SAWERIGADING Volume 20 No. 2, Agustus 2014 Halaman 261—269 INTERFERENCE OF LOCAL CULTURE ON THE USE OF INDONESIAN LANGUAGE IN SOUTH SULAWESI (Interferensi Budaya Lokal Pada Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia di Sulawesi Selatan) David G. Manuputty Balai Bahasa Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan dan Provinsi Sulawesi Barat Jalan Sultan Alauddin Km 7/Tala Salapang Makassar 90221 Telepon (0411)882401, Faksimile (0411)882403 Pos-el: [email protected] Diterima: 4 Maret 2014; Direvisi: 7 Juni 2014; Diterima: 14 Juli 2014 Abstrak Selain bahasa Indonesia, ada bahasa daerah dan bahasa asing. Namun, sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 dan Pasal 36, butir ketiga Sumpah Pemuda, pemerintah berkewajiban untuk mengembangkan dan membina bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa nasional dan bahasa daerah, terutama yang dipelihara dan digunakan oleh penuturnya, sebagai salah satu unsur kebudayaan nasional. Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa bahasa asing dan bahasa daerah banyak memengaruhi bahasa Indonesia. Bahasa asing mewarnai sektor ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan perdagangan, sementara bahasa daerah menginterferensi aspek budaya dan nilai rasa. lnterferensi adalah masuknya kata serapan ke dalam suatu bahasa yang sesungguhnya melanggar kaidah bahasa itu sendiri. Contoh: penggunaan kosakata ‘kita’ yang sebenarnya berarti ‘orang pertama jamak’ dalam bahasa Indonesia; sementara penyebutan ‘kita’ dalam hal ini mengacu pada orang kedua ‘Anda’. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah deskriptif-kualitatif yang ditunjang oleh teknik pengumpulan data, yaitu menginventarisasi kosakata, klitik, dan struktur bahasa Bugis dan bahasa Makassar. Bagaimanakah fenomena budaya, terutama bahasa daerah, di Sulawesi Selatan menginterferensi penggunaan bahasa Indonesia? Hal-hal inilah yang menjadi parameter dalam penulisan ini. Kata kunci: bahasa Indonesia, bahasa daerah, interferensi Abstract In addition to Indonesian language, there are local languages and foreign languages. However, in accordance with the mandate of the Act of 1945 and Section 36, the third point of the Youth Pledge, the government is obliged to develop and promote Indonesian language as the national language and local language, especially those maintained and used by the speakers, as one of the elements of national culture. It cannot be denied that the foreign language and the local language have influenced Indonesian language a lot. The foreign language coloured the sectors of science, technology, and economy especially in trading, while local language influenced and interfered the cultural aspects and the value of sense. Interference is the inclusion of loan word(s) into a language that actually breaks the rules of the language in itself. For example, the use of vocabulary kita which in fact means ‘we’ in Indonesian language; while the mention of kita in this case refers to the second person ‘you’. Method used in this writing is descriptive-qualitative supported by data collection techniques such as inventory and recording the Buginese and Makassarese words, clitics, and structural construction. How does the penomenon of local culture, especially language, in South Sulawesi interferes the use of Indonesian language? Those will be the parameter in this writing. Keywords: Indonesian language, local language, interference 260 261 Sawerigading, Vol. 20, No. 2, Agustus 2014: 261—269 INTRODUCTION developing Indonesian language, especially There are a lot of languages in Indonesia. vocabulary and terminology. In addition to bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian It is undeniable that the existence of local language), there is also the use of local and and foreign languages has influenced the use foreign languages. All the languages have each of Indonesian language. The local language status and function, as defined in the National influences the cultural aspects and the value Language Politics (Manuputty, 2010: 226). of sense, while the foreign language colors the Indonesian language serves as the national sectors of science, technology, and economy language or language of unity and state. In its especially in trading. capacity as the national language, Indonesian However, in accordance with the mandate language serves as (l) the symbol of national of the Act of 1945 and Section 36, the third point identity, (2) the symbol of national pride, (3) of the Youth Pledge, the government is obliged medium for unifying the various ethnic groups to develop and promote Indonesian language as having different socio-cultural background and the national language and the local languages, language, and (4) medium of intercultural among especially those maintained and used by the regions; while as the state language, Indonesian speakers, as one of the national culture elements. language serves as (l) official language of the Due to the ones mentioned above, the state, (2) official language of instruction in phenomeon covering local culture in South educational institutions, (3) official language at Sulawesi will be represented by two major the national level, (4) official language for the ethnics, Buginese and Makassarese in addition to development of national culture, (5 ) medium the linguistic condition in South Sulawesi. How for developing and utilizing modern science, does the phenomenon of local culture (language) (6) language used in mass media, (7) supporting in South Sulawesi represented by Buginese Indonesian literature, and (8) enriching language language and Makassarese language interfere the and literature. use of Indonesian language? Those will be the parameter in this writing. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK It is the fact that human life use language as mean of communication, so that language has role based on the communicative function. Language serves as an adhesive in uniting the family, society and language socialization. Picture 1: Map of Eastern Indonesia Keraf (1984:14) stated, using language can be either generally or universally when it is seen According to Moeliono (2001), local from the nature of its functions, as follows. languages in Indonesia serve as (1) symbol of national identity, (2) symbol of local pride, (3) 1) For practical purposes, communication medium of communication among the family among people. and local community, (4) medium for supporting 2) For artistic purposes, when local culture and Indonesian language, and (5) people process the language to medium for supporting local and Indonesian produce beautiful phrases, as in stories, literature; while the foreign languages have poems, poetries, drawing, painting, music, the function as (1) medium of communication and carvings. among nations, (2) medium of modern science 3) For philological purpose, when and technology use, (3) source intended for studying ancient manuscripts, 262 263 David G. Manuputty: Interference of Local Culture ... historical background, culture, human METHOD customs, and language development. Method used in this writing is descriptive- 4) For being the key in studying other qualitative in order to describe the interference of knowledge. local culture on the use of Indonesian language in While according to Sobur (2004:307), South Sulawesi. Culture which is very influential if the process of communication is successful in the interference regard is the language that conveying the message from one person or in this writing is represented by Buginese party to another, the communication context language and Makassarese language as the most also includes the “transmission” of knowledge dominant local languages in South Sulawesi. about something. However, the subsequent The method is supported by data collection communication is not only delivering techniques such as inventory and recording the information, but also a process of interaction Buginese and Makassarese words, clitics, and between the knowledge and the truth of the first structural construction which interfere the use of and second or even third parties. Indonesian language in South Sulawesi. Sufika (2007:68) stated that language is a part of culture that is closely related to DISCUSSION thinking. Thus, cultured society has a certain There are four ethnic groups in way of thinking which is expressed in language. South Sulawesi, namely: Bugis, Makassar, Language is the most flexible intellectual tools Massenrengpulu, and Toraja. Those ethnics have and the most powerful developed by people. local language of their own which have the same One function of language is its ability to reflect name with the name of ethnic including dialects the world and itself. Language can describe the respectively. In addition to the four languages, people’s culture, and through language culture there are other languages that are scattered can be understood. So, the most basic one is the dialects, as Wotu language, Taeq language, language; therefore, language shows the nation. Konjo language, Laiyolo language, and the While Iswary (2011: 52) stated that endangered Limolang language. However, since every language expressed in lexical form is a these languages are the language of ‘cognate’, representation of related cultural reality. In other the structure pattern and their influence in words, every culture has its particular ways in speaking Indonesian language are not different. categorizing reality. A lot of interferences of these local languages Further, according to Ahimsa (2001: 24), that characterize the use of Indonesian language, there are three kinds of view concerning the particularly with respect to the aspects of the relationship between language and culture. culture
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