
Igor Loinjak Odjeci crkvenih reformi u The impact of ecclesiastical sakralnoj arhitekturi 11. stoljeća reforms on sacral architecture in u Splitu Split in the 11th century Igor Loinjak Igor Loinjak Umjetnička akademija u Osijeku The Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek Odsjek za vizualne i medijske umjetnosti Department of Visual and Media Arts Ul. kralja Petra Svačića 1/f Ul. kralja Petra Svačića 1/f HR, 31000, Osijek CRO, 31000, Osijek [email protected] [email protected] UDK: 728(497.583Split)“10” UDC: 728(497.583Split)“10” 272-722.51:728](497.583Split)“10” 272-722.51:728](497.583Split)“10” Pregledni članak Review article Primljeno: 8. 5. 2018. Received: 8 May 2018 Prihvaćeno: 29. 5. 2018. Accepted: 29 May 2018 Sažetak Abstract Ideje crkvenoga reformatorskog pokreta na istoč- In the Eastern Adriatic seaboard, the ideas of the noj obali Jadrana snažno su odjeknule u Osorskoj ecclesiastical reform movement reverberated consid- biskupiji, što ne iznenađuje zna li se da je tamošnji erably in the Osor Diocese, which is not surprising if biskup sveti Gaudencije uspostavio dobre osobne one bears in mind that the local bishop, St. Gaudenti- kontakte s talijanskom reformatorskom opatijom u us, established close personal relations with the Italian Pomposi, a preko nje i sa samostanom u Clunyju. Po- reformist abbey in Pomposa, and through it with the četkom 11. stoljeća u Istri je boravio Romuald, ute- abbey in Cluny. At the beginning of the 11th century, meljitelj kamaldoljana, posebnog ogranka benediktin- Romuald, the founder of the Camaldolese order, a sep- skog reda, koji je prije dolaska na područje Osorske arate branch of the Benedictine community, resided in biskupije boravio u Pomposi, gdje je uspostavio Istria. Prior to his arrival in the territory of the Osor jako dobre odnose s tadašnjim opatom reformiranog (Ossero) Diocese, he had been in Pomposa, where he Clunyja Odilonom. Prisni prijateljski kontakti Romul- befriended the abbot of Cluny at the time, Odilo. The da i Odilona odrazili su se i na polju arhitekture, što close friendly contacts between Romuald and Odilo 167 VAHD 112, 2019, 167-188 je vidljivo u translaciji nekih arhitektonskih elemena- were reflected in the field of architecture, which is vis- ta nastalih u Pomposi na područje Osorske biskupije. ible in the translation of certain architectural elements Do širenja novih umjetničkih ideja na druge dijelo- in the Osor Diocese which had their origin in Pomposa. ve istočnoga Jadrana dolazi zahvaljujući ustrojstvu The spread of new artistic ideas to other parts of the crkvene administracije i rasprostiranju njezine ju- eastern Adriatic seaboard occurred thanks to the struc- risdikcije. Osorska je biskupija već u prvoj polovi- ture of ecclesiastical administration and the extent of ci 11. stoljeća počela baštiniti nove arhitektonske its jurisdiction. Already in the first half of the 11th cen- primjere koji su se u to doba razvijali u talijanskoj tury, the Osor Diocese began to nurture new archi- Pomposi. Sredinom 11. stoljeća bivši osorski bi- tectural models which had been developed in Italy’s skup Lovro postaje splitskim nadbiskupom. Gotovo Pomposa in that period. In the mid-11th century, the u isto vrijeme kada nadbiskupsku stolicu u Splitu former Osor bishop, Lawrence, became the archbish- preuzima Lovro, na mjesto trogirskog biskupa za- op of Split. At virtually the same time as Lawrence’s sjeo je Ivan, također iz Osora. Na taj je način došlo assumption of the archdiocesan see in Split, John, also do prenošenja reformističkih umjetničkih modela iz from Osor, became the bishop of Trogir. The reform- arhitekture Osorske biskupije na dalmatinski prostor. ist artistic models from the architecture of the Osor Ovaj rad nastoji u prvom redu razmotriti do kakvih je Diocese were thus conveyed to the Dalmatian sphere. promjena došlo u arhitekturi grada Splita u razdoblju This paper constitutes an attempt to first and foremost druge polovice 11. stoljeća, kada je Splitskom nadbi- examine the type of changes that occurred in the ar- skupijom upravljao Lovro. Kako je u tom razdoblju chitecture of the city of Split in the latter half of the vrlo važan bio i odnos Lovre prema tadašnjim hrvat- 11th century, when the Split Archdiocese was admin- skim kraljevima, osobito Zvonimiru, ali i prema papi, istered by Lawrence. Since relations between Law- osobita će se pozornost posvetiti analizi Lovrine ulo- rence and the Croatian kings of that time, particularly ge u tadašnjoj sakralnoj arhitekturi Splita. Zvonimir, as well as the pope, were quite important, particular attention shall be accorded to an analysis of Ključne riječi: benediktinci, Cluny, crkvene Lawrence’s role in Split’s sacral architecture at that reforme, nadbiskup Lovro, Osorska biskupija, Split time. Key words: Benedictines, Cluny, ecclesiastical reforms, Archbishop Lawrence, Osor diocese, Split 168 Igor Loinjak, Odjeci crkvenih reformi u sakralnoj arhitekturi 11. stoljeća u Splitu The impact of ecclesiastical reforms on sacral architecture in Split in the 11th century Crkvene reforme i raskol iz godine 1054. Ecclesiastical reforms and the Schism of 1054 Govoreći o crkvenim reformama provođenim When speaking of the ecclesiastical reforms im- u 10. i 11. stoljeću, nezaobilaznom se polazišnom plemented in the 10th and 11th centuries, the Cluny točkom u kreiranju novih crkvenih običaja i pravila Abbey necessarily becomes the point of departure for nameće samostan Cluny. Već se u 9. stoljeću javila any discussion of the creation of new ecclesiastical potreba za reorganizacijom monaškoga života, koji rules and practices. The need for the reorganization je zbog niza razloga bio ugrožen. Hubert Jedin na- of monastic life already emerged in the 9th century, vodi četiri razloga propadanju monaškoga života na as it had been under threat for a number of reasons. Zapadu: sekularizacija od strane vladara, rasipanje Hubert Jedin listed four reasons for the deterioration imovine pod upravom monaha laika, nedostatak za- of monastic life in the West: secularization by rulers, štite zbog sve slabije kraljevske vlasti te pustošenja the dissipation of assets administered by lay monks, Normana, Saracena i Mađara.1 U ovom su se bene- a lack of protection due to the diminishing power of diktinskom samostanu redovnici vodili regulama sv. monarchs and the devastation wreaked by the Nor- Benedikta, a na čitavom je kršćanskom zapadu bio na mans, Saracens and Magyars.1 In this Benedictine ab- glasu zbog moralne čistoće svojih redovnika, njihova bey, the monks adhered to the precepts set forth by St. propovjedničkog žara i političke aktivnosti. Uprava je Benedict, and throughout the Christian West it had a samostana bila ovisna samo o papinskoj vlasti čime se reputation for the moral rectitude of its monks, their izbjegao utjecaj lokalnih biskupa i moćnika na opata proselytizing zeal and political activities. The admin- samostana.2 Opat samostana Cluny imao je jurisdik- istration of the abbey was dependent upon papal au- ciju nad mrežom samostana koji su administrativno thority in order to avoid the influence of local bish- ovisili o odlukama opata Clunyja. Ta je tzv. kongre- ops and potentates on its abbot.2 The abbot of Cluny gacija Cluny u početcima obuhvaćala tristotinjak sa- exercised jurisdiction over a network of monasteries mostana diljem zapadne Europe.3 Utjecaj se Clunyja which were administratively dependent upon his deci- brzo širio Francuskom, ali i čitavom Europom pa se sions. This so-called Congregation of Cluny initially odjeci klinijevskoga modela javljaju u Italiji već u 10. encompassed approximately three hundred monaster- stoljeću, u Španjolskoj ih se nalazi početkom 11. st., ies throughout Western Europe.3 The influence of Clu- a od 1050. šire se Lotaringijom, Njemačkom i Engle- ny rapidly spread throughout France, and then to all skom.4 Osnovna je želja reformatora bila obnoviti na- of Europe, so the reverberations of the Cluny model rušene ćudorednosti i suzbiti trend posvjetovljene du- appeared in Italy already in the 10th century, in Spain hovnosti. Glavnu su ulogu preuzeli benediktinci, tako in the early 11th century, and by 1050 it had spread to da je klinijevski model nove crkve, utemeljen na Be- Lotharingia, Germany and England.4 The basic desire nediktovim pravilima, u velikoj mjeri ovisio o širenju of the reformers was to rejuvenate morality and halt mreže samostana tog reda. Reformama se nastojao i the trend of secularized spirituality. The Benedictines osnažiti položaj te uloga Crkve u društvu, što je rezul- became the vanguard, so that the Cluny model of a tiralo drugačijim zahtjevima u oblikovanju crkvene new church, rooted in Benedict’s precepts, largely de- arhitekture. Uz samostan u Clunyju drugo je važno pended on the expansion of the network of this order’s izvorište crkvene obnove bio samostan u Camaldo- monasteries. These reforms were also an attempt to liju na padinama Apenina. Utjecaj kamaldoljanskog bolster the status and role of the Church in society, reformatorskog duha na području hrvatske obale Ja- which resulted in differing demands in the formation drana imao je puno veći odjek od klinijevskog.5 of church architecture. Besides the Cluny Abbey, an- Uz crkvene reforme druga je značajna komponen- other major source of ecclesiastical renewal was the ta za razumijevanje promjena u arhitekturi 11. stoljeća monastery in Camaldoli on the Apennine slopes. The na području istočne obale Jadrana i crkveni raskol te influence of the Camaldolese reformist spirit on the podjela Crkve na Zapadnu (Katoličku) i Istočnu (Pra- Croatian Adriatic seaboard was much greater than voslavnu). Zapadna je Crkva prije raskola bila moćna that of Cluny.5 i to je željela iskoristiti kako bi se što više osamostalila Besides ecclesiastical reforms, the other ma- jor component for an understanding of changes in 1 Jedin 2001, str. 358. 2 Jedin 2001, str. 362. 1 Jedin 2001, p. 358. 3 Goldstein 1995, str. 364. Kasnije se taj broj poveća- 2 Jedin 2001, p. 362. vao. 3 Goldstein 1995, p. 364.
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