-- - - I REPORTS--~-- I VOLUMETWENTY, NUMBER SIX \ APRIL 4, 1974, VANCOUVER, B.C. Prof Malcolm McGregor. left, hlyad ojthe Department of Classics, and Prof Ben N. Moyls, of the Department of Mathematics, ure . BBC's 1874 Master Teachers See Page Ten ber committee are chiefly intended to provide new of- fices,teaching and research laboratories and additional library space. The committee found that "there is enough space al- readydedicated to classrooms,and cannot give any Wing for priority to increas'ing the quantity of such space on the Senate campus until there is a significant increase in enrol- UBC'sSenate Committeeon Academic Building ment." Needshas proposed priorities for 16 projects to be Four additional projects assigned a low priority by the constructed in the period from 1975 to 1980. committee are: The 16 proposals are arranged in six groups, and result @Asecond addition to the Forward Building for first- from a ranking systembased on committee members' and second-year programsin Engineering; views of the relative importanceof the various aspects of Forwards Ancillary facilities, including greenhouses and other each proposal. buildings, for the Agricultural Sciences Faculty; Hereare the new-construction recommendations, A storage library to accommodate little-used mater- arranged by group. ial from expanding campus book collections; and A new Fine Arts Gallery to replace the existing in- Beport adequate facility in the basement of the Main Library. GROUP I The report a!so urges planning and redevelopment of Topping the priority list andthe only project the "decaying central core" of the campus, which is de- recommended in Group I is the construction of 60,000 scribed as becoming "more and more of a tenement dis- net assignablesquare feet (NASF)for the Faculty of Proposed priorities for construction of new academic trict occupiedby persons awaiting their turn to move Education to overcome a shortage of 40,000 NASF in buildings in the five-year period from 1975 to 1980 have elsewhere." existing facilities and to allow the elimination of 20,000 been forwarded by UBC's Senate to President Walter H. NASF in huts. Gage and the Board of Governors for consideration and (All newspacerecommendations are stated by the decision. EMERGING PATTERN committee in net assignable square feet, which is defined Senate agreed to forward the report from the Senate as the size of a room measuredinside the walls, and The committee calls attention to theemerging pat- Committee on Academic Building Needs after a debate excluding allowances for wall thickness,corridors, tern of campus development - the north-south "polari- lasting only one hour at its March 20 meeting. washrooms, mechanical and electrical services, janitorial zation of the campus", leading to "imminent depletion space, etc.) of the equatorial regions". The committee recommends that toppriority be The Faculty of Education recommendation would given to the following urgent projects, which it estimates The "potarization" has been accentuated by plans for include space for expansion of the Education Library would cost a total of$35 million at current construction an Anthropology/Sociology Complex in the north, ad- and Curriculum Laboratory. The Faculty proposes a new costs: jaceot to thenew Museum of Anthropology on the wing to the south or southwest of the existing Neville V. former Fort Camp site, and completion of a new Geolo- 0 A new wing for the Neville V. Scarfe Building for Scarfe Building. the Faculty of Education; gical SciencesCentre and proposed construction of a A new home for the School of Home Economics; new Mechanical/Civil Engineering Building in the south. GROUP II .A new building for the Psychology department; The committee'srecommendations would complete the concentration of Applied Science departments south Two additions to the H.R. MacMillan Building to Priority 2. Provision of 12,000 additional NASF for of University Boulevard, in a cluster of buildings centred theSchool of HomeEconomics, which the committee on the intersection of Main Mall and Stores Road. says is now housed in a building "both ill-suited and This "flight to the suburbs" described by the commit- ill-sited forthe needs it tries to serve." tee will result in the vacating of nearly 100,000 square The School proposes to release its present space and feet of usable space by 1980 in the region centred on the consolidate its activities in a building of about 22,000 West Mall, from the entrance to the Fraser River parking NASF,possibly the present Ponderosa Cafeteria. The lot to University Boulevard. committee says thepresent Home Economics Building Claimants for this vacatedspace are few, the report should be demolished and the space used for expansion adds, and little of it would be regarded as acceptable for of the adjacent Chemistry and Physics departments (See permanent quarters by other departments. Priority 9). Proposed projects that failed to win priority ratings Priority 3. Provision of an additional 22,000 NASF from the committee include a newScience Library; a for thePsychology department in a new integrated new campus Bookstore; and a staff club for UBC's 2,300 Psychology facility of 47,000 NASF. Thedepartment employed staff. would release the space it now occupies in theHenry The committee makes no recommendations for new Angus Building and four smaller buildings. construction for the Faculties and Schools that make up . the Health Sciences Centre. GROUP Ill It notes, however, that the health professional schools are under pressure to increase their student capacity and Priorities 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Provision of a total of 49,000 that a number of units - the Departments of Anatomy, additional NASF for five departments in the Faculty of Biochemistry, Pharmacoloy and Physiology in the Facul- Agricultural Sciences - Soil Science, Plant Science, ty of Medicine, and the Schools of Nursing and Rehabili- Food Science, Animal Science and Poultry Science. tation Medicine - have asked President Gage to ask pro- The additional space would provideteaching and vincialHealth Minister Dennis Cocke to providefunds research laboratories and support facilities. Planning for for construction of 247,000 net squarefeet of new new construction would also entail substantial space. rearrangement and reallocation of space within the H.R. The committee says it is "puzzled by the complex re- MacMillan Building, which the report says"has proved lationship that is developing between particular parts of to be ill-suited to theneeds of its occupants," the the University andvarious ministries of the provincial Faculties of Forestry and Agricultural Sciences. government." Until thefate of theHealth Sciencessubmission is GROUP IV settled, the report says, "it does not seem useful for us Priority 9. Construction of a new Molecular Sciences to calculate the extent of the present shortages" in those Building to alleviate a combined shortage of 56,000 areas. The proposed 1975-80 construction program resulted NASF in the Chemistry and Physics departments. DR. JAMES KENNEDY from a request made by President Gage in April, 1973, to The report says a logical location for the building the Academic Building Needs Committee for "a review of would be the site of theHome Economics Building, provide new facilities for the Faculties-of Agricultural which is adjacent to both theChemistry Building and Sciences and Forestry; the future needs for academic and associated academic buildings and facilities." the Physics department's Hebb and Hennings Buildings. A new Molecular Sciences Building for the Depart- The committee concludes that the site on which the ments of Physics and Chemistry; Beginning in September, 1971, Senate debateda report from the committee that set out construction priorities Home Economics Building now stands is more valuable 0 An addition to the Frank A. Forward Building to for a two-year period ending March 31, 1974. than the 25-year-oldbuilding. house the Departmentof Mineral Engineering; and Priority IO. Provision of 22,000 NASF for the Faculty of Forestry to allow graduate enrolment to rise to its A new building in the Norman MacKenzie Centre- for Fine Arts for the Departments of Music, Fine Arts, natural level after several years of restriction due to space Theatre and Creative Writing. CAPITAL BUDGET limitations. The committee also recommends that $10 million be The committee says this recommendation should be spent in 1975-80 renovating classrooms and older build- considered in conjunction with proposals for the UBC's Board of Governors recently approved a capi- ingsand converting spacevacated by Faculties and de- Agricultural Sciences Faculty. tal budget of just over $12 million for the 1974-75 fiscal partments moving to new quarters. In its next approach Priority 11. Provision of an additional 5,000NASF year which virtually completes the program outlined in to the provincial government, the report says,the Uni- for theDepartment of MineralEngineering through the committee's 1971 report. versity should request $4 million of this $10 million to modification andexpansion ofthe Frank A. Forward UBC remains perennially short of funds for construc- bring all buildings up to present-day standards of com- Building, now occupied exclusively by the Department tion and much of its annual capital budget comes from fort and safety. of Metallurgy. The additional space would provide a sourcesoutside the provincial government, including The Academic Building Needs Committee, chaired by total of 17,000NASF for MineralEngineering, which grants from federal agencies, private donations and bor- Dr. James Kennedy, director of UBC's Computing Cen- would release its present.low-quality holdings of 12,000 rowing for self-liquidating projects. tre, held more than 30 meetings over the past 18 months NASF on the central campus. The basic source of funds for purely academic build- to discuss the requests of 36 Faculties, Schools, teaching Priority 12. Provision of 32,000 NASF, in a building ingsremains the annual provincial capitalgrant, which and research Institutes, departments and other academic in the Norman MacKenzie Centre for Fine Arts, for the amounts to $8 million in the 1974-75 fiscal year, an in- units for new facilities.
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