TREES OF NATURE'S VALLEY a checklist 2018 INTRODUCTION This tree checklist includes all indigenous trees of Nature’s Valley. It was first compiled by Elna Venter in 2008. This booklet has been revised by Kellyn Whitehead (NVT) and includes name changes, IUCN status and endemism. Key: Names in GREEN = endemic to South Africa ( E ) = endangered ( P ) = Protected 1. TREES SPECIES 1. Common poison-bush/ Gewone gifboom Acokanthera oppositifolia 2. False current/ Valstaaibos Allophylus decipiens 3. White pear/ Witpeer Apodytes dimidiata subsp. dimidiata 4. Water white alder/ Waterwitels Brachylaena neriifolia 5. False olive/ Witolienhout Buddleja saligna 6. Wild pomegranate/ Wilde granaat Burchellia bubalina 7. Cape chestnut/ Wilde kastaiing Calodendrum capense 8. Turkey-berry/ Bosklipels Canthium inerme 2. TREES SPECIES 9. Rock-alder/ Klipels Canthium mundianum 10. Wild caper bush/ Wilde kapperbos Capparis sepiara var. citrifolia 11. Num-num/ Noem-noem Carissa bispinosa 12. Forest spoon-wood/Bastersaffraan Cassine peragua subsp peragua 13. Spoon-wood/ Lepelhout Cassine schinoides 14. White stinkwood/ Witstinkhout Celtis africana 15. Cape pock-ironwood/ Kaapse pokysterhout Chionanthus foveolatus subsp. tomentellus 16. Common lightning bush/ Bliksembos Clutia pulchella 3. TREES SPECIES 17. Cape rattle-pod/ Kaapse klapperpeul Crotalaria capensis 18. Red alder/ Rooiels Cunonia capensis 19. Assegai/ Assegaai P Curtisia dentata 20. Cape coastal cabbage tree/ Kaapse kuskiepersol Cussonia thyrsiflora 21. Forest tree fern/ Bosboomvaring Cyathea capensis 22. Star-apple/ Sterappel Diospyros dichrophylla 23. Bladdernut/ Swartbas Diospyros whyteana 24. Sourberry/ Suurbessie Dovyalis rhamnoides 4. TREES SPECIES 25. Cape ash/ Essenhout Ekebergia capensis 26. Saffron wood/ Saffraan Elaeodendron croceum 27. Dune guarri/ Duinghwarrie Euclea racemosa subsp. racemosa 28. Common guarri/ Gewone ghwarrie Euclea undulata subsp. undulata 29. Veld fig/ Veldvy Ficus burtt-davyi 30. Broom cluster fig/ Besemtrosvy Ficus sur 31. Kamassi/ Kamassie Gonioma kamassi 32. Cross-berry/ Kruisbessie Grewia occidentalis var. occidentalis 5. TREES SPECIES 33. Spike-thorn/ Pendoring Gymnosporia buxifolia 34. White forest spike-thorn/ Witbospendoring Gymnosporia nemorosa 35. Tree fuchsia/ Notsung Halleria lucida 36. False horsewood/ Valsperdebos Hippobromus pauciflorus 37. Cape holly/ Without Ilex mitis 38. Wild peach/ Wilde perske Kiggelaria africana 39. Coalwood/ Koolhout Lachnostylis hirta 40. Climbing saffron/ Ransaffraan Lauridia tetragona 6. TREES SPECIES 41. Iron martin/ Ystermartiens Laurophyllus capensis 42. Gum-leaved cone bush/ Grootgeelbos Leucadendron eucalyptifolium 43. Common pincushion/ Gewone luisiesbos Leucospermum cuneiforme 44. Forest bush-cherry/ Witboshout Maerua racemulosa 45. Silky-bark/ Rooisybas Maytenus acuminata var. acuminata 46. Cape blackwood/ Kaapse swarthout Maytenus peduncularis 47. Dune koko tree/ Duinekokoboom Maytenus procumbens 48. Kubu-berry/ Koeboebessie Mystroxylon aethiopicum subsp. aethiopicum 7. TREES SPECIES 49. Forest elder/ Bosvlier Nuxia floribunda 50. Cape redwood/ Kaapse rooihout Ochna arborea var. arborea 51. Black stinkwood/ Swart stinkhout E P Ocotea bullata 52. False ironwood/ Basterysterhout Olea capensis subsp. capensis 53. Ironwood/ Ysterhout Olea capensis subsp. macrocarpa 54. Dune olive/ Duinolien Olea exasperata 55. Hard pear/ Hardepeer Olinia ventosa 56. Bush-tick berry/ Bietou Osteospermum monilifera 8. TREES SPECIES 57. Cape sumach/ Pruimbas Osyris compressa 58. Cheesewood/ Kasuur P Pittosporum viridiflorum 59. White alder/ Witels Platylophus trifoliatus 60. Outeniqua yellowwood/ Kalander Podocarpus falcatus P 61. Real yellowwood/ Opregte geelhout P Podocarpus latifolius 62. September bush/ Septemberbossie Polygala myrtifolia var. myrtifolia 63. White sugarbush/ Witsuikerbos Protea mundii 64. Bearded protea/ Blousuikerbos Protea neriifolia 9.. TREES SPECIES 65. Quar/ Kwar Psydrax obovata subsp. obovata 66. Candlewood/ Kershout Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus 67. Mock spike-thorn/ Valspendoring Putterlickia pyracantha 68. Cape beech/ Kaapse boekenhout Rapanaea melanophloeos 69. Dogwood/ Blinkblaar Rhamnus prinoides 70. Common forest grape/ Bosdruif Rhoicissus tomentosa 71. White silky-bark/ Witsybas Robsonodendron eucleiforme 72. Red currant/ Bostaaibos Searsia chirindensis 10. TREES SPECIES 73. Dune crow-berry/ Duinekraaibessie Searsia crenata 74. Blue kuni bush/ Bloukoeniebos Searsia glauca 75. Glossy currant/ Blintaaibos Searsia lucida 76. Eastern kuni bush/ Oostelike koeniebos Searsia pyroides var. pyroides 77. Real wild currant/ Korentebos Searsia tomentosa 78. Red pear/ Rooipeer Scolopia mundii 79. Thorn pear/ Doringpeer Scolopia zeyheri 80. Cat-thorn/ Katdoring Scutia myrtina 11. TREES SPECIES 81. White milkwood/ Witmelkhout Sideroxylon inerme subsp. inerme P 82. Cape stock-rose/ Kaapse stockroos Sparrmannia africana 83. Cape wild banana/ Kaapse wildepiesang Strelitzia alba 84. Cape teak/ Kaapse kiaat Strychnos decussata 85. Coastal camphor bush/ Kuskanferbos Tarchonanthus littoralis 86. Black hazel/ Swarthaselaar Trichocladus crinitus 87. Wild mulberry/ Wilde moerbei Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia 88. White ironwood/ Witysterhout Vepris lanceolata 12. TREES SPECIES 89. Pink keurboom/ Pienk keurboom Virgilia divaricata 90. Mountain cypress/ Bergsipres Widdringtonia nodiflora 91. Forest knobwood/ Bosknophout Zanthoxylum davyi 13. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Trees of the Garden Route: Mossel Bay to Storms River, Venter E.. Briza Publications, Pretoria, South Africa (2012) 2. SANBI red list - http://redlist.sanbi.org/ *ICUN status and endemism. 14. .
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