Acta Oecologica Carpatica VII THE CONGLOMERATE HILLS OF TĂLMACIU-PODU OLT (TRANSYLVANIA, ROMANIA), A REMARKABLE HABITAT COMPLEX OF BIOGEOGRAPHICAL IMPORTANCE Erika SCHNEIDER-BINDER 1 KEYWORDS: xerothermic conditions, xero- and thermophilous species, relicts, biogeographical interest, rare species and habitat types. ABSTRACT The conglomerate hills of Tălmaciu- present. Some of the rare species are Podu Olt demonstrate, as a result of their highlighted and discussed in more detail. geomorphological structure and their The characteristic habitat types of the geographical position on the Southern edge conglomerate hills are presented as well and of the Transylvanian Tableland in the discussed from the point of view of ecology contact area with the Southern Carpathians, and nature conservation. Considering the a mosaic of various xerothermic habitats high level of biodiversity present in a with many species of biogeographical relatively small area and its biogeographical relevance. Apart from the European floral relevance, it is proposed that these elements, a remarkable number of Pontic, conglomerate hills be included as a new Site Pontic-Mediteranean, Pontic-Pannonian, of Community Interest in the Natura 2000 Balkan and Submediterranean elements, as network. well as endemic species of the area, are REZUMAT: Conglomeratele de la Tălmaciu-Podu Olt (Transilvania, România), un remarcabil complex de habitate de importanţă biogeografică. Dealurile de conglomerate de la specii endemice. Câteva dintre speciile rare Tălmaciu-Podu Olt prezintă, datorită sunt scoase în evidenţă şi discutate mai în stucturii geomorfologice şi a poziţiei lor detaliu. Prezentate sunt şi tipurile de habitat geografice la marginea sudică a Podişului caracteristice, fiind discutate din punct de Transilvaniei în zona de contact cu Carpaţii vedere ecologic şi al importanţei lor din Meridionali, un mozaic de diferite habitate punct de vedere al conservării mediului. xeroterme, cu numeroase specii de relevanţă Luându-se în considerare biodiversitatea fitogeografică. Pe lângă grupul elementelor ridicată şi relevanţa biogeografică a zonei, floristice europene în aria conglomeratelor aceasta este propusă pentru a fi inclusă ca un este prezent un număr mare de specii nou sit de importanţă comunitară în reţeaua pontice, pontic-mediterane, pontic-panonice, Natura 2000. specii balcanice, submediterane, precum şi ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die Konglomerate von Talmesch-Podu Olt (Transilvanien, Rumänien) ein bemerkenswerter Komplex an Lebensräumen von biogeographischer Bedeutung. Die Konglomerate von balkanischen, submediterranen und der Tălmaciu/Talmesch-Podu Olt weisen endemischen Arten hervorzuheben. Einige bedingt durch ihre geomorphologische der seltenen Arten werden ausführlicher Struktur und ihre Lage am südlichen Rand dargestellt. Die charakteristischen des Siebenbürgischen Hochlandes im Habitattypen werden vorgestellt und aus Kontaktgebiet zu den Südkarpaten ein ökologischer und naturschutzfachlicher Mosaik an xerothermen Lebensräumen mit Sicht besprochen. Unter Berücksichtigung einer Vielfalt von Arten von seiner hohen Biodiversität auf relativ biogeographischer Relevanz auf. Neben den kleinem Raum und seiner europäischen Arten ist vor allem die biogeographischen Relevanz wird das Vielzahl der pontischen, pontisch- Gebiet zur Aufnahme in das Natura 2000- mediterranen, pontisch-pannonischen, Netzwerk vorgeschlagen. The conglomerate hills of Tălmaciu-Podu Olt; 1/24 pp. - 1 - Acta Oecol. Carpat. VII . INTRODUCTION The conglomerate hills of Tălmaciu station of Podu Olt (Sibiu County) and and Podu Olt (Sibiu County) located in the upstream a few hundred metres from the confluence area of the rivers Sadu, Cibin station along the Olt River, the Cetate Hill and Olt near to the break-out valley of the (“Landskrone”) of Tălmaciu on the right site Olt through the Southern Carpathians, are of of the Sadu and Cibin rivers, and near to Tortonian age (Curtean-Bănăduc, 2005). Măgura Boiţei (“Wartberg”) situated at the The conglomerate forms a layer of a few mouth of the Cibin into the Olt. They hundred metres thickness, opened and present mostly steep slopes of Western, formed by river erosion (Alexandrescu and Southern and South-Eastern aspect and are Şoigan, 1962). They are exposed in the form famous for their xerothermic habitats and of three parts which are: the conglomerate numerous xero- and thermophilous species hills on the left river bank of the Cibin River (Fig. 1). between the locality Tălmaciu, the railway Figure 1: Conglomerate hills near Podu Olt railway station. The hills with the largest extent on schist, quartzite, chlorite schist, amphibolits, the left side of the Cibin River form the ocular gneiss and pegmatites, and from extreme Southern part of the Transylvanian sedimentary rocks such as limestones similar Tableland which separates like a ridge the to those of the Mesozoic era, organogenic Cibin Depression from the Olt Depression, limestone, nummulitic limestone, grey the so-called “Ţara Oltului/Olt Land”. The micaceous sandstones and grey-blackish Tortonian deposits enter in the Northern part marl. The cement is marly, calcareous and under Bentonitic shale/clay, Dacitic tuff and sandy and is varying in the vertical and sandy clay layers, which in their turn are horizontal direction (Alexandrescu and covered by layers of Sarmatian age. The Şoigan, 1962). This diverse geological structure of the polygenic conglomerates composition is responsible for the formation between Tălmaciu, Podu Olt and Boiţa is of different geomorphological structures given by component elements of different such as very steep slopes, shelves, rock size from a few centimetres to about one m prominences and channels as well as diameter and a diverse petrographical particular soil conditions, most of them – in composition originating from crystalline the stony open area – skeletal soils. - 2 - E. Schneider-Binder Acta Oecologica Carpatica VII Due to these exceptional plan the idea of “an exact and geomorphological and soil conditions comprehensive study” of the conglomerate creating varied microhabitats, this relatively hills near Tălmaciu/Talmesch. Following small area with steep slopes, in particular this plan, Phleps and Henrich (1894) those of Southern aspect, has been colonised published the results of their geological and probably in interglacial ages and the botanical studies in the area. The geological postglacial warm age by different species of studies resulted in a geological map, but the Southern, i.e. Mediterranean, Sub- botanical studies remained at the level of a Mediterranean or Balcanic, origin in plant list. From that time no researches have competition with species of Pontic origin been undertaken in the area until the last from continental steppes. The interlocking decades of the 20th century, when the area point of species with different origins came more in the scientific interest from the presents great interest from the ecological and phytocoenological point of phytohistorical, ecological, biocoenological view (Schneider-Binder, 1970, 1975, 1994; and biogeographical point of view. Drăgulescu, 2010 unpublished data), as well This is why from the end of 18th and as for complex biocoenological studies the beginning of the 19th century onwards including vegetation and macroinvertebrates the area has been visited by botanists and (Weiß, 1980; Ceuca et al., 1983; Schneider zoologists from Sibiu/Hermannstadt. First unpublished field data and data included in data about the area are included in the plant the entomological collection of the Museum collection of Joseph V. Lerchenfeld from the of Natural Sciences at Sibiu/Hermannstadt). end of the 18th and beginning of 19th These complex studies have been conducted century that exists at the Museum of Natural with the aim to realise a data base for the Sciences in Sibiu. Also from the area and to show its high biodiversity conglomerates (“Nagelflue”) plants are intended as the basis for a proposal as a mentioned by Peter Sigerus in his protected site. Unfortunately the designation manuscript “Verzeichnis meiner Pflanzen of a protected area was not realised. gesammelt seit 1789” (Index of my plants For the conglomerate hills one of the collected from 1789 ongoing). Further most interesting questions from the information about the flora of the area is phytogeographical as well from the included in the botanical works of Fuss zoogeographical point of view is, from (1866) and Schur (1866). which time we can consider the species of In its “Plan for research of different geographical origin being in the Hermannstadt County”/“Plan zur area, and which are the ways these species Durchforschung des Hermannstädter spread into this area. To these questions Stuhles”, Reissenberger (1874) recognising scientists have tried to find answers, but the importance of the area, included in his there still exist many unclear questions. MATERIAL AND METHODS During recent field researches and elements included in the alphabetical using my own field data from earlier checklist of the species from the researches, a list of taxa identified in the conglomerate hills is used according to the area of the conglomerate hills has been European standards presented in different compiled (Annexe I). As basis for a floristic works (Oberdorfer, 2001; Oprea, phytogeographical analysis for each species 2005; Ciocârlan, 2009; Sârbu et al., 2013). included in the list the flora element is The flora elements have been categorised derived according to Ciocârlan (2009), and
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