Overwintering Strategies of Insects in Northern Climates Joe Nelsen Challenges in winter ● Small ectotherms ● Lack of insulation ● Food shortages (for both herbivores and predators) General strategies - energetic benefits/tradeoffs ● Diapause/dormancy ● Spatial avoidance (migration) Diapause ● Pause in development ○ various life stages ● Strategy for handling all kinds of environmental stressors ● Similar to hibernation in other animals ● Very beneficial for insects who employ this strategy - maximizes fitness ○ Conserving during the “off season” more energy for productive season Diapause - Goldenrod Gall Fly ● Egg laid in stalk of Goldenrod plant ○ Larvae hatch and stimulate gall formation ○ Larvae diapause over winter ○ Larvae pupates and adult emerges in spring ● Gall provides food and protection, but little insulation… ● Larvae produce cryoprotectants to depress freezing point, and nucleators to nucleate ice away from cells… ● Larvae can survive down to -35℃ Ice Nucleation in Gall Flies ● Employs two types of ice nucleators: ○ Fat body cells and calcium phosphate spherules - heterogeneous ice nucleation ● Calcium phosphate spherules ○ Small spheres of crystalline compound that line malpighian tubules of larvae, and nucleate ice in extracellular fluid of tubules ● Fat body cells = rare case of intracellular ice nucleation Calcium phosphate spherules (Mugnano, 1996) Supercooling in Gall Flies ● Gall Fly larvae supercool their tissues using - polyols (sugar alcohols) ○ Sorbitol and Glycerol - primary cryoprotectants ● Lower freezing point of fluids within cells ○ Prevent ice formation in high concentrations colligitavely - by inhibiting water molecules from joining to form ice crystals intra/extracellularly ● Polyol production triggered by temperature ○ Glycerol accumulated before winter ○ Sorbitol from glycogen in response to lower temps ● Producing cryoprotectants = energetically expensive and uses stored glycogen (Baust, 1982) Monitoring conditions in gall ● Timing to initiate physiological changes is crucial ● Environmental cues are monitored - polyol levels change in response ● Individuals that initiate and terminate diapause most efficiently will have highest fitness (Irwin et al., 2001) Winter Clustering ● Honeybee hives are endothermic as a whole ○ Workers cluster and generate heat via flight muscles in winter ○ Individuals alternate locations on cluster to minimize losses ○ Temp. of core is very stable: 32 - 36℃ ● Keeps queen and brood warm ○ Allows for continued rearing of young throughout winter ● Increases fitness of next generation workers ○ Queen/brood fitness = hive’s fitness ○ The more young that survive winter will have a larger workforce for spring ○ More workers in spring = more resources collected and stored for next winter brooding Monarch Butterflies - Latitudinal Avoidance ● Monarch Lipid Budget ○ Scarce resources for 3 months of overwintering period ○ Unable to replenish lipid reserves during this time ● Behavioral adaptations to minimize lipid depletion while overwintering in Mexico… ○ Increased resting in shade closer to point of lipid exhaustion ○ Easier to warm up flight muscles to Flight Threshold than cool down ○ Lowest lipid use per day in cooler temps (Masters et al., 1988) Winter Ants - Vertical Avoidance ● Burrow up to 12 feet ○ Ground insulates tunnels ○ Temp stays around 65℉ in winter ○ Tunnels are in ant’s Thermoneutral - no energy expenditure for thermoregulation (after building tunnels) ● Above ground foraging ○ Small tunnels dug to surface to warm up in when cold ○ Huge fitness advantage - most other inverts are dormant/diapausing Conclusion ● These are only a few examples… ● Overall insects = very well adapted to surviving cold winters ● Adaptations allow for exploitation of new niches Literature Cited Baust, John G., and Richard E. 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Images ● https://media1.britannica.com/eb-media/24/51124-004-9F5F4628.jpg ● http://backyardsfornature.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/National-Geographic-photo-monarch-butterflies-mexico_28112_990x742.jpg ● http://www.agrarentomologie.uni-goettingen.de/typo3temp/pics/22e90b4b43.jpg ● https://static.pexels.com/photos/359042/pexels-photo-359042.jpeg ● http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/02/11/article-2099233-11AFD42A000005DC-272_964x542.jpg ● http://images.gawker.com/dkfwj7utk1qxzwxs0tos/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800.jpg ● http://minnesotaseasons.com/Insects/Large/goldenrod_gall_fly_01.jpg ● https://darwinbookcats.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/open_goldenrod_gall.jpg ● http://www.facstaff.bucknell.edu/abrahmsn/solidago/eurostaovi2cap.JPG ● https://raglandlab.files.wordpress.com/2015/09/diapausephases.jpg ● http://eorganic.info/sites/eorganic.info/files/u257/Complete_metamorphosis_375.jpg ● https://bugwoodcloud.org/bugwoodwiki/thumb/Digestive_system.jpg/400px-Digestive_system.jpg ● https://www.perfectbee.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/canstockphoto17785368.jpg ● http://www.beebehavior.com/beeimages/hives/woodhives/infrared_hives.jpg ● http://www.eternalspringlandscaping.com/chart.JPG ● https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/28/ec/cc/28eccc49345d93c8fdc80f8761db5313.jpg ● http://ant.edb.miyakyo-u.ac.jp/BE/Kingdom/5657/59e.gif ● http://icons.wxug.com/hurricane/2014/GreatLakes_amo_2014050.jpg .
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