eOVERHMENTHMIMAOEHOY[^^^[S^^I BStt-H--^+-/!£+El $£1 No. 1497 MONDAY, MARCH 26, 1951 Price 28.00 yen In paragraph 3 of the Supplementary Provisions, LAWS "April 1, 1951" shall be amended as "before April 1, 1952" and "the legislative action for such con- I hereby promulgate the Law for Partial version shall be taken prior to the same day." as ^j Amendment to the Law for the Establishment of "the legislative action shall be taken for such the National Institute Komei-ryo. conversion and the date thereof". Signed: HIROHITO, Seal of the Emperor This twenty-sixth day of the third month of Supplementary Provision : the twenty-sixth year of Showa (March 26, 1951) This Law shall come into force as from April -#u Prime Minister 1, 1951. YOSHIDA Shigeru •EPresident of Economic Stabilization Board Law No. 35 YOSHIDA Shigeru Law for Partial Amendment to the Law Prime Minister for the Establishment of the National YOSHIDA Shigeru Institute Komei-ryo I hereby promulgate the Law for Abolition of The Law for the Establishment of the National the Special Measures on Unjustly Possessed Institute Komei-ryo (Law No. 162 of 1948) shall b© Materials, Etc. Special Account Law, Etc. partially amended as follows : Signed: HIROHITO, Seal of the Emperor In Art. 2, "Tokyo Metropolis and Tochigi Pre- This twenty-sixth day of the third month of fecture" shall be amended as "Tokyo-To, Tochigi the twenty-sixth year of Showa (March 26, 1951) Prefecture and Hyogo Prefecture ", Prime Minister Supplementary Provision : YOSHIDA Shigeru This Law shall come into force as from the day •ELawNo.37 of its promulgation. Law for Abolition of the Special Measures Minister of Welfare on Unjustly Possessed Materials, Etc. KUROKAWA Takeo ^ Prime Minister Special Account Law, Etc. YOSHIDA Shigeru The Laws undermentioned shall be abolished : The Special Measures on Unjustly Possessed I hereby promulgate the Law for Partial Materials, Etc* Special Account Law (Law No. Amendments to the Law for Partial Amendments 36 of 1948) of Economic Stabilization Board Establishment The Law concerning the Payment in Registered Law., National Bonds of the Value of Unjustly Signed: HIROHITO, Seal of the Emperor Possessed Materials, Etc. (Law No 35 of 1948) This twenty sixth day of the third month of the twenty-sixth year of Showa (March 26, 1951) Supplementary Provisions : Prime Minister 1 In this Law, the provision of paragraph 2 of TOSHIBA Shigeru the Supplementary Provisions shall come into force as from the day of its promulgation, and Law No. 36 other provisions, as from April 1, 1951. Law for Partial Amendments to the Law 2 The Government may make the General Ac- for Partial Amendments to the^Econom- count responsible for redemption and interest ic Stabilization Board Establish- payments for the registered national bonds that ment Law have been issued by March 31, 1951 in accordance The Law for Partial Amendments to the Econom- with the provision of Article 4 paragraph 1 of ic Stabilization Board Establishment Law (Law the former Law concerning the Payment in Reg- No. 161 of 1950) shall be partially amended as istered National Bonds of the Value of Un- follows : justly Possessed Materials, Etc. (hereinafter to be referred to as "the former Law"), unless an The registered national bonds to be issued under amount corresponding to an amount necessary the provision of Article 4 paragraph 1 of the for such payments "have been transferred from format* Law, still effective in accordance with the Special Measures on Unjustly Possessed the provision of the preceding paragraph, shall be the responsibility of the General Account. Materials, Etc. Special Account to the National Minister of Finance Debt Consolidation Fund Special Account by the IKEDA Hayato preceding date, regardless of the provisions of Minister of International Article 5 paragraph 1 of the Special Measures Trade and Industry on Unjustly Possessed Materials, Etc. Special YOKOO Shigemi Account Law (hereinafter to be referred to as Prime Minister "the formor Special Account Law"). YOSHIDA Shigeiu 3 In the Special Measures on Unjustly Possessed Materials, Etc. Special Account, in case there is OFFICE ORDINANCES any surplus obtained by deducting the total dis- bursed amounts of annual expenditures (exclud- Attorney-General's Office Ordinance ing the transfer to the General Account) from No. 42 the total received amounts of annual revenues in March 26, 1951 the fiscal year 1950 -51, the said surplus shall be The Regulations for the Establishment of Branch transferred to the revenues of the General Ac- Bureaus and Branch Offices of Legal Affairs count of the fiscal year 1950-51. Bureaus or District Legal Aflairs Bureau (Attorney- General's Office Ordinance No. 12 of 1949) shall 4 As regards the settlement of accounts of the be partially amended as follows: Special Measures on Unjustly Possessed Materi- Attorney-General als, Etc. Special Account of the fiscal year 1949- OHASHI Takeo 50, the former procedures shall still be effective; In the Annexed Table, "Rokugo-mura in the and as regards the receipt and payment of the Item of the Takasaki Branch Bureau in the Sub- same Special Account of the fiscal year 1950-51 section of the said Branch Bureau under the Sec- and the settlement of accounts of the same tion of the Maebashi District Legal Affairs Bureau Special Account of the same fiscal year, the shall be deleted. former procedures, excluding those under the provisions of Article 7 of the' former Special Supplementary Provision : Account Law, shall still be effective. This Office Ordinance shall come into force as from April 1, 1951* \ 5 The assets and liabilities belonging to the Special Measures on Unjustly Possessed Materi- als, Etc* Special Account at the time of the con- MINISTERIAL ggPg^Agi{^gg___ clusion of receipt and payment of the fiscal year 1950-51 of the same Special Account, shall belong Ministry of Finance Ordinance No. 12 to the General Account. March 26, 1951 The Ministerial Ordinance for Partial Amend- ^ 6 Of the value of the unjustly possessed mateii- ments to the Ministerial Ordinance concerning als provided for In Article 1 of the Regulations the Certificate in Article 4 of Anti-National Tax ^ governing the Utilizations of Surplus Materials, Evasion Law which apply mutatis mutandis in Etc. (Prime Minister's OfficeOrdinance, Attoiney- accordance with the Provisions of Paragraph 1 of General's OfficeOrdinance, Ministries of Foreign Article 79 of the Tobacco Monopoly Law, Para- Affairs, Finance, Education, Welfare, Agricul- graph 1 of Aiticle 55 of the Salt Monopoly Law ture and Forestry, Commeice and Industry, and Paragraph 1 of Article 28 of the Camphor Transportation, Communications, and Labor Ordi- Monopoly Law shall be established as follows: nance No. 2 of 1948; hereinafter to be referred Minister of Finance to as "the Regulations") based upon the Tem- IKEDA Hayato porary Demand and Supply Adjustment Law The Ministerial Ordinance for Partial (Law No. [32 of 1946), which have been taken Amendments to the Ministerial Ordinance over by the Government before the enforcement concerning the Certificate in Article 4 of ^ the Anjti-National Tax Evasion Law which of this Law in accordance with the provisions of apply mutatis mutandis in accordance with Articles 2 to 4 inclusive of the Regulations, as the Provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article regards the payment of the value the settlement 79 of the Tobacco Monopoly Law, Para- of which has not been completed by the time of graph 1 of Article 55 of the Salt Monopoly the enforcement of this Law and as regards the Law and Paragraph 1 of Article 28 of the registered national bonds to be delivered for the Camphor Monopoly Law payment therefor, the former Law shall be still The Ministerial Ordinance concerning the Certi- n effective. ficate in Article 4 of the Anti-National Tax ^- 3- Evasion Law which apply mutatis mutandis in and Paragraph.1 of A.itide 28 of the Camphor accordance with the Provisions of Paragraph 1 Monopoly Law (Ministry of Finance Ordinance of Article 79 of the Tobacco Monopoly Law, Para- No. 45 of 1949) shall partially be amended as graph 1 of Article 55 of the Salt Monopoly Law follows : The form shall be amended as follows: (Front) -9 cm 2.5 cm l N o. ! m 52 fn Issued at: Jt ft w . *」 N am e ! 詛 ' 6,5 cm pr ^pr^ ^ 7v ? c EJRapTanIF MICoAnTopEolyOCForporation tl ョ s u M O N O P O L Y IN SP E C T O R ア n E M inister of F inance (Back) w <o&fa The person hereby named is authorized, under mga* at+ft. Article 79 of the Tobacco Monopoly Law, Article ?I ^ftfc S "5. 55 of the Salt Monopoly Law and Article 28 of **tf£ 186 38 l>¥ the Camphor Monopoly Law, to make inquiry, examination, provisional holding, inspection, search aeh ***-b or seizure in any case of violation of the said 1 Monopoly Laws. X+ 'A Supplementary Provision : This Ministerial Ordinance shall come into force as from April 1, 1951. etc. of the Seventh Tanoshimi Time Deposit with NOTIFICATI O NS Premiums for Payment of Tax of the Teigin shall be determined as follows: Ministry of Finance Notification No. 388 Minister of Finance March 26, 1951 In accordance with the provisions of Articles 3 IKEDA Hayato and 5 of the Law for Establishment of the Savings 1. Name: Seventh Tanoshimi Time Deposit with with Premiums (Law No. 143 of 1948), the details, Premiums for Payment of Tax of the Teigin 0-- 2. Conditions: ments up to the sixth and rights of the (1) Term of contract: 3 months; piovided that second drawing to be given to those coná" its concerned deposit shall be handled as tracts which have paid the whole instal- the deposit for payment of tax after the ments, shall make one set respectively.
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