Index Adam, Charles, 296 and Mircea Eliade, 408–415 Adelung, Johann Christoph, 387 panpsychic interpretation of, 408– Admiranda Methodus, 252 415 Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund, 2 and Philipp à Gabella, 201 Advantages of Life in the Papal Curia, and planets, 18–22, 184–185 The, 7 positivist view of, 415–417 Against the Astrologers, 45 presentist view of, 415–417 Agrippa, Henry Cornelius, 96, 357– and psychology, 401–404 358, 369 and religion, 352–360 Airs Waters Places, 80–82 and Rosicrucianism, 301–302, 309– Alberti, Leon Battista, 5–9 310 Alberti, Piero, 5–9 and Simon Forman, 345–352, 367– Alchemical Death and Resurrection, 373 411 spiritual interpretation of, 388–396 Alchemy supernatural, 399–400 arguments against, 21–24 twentieth century view of, 396–401 and Aristotle, 214 and vitalism, 411–412 and Arthur Edward Waite, 393–395 Alchemy: The Philosopher’s Stone, and astrology, 14–27 401 books, 19, 198–199 Alchymista Christianus, 398 and Carl Gustav Jung, 401–408 Alciato, Andrea, 45 and Consideratio, 213–224 Al-Kindi, 209 eighteenth century view of, 385–388 Aloysia Sigea, 245 Ethan Allen Hitchcock on, 391–392 Alumbrados of Seville, the, 264–268 future of, 418–420 Andreae, Johann Valentin, 238, 240, Johannes Trithemius on, 191–194, 262 196 Aphorisms, 82–83, 86 John Dee on, 174–178, 182–194, Archinto, Filippo, 43, 56 195 Aristotle, 214 and Lullists, 251–252 Arnold, Paul, 295 and magic, 25–26, 367–373 Ars alchemie, 19 Mary Anne Atwood on, 389–391 Ashmole, Elias, 15–16, 19–21, 24–26, and metals, 16–17, 214–217 364, 399 436 Index Astrologers. See also Cardano, Giro- 238, 263, 281–283, 287–289, 352– lamo; Dee, John; Galilei, Galileo; 360 Kepler, Johann and the Roman Empire, 99–100 accuracy of predictions made by, 4, and royalty, 3, 5–9, 40–43, 96, 142– 82–84, 103–104 155, 255 dignity of, 46–49 and self-scrutiny, 11–12 German, 9–14 skepticism of, 4–5 of Italy, 5–9 and social relations, 8–9 physicians as, 77-98, 107–110, 367– and spirituality, 43–44 373 and the stock market, 2 practices of Renaissance, 3–4, 12–13, textbooks, 9–10 106 Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica, and Ptolemy, 98–107 134, 142–143 Astrologicorum aphorismorum seg- Astronomia inferior, 173–174 menta septem, 45 Astronomia Nova, 133–134, 147–159 Astrology Astronomy and astrology, 9, 18–22, and alchemy, 14–27 59–60, 154, 177–178, 184–185, arguments against, 21–24, 60, 88–89 190f, 203–213 as art, 46–49, 57, 105–106 Atheism, 277 and astronomy, 9, 18, 59–60, 154, Atwood, Mary Anne, 14, 30, 389– 177–178, 203–213 391 basis of, 59–62 Azoth, 394–395 books, 19, 39–40, 44–46, 74–76, 95–96, 198–199 Bachelard, Gaston, 401 and Christianity, 50–56 Bacon, Roger, 191, 209, 362 and the course of illness, 71–73 Baduel, Claude, 96–97 and the critical days doctrine, 86–89 Baillet, Adrien, 245, 264, 295–300 critiques of, 74–76, 91–92 Baillif, Roch Le, 275 dedicatory letters, 135–159 Barbavara, Francesco, 6–9 genitures, 3–4, 10–12, 40–43, 56–62, Beck, Hans-Georg, 10 96–98, 104–105 Belot, Jean, 251 and intellectuals, 7–8 Benzi, Francesco, 89 and language, 178–182 Beretta, Marco, 407 medical, 77–92 Bernard of Trier, 23 and medical interrogations, 69–74 Besold, Christoph, 238 and memory, 143 Béthune, Philippe de, 254 and metals, 16–17, 184–185 Biagioli, Mario, 133–134 and numbers, 182 Bianchi, Lorenzo, 245, 283 and occult sciences, 17, 26, 45, 149– Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 393 150, 391–392, 396–401 Bodier, Thomas, 92 and physicians, 77–92 Boehme, Jakob, 387, 390 and plagues, 85 Boissat, Pierre de, 245–247 and poetry, 139–140 Boivin de Villeneuve, Jean, 302 and Ptolemy, 98–107 Books on astrology, 19, 39–40, 44–46, and the Pythagorean tetractys, 180 74–76, 95–96, 198–199 and religion, 50–56, 61, 201, 237– Bostocke, Richard, 345, 362–363 Index 437 Boucher, Jean, 277, 279, 293 Chaume, Étienne, 29, 245–247, 255– Boyle, Robert, 407, 414 256, 259, 264, 294 Brahe, Tycho, 134 Cheke, John, 41 dedicatory letter to Astronomiae In- Chesne, Joseph Du, 275 stauratae Mechanica of, 142–143 Chevallier, Pierre, 261 Brasavola, Antonio Musa, 83 Chorier, Nicolas, 245, 247–248, 258– Brind’Amour, Pierre, 11 259 Browne, Thomas, 398 Christianity and astrology, 50–56, 61, Bruno, Giordano, 413 85, 201 Burckhardt, Jacob, 3–4, 7–8 and alchemy, 396–401 Burckhardt, Titus, 396 and Libertinism, 287–289 Burggraf, Johann Ernst, 277 and Life of Adam and Eve, 352–360 Butterfield, Herbert, 389 and origin of disease, 360–367 and the Rosicrucian movement, 237– Calvinists, 241–242 238, 241, 263–268, 277–278, 281– Camerarius, Joachim, 9, 13 283 Campanella, Tommaso, 5 Chymische Hochzeit, 238 Campbell, Joseph, 401 City of the Sun, 5 Campioni, Antonio de, 69–70 Cohen, Gustave, 296, 300 Cardano, Battista, 70–71 Colletet, Guillaume, 284–287 Cardano, Girolamo, 12–13, 27–28 Confessio Fraternitatis, 238, 240–241 and astrology as art, 105–106 Conradus, Rodolphus, 249–250 books by, 39-40, 44–46, 95–96 Consideratio, 199–201 on Christianity, 50–56 and alchemy, 213–224 on the course of illness, 71–73 and astronomy, 202–204 on critical days, 86–89 on creation, 204–207 critiques by, 74–76, 91–92, 109 vs. Emerald Tablet, 201–213 early work of, 43–46 and Monas hieroglyphica, 222 genitures by, 40–43, 44, 56–62, 92, and Novum lumen chemicum, 223 96–98, 104–105 and Propaedeumata aphoristica, on God, 85 202–207 on large-scale events, 50–52 and Scholia, 218–220 and medical interrogations, 69–74 Constantine of Pisa, 19 medical work of, 92–98 Continuation de l’histoire du regne de on plagues, 85 Louys le Juste, 267 on Ptolemy, 98–107 Coppie of a Letter . by a Learned use of astrology as a physician, 92– Physician, A, 345, 363, 365–366 98, 107-110 Corneille, Thomas, 307–308 on value of medical astrology, 77–92 Corpus Hermeticum, 392 on weather, 84–85 Cosmology, 201. See also Christianity Casanate, Guglielmo, 42 and astrology Casato, Pietro, 84 Coudert, Allison, 401 Cellini, Benvenuto, 109 Critical days doctrine, the, 86–89 Centiloquium, 102, 106 Charpentier, Marc-Antoine, 308 D’Abano, Pietro, 79, 88–89 Charron, Pierre, 287–288 Da Castiglionchio, Lapo, 7 438 Index Da Montegeltro, Federigo, 7 Disease and astronomy De Angelis, Alessandro, 60–61 and the critical days doctrine, 86–89 Death of Nature, The, 412 and the food of angels, 360–367 Dedicatory letters Girolamo Cardano on, 74–92 to Brahe’s Astronomiae Instauratae and medical interrogations, 69–74 Mechanica, 142–143 and plagues, 85 chronological considerations of, 155– and uses of medical astrology, 107– 159 110 features of, 135–136 and weather, 84–85 to Galileo’s Sidereus Nuncius, 136– Divine Weeks and Works, 366 142, 143–147 Dobbs, Betty Jo Teeter, 401, 407, 411– and historiography, 148–149 412 to Kepler’s Astronomia Nova, 147– Donville, Louise Goddard de, 268 155 Dorn, Gerhard, 202–203 Dee, John, 14–15, 28–29, 173–174, Du Bartas, Guillaume Saluste, 366 224–226 Duclo, Gaston, 414 and alchemy, 174–178, 182–194, Dupèbe, Jean, 11 195 Dupleix, Scipion, 266–268 and astronomy, 177–178, 186–188f, Dupuy, Jacques, 274, 301 190f, 204–213 and the Emerald Tablet, 182–194 Economist, The, 2 and Johannes Trithemius, 194–197 Edighoffer, Roland, 237 on language, 178–182 Effroyables Pactions, 243, 248, 253, and Philipp à Gabella, 197–213 259, 261, 270–275 and Propaedeumata aphoristica, Eglinus, Raphael, 197 202–207 Eliade, Mircea, 401, 408–415 and Rosicrucianism, 197–198, 236– Emblems, 45 237 Emerald Tablet, 25, 173–174, 179, De La Brosse, Guy, 306 182–194 De Lavalle, Claude, 41 vs. Consideratio, 201–213 Della Mirandola, Pico, 4, 80, 87–88 England, 11, 40–41, 96, 237, 388– Del Rio, Martin, 282 393 De occulta philosophia, 109 Epidemics, 80–83, 86, 103 De Petri Boessatii vita, 247 Epistola ad Thomam de Bononia, 23 De Pizan, Christine, 23 Epistolae medicinales, 89 De Ranconnet, Aimar, 41, 96 Erastus, Thomas, 281 Descartes, René, 252, 295–300 Esteve, Pedro Jaime, 82 Des Freres de la Roze Croix, 302 Evola, Julius, 396 D’Espagnet, Jean, 254 Examen sur l’Inconnue et Nouvelle Des Réaux, Gédéon Tallemant, 248 Caballe des Freres de la Croix D’Este, Leonello, 7 Rosee, 261, 272–273 De stella nova, 158 De Visé, Donneau, 307–308 Fabre, Pierre-Jean, 398 Die Morgenland Fahrt, 235 Fama Fraternitatis, 238–240, 258 Difference Betwene the Auncient Farnese, Pier Luigi, 42, 58 Phisicke, The, 345, 362–363 Ficino, Marsilio, 14, 24, 79, 109 Dillon, John, 15 Figulus, Benedictus, 240, 278 Index 439 Fludd, Robert, 387 Gaurico, Luca, 57–58, 98, 105 Forge and the Crucible, The, 408 Gellius, Aulus, 99 Forman, Simon Genitures, astrology, 3–4, 10–12, 40– and alchemy, 345–346, 367–373 43, 44, 56–62, 92, 96–98, 104–105 on Alexander von Suchten, 346–352 of Jesus Christ, 52 and Of Cako, 346–352 Germany, 236–242, 262–263 and the food of angels, 360–367 Geschichte der menschlichen Narrheit, medical practice of, 367–373 387 on origins of disease, 360–367 Gilly, Carlos, 198, 235, 237, 245 on Paracelsus, 357–360 Giordano Bruno, 237 transcription of Life of Adam and Gmelin, Johann Friedrich, 416 Eve by, 352–360 Goclenius, Rudolph, 276 Foul, Robert Le, 251 Goclenius Heautontimorumenos, Foundations of Newton’s Alchemy, 276–277 401, 407 Gogava, Antonio, 39 France. See Rosicrucian movement Gohory, Jacques, 218–221 Frisius, Gemma, 47 Goltz, Dietlinde, 407 Frye, Northrop, 401 Gonzaga, Ludovico, 7 Fubini, Riccardo, 9 Gonzago, Alvise, 84–85 Goodage, John, 370 Gabella, Philipp à, 174, 224–226 Gouhier, Henri, 295, 296, 299 and alchemy, 201, 213–224 Gras, NIcolas Le, 306 and astronomy, 203–213 Great Work, the, 218–219 and Consideratio, 201–213 Grisogono, Federico, 88–89 and cosmology, 201 Grosseteste, Robert, 209 on creation, 204–206 Guarinoni, Hippolytus, 240 vs.
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