SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 1 SG Michel Year AirGum Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used Sutherland Philatelics PO Box 448 Ferny Hills D C, Qld 4055 Australia ABN: 69 768 764 240 website: sutherlandphilatelics.com.au e-mail: [email protected] phone: international: 61 7 3851 2398; Australia: 07 3851 2398 BRAZIL To find an item in this list, please use Adobe's powerful search function. Stamps without gum A large number of Brazilian stamps & M/S between SG1210 & SG1425 were issued without gum [ng]. These stamps, in the condition in which they were issued, are listed as MUH. Where they have been hinged, they are listed as Mint. Where they have been obviously washed, they are listed as MNG. The MNG category is almost exclusively for stamps which were issued with gum but which has been washed off. The paper used for most of these stamps is glossy on the front and back often giving the illusion that they are gummed when, in fact, they are not. All other stamps & M/S are issued with gum, unless otherwise stated. ( indicates an airmail issue ( indicates some of the set are airmail issues imperforate g issued with gum ng issued without gum o ordinary paper (dead or whitish under UV) p phosphorised paper (yellow green under UV) Prices subject to change without notice. Please note that GST (currently 10%) is applicable from 1 July 2000. International sales are GST free. The prices in this list INCLUDE GST All prices are in Australian dollars. E&OE CREDIT CARDS: VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 2 SG Michel Year AirGum Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used Currency: 1000 Reis = 1 Milreis Empire 200r (red) grn-blue Dom Pedro II inscr 'IMPERIO DO BRASIL SELLO' (19x38mm) 2.10 45 1866 50r blue Emperor Dom Pedro II, perf 12 2.45 47a 100r grn Emperor Dom Pedro II, perf 12 (bottom perfs trimmed) 1.05 D91 1889 Postage Due: 100r scarlet, rouletted 2.95 Republic D97 1890 10r orange Postage Due, rouletted 0.65 D98 20r blue Postage Due, rouletted 0.65 N98 1889 20r yellow-green Newspaper stamp, rouletted (very light creases) 0.50 91 1890 200r violet Southern Cross, perf 12½-14 1.40 N119 1890 10r blue Southern Cross & Sugar-loaf Mt Newsppr stamp, p 14, thin ppr 3.25 111d 1891 Head of Liberty facing right, perf 12½-14 2.40 114 1893 100r pale rose Head of Liberty facing left, perf 11½ (small tear) 0.55 125 1894 20r blue & orange Sugar-loaf Mountain, P11-11½ 0.35 Head of Liberty 127 100r black & red, perf 11-11½ 0.40 234 (1900) 200r blue, perf 11-11½ 0.35 129 1894 300r black & green, perf 11-11½ 0.45 165 1897 10r blue & rose Sugar-loaf Mountain, P11¼, inscr 'REIS REIS' 0.35 Portraits 260 1906 10r blue-grey Aristides Lobo 0.35 0.15 261 20r violet Benjamin Constant 0.30 262 50r deep green Cabral 0.35 264 100r bright rose Wandendkolk 0.30 0.15 264a 100r scarlet Wandendkolk 0.35 265 200r blue Deodoro da Fonseca 0.35 0.15 267 300r sepia Floriano Peixoto 1.05 289 1920 20r violet Head of Liberty 0.25 290 25r olive-grey Head of Liberty 0.25 CREDIT CARDS: VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 3 SG Michel Year AirGum Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used Early definitive stamps of Brazil often were issued on paper with a variety of watermarks. For single stamps, especially those with postmarks, these watermarks are extremely difficult to differentiate. Consequently, for these issues, we provide a simplified listing only. Where we are able to unambiguously identify specific watermarks, we list the stamps we have with these. Industry & Culture Simplified (can not identify watermark) 362?? 2000r violet blue "Brasil" 'Instruccao' - P11 0.65 0.30 No Wmk LOCOMOTIVE 302 10r purple 303 20r olive grey INDUSTRY 304 25r purple 306 50r blue green 307 50r chestnut AGRICULTURE 305 40r yellow brown 308 80r blue green AVIATION 309 100r rose red 0.30 310 100r orange 311 150r violet 312 200r blue 313 200r rose red MERCURY 314 300r olive grey 0.40 315 400r blue 1.45 316 500r red brown (very lighty crease) 0.40 Set 15v 341a 600r red-orange 'Shipping', no wmk, P11½ 0.30 352 1924 10r purple Locomotive, wmk 0.50 Wmk: Stars + CASA DA MOEDA 359 1924 400r blue Mercury 0.30 Wmk EUBRASIL 365 20r slate violet 'Aviation' 0.30 366 50r claret 'Aviation' 0.10 367 100r turquoise green 'Aviation' 0.15 Wmk ESTADOSUNIDOSDOBRASIL 380 20r slate violet 'Aviation' 381 1930 50r claret 'Aviation' 0.35 0.15 384 300r rose red Mercury 0.35 0.15 Wmk: Southern Cross P13 x 12½ 388A 20rs slate violet 'Aviation' 391A 50r turquoise green 'Aviation' 0.25 0.10 392A 100r orange 'Aviation' 0.25 393A 200r rose 'Aviation' 0.35 0.15 394A 300r olive Mercury 0.25 0.10 395A 400r ultramarine Mercury 0.25 0.10 397A 600r yellow brown (U is FU but o/c) 0.25 0.10 P11¼ 387B 1931 10r red-brown 'Aviation' 0.30 0.10 391B 50r turquoise green 'Aviation' 0.25 0.10 392B 100r orange 'Aviation' 0.25 394B 300r olive Mercury 0.25 0.10 395B 400r ultramarine Mercury (U are FU but o/c) 0.25 0.10 396B 500r red brown Mercury 0.25 398B 700r reddish violet 0.25 0.10 399B 1000r greenish blue Mercury 0.25 Wmk: BRASIL CORREIO P11 404 100r orange 'Aviation' 0.25 405 1936 300r drab Mercury 0.10 406 400r blue Mercury 0.30 0.15 407 500r brown Mercury 0.25 410 1000r turquoise blue 2.00 0.85 411 2000r violet 'Learning' 0.85 CREDIT CARDS: VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 4 SG Michel Year AirGum Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used Wmk: CASA+DA+MOEDA+DO+BRASIL & Maltese Crosses 414 300r drab Mercury - P11 2.95 Wmk: CASA+DA+MOEDA+DO+BRASIL P11 420 100r yellow 'Aviation' 0.45 0.20 421 400r blue Mercury 0.45 422 600r yellow-orange 0.45 0.20 423 1000r turquoise blue 0.45 0.20 Wmk: BRASIL CORREIO & stars P11 427 100r yellow 'Aviation' 0.30 428 1940 400r blue Mercury, thick paper 0.30 0.15 429 600r yellow orange 0.30 0.15 430 1938 1000r greenish blue Mercury 0.15 438b 1927 1000r lilac-red Ruy Barbosa, Type C, wmk Stars + CASA DA MOEDA 2.80 Air 472 1929 500r Biplane, wmk 'CM' in star, P13 0.15 472a 1929 500r Biplane, wmk 'CM' in star, P11 0.25 473 1929 1,000r Seaplane, wmk 'CM' in star, P13 0.20 479 2,000r de Gusmão, wmk Stars + CASA DA MOEDA, P11 0.30 Revolution of 3 October 1930 LARGE LANDSCAPE FORMAT 490 338 1931 10r + 10r light blue 491 339 20r + 20r brown 493 341 100r + 50r orange 0.60 0.25 494 342 200r + 100r green 0.60 495 343 300r + 150r black, green, yellow & scarlet 0.60 496 344 400r + 200r carmine 1.70 497 345 500r + 250r deep blue 1.30 498 346 600r + 300r purple 14.70 499 347 700r + 350r black green, yellow & scarlet 1.20 0.55 SMALL PORTRAIT FORMAT 492 340 50r + 50r green, scarlet & yellow 500 348 1$ + 500r green, scarlet & yellow 0.30 501 349 2$ + 1$ grey & scarlet 502 350 5$ + 2.500$ black & scarlet 503 351 10$ + 5$ green & yellow Set 14v Surcharged 1931 / 200 Réis 504 on 300r rose red - Wmk: CASA DA MODEDA 504a on 300r rose red - No Wmk 505 on 300r rose red - Wmk: EUBRASIL (in vertical column) 0.35 0.15 506 on 300r rose red - Wmk: EUBRASIL (in echelon) 507 on 300r rose red - Wmk: ESTADOSUNIDOSDOBRASIL 0.35 0.15 Colonization of Brazil 513 1932 20r 0.60 0.25 514 100r 0.65 515 200r 516 600r 2.70 517 700r 3.85 Set 5v 529 1933 Founding of Vassouras 1.55 0.70 Surcharged 200 Réis 533 on 300r rose red - Wmk: CASA DA MODEDA 533a on 300r rose red - No Wmk 534 on 300r rose red - Wmk: EUBRASIL (in vertical column) 535 on 300r rose red - Wmk: EUBRASIL (in echelon) 536 on 300r rose red - Wmk: ESTADOSUNIDOSDOBRASIL 0.70 537 Columbus's Departure from Palos 1.30 Faith & Energy 541 200r violet - Wmk: Southern Cross 0.25 0.10 Visit of President Justo of Argentina 547 600r carmine "Republic" & Flags 12.60 CREDIT CARDS: VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 5 SG Michel Year AirGum Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used 549 1934 First National Aviation Congress 1.40 Seventh International Sample Fair 550 200r olive brown 0.80 551 400r red 3.85 1.65 552 700r ultramarine 553 1000r yellow orange Set 4v National Philatelic Exhibition 555 200r + 100r claret 7.70 556 300r + 100r vermilion 7.70 557 700r + 100r blue 64.40 558 1000r + 100r black 64.40 Set 4v 126.00 561 Founding of São Paulo - 200r buff 1.05 571 1935 3rd Pan-American Red Cross Conference - 200r 1.45 572 3rd Pan-American Red Cross Conference - 300r 2.80 Carlos Gomes 590 1936 300r rose carmine 1.55 0.70 591 300r sepia 1.55 592 700r blue 593 700r buff 5.60 Set 4v 594 Ninth International Sample Fair 1.30 595 Second National Eucharistic Congress 1.30 596 1937 Dr Francisco Pereira Passos - 700r light blue 1.70 597 Dr Francisco Pereira Passos - 700r black 1.70 0.75 598 Esperanto Congress 1.40 0.60 599 2nd South American Radio Conference - 300r 1.55 600 2nd South American Radio Conference - 700r 1.55 601 Esperanto Golden Jubilee 1.40 Tourist Propaganda 602 200r Monroe Palace, Rio de Janeiro 1.85 603 300r Botanical Gardens, Rio de Janeiro 604 605 606 607 Set 6v 608 Rio Grande do Sul Bicentenary 0.95 609 US Constitution (few short perfs) 1.30 610 1938 Coffee Propaganda 0.95 612 Olinda 4th Centenary (Arms) 0.80 613 Couto de Magalhães 0.80 0.35 614 National Archives 0.80 614aMS 614bMS 615 1939 Rio de Janeiro 0.15 619 Soldiers' Day 0.95 New York's World Fair 620 400r yellow orange 621 800r bluish green 0.50 0.25 622 1200r carmine 0.50 623 1600r blue Set 4v 627-30 Child Welfare 8.40 631 1940 636 533 Machado de Assis (FU is on piece) 0.65 CREDIT CARDS: VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055, AUSTRALIA Page 6 SG Michel Year AirGum Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used 640a 1941 Fifth General Census 0.35 643B Portugal Centenaries - 400r, wmk BRASIL CORREIO & Stars 0.20 645B Portugal Centenaries - 5,400r, wmk BRASIL CORREIO & Stars 1.05 Commencing with SG647, and finishing on 30.5.49, definitives were issued with or without 3 vertical green control lines on the reverse of the stamp.
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