Local Advertisements (R through Z) Compiled from: The Burgettstown Enterprise Fort Vance Historical Society I BUY MY Aniutiition AT FULTON'S I don't want poor seed any more than than a soldier wants a gun that misses fire. We're going to ·need all we can raise this year and I'm going to get my seed at FULTON'S w~ere I'm sure to get the quality I pay for. FERRY'S & FREDONJA QUALITY SEEDS in 5 & lOc packets and in bulk. R. E. FULTON Hdwe. MAIN STREET BURGETTSTOWN, PA. R. E. Fulton-Advertisement Burgettstown Enterprise-April 1, 1943 Edition Anyone can enter this contest! . You buy noth- 'ing ••• just catch a good- " WIN A \' size fish in any of the cl~sses. shown below and '.na"'E'/~~ brIng It to our store~. ," . ASK FOR COMPLETE._ ~ONTEST RULES .. NO OBLIGATION. CASTING ROD DIVISION.--- " . -', MUSKELLUNGE (. '." -. ~ l.t Prl.e-Winc:h'ester Carbine 2nd Prize-B;ncho-Saw ;~ WALL-EYED PIKE tat Prize-Heddan Casting ROd 2nd Prize-Hedd,on Pal,Reel . LARGE MOUTH BASS' tat Prize-Pflueger Casting Rod . 2nd Priz_Dynamic CastinSRod . '. SMALL MOUTH BASS 'tat" Priz!-Sentinel Radio 2nd Prize-Dornieyer 'Mixei' FLY ROD, DIVISION. \. - .' CRAPPIE BASS .' >~~_..; tat Prize-Schwinn Bicycle 2nd Prize-Dormeyer Mixer . BLU£ GILLS tat. Pl'ize-Set Golf Clubs' 2nd Prize-:-Heddon Casting Reel , BROWN TROUT .' tat Prize-Winchester Carbine 2nd Prize-Pflueger Casting Reel RAINBOW TROUT tat Prize-True.Temper Fly Rod 2nd Prize-Hodgman Waders - BROOK TROUT" ,- . ht Prize-Nesco ElectricRoaster 2nd Prize-Wooluxe HuntingCoat I GET FULL DET A.ILS FROM US , - t f I :::.:i.... ( it Fulton Hardware-Advertisement Burgettstown Enterprise-June 10, 1948 Edition R. L. Crawford Roofing We Specialize In Seamless Gutters SIDING OMI REMO.DEL DOWNSPOUTS ROOFING Bulger, Pa. ·Phone 796-4700 R. L. Crawford Roofing Burgettstown Enterprise-November 16, 1977 Edition E. RAGGI HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANY -Presents- THE WASHINGTON MALL HOME SHOW :··SPECIAL··: : BUY 5 : £ WINDOWS : : GET 1 FREE!!! i • -Or- • : BOY 5 WINDOWS : : GET A BOW, BAY, OR: : GARD!N WINDOW AT : : . 112 PRICE!!! ; ••••••••••••••••• -ACTNOW!- oFFER EXPIRES JULY 15, 1988 !N WASHINGTON IN BURGETTSTOWN 222-05!}9 947-2151 .Call for FREE Estimate E. Raggi Home Improvement Company Burgettstown Enterprise-June 29, 1988 Edition . ''Are You Trapped With High Fuel Costs?'' INSUlATE~ DON'T HESITATE · Sninp of 50% or More on Your Healiag Costs ~LOWN INSULATION IN WALLS cmcl AniC. AniC YENTALATION INSTALLED. _.. Ka•an IISIR.DTUHI fxperffy Done Oft Any Type ef COIIStrvcfiott • Olrl or New CAU FOR FREE ESTIMA n RAGGI INSULATION COMPANY 947-2151 Raggi Insulation Company-Advertisement Burgettstown Enterprise-November 2, 1977 Edition ., ' 'IT'$DIFFERENT' ,i "THE NESTLEFLEETWAVE -..thepennanefit ' ~ve that won. the' first prize at'the 1948 Internatioiml' i 'Beauty:Sh9w, New York. " "f . " 'HAIRSTYLES WITH. THE 'NEW LOOK . FEIt'THEJ? ~UTTING -- SH'EPliERB BOY BOB Guaranteed dandruff and scalptr~atments for ladies and men NOW AT THE i ,"RAINBOW'BEAUTY SERVICE' "f'---- I Located one-fourth mile west of Paris, Pa., near the State' ), ' Line on Route 22' FQr Appointment, Phone 9993, • '" , ,,' ,",',', ' " 1, Rainbow Beauty Service-Advertisement Burgettstown Enterprise-May 20, 1948 Edition ISSN 1086-8356 Gfl(ecord-{§nterpriBe 45A Main Street, 11 6 East Lincoln Avenue Burgettstown, PA 15021 McDonald, PA 15057 Telephone: 947-4700 Telephone: 926-211 1 Fax: 947-5674 Fax: 926-2123 Eliza A. Northrop, Editor Carolyn Windows, Advertising Director Bob Marshman, Circulation Manager Published weekly by The Observer Publishing Company 122 South Main Street, Washington, PA 15301 Periodicals postage paid at Washington, PA 15301 (USPS 457-900) POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Record Enterprise, The Observer Publishing Company, 122 South Main Street, Washington, PA 15301 Subscription rates: single copy 50¢ BY MAIL - yearly $30; six months $15; three months $7.50 _.:. · payable in advance BY CARRIER -yearly $26; six months $13; three months $6.50 - optional pay in advance Member of Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Association Member of National Newspaper Association The Record-Enterprise serves readers in: Avella, Burgettstown, Cecil Township, Cross Creek Township, Findlay Township, Hanover Township, Independence Township, Jefferson Township, McDonald, Midway, Mt. Pleasant Township, North Fayette Township, Oakdale, Robinson Township, Smith Township, South Fayette Township The Record-Enterprise is available at: Avella .............................................. ....................................................Uni -Mart, Convenient Food Mart; Narquini Service Station Bavington .......................................................... : .......... Cart Sabatasse Market Bridgeville .......................................................... ....................... .Seven/Eleven, Bulger .................., ................. , ...............................................Bulger Post Office Burgettstown ... .Alexy's Service Station, Kwik Stop, Petrucci's Shop 'N Save, Rite Aid Pharmacy, The Record-Enterprise Office, T.J.'s Cards , News & Gifts, Uni-Mart Cecil Township .................... Convenient Food Mart, Cooper's Service Center, Spinosa's Dairy Bar Cherry Valley ...................................................... .... Warner Meats & Groceries Clinton ............................................................................ .................. Stop-N-Go •-. Cuddy...... .... ....................... ......: ............................................. Universal Oil Co. Florence ........................................................................................... Stop-N-Go Frankfort Springs ...................................................................................Harry's Hickory .......................................................... Kahn Grocery, Hickory One Stop .- lmperial ......................... lmperial Post Office, All Star Express, Shop 'N Save, Sundance Deli, Spencer's Exxon, The Sweet Shoppe, Paperbacks Etc. ' Joffre ................................................................. .....................Joffre Post Office 1 Langeloth ........................................................................Langeloth Post Office ' McDonald ............... Giant Eagle, Groceries Plus More, McDonald Pizza Shop, McDonald Pharmacy, T.J.'s Deli, The Record-Enterprise Office, Muck's Lunch Midway ................................................................................................Uni-Mart North Fayette Township .................. Barnes & Noble, The Pointe, Dairy Mart, Evergood Plaza, Stop-N-Go, Uni-Mart Oakdaie ...... Oakdale Post Office, Sil's Market, Huckleberry's, Settler's Place Apts. Pal'is .................................................................................................. Kwik Stoo Primrose ..........................................................G ilbert's Plumbing & Hardware Slovan ........................................................................... Convenient Food Mart • Sturgeon ... : ................ Hunner's Deli, Muenster's Pizza Express & Restaurant Record-Enterprise Record-Enterprise-May 20, 1988 Edition tixg- . ~...,.r"" •. .••••__ I \-rO INSURE' . .R:ELIABLE.. Cleaning. & Pressing. '; , .•. PHONE, '., US-BURGETTSTOWNt, 9111 . We will be pleased to-pick up and deliver your cleaning, and to , .give.-you prompt and efficient service ::.:We'Specializeln Re-Newing .Your Suits, , . Dresses. Coats, Slip Covers, Draperies " or what have youl ..... .ALIERATIONSAND, DYEING ,~.. 4ll'u;.01'k'expertly done by Experts., ,".' .""f Gi.vo'lJs a'Trial Phone 9111 REUABLfi/:G[EANI~NfiAND PRESSING i :,:,,. .'-:~:(F~~'~~Y,~0w'NE.D'BY GUS BARBtJ'sH)'" '. ,.~,. },:~?rth':MalliStrreh:~',i", "'" . Burget~t.own:,"l?~~~. ~~~~7.'~1 •.,.~~ -..... ,~.....:'~'~~~~~.?-'-.' -, .-. J :'.~.:,~~... _• .:fc._->::t~~~;;:k;~'~ Reliable Cleaning and Pressing-Advertisement Burgettstown Enterprise-May 29, 1952 Edition of 2 for $10QQ SHOES and SHORTS GLOVES- SKIRTS SUMMER HATS, PURSES, BLOUSES REPOlE'S DEPARTMENT STORE MAIN STREET BURGETTSTOWN PHONE-2532 0 pen 9:30 a. m., to S :30 p. m. Repole's Department Store Burgettstown Enterprise-July 20,1950 Edition Courtesy ofFort Vance Historical Society RICHARD L. TIDBALL AND ASSOCIA.TES INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES 34 STELLA STREET, BURGETTSTOWN, PA 15021 When your needs require a professional ooinion- = - Contact us for ... * Financial Planning *Family Protection * Estate Tax Planning * Upgrading of current coverages * Pension Straddle - Increased retirement income ALSO Universal Life - Paid up investment with-in one to seven years. Richard L. Tidball and Associates Burgettstown Enterprise-December 4, 1985 Edition Local Advertisement Rich's Christmas Trees-1963 BEST DRESSED? Why? Because his clothes are alw ays f,·esh, and boast that neat-as.:a-pin look. Have it too, with our services. RITA'S Cleaning and Pressing Phone 9819 Open 9 to 6 p. m. After 6 p.m. leave clothes at iLounders Grill Local Advertisement Burgettstown Enterprise-June 21, 1951 Edition ,. Cleaning &Pressing shop 429 SOUTH MAIN STREET BURGETTSTOWN, PA. Across from Filipponi' sMarket, formerly Lou Leopold's Open 9A.M. to6 P.M. (After 6 o'clock, leave your cleaning at L aunder's GriJI) To celebrate our opening, we offer these fine specials Good only to Mar. 23 COATS (·Trousers SUITS Jackets ( Dress~s Skirts BRING IN YOUR CLEANING AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE P RE-EASTER SPECIALS. HAVE ALL YOUR CLEANING DONE NOW- QUALITY WORK AND LOW PRICES. HATS- TIES ATHLETIC SUITS- ALL TYPES 0 F UNIFORMS- DRAPERIES­
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