EDUCATION COMMITTEE - Vol.3 E 174 Report of Education Committee OH' 18th September 1973 / His "Worship the Mayor (Councillor G. Colborne Hill)1 Chairman: * Councillor L. Wagner. Aldermen: * .Flower,,- M.B.E. * Gange, O rB..E*, J..P. * MacRae' Councillors: * Abbott Mrs., Leaver * Beech Messias * Brough * Murphy * Campbell * Jfutt * Cervantes Watson / Perigee * Clark . * Mrs. Rees * Elderton Eiordan, * "Hines ' * Roan * Howard * Simmonds * Mrs. Keen * Mrs. Tarl King * Mrs. Wells Co-opted Members: * Mr. H, Cooper * Rev. T. Lloyd * Mr..J.M. JDavies * Mr. L:.. Smith * Mr'. K. Pranklin * Mr. A.T. Stodhart * Mrs,. H. Hodges * Mrs. S, Sutciiffe * Mr. K. Toms Present, as members of the Youth and Youth Employment Sub-Committees, entitled to speak but not to vote Tshen matters relating to the terms of reference of the Sub-Committee are under consideration: - Youth Sub-Committee: Mr. G. Davis * Mr. C. Hart - - Mr. R. - Dini Mr'., W.C. Pajne * Mr. A. Eyeritt * Lt. Cdr. J« Marshall-Turner Youth Employment Sub-Committee: Mr. I.H. Griffiths * Mr. L. Rodemark * Alderman Mrs, A.M. Mr. H.J. Smith Johnson * Miss Y.G., Stacey Mr, P., Miles * Denotes Members present / Denotes Members, attending another meeting, PART I, - RECOBSMMDATICKS., RECOMMENDATION" I: Harrow Local Archives Committee: Further to Council resolution 1674 (7th December, 1972), your Committee have considered, and are ia agreement "with,,, recommendation 1 of the -report of 'their .Libraries Sub-Committee of 23rd July, 1973 (printed as an appendix to this report) and accordingly submit, the foliomjig recommendation. E175 Vol. 3. EDUCATION Resolved to RECOMMEND; That, the Council agree to their resolution 1674, (7th December, 1972) being amended by the following addition after the last specificially named organisation entitled to attend meetings of the Libraries Sub-Committee when matters relating to Archives are on the Agenda:^ "or from such other Societies or Associations that the Libraries Sub-Committee may from time to time decide." RECOMMENDATION II: Scales of Salaries for Teachers in Establishments of Further Education; Your Committee have considered, and are in agreement with, recommendation 1 of the report of their Schools and Further Education Sub-Committee of 26th July, 1973 (printed as an appendix to this report) and accordingly submit the following recommendation. Resolved to RECOMMEND; That the Council approve a supplementary estimate of £44,300 for the financial year 1973/74 in respect of revised salary scales for full time Teachers in establishments of Further Education from 1st April, 1973, and that no compensatory savings be required as this results from an agreed national increase, (Note; The Policy and Resources Committee raise no objection to this, supplementary estimate), RECOMMENDATION III; Students under eighteen years of age in Further Education Es tabli shments; Your Committee have considered, and are in agreement with, recommendation 3 of the report of their Schools and Further Education Sub-Committee of 26th July, 1973 (printed as an appendix to this report) and accordingly submit the following recommendation, Resolved to RECOMMEND; That, as from 1st September, 1974, the Council agree to provision being made in the revenue estimates for books, stationery and consumable materials on a capitation basis at the rate for over sixteen year old students in schools, for those full time students at Further Education Establishments aged eighteen years and under (nineteen years and under for "o" and "A" Level Courses), thereby making them comparable with similar students at Junior Colleges, RECOMMENDATION IV; Student Grants; Block Release Courses: Your Committee have considered, and are in agreement with, recommendation 4 of the report of their Schools and Further Education Sub-Committee of 26th July, 1973 (printed as an appendix to this report) and accordingly submit the following recommendation. EDUCATION Vol.3 E 176 Besolved to RECOMMEND: That, as- from September, 1973 the Council agree 'that the rate to> Students attending part-time courses who are required to attend, Further Education Establishments outside their home areas on .a block release basis be increased Iron 67p per night to £1.30 per day, as recommended by the Conference of Education Officers for London and the Home Counties, 'being the same level as the term time study Grant regulations. RECOMMENDATION" V: Visits to France for Linguistic and Cultural. Activities 'by Children of the new Middle Schools:, ', Your Committee have considered, and are in agreement'with, recommendation 6 of the report of their Schools and Further Education Sub-Committee of 26th July, 1973 (printed as an appendix to this report) and accordingly submit the following recommendation. Resolved to RECOMMEND': That the Council agree to mixed parties of final year Middle School pupils participating - in visits to .France- in the Summer Term, 1974, in accordance with the details outlined in recommendation 6 of the report of the Schools and Further Education Sub-Committee of 26th July, 1973. ' '..'.;. " ' RECOMMENDATION1 ¥1:... Conference of Local Education Authori-fates: Your Committee have considered, and are in agreement with, recommendation 7 of the report of their Schools and Further Education Sub-Committee of 26th July, 1973 (printed as an appendix to this report) and accordingly submit the following recommendation. ' Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Chairman of the Education Committee and the Director of Education be appointed as the Council's representatives on the Conference of Local. Education Authorities from September, 1973 tO' August,.. 1974. RECQMMEN'DA.TI'ON _SII: Harrow College of Further Education Governing Further to their recommendation 1 (2) (b) (26th June, 1973), your Committee have considered, and -are in, agreement with, recommendation, 8 of the report of their. Schools and Further Education Sub-Committee of 26th July, 1973 (printed as an appendix to this report) and accordingly submit the following recommendation. Resolved to aECOMBEHP: That the Council appoint Mr. J.,S, Dent, Regional Advisory Officer of the Civil Service Council for Further Education, to serve from 15th October, 1973 until the first ordinary meeting-of the Council in the-Municipal Year 1974/75 as a Governor,, appointed by the Authority after consultation, with the Principal, on the Governing Body of Harrow College of Further Education, E 177 Vol.3 EDUCATION RECOMMENDATION VIII: Teachers Salaries - above Scale Payments: High Schools and Junior Colleges; Your Committee have considered, and are in agreement with, recommendation 9 of the report of their Schools and Further Education Sub-Committee of 26th July, 1973 (printed as an appendix to this report) and accordingly submit the following recommendation. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council agree:- (1) t'o eighty per cent plus ten per cent "pool" of the points score range being implemented with effect from September, 1974, in respect of High Schools and Junior Colleges; (2) to Group ten High Schools being classified as Group eleven High Schools for the purpose of their being allowed two Senior Teachers instead of one; and (3) in principle, to Stanmore Junior College achieving parity as far as possible with other Junior Colleges and that from 1st September, 1974 the Head, Deputy Head, the Second Deputy Head and Second Mistress be granted allowances equal to the difference ,in salaries between Groups 11 and 12, subject to the provisions of the next Burnham Report, (Note: As a matter of urgency, pursuant to Standing Order 51, His . Worship the Mayor approved this recommendation). RECOMMENDATION IX: Reorganised Schools - Catchment Areas; Your Committee have considered, and are in agreement with, recommendation 10 of the report of their Schools and Further Education Sub-Committee of 26th July, 1973 (printed as an appendix to this report) and accordingly submit the following recommendation. Resolved to RECOMMEND: That the Council agree:- (a) the catchment'areas of re-organised Schools, as set out in the appendix to the report of the Schools and Further Education Sub-Committee of 26th July, 1973, and that these areas do operate from January, 1974 for those pupils entering school for the first time; (b) that younger pupils retain the option of attending the same school as their older brothers and/or sisters, in both the Primary and Secondary sector, provided there is room; (c) that pupils would normally transfer to the High School fed by their Middle School; (d) to pupils already attending a First School subsequently divorced from their home address being offered the opportunity of transferring to the appropriate Middle School at eight plus years of age; and EDUCATION . ' ' Vol. 3, S178. (e) to parents retaining the choice of any school provided; that accommodation is available in tliose schools not serving their home area, in accordance with tlie Education Act, 1944 and, the London Government Act, 1963, (Councillors Murphy and Nutjfc voted against tMs recommendation and Councillor Abbot voted against paragraph (a> of the recommendation), EECOMMEMDATIOiN' Sj. Education Act,_1944, Section 13 as amended - Mount View High School and Canons High School; Tour Committee have considered, and are in agreement with, recommendation II of the report of their Schools and Further Education Sub-Committee of 26th. July, 1973 (printed as an appendix to' this report") and accordingly submit the following recommendation, Resolved to RECOMME1D: That the Council authorise the Chief Executive and Town Clerk to issue
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