Wounded Warrior One Sailor’s Journey Back to the Front Lines [On the Front Cover] Lt. John Pucillo runs along the sea wall at Naval Base [Departments] Newport, R.I., using his prosthetic running leg, one of [Number 1100] seven the Navy has provided for him. Around the Fleet — 6 Photo by MC1(AW) Brien Aho This Just In — 34 [Next Month] Something to Think About — 36 All Hands takes a look at the Sailors of Helicopter Anti- Submarine Light 44 in Mayport, Fla., and provides some A World of Possibilities — 37 tips and resources to ensure family readiness. Focus on Service — 38 History— 40 November 18 Teaming Up for Humanity When Tropical Storm Fay and hurricanes Gustav, Hanna and Ike leveled the Caribbean country of Haiti and Ike flooded the island community of Galveston, Texas, the Navy stepped up to the plate to provide disaster relief to both areas. Photo by MCC Chris Hoffpauir 24 Wounded Warrior Lt. John Pucillo came back from overseas combat with a significant injury – a below-the-knee amputation of his left leg. It has not slowed him down. He’s due to graduate from the Naval War College with a master’s degree and head back to the explosive ordnance disposal community ready to lead. Photo by MC1(AW) Brien Aho 12 The navy’s “Swiss Army Knife” USNS Grasp (T-ARS 51) and crew of 26 and 14 embarked Navy divers spent three months this summer participating in Navy Diver – Southern Partnership Station. At seven ports in as many nations, Navy divers conducted joint maritime security dive operations and community relations projects throughout the Eastern Caribbean. 30 Among Veterans Photo by MCCS (EXW/SW/DV) Andrew McKaskle In 1954, then-President Dwight D. Eisenhower changed the name of Armistice Day to Veteran’s Day. As we honor our veterans, turn to the personal stories of two of the Navy’s retired master chiefs. november 2008 • ALL HA n DS Crewman Qualification Training (CQT) students secure a simulated casualty to a spine board during a medical training scenario at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, Calif. CQT is a 14-week advanced training course teaching basic weapons, seamanship, first aid and small unit tactics to Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewman (SWCC) trainees. SWCCs operate and maintain the Navy’s inventory of state-of-the-art, high- speed boats used to support SEALs in special operations missions worldwide. Photo by MC2 Christopher Menzie 2 3 Speaking with Sailors Number 1100 • November 2008 Capt. Key Watkins, www.navy.mil Commanding Officer, Safe Harbor Secretary of the Navy s an aviator, before going on any flight, The Honorable Donald C. Winter I have to know where my safe havens are. Chief of Naval Operations Where do I go if I have an emergency? A Adm. Gary Roughead Where do I go if an engine fails in-flight? Chief of Information Where do I go when the weather turns bad? Rear Adm. Frank Thorp IV When the weather is stormy and the seas are rough, Director every ship in our fleet needs a safe harbor — a place Defense Media Activity-Anacostia where it can go to get through the tough times. Every Capt. David E. Werner one of us needs a safe harbor at times. Sailors who Chief of Production are seriously injured or ill now have a place to turn, a Richard D. Welsh network of support and an advocate who will champion Chief of Publishing their issues and concerns. Someone who will help. Lt. Cmdr. Leslie Hull-Ryde The Navy’s seriously ill and injured support Assistant Chief of Publishing program, Safe Harbor, stood up in 2005. It is a OneSource and the DoD Wounded Warrior Resource Lt. Ligia I. Cohen Navywide program under Vice Chief of Naval Center — to provide a seamless transition for injured Operations and the Special Assistant to CNO for Sailors and their families. EDITORIAL Comprehensive Casualty Care to ensure seriously Safe Harbor’s non-medical care managers assist Editor injured personnel and their families receive the best Sailors and their families by bridging gaps in support Marie G. Johnston possible support and care when dealing with personal and providing information and education to facilitate Assistant Editor/LCPO challenges from the time of injury through transition timely and effective access to required services. Care MCC(AW/SW) Ernest W. Frazier and beyond. This program extends a hand to Sailors management support is individually tailored to meet Photo Editor MC1(AW) R. Jason Brunson and their families and assists with recovery, benefits, the unique needs of each Sailor and family. Assistance exploring career opportunities and readjustment as they encompasses pay and personnel issues, invitational Editorial Staff MC2 Washington Caicedo return to duty or reintegrate into their community if travel orders, lodging and housing adaptation, child MC2(SW/AW) Jason R. McCammack medically separated or retired. and youth programs, transportation needs, legal and MC2(SW) Elizabeth Vlahos This year, the mission of Safe Harbor expanded to guardianship issues, education and training benefits, MC3(SW/AW) Jhi Scott MCSN Richard Two Bulls provide non-medical care management not only to commissary and exchange access, respite care, traumatic seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors and their brain injury or post traumatic stress support services LA Y O U T & W E B De SIGN families but also to tracking and overseeing the Navy’s and much more. Slice non-seriously wounded, ill and injured Sailors. The Safe Harbor Care manager will identify and take Design + Project Management Richard Rabil, Greg Aylsworth, Eligibility is not limited to only combat-related action to resolve issues or concerns raised by the patient Diana Flores, Tory Hobson wounds or injuries but is also extended to those Sailors or the family. This continuum of patient assistance by Printing seriously injured in shipboard or liberty accidents – like the care manager will remain available upon release Universal Printing Company motor vehicle accidents – or those who incur a serious from a particular military treatment facility. Navy Safe GPO Printing Specialist illness, whether physical or psychological. Harbor non-medical care managers are located at major Robert Coates The aim of the program is simple. Safe Harbor Navy treatment facilities throughout the United States, All Hands (USPS 372-970; ISSN 0002-5577) Number 1100 is published monthly by the Defense Media Activity - provides a lifetime of care. We support and assist VA Polytrauma Centers and Brooke Army Medical in Anacostia, Production Department, 2713 Mitscher Rd. S.W., Anacostia Annex, D.C. 20373-5819. Periodicals post- Sailors through every phase: recovery, rehabilitation San Antonio. age paid at Washington, D.C., and at additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: For sale by the Superintendent of and reintegration. In short, we take care of our own by A key component of the program is to assist Safe Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 or call 202/512-1800. Subscription prices $45 working with other agencies to make sure our Sailors Harbor patients as they either return to active duty (domestic)/$54 (foreign); $7.50 (single copy domestic)/$9 (single copy foreign). Postmaster: Send address changes get the support they need. or seek employment upon completion of treatment. to All Hands, Defense Media Activity - Anacostia Production Department, 2713 Mitscher Rd., S.W., Anacostia Annex, The program leverages existing capabilities of Our goal is for every patient to return to active duty. D.C. 20373-5819 Editorial Offices: Send submissions and correspondence to Defense Media Activity - Anacostia established service providers – such as medical Regrettably, some service members have sustained Production Department, ATTN: Editor, 2713 Mitscher Rd., S.W., Anacostia Annex, D.C. 20373-5819 Tel: DSN treatment facilities, Fleet and Family Support Centers, injuries that will make remaining on active duty 288-4171 or 202/433-4171 Fax: DSN 288-4747 or 202/433- 4747 E-Mail: [email protected] Message: casualty assistance, retired activities programs, difficult, and many will choose to separate or retire. In NAVMEDIACEN WASHINGTON DC //32// Authorization: The Secretary of the Navy has determined this personnel support detachments and the Defense these cases, the patient and their families are supported publication is necessary in the transaction of business required by law of the Department of the Navy. Funds for Finance and Accounting Service, Department of to the fullest extent possible as they transition to printing this publication have been approved by the Navy Publications and Printing Committee. Labor (DOL), Veterans Administration (VA), Military veteran’s status under the VA. Once a Sailor is enrolled continued on page 6 4 ALL HANDS • www.navy.mil S h i p m a t e s Around the Fleet Aviation Warfare Systems Operator 1st Class (AW) Jesse P. Hubble Navy Personnel addressed by the Navy. New Fitness Pilot program where participants enterprise. As he traveled from population, increased retention stationed aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), recently received “It is critical that we find can receive a personal trainer, a installation to installation, he and optimized performance of the Navy/Marine Corps Can Update Contact Program Underway Medal by Chairman, Joint these individuals that are in personalized fitness assessment noticed there were varying levels senior personnel.” a catastrophic event or their and counseling on how to Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Information on for Salty Dogs of service to some degree. Having Story by MC3 Joshua B. Bruns, families,” said Pietrzak. “The increase physical activity outside Mullen. NFAAS had the benefit, among many assigned to Commander, Hubble, a member of faster we can find the individuals A new physical-fitness pilot of structured exercise and Navy Installations Command, others at the Navy Yard, of one- Helicopter Anti-submarine and know that they are OK, the program named “Shape” hit incorporating it throughout their Washington, D.C.
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