Selected List of References Liste de Références The following list of references has been compiled for participants of Terra 2008 who wish to do further reading on the earthen architectural heritage of Mali, prior to the conference. The list is sorted by conference theme and by site. Sections with related topics (mostly Malian textiles) and additional references are also included, as is a section with travel guides for Mali. We would like to acknowledge the efforts of Leslie Friedman who researched and compiled this list of references while interning at the Getty Conservation Institute. Conference Themes Archaeological Sites Bedaux, R., K. Macdonald, A. Person, J. Polet, K. Sanogo, A. Schmidt, and S. Sidibe. 2001. The dia archaeological project: Rescuing cultural heritage in the Inland Niger Delta (Mali). Antiquity 75(290): 837-48. Bedaux, R. M. A. 1988. Tellem and Dogon Material Culture. African Arts 21(4): 38-91. Bedaux, R. M. A., and M. Rowlands. 2001. The future of Mali's past. Antiquity 75(290): 872- 76. Bedaux, Rogier Michiel Alphons. 1994. L'archéologie entre Bani et Niger. In Djenné: Une Ville Millénaire Au Mali, ed. R. M. A. Bedaux et J. D. van der Waals, 41-53. Leiden: Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde; Gand: Martial. Bedaux, R.M.A. and J.D. van der Waals, eds. Les traditions céramiques dogons. In : Regards sur les Dogon du Mali. Leyde : Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde; Gand: Snoeck, 160-169. Filipowiak, Wladyslaw. 1981. Le complex du palais royal du Mali. Bibliothéque D'Histoire D'Outre-Mer: Nouvelle Série, Études 5(1): 71-89. Gallay A. and G. de Ceuninck. 2003. La tradition céramique des forgerons djèmè na de la plaine du Séno (Mali). Bulletin du Centre genevois d'anthropologie 6, 10-66. Huysecom E., 2002 : Découverte récente d'un site stratifié holocène à Ounjougou, Mali: résultats des deux missions préliminaires, Nyame Akuma, Bulletin of the Society of Africanist Archaeologists 46, december 1996, 59-71. ———. Palaeoenvironment and human population in West Africa : an international research project in Mali. Antiquity 76, 335-336. Huysecom E., S. Ozainne, L. Cissé, H. Doutrelepont, A. Gallay, D. Konaté, A. Mayor, F. Raeli, A. Robert, K. Sanogo, S. Soriano, O. Sow and S. Stokes . 2004. Du Paléolithique ancien à nos jours : la séquence archéologique et paléoenvironnementale du gisement d’Ounjougou (Pays dogon, Mali), in : Sanogo S. & Togola T. (eds), Acts of the 11th Congress of Panafrican Association, Prehistory and Related fields (Bamako 7-12 feb. 2001), Bamako : Institut des Sciences Humaines, 289-327. Huysecom, E., A. Ballouche, E. Boëda, L. Cappa, L. Cissé, A. Dembelé, A. Gallay, S. Konaté, O. Sow and S. Stokes. 2002 : cinquieme campagne de recherches a Ounjougou (mali) : résultats préliminaires. in: jahresbericht slsa 2001. Zürich et Vaduz: Fondation Suisse-Liechtenstein pour les recherches archéologiques a l'étranger, 55-113. Insoll, T. 1998. Archaeological research in Timbuktu, Mali. Antiquity 72(276): 413-17. MacLean, Rachel, and Timothy Insoll. 2003. Archaeology, luxury and the exotic: The examples of Islamic Gao (Mali) and Bahrain. World Archaeology 34(3): 558-70. McIntosh, Roderick J. 1974. Archaeology and Mud Wall Decay in a West African Village. World Archaeology 6(2): 154-71. ———. 1977. The Excavation of Mud Structures: An Experiment from West Africa. World Archaeology 9(2): 185-199. McIntosh, Roderick J., and Susan Keech McIntosh. 1981. The Inland Niger Delta before the Empire of Mali: Evidence from Jenne-Jeno. The Journal of African History 22(1): 1- 22. ———. 1983. Djenné-jeno: cité sans citadelle. Paris: Recherche. ———. 1994. A la recherche du diagramme fondateur de la Djenné préhistorique. In Djenné: une ville millénaire au Mali, ed. R.M.A. Bedaux et J.D. van der Waals, 54-63. Leiden: Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde; Gand: Martial. ———. 1999. L'origine de Djenné d'après les traces archéologiques. In Djenné: d'Hier à Demain, ed. Joseph Brunet-Jailly, 13-26, 193. Bamako, Mali: Editions Donniya. McIntosh, Susan Keech and Roderick J McIntosh. 1982. Finding West Africa's oldest city. National Geographic. (September): 396-418. ———. 1994. Background to the 1981 research. In Excavations at Jenné-Jeno, Hambarketolo, and Kaniana (Inland Niger Delta, Mali), the 1981 Season, ed. Susan Keech McIntosh. Berkeley, 1-26. University of California Press. Sanogo, Kléssigué, Cisse Mamadou, and Fane Yamoussa. 2006. Site De La Mosquée Kankou Moussa à Gao. Bamako, Mali: Ministère de la Culture: Direction Nationale du Patrimoine Culturel. Sidibe, Samuel. 1995. The Pillage of Archaeological Sites in Mali. African Arts 28(4): 52-55. Conservation and Development Siravo, Francesco. 1996. World Bank Evaluation Mission on the Urban Development and Decentralization Project for the Republic of Mali: Cultural Component. 29 June - 8 July 1996. Washington D.C.: World Bank. Terra 2008 Selected list of references 2 Conservation of Living Sites Bourdier, Jean-Paul. 1993. The Rural Mosques of Futa Toro. African Arts 26(3): 32-86. Kléssigué, Sanogo. 2005. An Authentic Ceremony of "Making Tangible" the Intangible. In Traditional conservation practices in Africa, ICCROM conservation studies 2, ed. Thierry Joffroy, 54-59. Rome: ICCROM; Paris: UNESCO. World Heritage Centre; Grenoble, France: CRATerre-EAG. Maas, Pierre. 1990. Djenné: living tradition. Aramco World 41(6): 18-29. Ballouche, A. 2002. Histoire des paysages végétaux et mémoire des sociétés dans les savanes ouest africaines. In Historiens et géographes. N°381, 379-388. Cissé. L. and T. Joffroy. 2006. Plan de gestion et de conservation du site des Falaises de Bandiagara, Mali. Rapport d’étude. Local Knowledge Systems and Intangible Aspects of Earthen Architecture Building with Mud. 1995. 1 videocassette (57 min.). BRTN Television. Blier, Suzanne Preston. 1983. Houses Are Human: Architectural Self-Images of Africa's Tamberma. The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 42(4): 371-82. ———. 2004. Butabu: West Africa's extraordinary earthen legacy. ICON World Monuments: 34-39. Bouare, Nianti. 1984. Raw earth techniques ('Banco' used in Mali). In Adobe: International Symposium and Training Workshop on the Conservation of Adobe. Final Report and Major Papers, Lima-Cuzco, Peru 10-22 September 1983, 117-20. Lima. Childs, S. Terry. 1994. Society, Culture, and Technology in Africa. MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology. Supplement to Volume 11. MASCA, University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Cissé, Lassana. 2005. The annual festival of the Bulo of Arou. In Traditional Conservation Practices in Africa, ICCROM conservation studies 2, ed. Thierry Joffroy, 89-95. Rome: ICCROM; Paris: UNESCO. World Heritage Centre; Grenoble, France: CRATerre-EAG. Diaby, Boubacar H., and Alpha Diop. 2000. L'architecture de terre de Djenné: problematique de sa conservation. In Terra 2000: 8th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architecture, Torquay, Devon, UK, May 2000: Preprints, English Heritage, 389-93. London: James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd. Domian, Sergio. 1989. Architecture Soudanaise: Vitalité d'Une Tradition Urbaine et Monumentale: Mali, Côte-d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Ghana. Paris: Harmattan. Kléssigué, Sanogo. 2005. The septennial conservation of the Kamablon. In Traditional Conservation Practices in Africa, ICCROM conservation studies 2, ed. Thierry Joffroy, 55-59. Rome: ICCROM; Paris: UNESCO. World Heritage Centre; Grenoble, France: CRATerre-EAG. Terra 2008 Selected list of references 3 ———. An Authentic Ceremony of "Making Tangible" the Intangible. In Traditional conservation practices in Africa, ICCROM conservation studies 2, ed. Thierry Joffroy, 54-59. Rome: ICCROM; Paris: UNESCO. World Heritage Centre; Grenoble, France: CRATerre-EAG. Krishan, Arvind. 2001. Climate Responsive Architecture, ed. Arvind Krishan et al. New Delhi; New York: Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. LaViolette, Adria. 1994. Masons of Mali. MASCA Research Papers in Science and Archaeology v. 11 Supplement. ———. 1994. Masons of Mali: a millennium of design and technology in earthen materials. Society, Culture, and Technology in Africa: 86-97. Sidi, Ali Ould. 2006. Monuments and Traditional Know-how: the Example of Mosques in Timbuktu. Museum International 58(1-2): 49-58. UNESCO. World Heritage Centre, ICCROM, and CRATerre-EAG. 2004. Africa 2009: Research Project on Traditional Conservation Practices in Africa = Projet De Recherche Sur Les Pratiques De Conservation Traditionnelle En Afrique. Grenoble: CRATerre-EAG. UNESCO. World Heritage Centre = Centre du patrimoine mondial. 2003. Authenticity and Integrity in an African Context: Expert Meeting, Great Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, 26-29 May 2000 = L'Authenticité et L'Intégrité dans un Contexte Africain: Réunion D'Experts, Grand Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, 26-29 Mai 2000, Galia Saouma-Forero, Paris: UNESCO. Sites Bamako Baistrocchi, Massimo. 2002. Mali: Bamako, Timbuktu, Mopti, Djenné, Sanga, Sangò, Segou. Strenna per Gli Amici, no. 14; Windhoek, Namibia: M. Baistrocchi. Shaw, Wendy Miriam Kural. 1994. Stylizing the French Sudan: French colonial policy on urban planning and architecture in Timbuctu, Djenné, Ségou, Mopti, and Bamako. M.A. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles. Djenne Abderramane es –Sadi, 1964. Tarikh-al Soudan. O. Houdas, Paris Maisonneuve. Ba, Amadou Hampaté & Jacques Daget. 1955. L’empire peul du Macina. Bamako : Institut Français d’Afrique Noire, Centre du Soudan. Baistrocchi, Massimo. 2002. Mali: Bamako, Timbuktu, Mopti, Djenné, Sanga, Sangò, Segou. Strenna per Gli Amici, no. 14; Windhoek, Namibia: M.
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