. convention· last month in Montre!,!l .. ceiye .her B.Sc. in. Edtication in Jlm:e, 18th Edmonton Cub Pack. group cOstumes 'by-'Stephen Skaptasom . co~ittce' includes .M~sdames R. .. ,He' was' one of the first Zionist ad a. , , .• .,.. 'from the ''\rniversity of WisconSin, , . '. tJ1n f the .. Bay, I. Katz, R. Lupa, M. Cantor, rabbis in a German pulpit 'who On ~. return 0 Wmmpeg , '. , Mr.' Mol-ris Wiseman has left on' where her fiance is working on his Mr. Silverman is married to the . .' . , . Ji'. Fordman and H. A, Raichman. J'J preached Zionism in' spite of' the Postponement. Pllgnma'l.e to Israel, led by. Rabbi Th" ·11 be t rt . t d former suni DOzar of Winnipeg • ' • • j I £ trip to isr~el and Florida. :Ph:D. in Bota~y and Genetks. An e!e Wilen e alnmen an , , anti.JZionist attitude of' the leaders MIlton Aron, natIOnal chairman of I d . T· k t '- bt· ed . ., -, and' 'has. two Children. .. Shaarey Zedek' S is t e rho 0 d , .' oor prize. Ie e scan 'ue 0 run Detroit, Mich. ~ Miss ,He~riette. August 26 weddi~g is 'being .planned. , of the commuriity. He also urged ---~-----, ,annual Torah Fund LuncheoJ). the. J& Foundation, a festive din-I from 'Molly' Bassin, JU 2-5284, and iII1ffiediate mass in:unigration" of M. 'Friedman and Mr. Aubrey D. ~_ - - -,~.vo..u_~~~~ which ~ ~o be held Wednes­ ner will be held at the Shaarey Aline Permack, JU '6-1647. f European. Jews into Palestine from l'admait.. were married' here January MR. AND MRS. EDWIN SILVER day, Jan. 0', has been pOstponed .. ( Arms &- the Man . the . very begiimings of the Nazi " , ". , ,. 3. Rabbi Milton Aroh officiated. cordially invite their relatives· to Tues~ay, M~.h· 20. " " , . t ';' . • ... • . and friends to attend. the regime. , . , On Sfpge Friday, ...., / . "Mr•. and Mrs. L. Hoffer announce' Ted Fono~s; Canadian' stage and the Ibirth Of their son, Oarry Joshua B;"ai mitZI/ala television actor, heads the cast in -Michael, on January 6 at the Wom­ . of their sons. George Bernard Shaw's .comedy, Postponement l.N.F. to MQrlc. DR. I. ,WOLCH en's Pa~ilion; a :brother ,for Michelle. Jo~n' Arms and the Man, a Manitoba Due to the paSsing'of Rabbi A. 60th,Annivers·ary ... ... , Theatr~ Centre production opening Kravetz, th~ "give or raise" lun- , DR. JOACHEK PEmNZ. school trustee on the 'Winnipeg MR. AND MRS: DANIEL 'FINKEL and " . Norman H. Silverman, prominent Friday', Jan. 12, for "3 two-week '" . Twelfth annual men's Child Res- School Board and prominent 'com­ cheon of the Herzlia Academy , ' look forward with pleasure to having member of the !Edmonton Jewish run. Sisterhood slated for Tuesday, cue . Dinner, spons·ored by Pioneer munal leader. .. " their relatives and friends worship Roterl community, was appOinted Queen's Directed ,by· Desmond Scott, the Jan. 16, will 'be postponed until Women's Organization, will 'bring to nr... Wolch anl'1ounced that ticket with them on the occasion of the . on' Counsel on the New Year's honors satirical comedy pillories militar- further notice. WinnLpeg Rabbi Dr. Joachim iPrinz, distribution has already been' made .Bal' milzI/a~ ,. SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1962 it was announced in Edmonton ism and contrasts the romanti~ and" I~~~~~::~~=::=~:::::' national president of Amercan Jew­ and sponsors' are being .contacted at'11 a.m. at the realistic attitudes. to love and war. .. ......... iast week. ish Congress and one of' the con­ to defray costs of the function in _-- SHAAREY ZEDEK SYNAGOGUE ." . of their so~ Mr. Silverman was born' in Sas­ Mr. Follows, who will play the role IN LAS VEGAS tinent's most colorful Jewi~h Pl'r­ order to release entire dinner pro­ Kiddush" following services . ) where he earned his. RA. of :\3luntschli, began his dramatic 'It's sonalities, it was, announced this ceeds for Child Res~ue operations " B,.uce, Ai'l~ur Reception at Glendale Country Glub I,k:at()on cal'eer at the. University of Mani­ '8t .9:00 p,m. in 1940. week. , in Israel. , I toba, went on to stage, film and on - iNo Cards - He . entered the Manitoba Law The dinner will be held ,Wedne~­ The 'runner is one of the Jewish ... ... Kos~er SATURDAY, 'JANUARY ;!O, 1962 .. ... School, but interrupted his educa­ day, March 28, at 6:30 .p.m. in the .community's major events of ·the at 9 a,m. at 'the, ' ,FOR YOUR MR. AND MRS. tion to serve overseas as a field Style Royal Alexandra Hotel. Dinner. year and organizations have been ROS..., PIllrA . SYNAGOGUE MONTY GUBERMAN .. arti1Ie~y officer in the Canadian • BAR 'AND BAT " Open. chairman is, 'Dr. Is'adore Wolch, asked, to keep the date clear. Kiddush following services , and tMIl'ZVAH . CARDS ." ...... ' ...... ...... ---,.....:.~"'.~~ ........ _ ---- - Army ~ntil 1945., Retur~ing. to .• iBffi'l1fIDAY CARDS Restaurant ,J. ,MR. AND MRS. MR. AND MRS. Law Seliool ,from which he gradu­ 24 Hours Delicatessen J ARNOLD SECTER • WEDDING INVITATIONS GERALD FlNKLEMAN ated in 1947, he won the University • THANK YOU NOTES . "AMrnlRICA'S FINEST" cordially invite their relatives and ". .look forward with, .pleasure >to Gold Medal for the highest standing AND CARDS '~OR ALL' Just North of Sahara Hotel. ,friends'to celebrate with them the OCCASIONS' having their relatives and friends in final year. worship with them on the' It's , 'I, occasion of the B'nol milzva~ He was admitted to the'Manitoba :'f7../ I , . and Alberta Bars in 1947, and has PALA 'E " of their daughters BARAN'S Memb,ersof, Sharon Zionist Club Sal' mi(zva~ since been practiCing in Edmontop., CARD SHOP Chairtt Weizmann Club PRL'\:IE MINISTER BEN-GURION of their son nanclJ (Jad " JIe has been an active member of Variety Shop Brandeis Lodge During January, Israel and world Featuring a Large Variety of , cO/.din/ly illuile Ihei,. ,.etaliue& and j,.ien'dj Phone JU 9-2267 Jewry celebrates the 60th anniver­ and • Wedding Invitations .MR. AND MRS.'S:YDNEY C. GUNN ... 1396 Main Street • Bar and Eli 1 Mitzvah Cards' :;"1'0112: ' sary of pioneering by the Jewish 10, alle~J a on .Ca"of Juur; cordially invite their relatives .and cards for aU occasiolls . The Zionist Cultural Institute N ati{)nal Fund, , and friends to attend. the . , Receplion SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, .1962 . , Three mass rallies will b~ held in on PHONE JUsticc 2-6664 .. at 9 a.m: at the Israe'!: in Jerusalem, .l'el Aviv and " FRIDAY,' JANUARY 12, 1962 517 SELKIRK AVENUE in l.oniJ ,,' ojll.ei,. pa,.e~l ~ ROSH PINA. SYNAGOGUE Bai" m;lzval. COr~TA(T LENSES Haifa, with 'Prime Minister· Ben­ lI at 8:30 p,m. a t· the Please Note: We 'will print and' Kiddush foll9wing service , of their son I ".COMBINED "DINNER" MEETING Gurion, Labor,· Minister Yigal Allon ... "l ..... ... ... 'SIlAAREY ZEDEK SYNAGOGUE adflress all c::\rds· purchased Tuesday, January 23rd - 6 :30 p.m.:, 65th' WeJ,Ii;'g Anniue,.",al''j Reception following services· from us in bulk.' and Moshe Sharett, Jewish Agency· - No Cards - Wa~'J'(!n maJtl'in t Ranch House ·Restaurant chairman, as main spe~kers.
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